Whispering Verse

Chapter 1558 Mission

"What are you looking at?"

When Shade came up from downstairs with goat's milk, newspapers, and letters, Dorothy, who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, asked curiously. The good-looking girl wore an apron and prepared fried eggs and bacon for Shade and Mia. She was very good at it.

"Princess Margaret's letter told me that she will help me investigate the descendants of the Edwards family in Willendale, but this will take time. In addition, there is a secret mission belonging to the king's agent Gray Eagle."

After Margaret finished her visit to Tobesk, Shade informed Lesia about Detective Sparrow in accordance with the agreement with Lesia. This was considered to have completely ended Detective Sparrow's "grey" relationship. As the "Head Eagle", Shade completed the last thing for him.

Of course, Shade has not given up his identity as "Grey Eagle". Everything in the future will be the mission of "Grey Eagle II" Shade, who was personally appointed by Margaret. This will not harm Shade. Detective Pyro's reputation.

"Grey-headed Eagle's mission? Oh, I remembered it. The princess got in touch with Gray-headed Eagle's online through you, and thus completely mastered your intelligence network, so she wrote a letter to inform you of the mission. No need. Let’s go through cumbersome information transmission methods again… What do I need you to do this time?”

Dorothy asked with her back to Shade.

"Let's see... let me seriously injure Earl Lewis, yes, the Earl who came to Tobesk on behalf of Kasenrik to discuss the preliminary matters of the negotiation."

Shade raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

"In exchange for the count's serious injury in Tobesk, we can gain a favorable position in negotiations?"

Dorothy smiled, turned around while holding the plate and saw Shade looking at her, and then said:

"Aren't you planning to teach that 'lecherous pig of Willendale' a lesson?"

"But will this harm Lesia and Carina's interests?"

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to care about this. Rather, if Tobesk is in a weak position in the early negotiations, it will be beneficial to them."

Shade frowned slightly. Dorothy's tone at this moment was very much like Lesia's, but her soul was Dorothy:

"Speaking of which, are Lesia planning to celebrate the Day of the Red Butterfly on the day the competition ends?"

He suddenly asked. The writer put the plate on the table, a little shy about the sudden change of topic:

"Really, why are you asking this so early in the morning?"

"Of course I'm looking forward to that day. I prefer the three of us, not the two of us. Yes, two people are not interesting at all, but I like three people, so neither you nor Lecia can be absent."

Shade emphasized, hoping to remind the girl in front of her that staying true to herself is the right move. But after Shade said this, and then realized what he had just said, he immediately felt something was wrong.

His words really had an effect, and the mixed feeling of Lesia and Dorothy disappeared like ice and snow melting away. However, this also made Miss Writer bite her lip and look at him, obviously misunderstanding what Shade meant:

"Are you complaining that we can't always accompany you together?"

"No, no, I mean..."

"Don't say this to Lesia, she has been feeling guilty and unable to stay with you often."

The blond girl sat gently next to Sha De, and looked at Sha De with her emerald green gem-like eyes:

"I don't know what you're worried about, but we're always with you."

[Perhaps, you don’t have to be too anxious about their problems. 】

"But we can't put it off until the end, right?"

According to the schedule, today’s competition event is “Archery”. Because different bows have different effects, the organizer provides weapons to the "knights" to ensure the fairness of the competition, so Shade only needs to bring his own mount.

About a mile west of the manor where the banquet was held last night, the ancient historic "Edward III Arena" was the venue for this game. Because it was outside the city, considering the transportation convenience, the game started at 9:30 in the morning, so Xia De was not in a hurry to start immediately at 7:00 in the morning.

Dorothy will be following Shade these days, recording new events during the game as material for "Hamilton's Detective Stories." When she and Shade had breakfast together, Shade stroked the cat and read the newspaper, and commented on the news about the game with a smile:

"My name was mentioned in the news. The newspaper said that if I couldn't achieve the top three results, I would be unworthy of the reputation of 'Rejed's Hamilton'. Well, how dare you talk about my relationship with Lesia here? , but Lecia is really a serious and old-fashioned princess in the eyes of the public. They all think that I swear by her is the wishful thinking of 'Playboy Hamilton'."

Dorothy smiled:

"This year's number of applicants is only 36, which is a little less than in previous years. Among them, there will be no more than five opponents who may really threaten you. The most important thing you need to pay attention to is last year's champion, Sir Sir Hulls from Cold Water Port. . He owns a ship that trades with the New World. He likes to go on adventures at sea. He once led his sailors to defeat the Pirate King in the eye of the storm."

"Sir Hells?"

