Whispering Verse

Chapter 153 Preparation before the game

In the summer without cooling tools, it’s not a good feeling to be bored in the house.

Today is another nice day, and the heat of midsummer can already be felt in the early part of the Thunder Moon. Although the outside of the house is open, even if the windows are opened, the wind cannot flow back and forth, and there are also concerns about the health effects of urban fog. Foreigners are not used to this kind of life, and their reading efficiency is reduced when they are impatient.

But fortunately, he had mastered the new thaumaturgy. As the temperature continued to rise near noon, Shade finally decided to try to actively cool down the room.

Seeing Mia lying on the desk in the study not wanting to move, he got up and brought the basin and bucket from home, and placed newspapers under these containers. Then close the study door, close the windows and close the curtains.

As the spirit activates the elements, and the elements affect reality, snowflakes fall from the ceiling, and then fall into the basin and bucket. A small part slipped from the edge, and because of the existence of the newspaper, it would not leave traces on the study floor.

Even though it has just snowed now, seeing this scene already makes me feel a lot cooler.


The cat squinted at Luoxue's study. When Shade wasn't paying attention, the cat suddenly jumped out of the desk, and then fell into the bucket. It probably just wanted to play in the snow.

Mia made a "screaming" sound and bumped around in the bucket. By the time Shade rescued the cat from the bucket, it was no longer interested in those white things. Probably, at least within a few dozen minutes.

Because he was not in good spirits, he only spent the whole day reading or looking at the detective reports left by Detective Sparrow. Think of those past investigative reports as detective novels.

I went out to eat at noon and took a rare nap after returning home. When I woke up, my head felt much clearer, and the headache I felt when I woke up in the morning had almost completely disappeared.

I returned to the study room, reading books while it was snowing, and preparing for the exam at the end of July. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the ringing of the bell finally came from downstairs.

Shade looked out from the living room window and saw a carriage parked in front of his house, and knew that this was the arrival of the servant Miss Carina had arranged to teach him.

Of course, Duchess Carina's personal maid Tifa could not do this specifically, so those who came to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square in a carriage were an old tailor and a female apprentice carrying a metal tool box. A teacher of etiquette wearing a white wig and old-style court clothes and his young entourage.

The old tailor and apprentice came to measure the size of Shade's clothes, and then simply cut the formal clothes that had been made. The etiquette teacher is to teach him some speaking skills and prevent him from doing things he shouldn't do.

The clothes matter was okay, but the conversation and rules between nobles were really cumbersome. When Shade was in his hometown, he knew how cumbersome and boring this set of things was, but he realized this afternoon that he had greatly underestimated how annoying aristocratic etiquette was.

When the sun went down, Shade barely escaped from the tedious etiquette study and put on the black formal suit made by the tailor and apprentice.

Another carriage stopped at the door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, this time it was Miss Carina's personal maid, Miss Tifa Servit.

"Miss Servit."

Shade walked out of the door and stood on the steps to greet the maid, adjusting his somewhat restrictive collar as he spoke. He rarely wore such loose clothes when he was in his hometown. He had just complained a little to the old tailor, and the old tailor had "threatened" him. Nowadays, it is fashionable for men to wear silk stockings. So he shut up

The black-haired maid was a little surprised:

"You actually know my last name. It seems you have some skills as a detective."

In fact, Shade heard Miss Louisa mention it.

"The lady asked me to pick you up. You get in the carriage at the back."

Of course, it is impossible for a single maid of a duchess to ride in a carriage with a strange man. Miss Tifa Servit pointed out the location of the carriage to Shade, and she saw the orange cat poking its head behind Shade.

Generally speaking, Mia would not take the initiative to leave the house, and she never ran out when Shade opened the door. It noticed that the woman in the carriage was paying attention to it, so it roared, and then quickly hid behind Shade's legs.

This made the black-haired maid smile, and then asked the detective who was taking out the key and preparing to lock the door:

"Check to see if you have that card."


Shade patted his chest, waved goodbye to the cat in the house, and then closed the door.

"Okay, let's go now. After the Rhodes game, there will be a salon hosted by the Duke. You don't have to worry about being hungry. Detective Hamilton, get in the car. I hope you can help the lady win tonight's bet."

The location of this game was not the noble club in Tobesk or the manor outside the city of Old Duke Lukes. The game was arranged at Duke Lucas' mansion in the southern district of Tobesk.

The nobles and wealthy people of Tobesk usually live in the south and east of the city, and the nobles tend to be more southerly. However, the Nancheng and the Central City are generally considered to be the most prosperous areas of the Pearl of the North. The University District of Tobesk is sandwiched in the middle of the Nancheng and the Central City in a curved ring.

After going uphill for a while, the carriage slowed down and finally stopped at the door of Duke Lucas' residence in the city. The mansion is surrounded by a courtyard, and a middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper has already stood waiting in the hazy night with his servants.

The maid got out of the car first and chatted with the butler. When Shade got out of the car wearing a black bowler hat, the maid Tifa Servitt just introduced the protagonist of the night to the butler. The butler, who had a strong Tobesk accent, expressed his respect to Shade.

He was followed by a group of servants, followed by the old housekeeper and the maid, and walked towards the mansion through the not-so-large courtyard. I thought I would go see Miss Carina first, but I didn't expect that after passing through the slightly deserted foyer of the mansion, I went directly to the second floor and met a group of people from the Prophet Association.

"The guests have arrived and are now waiting in the banquet hall on the third floor. Oh, Mr. Liming, this place hasn't been so lively for a long time."

The old housekeeper sighed and opened the door for Shade. People in the room turned to look inside the door. Shade had not seen most of the people from the Prophet Association, but he saw Vice President Cyndia Mark at a glance. Mr. Mark smiled and shook hands with Shad, and then took Shad's deck for appraisal to ensure that all the cards used in tonight's game were authentic.

"Oh, [Ancient Fairy Tale·Match Girl] and [Northern City·Coldwater Port City]? In just a few days, Mr. Hamilton, you actually got so many new cards?"

Mr. Mark said happily that fans would be so excited to see Rhodes cards that they had never seen before.

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