Whispering Verse

Chapter 1565 Commission and New Victims

Wednesday's event is the most important and most entertaining "horse riding duel". 36 people were divided into 18 groups for a duel, and the winner advanced to the next round until the final winner was determined.

Of course, because one of the contestants had already passed away early, the lucky ones got a bye in the first round. Everyone who heard the news of death during the lottery hoped that they would have a bye. Even Shade felt that it would be best if he could save some energy, but it was a pity that he did not have that kind of luck this time.

Because it was a duel in armor, all the contestants arrived in advance to prepare their armor and horses. Since Dorothy was away, Tifa led the maids to put on Shad's armor, and then watched him ride into the arena.

Shade's first opponent was his "teammate" in the first two rounds, Mr. Duane Wiswo. This gentleman was riding a purebred Myrtilis steppe black horse. In addition to his own armor, he also prepared a metal goggles and a rather beautiful-looking horse clothing for his horse.

The two gentlemen stepped on the pedals, held the sword in one hand and manipulated the reins in the other. They first made simple contact and tested it for a few times, and then had the first confrontation. Then, while holding his wooden sword tightly with numb hands, Mr. Duane Wiswer came to a terrible conclusion:

"My speed and strength are far inferior to his."

So Xade won the first game without any surprise.

The competition for 35 players will last for a total of 5 rounds, which means that the competition will start at 9 a.m. and last until the sunset. It has just reached the end of the third round. The four players who advanced to the semi-finals include Xia De and Mr. Eric Foran, whose brother was unfortunately defeated by him.

Throughout the entire day of the game, there was no interruption in the cheers from the arena auditorium. The horrific incidents that occurred around the arena last night did nothing to dampen the lively atmosphere. Whenever a player appears on the stage, the audience will shout their name loudly.

For outsiders, when the name "Shad Hamilton" is shouted out loud, his feeling is quite subtle. Although he never likes to be the focus of too many people's attention, he is not averse to pursuing honors and awards in this festive atmosphere.

The remaining competitions will be held on Thursday, which will also be the last day of the 1854 Tobesk City Equestrian Competition. Therefore, when the sun went down, all the "knights" gathered in the arena with their horses, and after expressing their gratitude to Queen Diana who had been present for three consecutive days, they left from different exits of the arena.


The blond writer lady, who came only in the afternoon, excitedly waved her handkerchief to welcome Shade's return. Tifa hugged Mia, stood beside her with a smile and nodded to Shade.

Shade wore this armor for almost a whole day. Although it was nothing based on his physical strength, he was relieved when he took it off.

Just when Dorothy and the maids were helping Shade change clothes, just as Dorothy said yesterday, the handkerchiefs, letters expressing love and even garters sent by the servants were already piled up near the house. The table at the exit of the tent.

"You're probably the most popular contestant this year."

While adjusting Shade's collar in front of the mirror, the blonde girl smiled and said:

"Handsome, young, with a strong waist and arms. Although the family property is not much, it has a house in Saint Teresa Square. Apart from the scandal with Carina Cavendish, there is almost no negative news about you, and also Unmarried. Shade, you have no idea how popular you are in the city."

"I think I'm not as popular as Lesia. Tomorrow is the last day of the competition. I think Lesia should be ready for the dinner party, right?"

Shade asked, Dorothy in the mirror winked at Shade:

"Of course I'm ready, but you can only get rewards if you win the championship. This is what we agreed on from the beginning."

There was a small interlude before returning to Carina Manor that evening. The local Marquis Ensis of Tobesk, who was defeated by Shad in the afternoon, came to entrust Shad with a request after being introduced by Shad’s friend Baron Rwanda. Help find lost items.

The Marquis's servants remained in the tent during the games. But when the Marquis returned to the camp in the evening, he found that his favorite gold-plated tobacco box on the cabinet next to the mirror was missing.

For the Marquis of Ensis, the tobacco box itself was not very valuable, but he just liked the things he had used for a long time, and he very much suspected that someone among the servants had stolen his things, and this was impossible. Forgiven.

Since the incident happened not long ago, the Marquis came to Xia De for help with a try mentality, and Xia De readily agreed.

It was actually not difficult to find the thief who stole things. When Shade entered the Marquis' camp with Dorothy who wanted to collect materials, he closed his eyes and heard the most abnormal one among dozens of heartbeats.

