Whispering Verse

Chapter 1505 Thaumaturgy-Heart of Stone

"Why are you crying? Let's go!"

The god left, but everyone at the table was still immersed in the feast just now.

Only Luvia, who was in an extremely bad mood, almost spoke to Sirius in a reprimanding tone, then quickly left the table, holding her hand, and ran towards the woods beside the clearing.

Of course, even though the gods have left, people still haven't woken up from their loss of reason and paid attention to them.

"Where's Shade?"

The aftermath of the Chosen Ceremony allowed everyone else in the forest to recover their physical strength and spirit after a whole night of fighting. The vitality escaping from the earth in the forest caused almost all wounds to squirm and recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The witches gathered together, and when they saw Luvia and Sirius coming back, Miss Carina asked in a tone that could barely breathe:

"Wouldn't the God Summoner not destroy himself? Where is Shade? Where has he gone?"

"Don't worry, just wait."

Only Luvia, who looked gloomy, was the calmest. She was not worried about Shade not coming back, she was worried about another thing.

Sure enough, after the soothsayer finished speaking, silver points of light slowly gathered.

"Oh, Shade!"

In the faint light, Shade's figure indeed appeared. Luvia hurriedly supported Shade, who had fallen into a coma. She sat down on the ground regardless of the embarrassment and let Shade lie in her arms. The witches and Sirius also hurriedly gathered around.

"He is"

At this time, Miss Benanis didn't know what to say. It's certainly a good thing that Shade still exists after the God's Descendant is over, but looking at him like this, you can tell that there's a big problem.

"He swallowed the twisted origin of the earth!"

Sirius covered his mouth and said with tears.

"It's not Shade, it's the unknown Moon God!"

Miss Aurora hurriedly corrected her, and at this time, Miss Benanis and Miss Carina had already reached out to try to treat Shade. A swarm of red butterflies poured into the area from the clearing, and illusions isolated the woodland to prevent the church ring warlocks who had come back to their senses from hearing things they shouldn't hear.

Helen and Grace’s voices appeared in Luvia’s ears:

"We have exhausted too much strength and are going back now. Please take good care of me, sir."

The butterfly swarm dispersed, and Luvia took out the No. 1 holy water puree that Shade had prepared in advance and obtained from the [God's Gift Box], and gave it to Sirius to help Shade take it.

Then, she took out the piece of [Eternal Youth Leaf] that Shade had given her a long time ago, carefully chewed it in her mouth, then held Shade's head and fed it to him.

The witches watched Luvia's movements nervously. After the leaves and holy water were swallowed by Shade, Miss Aurora personally checked Shade's condition, and then said to the girls around her:

"The situation is temporarily stable and there should be no life-threatening danger. However, Shade's body and soul have been seriously injured. He must go back immediately. He needs further treatment and recuperation."

"Shade, this night is really long."

Miss Benenice sighed softly, and the other ladies in the forest also felt that this night was longer than any other night they had experienced before.

Their eyes once again crossed the green trees and grass, looking towards the open space where the fairy tale-like plot had just taken place.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning has already risen from the distance of the horizon, leaving a brilliant light under the water of the Elrond River, illuminating the two figures standing on the shore.

Iluna, Sister Devlin and the Guardian, with their backs turned to them and facing the rising sun, were talking about something by the river. The sun shines on the front faces of the three people by the river, leaving behind dark figures for people to look at.

The nun by the river was obviously a clone, because Sister Devlin herself had already passed through the open space, looking at the area hidden by the illusion with a blindfold, and then came over:

"How's Shade doing?"

she asked softly.

"It's not life-threatening, but it's not a good situation."

Luvia said, looking up at her and seeing that the usually calm nun was not in good condition. Although the gray robe is neat, the silver eyepatch inherited from ancient times has a conspicuous rip on the side. This night, no one felt relaxed.

"I'll go back with you."

The nun said, and Miss Sylvia nodded:

"Our followers are still in camp a few miles away. They should know to retreat. Contact them when we return."

The great witch of space raised her hands and recited a mantra. Amidst the clear sound of breaking glass, a huge golden and black vortex appeared in front of her.

Sirius and Luvia each took one of Shade's arms and tried to help him walk into the portal, but Sister Devlin said again:

"Wait a mininute."

Luvia and Sirius stopped, and then saw a small pink flower floating over among the petals flying above the clearing, completely defying the influence of gravity and wind. Luvia stretched out her hand to catch it, and then recognized that it was the last souvenir that Shade got in the Worm Cave, which was the flower that he regarded as the "Flower of Spring":

"Your friends from the past are still thinking about you."

He kissed the side of Shade's face, and then he and Sirius helped Shade enter the portal, while the tired witches followed. Sister Devlin walked at the end. Before entering the portal, she turned and looked at the open space.

The early morning sunlight shines on the eyepatch, which has obvious signs of cracking due to the battle, and the dense cracks are extremely clear against the sunlight.

