Whispering Verse

Chapter 1524 The Knight’s Audience

The water in the bath was different from the natural stream and could not reflect the specific appearance of the maid behind him. Shade could only see her swaying shadow behind him through the water.

"Knight, I'm sorry, we were not prepared to receive guests, and we offended you at the door just now."

A familiar voice said cautiously:

"Because we were not well prepared, you miscalculated the time and arrived early. I'm really sorry."

"Actually, it's nothing. After all, I accepted the Duke's commission. It's okay to wait a little longer."

Shade answered, and then saw the shadow on the water getting clearer and clearer, and then he felt the hair sweep over the top of his head, and then across his shoulders that were exposed out of the water.

The maid behind her bent slightly and whispered into Shade's ear, as if she was worried that the duchess would hear her. The large hot spring bathroom is very empty, and even the muffled sounds are extremely clear:

"The tutoring at the Duke's Manor is very strict, and maids who make mistakes will be severely punished."

Even if he didn't turn his head to look, even if he couldn't see the reflection in the water clearly, Shade could guess that Tifa must have lightly bit her red lips after finishing these words.

The warm and moist air she breathed while speaking gently caressed Shade's ears:

"So, knight, could you please not inform Duchess Carina Cavendish of our mistake?"

Only at this moment did Shade wonder whether the conversation inside and outside the gate of the manor was intentional or accidental by the beautiful maid.

"Don't worry, I swear by the honor of the knight, I will not tell the truth. Your hospitality is very thoughtful..."

Then his words were interrupted very rudely. There was fear in the voice, but more of a smile:

"This is not okay. Master's punishment is really serious. If you tell her what just happened, each of us will be punished. So..."

This was definitely not Shade's imagination. His ear was bitten. Then, smooth white arms rubbed his neck and stretched out from his back like a long snake. The maid's hand held Shade's chin rudely, forcing him to turn his head sideways.

So, he saw Tifa Servet squatting down and bending down by the bathtub, saw her silky long black hair that had been wetted by the steam, and saw the white and perfect skin like milk that contrasted with the black hair. , saw the pursed red lips, the handsome nose, and the black eyes staring at him.

Tifa looked at him and said softly:

"So, distinguished guest, Knight of Hamilton of Regede, please give me a punishment, as long as I don't tell Duke Carina Cavendish about our rudeness, as long as it can calm the anger in your heart, except for that matter , you can do anything..."

Although Xia De's heart is indeed filled with some emotion now, it is definitely not anger:

"Please wait a moment, I'm getting more and more confused. That's it, you don't need to apologize to me."

"But it's not up to you, knight. I come to you for payment."

So, the maid who made the mistake took the initiative to make a decision for him out of "panic" and "guilt".

She closed her eyes, her black eyelashes stained with water drops trembled slightly, and then kissed Shade.

The shadows of the two model lakes were reflected on the water, but with a "plop" sound, the "rude" maid and the knight waiting for the duchess's summons fell into the water together.

(Little Mia is running...)

At four o'clock in the afternoon, in the guest room on the first floor, in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Shade opened his arms and asked the maids to arrange his new formal clothes. He actually didn't want anyone to help him get dressed, but when Tifa looked at him with her black eyes, Shade, who had just come out of the bathroom together, couldn't say any more words of refusal.

The black-haired maid is naturally here, but she stands beside Shade and adjusts Shade's tie. Because she had just taken a shower, the smell of perfume on the girl was quite clear. Seeing Shade staring at herself through the mirror, the maid asked with concern:

"Knight, go see the Duke later. You must not keep staring at her like this. The duchess of Saladir is hundreds of times prettier than me. Don't show such disrespect."

"Just now......"

He wanted to know how the girl in front of him viewed the relationship between the two parties, but the maid's finger pressed on Shade's lips:

"Now, don't say anything."

She looked at Shade, with a very gentle expression in her black eyes:

"I just helped you adjust your mood so that you can go see the Duke with a clear mind. This is the duty of a maid."

The maids who helped Shade sort out his cuffs, pockets, and collar all laughed, and even Shade couldn't hold back a smile.

Tifa kissed Shad on the side of his face:

"Behave yourself now, knight."

After Shade changed into decent clothes, he was led by six maids lined up in two rows in front of him and followed by six maids lined up in two rows behind him, and finally got the honor of going upstairs to meet the Baroness. .