Shade recalled that he had indeed seen this person at the banquet last night:

"He seems to be the oldest among the contestants in this competition. I remember he is... 37 years old? I really look forward to what kind of surprises a knight of this age can bring me."

Shade was even a little excited.

Since it was Monday, Shade didn't forget to pick up this week's gifts before going out. Although I have no hope of getting anything useful, I just treat the process of "getting gifts" as fun. But when Shade actually took out the small bag of high-end cat food from the gift box, he was still shocked:

"Why cat food?"


The excited cat had already rushed over. It probably thought that Shade was carrying the cat food bag just to give it extra food.

"No, no, you just ate, you can't eat anymore now!"

Shade held the cat down with one hand and spent a lot of effort to let Mia know that breakfast was over. Then he hid the new bag of cat food to prevent Mia from finding it.

With the advent of the steam age, the emergence of the urban middle class gave rise to industries related to urban pets. The cat food that Shade prepared for Mia was actually healthier and richer in nutrients than the three meals a day for most low-level civilians.

The money to buy cat food is drawn from the 10 pounds that Miss Gode sends in the letter every month, but even if Shade chooses the most expensive cat food, there will still be a huge balance in the monthly "Little Mia Feeding Fee" part. Therefore, when he buys cat food, he only chooses the most expensive one, and the cat is obviously very satisfied with this cat food.

As for this week’s task, it is to take good care of my cat. Compared with previous weekly tasks, the descriptions of this week's tasks are obviously much more complex. Although he knew that the god who protected children would not embarrass him, Shade still believed that it was necessary to treat Mia better this week.

Although he thought he was good enough to this cat in the past, since it was a mission...

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Shade and Dorothy had already arrived at the foyer on the first floor and were about to go out. Shade took out the key from the biscuit box in the shoe cabinet at the door, and was bending over to pick up the cat and take it with him - after all, it was about a full day today. Tian was not at home, but his movements suddenly paused.

The blonde girl asked Shade curiously, and Shade said hesitantly:

"I learned from Miss Gold that Little Mia was a cat born last spring. Do you think her birthday will be this week?"

He felt that the softest part of his heart was touched, and the cat in his arms looked at him curiously with its big amber eyes.

Dorothy said curiously:

"Why do you think so? But it is also possible that tomorrow is the first day of next month, and Miss Gold will mention this matter in her monthly letter to you."

"Maybe I should prepare Mia a nice dinner to celebrate."

Shade said, smiled and patted Mia's little head, and then walked out of the house with Dorothy.

【So, how are you going to celebrate your birthday? 】

she asked as Shade locked the door with his key.

"I regard as my birthday the day I woke up from my blindness and stupidity. That was in the summer."

Shade answered in his heart, but when he and Dorothy boarded the carriage, he remembered that this body most likely fell from the tower in the spring of last year, which was also a year ago.

Although today's schedule is just archery, the content of the competition is not just standing in the open space and shooting at a fixed target. The competition is divided into morning and afternoon. In the morning, there is fixed target shooting and moving target shooting in standing position, and in the afternoon, there is bow and arrow shooting on horseback.

Because the race lasted for a long four days, temporary tents were set up outside the Edward III Arena for the participants to rest and use. This is not a single-person tent that can only sleep one person, but a large tent that can be used as a tent during the march.

It was only half past eight in the morning when Shade arrived with Dorothy on horseback from Carina Manor, but the area around the renovated arena was already overcrowded.

Local villagers and businessmen in the city spontaneously set up a temporary market outside the arena. Spectators who come to watch the game and the servants of the participating "knights" can buy various needed items from the market.

Colorful flags are flying everywhere in the lively market. In the early spring sunshine, the loud shouts of tailors and the clinking of wine glasses in the tavern can be heard amidst the noise. The smoke from the hot water heater next to the barber and the incense burner behind the merchants selling inferior spices can be heard. The smoke drifted into the sky together. The men playing Rhodes at the table were whispering excitedly. The old gentleman looking out of the carriage window was staring at the bare-chested blacksmith who was building a stove with his apprentice, and he was complaining in a low voice about the vulgarity of the lower class.

Of course, Shade didn't just bring Dorothy to the competition, because it involved raising and caring for the horses, cleaning the tents, and wearing armor. Miss Carina sent a team of twelve maids to help. Shard.

The Duchess herself is in town to attend to negotiations with Kasenrik next month, so unfortunately she cannot come to accompany her. Therefore, she specially sent her personal maid Tifa to lead the maids. Lesia, who temporarily exchanged souls with Dorothy and planned to send blessings to Shade before the start of the game, thought that Miss Carina's sending Tifa was stupid.

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