Whispering Verse

Chapter 1555 A new fairy tale

It was the 29th day of the Windy Moon. In the first quarter of 1854, Shade and the girls studied fairy tales related to "Cinderella" in the study every Saturday night. Tonight, Shade did not plan to start new learning content immediately. Instead, he told Dorothy about part of his experience in Evernight City, and talked about his state before and after obtaining the new fairy tale mystery lock and his inner feelings.

Lesia's low-level words of sublimation and middle-level words of sublimation chose the story of the sleeping princess and the mermaid respectively, while Dorothy was the match girl and Cinderella. Although the Word of Sublimation is very different from the Mystery Lock, Shade's experience and the power he possesses can also effectively help the princess and Miss Writer master their power.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Shade once again put down the glass slipper. After demonstrating the normalization effect of the mystery lock, Dorothy put down the pen in her hand and clamped it on the notebook, indicating that Shade was ready.

"The effect of your mystery is very different from my sublimation words [In the castle of night, only time can stop the blessed princess], which uses the power of time to form a defense. Maybe I can try to use it every time Ring, in addition to the sublimated word spirit runes, additional spirit runes such as [Return] and [Change] can be obtained, thereby changing the effect of the sublimated word."

Dorothy mused:

"This is indeed an idea that I never thought of before. I originally thought that this fairy tale corresponded to the power of time and night, but I didn't expect that you actually have the power of space in your hands."

"The words of sublimation correspond to the existing rules, but the myth lock is the inner thought of the ring warlock. [Cinderella] created the mystery lock because of my 'integrity'. I promised to help her return home, so this wish It gave birth to the power of the heart.”

"Compassion, courage, sacrifice, wisdom, integrity, you are truly a true knight."

She told the qualities corresponding to Shade's five mythical locks and sighed softly:

"Your talent is really amazing. But I also thought that it might be related to your core spirit rune."

"What's the meaning?"

Shade asked curiously.

"Let's not talk about the relationship between the puzzle and the mind. The essence of the puzzle is actually to construct another space with specific rules, covering the normal world. Therefore, time and space, as the framework that constitutes the world, must be certain when composing the puzzle. It will work. Your [Time and Space] Spirit Rune may be the reason why you can learn so many Mysteries."

Miss Writer said that this provided a new way of thinking for Shade. He really never thought that his outstanding "Mystery Lock" talent might be related to the spiritual runes in the past:

"But having too much talent is not necessarily a good thing. If it were just a single mystery lock, I would probably be around the tenth or eleventh level, and I would be able to look like Miss Vanessa Benenice's [Acura of Glory's Golden Theater] ] can be fully used. But now that the five mythical chains are combined together, only the spirit consumed when using them, I think ordinary ring magicians may not be able to possess them even if they are twelve rings."

Shade sighed and leaned forward on the table, because the shadow of his head fell on Mia's body on the table, making the "gaslight" cat get up and walk away unhappy.

"Some specific spiritual runes and thaumaturgy can increase the storage capacity of the soul. And I heard Luvia say that you are different from ordinary people, and you have many strange blessings and states. Your soul storage capacity should be very large. Is it big?"

"Yes, but it is still difficult to afford this kind of compound puzzle. If I still have a new puzzle for each ring in the future, and combine it into the current compound puzzle, I think even if I reach the thirteenth ring, I will not be able to afford it." It may not be possible to use all the mysterious locks."

But at least the "demigod" stage certainly does.

The blonde girl looked at him pretending to be angry:

"Are you trying to make me envy you more, knight? Provoking jealousy in others is not what a knight should do."

As he said that, he and Shade laughed together:

"Why are you thinking so much? If others want to envy you, they won't be able to envy you."

She cleared the table and asked again:

"Lecia and I will prepare and start teaching you new content next week. Regarding the choice of fairy tales, what are your own thoughts? Or should we help you choose?"

""Lovers in the Bell Tower"."

Shade said casually, and Dorothy smiled and said:

"This is very good content. The farthest distance is the distance between life and death. If you obtain the spiritual rune again through this, the corresponding mystery lock may be able to span space. Oh, on Thursday, you Isn't this what you and Lesia were watching? I thought you were busy with other things at the time and didn't notice the content of the opera."

Shade's mind flashed back to the dark box, the passionate kiss, the long messy red hair and the gentle whisper:

"I remember that night, didn't you show up for twenty minutes?"

