Whispering Verse

Chapter 1522 Five Treasures

"Miracles will always happen to you."

Tifa said softly, the sun shining on her side face from the window, and the expression on her face was very gentle:

"Detective, remember my tip: I hope to see you as soon as possible. Even if you don't find all the treasures, I hope to see you as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he winked playfully at Shade.

This seemed to remind Shade that even if he didn't find everything, he should arrive at Carina Manor before evening.

"Okay, do you want to sign a contract?"

Shade asked again, and Tifa nodded:

"Of course, this is a very formal commission."

With that said, he took out a scroll from the big pocket of the maid's skirt and handed it to Shade. The shaft of the scroll is a brass shaft inlaid with silver wire, and the rolled paper is not long.

"This is too formal. We are in the age of steam, and this kind of scroll was eliminated hundreds of years ago. I have only seen similar items during opera performances."

Despite saying this, Shade still took it. After opening it, the contents inside were exactly the same as what the maid said, except that there were no hints given to him by Tifa.

The tone of the commission was quite official, like a official document. It's just that at the last signature place, although there is the official seal of the duchess, there is no autograph from her. Instead, there is a very clear red lip mark, and you can even see the lip lines.

This immediately made this commission not only irregular, but also informal.

"The commission contract remains with you."

Tifa said, standing up to leave. But when the confused Shade sent her downstairs, the maid asked him not to open the door in a hurry:

"Actually... I don't want to leave so soon."

Those beautiful black eyes seemed to be hinting at something to Shade.

"But this commission is very urgent. You can't waste too much time with me."

She bit her lips lightly, showing a sense of weakness for a moment:

"Knight, you must complete the mission as soon as possible. Also, don't forget that I gave you a hint, so you owe me a reward."

As he spoke, he stood on tiptoe slightly, kissed Shade's lips lightly with his red lips, and separated them at the first touch:

"Then, let's meet in the evening. No matter what, you must come."

She waved to Shade, then opened the door alone and left.

【Do you understand it? 】

Shade stood at the door, watching Tifa walk towards the carriage that sent her to the street, and "she" suddenly asked in Shade's ear.

"do not really understand."

Xia De hesitantly answered in his heart:

"However, since it is a commission, it must be completed. So far, my commission completion rate is 100%."

[Strange desire to win and lose. 】

"She" chuckled, but reminded:

[Not 100%, Mia Gold’s commission is not over yet. 】

"That can definitely be done. Little Mia has been raised very well by me."

Shade said in his heart, closed the door, then held the scroll with one hand and let the contract unfold downward:

"Miss Carina doesn't know what I got from the devil, so the Philosopher's Stone can be omitted. Oh, and the endless fountain of wine. Although I don't have this, I do have it. The poet-level relic [Bottle of Dionysus], so this item can also be crossed out."

He did not go upstairs, but simply sat on the second step to study the commission. Xiao Mia stood on the higher step and looked at him. Seeing that he had no intention of going upstairs, she walked down and lay down beside him safely.

"The king's crown? There is no need to steal this. Thanks to Agelina for getting the crown from [God's Gift Box], so I crossed out another item."

[The Holy Grail and your heart are left. 】

"She" whispered softly, Shade nodded:

"Yes, I don't have to prepare my heart. I know what this treasure refers to. All she wants is a heart. Then there is the Holy Grail. Of course you can go to the Randall Valley to find the guardian for help, but that is too troublesome. , I originally planned to take a rest today."

[So, give up on the Holy Grail? 】

"Of course not. I don't have to go to Randall Valley anymore. There's no need. Isn't there another unsolved 'Crazy Land' in Tobesk?"

Shade asked with a smile.

【You mean...】


Shade nodded, looked at the closed door of his house in front of him, and recalled what happened a few months ago:

"Before the story of Randall Valley officially took place, through Dorothy's father, I received Professor Martin's investigation on 'Little Martin's Missing Eucalyptus' (Chapter 1170). And that gentleman disappeared because of Miss Norma . My subsequent investigation found that the Crazy Earth appeared in the suburbs of Tobesk. The impact there was not great. Miss Norma, who grew up there, was asked to voluntarily sacrifice herself and then collect blood food for the earth."

He recalled what happened in January this year:

"At that time, I eliminated Miss Norma's resentment and temporarily calmed down the madness in that land. But this did not fundamentally solve the problem. The ritual of love could only suppress that land for two or three months (Chapter 1174).. ....It just so happens that now, there is going to be a problem there again.”

