Whispering Verse

Chapter 1574 Hide and Seek

"this is for you."

Halfway through the candlelight dinner, following the witch's words, Tifa came to Shade carrying a small box. It was a wooden box painted red. After opening it, there were two depressions in the soft lining for placing items. In one of them, there was a white stone crystal that Shade was very familiar with.

"When Luvia Anat came to me to tell me about the Chosen One, she asked me to help you acquire the White Stone Crystal."

The witch said with a smile, and took an elegant sip of red wine. The attractive blush on her face was not sure whether it was the effect of alcohol or the application of makeup.

As for another depression in the box, there is a gray irregular stone. Although the shape was irregular, every surface was smooth. Shade took it out and realized it was a piece of flint.

Although matches already exist in the current era, flint is still a commonly used fire-making tool in civilian homes. However, because it is easy to oxidize, it needs to be soaked in kerosene to preserve it.

"I detect an element of whispering."

Shade said.

"But this is not a relic, but a relic derivative. The sage-level relic kept by the [Witch Council] - the travel witch's cowhide backpack. Every once in a while, you can take out a travel item from it. These items are all disposable. , you can get good luck in a short time after using it, but it’s a pity that you can’t use it often.”

The witch held the red wine glass and said to Shade with a smile:

"This is a very good relic. As long as it is contained in the council, its negative characteristics can be almost completely suppressed. Accept this, Shade, and I hope you will stop mentioning things like paying me."

Laughter came from the darkness behind Shade. I don’t know which maid lady couldn’t hold back her laughter.

He nodded and re-embedded the white stone crystal and the flint into the lining. After closing the lid, Tifa took it away from the dining table.

Xiao Mia lowered her head as she ate her dinner. Shade did not touch the knife and fork. Instead, he hugged his left hand with his right hand and placed it on the table. He looked at Miss Carina at the other end of the table:

"May I make a small suggestion for a candlelight dinner tonight."


The witch raised her eyebrows and thought about how she failed to entertain them well.

"Next time, could you please arrange for us to sit together instead of at both ends of the long table? Now I can only 'touch' you with my sight."

He looked at the lady on the other side of the long table, and a bright smile appeared on the face of the duchess:

"Knight, you are really impatient, but no problem, we can sit on the opposite side of the long side next time. But you have to promise not to take away my shoes at will when eating."

After dinner, Shade went to the study to talk to the witch about the problems he had encountered recently in his studies, and mentioned the "guidance", "ultimate" and "direction" of the sublimated language spirit rune he planned to obtain when he was in the sixth ring.

At nine o'clock in the evening, after finishing the new round of topics, Carina put down the book in her hand and suggested to Shade:

"It's such a boring night like this. Do you want to play hide and seek?"


Shade raised his eyebrows, and the witch looked at Tifa with a smile, so the black-haired maid "took" the sleeping cat from Shade's arms.

"I'll give you ten minutes. If you can't find me, you lose. Count down a hundred numbers before looking for me."

After saying that, he stood up and left the study, not even forgetting to close the door. Shade looked at Tifa and Mia, the former pursed his lips and smiled, and the latter looked at Shade quite innocently.

"Can you give me some tips?"

Shade asked, and the black-haired maid nodded:

"Of course, but it's still the same as last time, and you need to be paid."

She smiled softly, and after kissing Shade passionately, Shade wanted to count down, but was pushed by Tifa:

"Do you really want to count a hundred times? There's no need to follow the rules so much, just go ahead."

She pulled Shade to stand up, and then asked Shade to leave the study:

"What you did here with Your Highness Lesiya and Miss Louisa made the lady very angry. You must behave well tonight."

The stranger who left the study soon saw the witch's coat left on the red carpet.

Continuing to move forward, he saw the left high-heeled shoe and the amethyst hair ornament worn by the witch tonight on the carpet, and then was led up the stairs by another high-heeled shoe and the missing ring.

The belt and earrings found at the stairs on the third floor made Shade turn left from the stairs, and then he saw private women's clothing in the corridor.

"It seems that at least it saves the time of taking off clothes."

Shade thought to himself after picking up the clothes, and then pushed open the door of the master bedroom that was ajar, with a red light showing from the crack in the door. On the bed covered by tulle, Carina Cavendish is waiting for the arrival of the knight.

(Little Mia is running...)

Although he stayed overnight at the witch's manor, Shade returned home before nine o'clock on Monday morning. Today is the seventh day of the Sowing Moon, and the Tree Father's ban on using the Time Key for a month will also be lifted tonight. After all, the last time key was used in the early morning of Thursday, the eighth day of the month of Wind Rises.