Dorothy's face turned red immediately:

"Lesia forced me to go. She said it would make her feel that we are all by your side."

Shade then asked:

"Is she coming tonight...?"

"Of course, Lesia likes to feel involved."

She bit her lip lightly and looked at each other quietly for a few seconds:

"Me too."

The gentleness of the girls makes it inevitable that diligent foreigners sometimes fall into inextricable laziness. But fortunately, Shade was very determined, so he still insisted on getting up early on Sunday morning.

More than half a month has passed since the Battle of Randall Valley, and this peaceful life is quite lazy. Sometimes, Shade would also think about whether he should take the initiative to find something interesting to do, but the trivial matters in life always left him no time to do other things.

For example, this Sunday night, I am going to attend the opening dinner of the "City Riding Competition", and Shade will also be able to meet his opponents. According to regulations, this kind of dinner must bring a female companion, so Shade invited Dorothy to attend.

This was Luvia's suggestion. The purple-eyed girl is still making up for the classes and work she missed due to her "vacation" in the Randall Valley. She probably won't have time to participate in such "time-wasting nightlife" within a month. .

Although the banquet was held in the evening, the preparations before the banquet were enough to take most of the day. Dressing up, preparing clothes, and even because the banquet was held in a manor on the outskirts of the city, a carriage had to be hired in advance.

In short, Shade didn't do much else during the day. He intended to go out with the cat at home, but after many "adventures" in the Randall Valley, little Mia had obviously exhausted his enthusiasm for going out, and had to sleep in at home before he could save up the idea to go out again.

Therefore, the cat rejected Shade, and when Shade packed up the suit of armor he was going to wear, he stayed in the stomach of the metal armor and refused to come out.

"Look, you look really handsome in this armor."

In the evening, Lecia sent several maids to work with Dorothy to help Shade put on the armor given by Miss Gold. Even if the cumbersome chain accessories are removed, this is still not an easy task.

The floor-length mirror that was originally placed on his side was temporarily placed in the living room, so that Shade, who was holding his helmet, could see what he was wearing.

On the other side of the living room is a second-hand camera that Shade bought from "Steam Bird Newspaper". The writer, who has already put on a blue dress, wants to take a photo with Shade before going out:

"I want to write behind the photo - Knight and his lover, taken at the end of the Windy Month in 1854, in the Place Saint Teresa."

The blonde girl was standing next to Shade and looked at the two people in the mirror with him:

"It's really good. I originally thought you would look best in a tuxedo or formal dress, but I didn't expect that armor would look good too."

"This armor fits a little too well."

Shade said and tried to move his hands and feet. This set of golden armor was full-body armor. He originally thought it would be quite uncomfortable when he put it on, but unexpectedly it fit him surprisingly well.

"Your client is really generous."

Dorothy said with a smile, and asked the young maid with blond hair who was adjusting the position of the camera:

"Miss Duer, how many gold pounds do you think this knight's armor is worth?"

Miss Weiss Dull is one of Lesia's personal maids, and she only appears in front of Shade less frequently than Agelina. She smiled and looked at Shade's armor, because she had also helped Shade put it on just now, so she knew the metal thickness of the armor very well:

"I am not a master in the blacksmithing industry, and I am not very good at appraising antiques. But I am sure that this is undoubtedly an armor worthy of any great nobleman as a heirloom. Even the Cavendish family will not mind. Collect this armor and pass it on to future generations.”

She also gave a very appropriate example:

"If we were still in the age of knights with cold weapons, this set of armor would probably be spread among the ignorant villagers as the equipment of the 'Chosen Hero' and the 'God-given Paladin'. It looks very intimidating, but in fact it is Pretty solid.”

"That's high praise."

Shade said, turned around and looked at his back in the mirror:

"I thought Miss Gothe was just...it seems that when I go to visit that lady in the town, I need to bring more gifts."

The reason why you have to wear armor to attend the banquet tonight is also following the tradition of the old times. And except for those gentlemen who are forced to wear armor, everyone else respects this tradition very much.

After packing up their clothes, Shade and Dorothy said goodbye to the maids who came to help, left Mia at their own home, and then got into a four-wheel taxi and rushed to the manor outside the city. It was an asset belonging to the royal family, and the banquet where Shade was awarded the title of knight last year was also held here.

The "Edward III Arena" used for the game is near the manor, and the shadow of the arena is even clearly visible in the afterglow of the setting sun.

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