The extremely fast heartbeat belonged to a seemingly ordinary valet. When he asked everyone about their whereabouts in the afternoon, Shade paid attention to ask him a few more questions. On the contrary, it was the valet himself who was frightened by "Detective Hamilton". Despite his reputation, he couldn't resist his intimidating eyes and cross-examination, and he was the first to cry and confess:

"I stole it. My wife took away all my money. My daughter is now seriously ill and has no money for treatment. I need this money."

Shade looked at Dorothy and shook his head helplessly, while Miss Writer was still rapidly recording the situation at the scene.

Shade originally thought that this simple commission would end like this. The police who patrolled the camp more frequently because of the "assassination" of Earl Lewis would soon arrive. Unexpectedly, the Marquis of Ensis actually responded to the crying The servant said:

"I sympathize with your situation, but you shouldn't steal my things for this. No matter what the reason is, you can't take the initiative to do bad things."

The emotional manservant was obviously irritated by this sentence, and he said something that was beyond the expectations of everyone present:

"Last night, didn't you also say that in order for you to achieve military success, it would be best for the negotiations between Delarion and Kasenrik to break down and let the war break out? Don't you also expect something worse for yourself? Something about that?”

The Marquis's face turned from red to white, from white to black. Shade and Dorothy, who looked up in surprise, were politely invited out of the camp and received a "hush fee" that was ten times more than the originally agreed upon commission fee.

As they walked towards Shade's tent under the setting sun, the blonde girl said to Shade beside her:

"Although I heard Lesiya say that there are many people who hope that the negotiations will break down and a full-scale war will resume in the Old Continent, this is the first time I have seen it."

"What else did Lecia say?"

"Peace has lasted too long, and there have been too many conflicts. This negotiation is definitely not just about border lines and trade routes. If we are not careful, war may really come again."

Shade held her hand and said after a long time:

"Civilization has reached an important event node?"

"You can say that. Not everyone is looking forward to peace. After all, peace has been too long."

In the two nights before the competition, someone stayed with Shade at No. 6 St. Teresa Square every night. However, after the third day, the girls were unable to stay overnight due to their own affairs. Miss Carina seemed not to want to be beaten by Lei. Qianya laughed and did not come to see Shade again, so Shade and Mia spent a peaceful night as usual.

On Thursday morning, Shade deliberately got up very early. He first went to Fort Midhill to find out about the [Faceless Man] from Grace and Helen, and then returned home with his glass slipper to prepare breakfast.

When Shade was at the dinner table looking at the newspaper boasting about "Shade Hamilton", and even he felt a little embarrassed, Dorothy hurried over and told him a big news:

"Lesia received the news from Yoder Palace. Last night, another victim appeared in the Edward III Arena. This time it was not a contestant, but three drunkards who drank in the market at night. The manner of death and yesterday's grace Hall Seric is exactly the same, and the church is discussing with his father... Lesia's father whether to terminate the competition."

"That humanoid relic is still around the arena?"

Shade was also very surprised:

"I didn't feel any elemental reaction all day yesterday. Will today's game be terminated?"

"Most likely not."

Dorothy shook her head:

"There needs to be a proper reason to terminate the competition. This kind of competition, which the entire Old Continent is paying attention to, will definitely cause unnecessary trouble if it is stopped suddenly on the last day. Moreover, the victims so far are all killed at night, so Lei Qianya thinks that today’s game will continue, but the church will send more people around the arena. She asked me to remind you not to use all your strength when you compete, and just give the opponent a little upper hand."

"I understand that you can't show too much power beyond normal. In that case, Dorothy, will you still go with me today?"

If the area around the arena was really that dangerous, Shade actually didn't want Dorothy to follow him.

"Of course we go together. If you don't want to go out if you feel a little bit dangerous, then I might as well stay at home every day."

It made sense for her to say this, so when Shade went out, he took the lazy cat out with him. Although the cat was very reluctant when he went out on Monday, since he knew that there would be delicious food in that tent, his resistance to Shade's forced taking him out became much weaker.

Take the carriage out of the city with Dorothy, and then meet up with the maids directly in the tent outside the arena. Of course, Tifa already knew about the appearance of three more victims last night. Among the maids who came with her today, two of them were actually high-level warlocks. Even though Miss Carina could only come over in the afternoon, she still did not forget to ensure Shade's safety.

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