Whispering Verse

Chapter 1544: Thaumatology-Shadow Ball

Miss Denister did not show the letter to Shade, but said seriously:

"On that letter, there is a picture of the sun, moon and stars that I found in the open space at the end of the Randall Valley-Night Temple. But the letter only has this picture, and the content of the letter does not make any comment on it. explain."

Shade frowned slightly:

"So, is the Edwards family in Green Lake Town the so-called family of ancient ring wizards?"

"Most likely not."

Miss Denister shook her head slightly:

"I only got this clue last week. According to my investigation of the Edwards family, they are just an ordinary family. However, mortals always have all kinds of unsatisfied pursuits. The current evidence shows that that The family was trying to obtain the elixir of life before the town of Green Lake in the middle of the lake was destroyed."

Ordinary people who know nothing and have no talent often create considerable trouble when they delve into the occult. Among them, the most common purposes for delving into occult science are to "channel spirits or even resurrect dead relatives/lovers" and "to seek a longer life." Gaining more money and gaining more power are less likely to occur.

In fact, seeking immortality is also a research topic for many ring warlocks. "Immortality" in the true sense cannot be achieved, but if you just want a longer life, methods such as "refining the elixir of life with the Philosopher's Stone" can achieve it. In addition, some special magic potions and relics can extend life span. Even gaining part of the witch's power can directly extend your lifespan, and the "youth" gold cup that Shade gave to Miss Carina can also be used to prepare an "elixir of immortality" in a certain sense based on the witch's research.

Thinking about these things, Shade raised his eyebrows:

"So, the Edwards family's pursuit of the elixir of life is related to the destruction of Green Lake Town?"


The sorceress answered seriously:

"The small town in the middle of the lake is still shrouded in white mist that lingers all year round, but even the church can't confirm what happened that year. The college doesn't have many records about it. After all, there are many more dangerous things in the old continent. Yes."

She looked into Shade's eyes:

"Shad, I want to give you a task. I know that you have deep connections among the nobles of Delarion and Carsonric. I need you to investigate all the Edwards who left Green Lake Town that year. Descendants of Edwards family members, yes, regardless of whether the surname has been changed, regardless of gender and age, and whether they are ordinary people or not, I need you to help me collect that list. And I will investigate the Edwards family from another angle, don't you also Want to help me find a teacher? Shade, this is the first step."

"Is it possible to determine the origin of the sun, moon and stars by investigating the descendants of the Edwards family? No problem. When can I get the list?"

Shade asked.

"Before summer comes. It is currently unclear how many descendants there are of the Edwards family. The destruction of Green Lake Town happened more than a hundred years ago. That family has reproduced for at least three generations, and the number of descendants is probably not small, so It will be troublesome to investigate. Oh, if you need funds, just ask me for it, I won't let you spend your own money to do it."

"That's not something you need to worry about. I still...have some money."

When I say this, an inexplicable sense of satisfaction fills the hearts of outsiders.

The sorceress smiled and shook her head:

"That won't allow you to spend this money. Although I ask you to complete the investigation before summer arrives, once you have clues, it is best to report them directly to me immediately. This will make it easier for both of us to conduct the investigation together."

"No problem, I will start investigating tomorrow, and I hope there will be results soon... Please allow me to ask a question, Miss Denister, have you ever been to that deserted town for field investigation? ?”

He asked again, and Miss Denister naturally didn't mind his question:

"I'm very happy for your sensitivity, but unfortunately, I can't go there for the time being. The current situation in the material world..."

She considered her sentences:

"After the Battle of Randall Valley, more and more people and things have been involved in the epic of the chosen ones. The current situation is very complicated. As a thirteen-ring warlock, it is not necessary for me to appear casually. Elsewhere this has the potential to cause unnecessary suspicion."

Shade nodded to express his understanding:

"So, do you need me to go to Green Lake Town to take a look?"

Miss Denister glanced at him in surprise:

"It's not needed for the time being. I will send someone to take a look. And after all, it has been more than a hundred years. I am actually pessimistic about what is left. Don't just run around. After being promoted to the sixth ring, for For a young man like you who has the potential to become a thirteen-ring warlock, the road is less than half way."