After not using the key for a month, Shade really missed it.

Because it was Monday, Shade didn't forget to get this week's gift from the [God's Gift Box] after returning home. I don’t know if it was because he came into contact with flint and steel yesterday, but what Shade took out of the box this morning was actually flint and steel.

But it is no ordinary thing. The flint body is embedded in a cylindrical metal that is easy to hold. The metal column can be contracted by pressing, allowing the flint to be immersed in the kerosene inside the column when not in use. When you want to use it, just press the side button and push it gently to push the flint out.

The surface of the metal cylinder has fine carvings left to increase friction, making it look less like a daily necessities and more like some kind of art. There are no downsides to this ordinary item, other than the need for regular kerosene changes. Although it is not a relic, Shade is still very satisfied with this "gift".

As for this week's task, when you must use matches for cooking, use this flint instead. This was not difficult for Shade. If it weren't for the fact that he had already had breakfast at Carina Manor, he would have wanted to try the effectiveness of this flint stone now. Outsiders have played with many matches, but rarely with flint and steel.

[Don’t you feel a little childish? 】

"Is playing with fire childish?"

Shade asked in his mind.

Luvia arrived at St. Teresa Square at ten o'clock that morning. She seemed to have known that Shade was at home at this time. She opened the door directly with the key, and then motioned to Shade to sit down and talk:

"It has been found out that the Church of the Five Gods has confirmed the sixth chosen one - the being of space based on the fragments of poems in its possession, the trends of the [Mirror Association] in the past ten years and the abnormal space phenomena in the material world in the recent period. Seven cities where the Chosen One may appear.”

The purple-eyed girl opened the notebook and handed it to Shade:

"Pearl of the North - Tobesk, ancient lakeside city - Green Lake City, city of glass - Michaela Blast Furnace City, West Coast Islands - Navia Islands, capital of art in the North - Artek City, Kassenlik Desert and Adventure The city - the town of Nainahan, the principality of fairy tales and poetry - the White Swan Castle of the Principality of Newcolumn."

"I'm curious as to why every city has its own title."

Shade whispered, but Luvia ignored this meaningless topic:

"Due to insufficient clues, the church is currently unable to determine where the chosen one will appear."

As she spoke, she took out the remaining two demon gold coins from her pocket:

"I can't directly divine the chosen ones, but now the locations are limited to these seven. I can model the location of the lake, and you can meet the chosen ones wherever you go. This can also be regarded as an enhancement after my promotion to the sixth ring."

"Is two coins enough?"

Shade asked.

"One is enough. I don't need an exact answer, I just need a range."

With that said, Luvia closed her eyes and then flicked the gold coin high into the sky. After the flipped gold coin reached the highest altitude, traces of rust clearly appeared on the surface of the coin, and continued to intensify as it fell, until the gold coin scattered into a pile of dust in the air.

Luvia opened her eyes, then leaned towards Shade, who was quickly supported by Shade.

"Sure enough, it's still a bit reluctant."

The purple-eyed girl said, lying in Shade's arms and resting for a long time before sitting up straight:

"There are results. The cities in the middle of the Old Continent are on the border of disputes and wars."

This is an obvious indication:

"Green Lake City and Michaela Blast Furnace City?"

"Yes, backward ancient cities and industrial cities that thrive because of the glass industry are also cities where negotiations between the two countries are about to begin."

Shade smiled:

"Just in time, I want to continue to find Earl Lewis of Carsonlik to express my goodwill. And there are things I want to know about the two Mr. Fulan. I will prepare first and understand some of the two in advance. According to the situation in each city, we will start again tomorrow and Tuesday.”

Luvia nodded and sighed softly:

"It's about to start again."

"It has started since you invited me last summer night. At least so far, we have done well."

Shade said with a smile, and then asked softly:

"Speaking of which, tonight...um...can I invite you to stay over?"

The girl who was originally a little depressed was shocked. Shade rarely invited girls to stay overnight:

"Dorothy is coming tonight too? You want to..."

She looked at Shade suspiciously.

"Of course not, it's just you tonight, Luvia, who do you think I am?"

Shade shook his head hurriedly:

"I just want to hug you tonight."

In fact, it was because the black time key was to be used tonight. Shade guessed that after using that key, the long-haired Luvia might appear and talk to him about the past.

This is not deceiving Luvia. After all, the long-haired Luvia and the Luvia Shade is hugging at the moment are the same person.

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