Although there were still delicacies on the long dining table, there was no one around the table.


In the distance, Dr. Schneider stood cautiously on the top of the tree and looked around. He yawned and then scratched his hair.

The chirping of birds is clear and the forest is coming to life in the light of dawn. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the blue-eyed middle-aged man shrugged his shoulders, retrieved the horse that had just been resurrected, and then rode away towards the urban area of ​​Randall Valley in a good mood.

(Little Mia is running.)

Cold and shaking.

When Shade realized that he was falling into a deep dream, he was standing on the edge of a field in the endless wilderness under the night, looking up at the silver moon above his head that looked like it was about to fall.

The cold wind blew, leaving pain on Dream's body, while snowflakes also fell from the sky. It was actually snowing in this familiar dreamland, and even the boundless wilderness was dyed silver by snowflakes.

"But isn't it already spring?"

Shade thought curiously, took a deep breath, lowered his head, and covered his neck, feeling that his neck was stiff from staying in the same position for too long.

He shook his head and looked around, sighing at the scenery in the snow, and then looked at his body. In the deep dream, the characteristics of "divine afterglow" are very obvious. The golden cracks all over the body and the dots of divine light surrounding the body represent the new divinity possessed by Shade.

Of course, this is also the last drop of divinity for now.

[Outlander, you have swallowed the divinity of the evil god-Stone Heart Demon. 】

[A long time ago, the ancient stone heart was born from the changes and crushing of the earth. Stoneheart aspires to one day become a true, fiery heart. Traveling through the desolation of the earth and witnessing the fall of the ancient gods, Stone Heart had a glimpse of the crazy ending that would eventually come. 】

[You listened to the story of the old god "Stone Heart Demon", and you learned one of the blasphemies of the old god "Stone Heart Demon". 】

[You have obtained Thaumaturgy - Heart of Stone. Close your eyes and cast the spell, and you will be able to hear the beating of a nearby heart more clearly. At the same time, the heart is no longer your fatal part. Even if the heart is cut out, it will only make you feel pain. 】

"Heart of Stone. It is related to the [Shock] Spirit Rune."

Shade said softly, feeling his body in the dream, and then asked:

"I swallowed the distortion of the earth's roots. Even if I was in a divine burning state at that time, it would be impossible not to have any impact on my body, right? Is it good or bad?"

[Your body and soul have not yet fully digested those spirits and concepts. This is expected to take about a week. 】

"She" reminded softly.

Shade sighed again. In this case, the matter was far from over.

[This will bring you strength, but it will also have negative consequences. However, it shouldn't be a big problem. 】

"As long as it's not a big problem, I almost understand."

He trusted "her" judgment. Since "she" thought the problem was not big, it should be fine.

[What did you think when you chose to swallow those distortions with yourself? 】

"She" whispered softly in the wind, Shade thought for a while:

"What else would happen if I didn't do this?"

He reached out to catch the falling snowflakes and watched them melt in his palms. The consciousness in the dream gradually became blurred, but in reality, Mia's cry had entered the dream, and Shade knew that he should wake up.

"She" did not continue the conversation.


Before opening his eyes, Shade felt the presence of the cat on the right side of his head. The heartbeat of the cat was so obvious, it was as if Shade had put his ear against the cat's chest.

Shade realized that this was his new thaumaturgy at work. And continue to close your eyes and feel that in addition to the cat's heartbeat, there are two human heartbeats in the room. In addition, outside the window sill, there was another heartbeat sound at a different speed.

[There is a sparrow on the windowsill. 】

When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar ceiling above my head. This was obviously the Bernanice Manor in Randall Valley.

Although Shade hadn't moved yet, Mia had already jumped onto the quilt excitedly. The cat's performance also made the girls in the room look over, and then Shade heard Sirius's cry of surprise:

"Shade wakes up!"

Time perception told Shade that the current time point was eight o'clock in the morning on Sunday on the 9th of the Wind Rises in 1854. About 27 hours had passed since Shade fell into coma early Saturday morning.

Someone reached out and tried to help Shade up. Although he couldn't see his face, the smell of perfume showed that it was undoubtedly Luvia.

Sirius' footsteps left the room to inform others that Shade had woken up, and Luvia hugged him directly after helping Shade up.

Probably because of thaumaturgy, the sound of Luvia's heartbeat was so clear to Shade's ears.

The early morning sunlight shone on Shade's back and Luvia's face, and Shade heard a slight sob. So, his arms, which he didn't know where to put, also hugged Luvia.

He put his head on Luvia's shoulder, smelled the perfume of the purple-eyed girl, and then said:

"I'm fine."

PS: The author repeats it, the accumulated alliance leaders will not add updates (face-palming), only the alliance leaders who have made a one-time reward will add updates (face-covering), otherwise the number of words will increase and the manuscript will definitely be unbearable.

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