She also mentioned Shade’s academic problems:

"It is not possible to take promotion exams in the summer, but I will make a special exception for you to take the promotion exams in the summer just like last year. Are you in fourth grade now? Then in the summer, you can skip the grade and take the exams for the fourth and fifth grades. Class exam. In addition, I have some books here. When you go back later, I will pass them to you through the poetry manuscript pages. You need to submit a reading note every week."

She assigned Shade a task:

"I know your life is not easy, but if you can, I hope you can meet with me every week, or every two weeks, or every month, like now, to talk about your learning experience, and it will also be convenient for me. I don’t know if my only student is working hard.”


Shade could only nod, and then thought about what he should report.

"In addition, as your teacher, I should give you a gift to celebrate your promotion to the sixth ring."

A roll of parchment tied with a black ribbon floated in front of Shade, and then floated back:

"The thaumaturgy [Shadow Ball] corresponds to [Shadow], [Darkness], [Negative Energy], [Corrosion] and other spiritual runes. All four elements can be learned. Since the last spiritual rune of your five rings is [Shadow], I think This should be useful to you."

[Shadow Ball] is a very basic thaumaturgy. Of course, although it is basic, it is also very useful. The effect of thaumaturgy is quite simple, condensing a black ball of shadow into the hand, and then throwing it out to cause destruction. At the same time, if this kind of sphere is kept without being thrown, it will slowly absorb the surrounding light, causing the area where it is located to be in darkness.

"Your path is the moon and time and space. The shadow can be integrated with the [moon], but that is not what you should be exposed to now. Therefore, although the ring warlock system with 'shadow' as the core is tempting, I will not It is recommended that you learn it, because it is not necessary. As for the [Shadow] Spirit Rune, if you are interested, you can find some other thaumaturgy to learn about, but don’t waste too much time and thought on it. The moon is your path. .May March guide you, Shade.”

Miss Danister warned, Shade nodded and remembered her words, then stood up and left.

(Little Mia is running...)

The news of the "Tour of Tobesk City Spring Riding Competition" has become the news that has attracted the most attention from the citizens since Shade was in bed recovering from illness last week. Although this event is held every year, it still does not diminish the interest of the citizen class who have limited entertainment options in the steam era.

This year's opening ceremony is scheduled for Sunday of this week, which is the thirtieth day of the Wind Rises Moon. Before that, Shade was temporarily in a state of having nothing to do.

Of course, outsiders don't really waste their time doing nothing. He learned the thaumaturgy [Shadow Ball] on Tuesday. Because it was a very basic thaumaturgy, there were no accidents during the learning process.

However, under the influence of the "twisted earth origin" that Shade had swallowed, thaumaturgy was immediately sublimated the moment he successfully learned it. According to "her" statement, and Shade's test when he went to the sacrificial site on the top of the mountain to practice with Sister Devlin, the thaumaturgy [Shadow Ball] associated with the miraculous spirit rune [Shadow of the Moon] had the power of "petrification" Traits.

In other words, once hit by this thaumaturgy, non-stone substances will immediately enter the petrified state. Although this petrification state is not as effective as the black mud, it is enough to be used in battle.

In addition to learning thaumaturgy, on Wednesday, Shade accepted another commission to find a cat.

Of course, he did not forget the mission given by Miss Danister, so he wrote to Margaret, Lesia and Miss Carina, asking them respectively about the "Edwards Family of Green Lake Town".

It will take about a week for Margaret's reply to come back from Willendale City, and if you want to get detailed information, you may have to wait even longer. As for the two ladies of the Cavendish family, they quickly gave Shade the news.

In the message sent by Miss Carina from her maid, she said that she would help search for him as soon as possible, but she had no idea about this unknown and declining aristocracy. Lesia's letter didn't mention anything about Shade asking her to help. She just asked Shade to go to the opera together later Thursday night.

"Watching the opera" is Lesia's favorite code for dating Shade, and Shade certainly understands what this means.

Shade found that even though he had a rare moment of leisure, time still passed quite quickly. From receiving the commission to find the cat on Wednesday to completing the commission on Thursday afternoon and then using my commission fee to pay the neighborhood garbage disposal fee, it only took the blink of an eye.

Reading, studying, or going to the basement to prepare potions and make alchemy items every day will make your life extremely fulfilling.

Thursday night arrived in a blink of an eye, and Shade had dinner with the cat at home in advance. Seeing that the lazy cat was unwilling to go out, he boarded the carriage at the door alone at seven o'clock and entered the Maria Opera House at seven twenty.

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