Miss Tifa Servet followed him by his side to prevent the visitor from wandering around, teasing the maids, or causing damage to the manor.

A red carpet was laid out on the second floor, so under this solemn condition, Shade entered the study room on the second floor. After nearly two hours of long and wet waiting, he finally saw Carina Ka Duchess of Vendish.

The red-haired duchess is obviously well-dressed, just like the description of "noble-born female aristocrats" in all chivalric novels. She sits behind the desk with a noble posture and a proud expression. There are many things on the desk that can set off her very well. A unique golden pen holder, a jade paperweight and some very old books.

After the maid's announcement, she put down the pen in her hand, then sat up straight and looked at the young knight who walked in the door.

The thirteen maids did not leave, but stood in two rows on both sides of the desk. Only Tifa came behind Miss Carina.

She winked at Shade. Shade, who had just received "audience training" downstairs, put his left hand on his right shoulder, and then knelt down on one knee on the red wool carpet:

"It is an honor to meet you, Carina Duke Cavendish."

The maids and ladies on the side were holding back their laughter. After all, everyone here knew about the relationship between Shade and the owner of the manor. The black-haired head maid glanced at them with "stern" eyes, asking the girls to stay decent, and then said loudly:

"Knight Hamilton of Rejed, you followed the glorious tradition and accepted the Duke's mission. So, have you brought the treasure that the Duke desires at this time?"

"Yes, the most noble guardian of Saladir, the great witch in charge of balance, the purple azalea of ​​Cavendish, the guardian of the south of Delarion..."

Shade recited the "lines" he had just been asked to memorize. Of course, Miss Carina's titles were far more than these. At this time, he only said the more important ones.

"I brought you those treasures, please allow me to offer them to you."

He stood up and looked at the four girls holding trays on the side, so the four of them walked to the desk in turn and showed the items covered with red cloth to the owner of the manor.

"The crown that symbolizes Delarion's highest power, you deserve such noble power."

The crown was presented, Miss Carina took a look at it, pursed her lips and confirmed that it was indeed the genuine article.

"Please let me dedicate it to you from the fountain that gushes out endless wine. But even the most noble wine is not as good as one ten thousandth of yours."

The bottle is offered, with a small spout placed next to it. A note introduced the information about the wine bottle. In fact, Miss Carina also knew about this relic. She just didn't expect that Shade would find this.

"Please allow me to offer the ancient Holy Grail, which comes from the solid earth beneath our feet. May the earth be with you and me."

The red cloth on the Holy Grail was removed. Miss Carina looked at the small golden cup, then slightly widened her eyes and looked at Shade suspiciously. This was not the clay Holy Grail she thought. This golden cup reminded her of some other creation recorded in the council's data.

"Then, please allow me to present to you the Philosopher's Stone, which represents the highest skill of alchemy and is known as the 'Crown Jewel of Alchemy'. Look at the bright red color, which matches your hair color very well."

Shade spoke the words Tifa had patiently taught him in the bathroom.

"Did you really find him?"

The duchess, who looked expressionless on the surface, was actually quite shocked. The maid placed the tray in front of her. After the red silk cloth was removed, the pendant in the jewelry box was displayed.

It looks like a shining scarlet "gem" embedded in a silver shell. Even the well-informed witch couldn't help but take a deep breath at this moment, this is indeed beautiful.

Four trays were placed on the desk. Even though she had heard that it only took Shade three hours to find all the "treasures" while taking her pet cat for lunch, the well-informed duchess still sighed in her heart at this moment:

"Is this... destiny?"


The Duke would not talk directly to the knight, so the black-haired maid loyally asked questions on behalf of her master, looking at the knight with a smile in her black eyes:

"Of the five treasures, only four have been taken out at this time. Haven't you found the last treasure yet, your fiery heart? This is the treasure that the Duke wants most."

"No, I have found it. Please allow me to offer it to Duke Carina with my own hands now."

Shade said and walked to the table.

In fact, even Tifa didn't know what Shade was planning to come up with. But the "heart" treasure is actually the simplest. As long as Shade can express his feelings, he will pass.

Therefore, they did not doubt whether Sha De could get it, but were curious about Sha De's choice. Then, the Duke and the maids watched Shade unbutton his coat, then unbutton his white shirt, and finally exposed the left side of his chest.

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