The abandoned manor outside the city was still in an abandoned state in early spring. When Shade arrived there in a carriage, there was only a string of footprints of an unknown animal on the desolate snow surface of the manor.

The carriage left, and Shade climbed over the fence and jumped in.

Just as Shade thought, the crazy land was suppressed because of the special rituals and the liberation of the souls who voluntarily sacrificed. I don't know whether it happened to be the time or because of the turmoil in the Randall Valley some time ago. The crazy filth has begun. Recovered.

When Shade stepped into the manor, he almost immediately felt the "sense of presence" coming from under the snow.

This feeling is quite wonderful, and because Shade's "power of the earth" was enhanced after that banquet, his perception of the earth became even more subtle.

Not only that, but the filth that originated from the earth, which has not been completely digested by the soul, also gave Shade some strange abilities. When he set foot on the polluted ground, he immediately felt that he could solve the trouble here through "assimilation and absorption" rather than "purification".

"No, I won't do that."

Shade muttered and took off his gloves. The "big trouble" in his soul has not yet been resolved, and he cannot swallow any more troubles. Not to mention, he came here for the Holy Grail. If he absorbs filth, no one will reward him with the Holy Grail.

It is colder outside the city than in the city, so although the snow here is showing signs of melting, it is still obviously the same as in the cold winter. Shade stepped on the snow one step at a time, and arrived at the location of Miss Norma, who had been "voluntarily buried alive." Now that the incident was over, the half-buried police cordon placed by the police could still be seen on the snow.

"First the soil, then the petals."

He trembled, sprinkled the soil, and threw out a petal:

"The power of the earth·healing aura!"

As the words fell, earthy-yellow light formed under his hands like it did in Randall Valley.

While Shade was thinking about what the red-haired witch who entrusted him wanted to do, he suddenly felt his soul move, and then black light flew out of his palm completely uncontrollably and entered. into the Holy Grail that is taking shape.

Although this situation occurred, Shade did not stop casting spells. He had to confirm what happened.

So, according to the normal casting process, the taking shape of the Holy Grail entered the land under the snow. The healing aura spewing out from the ground showed that Shade's spell still had a purifying effect.

Because the madness of this land has just changed from total suppression to recovery, the spell casting process is very short.

Soon, the fully formed Holy Grail flew out from the ground and was caught by Shade.

"Oh, it's really different!"

The "dirt of the origin of the earth" that had not been completely digested in his body had an impact on the Holy Grail. In the past, the cups were earthy brown clay Holy Grails, but this time the Holy Grail was actually a real gold cup.

Because the purified earth is not serious, the size of the Golden Holy Grail is slightly smaller, but it is still a derivative of the "Power of the Earth".

"In addition to the material, it seems to have more power."

Because he has come into contact with clay Holy Grails of various sizes, Shade knows the level of elements displayed by these Holy Grails. But the small golden cup in his hand is obviously stronger and closer to the true cup that was rumored to have been passed down from ancient times to the present to worship the ancient gods and the earth.

"But there's still just the miraculous element, there's no sense of a curse."

[Although what you are devouring is the concept of "distortion" in the origin of the earth, that is also the origin of the earth. 】

"She" whispered softly.

Then Shade understood that the power he had not yet digested could enhance his abilities related to the earth. But unfortunately, the only similar abilities he possesses are "healing aura", "fossils into mud" and "active mud".

"Then, let me see, the inscription on the Holy Grail is... hmm? Youth?"

The ancient runes have quite rich meanings, and the most accurate statement should be "the earth is evergreen, life is endless, the appearance is immortal, and youth is eternal."

"What's the meaning?"

Shade looked at the mouth of the cup, turned it upside down and shook it twice, and finally patted it twice:

"It looks very good. Let Miss Carina do her own research. It's what she wants anyway."

He lowered his head and glanced at the place where Miss Norma was buried alive. Thinking that the lady used deception to let the three young people who loved her deeply bury her with their own hands, Shade suddenly had some special feelings. , as if this was some kind of sign.

"Oh, stop thinking about it, I'd better go home and warm up quickly."

Shade shook his head, took out Lesia's glass slipper and threw it away. The shadow of the glass slipper on the snow became increasingly clear, but before the shoe hit the ground, the shoe and Shade disappeared together.

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