Whispering Verse

Chapter 160 Kidnapping and Interrogation

But no matter what secrets the witches have, Shade is still very happy tonight.

A specific relic is about to be obtained, a job with documents is obtained, and there are even clues to the "white stone crystal". Presumably, Miss Tifa Servit will explain what she wants Shade to do when she delivers the relic.

After finishing the work, Miss Carina and the people from the Prophet Association left Duke Lucas's mansion directly, but Shade did not leave because as soon as he left the study, he was "caught" by the long-awaited old Duke. .

The enthusiastic Duke took him back to the Rhodes Salon held in the banquet hall, introduced him to the guests invited tonight, and carefully wore gloves to watch the [Original Silver Moon] up close.

I don’t know if it’s because of this card or because of Miss Carina, but people are very enthusiastic about him. Everyone wanted to get to know the young detective, and Shade received more business cards in one hour than he had ever received since he came into this world.

Duke Lucas took great care of Shade, and even asked the guests not to reveal the identity of the detective holding the [Original Silver Moon] card, but it could be said that this card really appeared.

Rhodes enthusiasts were so excited that when Shade got a chance to sit down and have something to eat, it was already an hour after he left the study.


After finishing the discussion about Rhodes skills with the two men around him, Shade took the napkin handed by the maid. Then it was discovered that the maid was Miss Bayas.

The long brown-haired sorceress winked at Shade, who nodded knowingly, and soon left the banquet hall and walked to the bathroom. After declining the servant's lead, he unexpectedly saw Bayas waiting at the corner of the corridor. Miss, she is still dressed in that maid skirt.

"Detective, you are really good."

She said in a low voice. Shade looked around carefully and made sure that no one was nearby before he lowered his voice and said:

"Miss Bayas, why are you here? Are you really not hot when you are dressed like this?"

It's almost midsummer now.

"Of course these clothes are very hot, but I can't help it. There are some things I need from you..."

She hesitated, but Shade guessed that the other party wanted her help, but did not want to involve herself, an "ordinary person", in the incident, so she was in a tangle at this moment.

"Need my help?"

He said it for her, and Miss Bayas nodded sheepishly and looked at Shade hesitantly. Although she is younger than Miss Bayas and Miss Louisa, Iluna Bayas is not short, with the top of her head almost reaching Shade’s eyebrows:


"I want to hear first what you need me to do."

He said this, not agreeing immediately because he knew the other party, nor refusing immediately because he was worried about being involved in the accident.

"This...do you remember Baron Hull?"

Miss Bayas asked.

"Of course, he is wearing a pair of boots that look like horseshoes. He was responsible for checking our Rhodes cards just now."

Shade recalled that Miss Bayas nodded and explained quickly in a low voice:

"I want to know something from him, about [Mercury Blood]. He is just an ordinary person, but he is a sponsor of [Mercury Blood], and he may know the location of the Silver Eyed One..." Let me explain, [Mercury Blood] is an illegal organization, and Diack, the Silver-Eyed Man, is their leader.

After learning that the help Miss Bayas wanted to seek was just to get some information from ordinary people, Shade breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly had a plan.

He nodded:

"I'll go back first and talk to Baron Hull."

Detect whether the opponent is a ring warlock at close range.

"If all goes well."

If the opponent is not a ring warlock.

"I would invite him to the hallway to talk things over."

That is to trick him out.

"You can do whatever you want, but remember not to let him have this memory. In other words, don't involve me."

But Miss Bayas definitely didn't have a way to clear her memory, otherwise she wouldn't have been frightened by Shade after using the sunshine gun last time.

"No problem, I prepared a very good relic this time."

Seeing Shade agree, Miss Bayas immediately smiled.

She carefully took out a pure black metal rod from the pocket of her heavy maid dress. The metal rod is uniform in thickness, like a part on some kind of precision steam machinery.

Miss Bayas grasped the two ends and pulled gently. With the sound of metal friction, the thin rod in the middle was pulled out, so that the current metal rod became the length of two fountain pens.

The voice in her ears suggested that it was a relic, and Miss Bayas also explained:

"The clerical relic, [Beast Tamer's Memory Clearing Rod], will take effect if you knock it on the head. I stole it from the team on purpose, ahem, I meant to borrow it. Just be careful not to let it get stained with blood, and don't go Knock children under six on the head and they won't lose control. This is the best way to deal with ordinary people... Detective, I won't attack you."

Shade already looked worried and backed away while covering his head. Although, this thing is probably useless to him.

Miss Bayas took back the metal rod and said with some embarrassment:

"You helped me, and I won't use this against you. Besides, you have fulfilled your promise to keep secrets these days, and we will have many opportunities to cooperate."

"I'm just an ordinary person. I will never get close to you easily while you are holding this thing."

He still held his head with his hands, which made Miss Bayas even more troubled.

So Shade returned to the salon alone, but he did not approach Baron Hull immediately. Instead, he pretended to think about this autumn's "Big City Players" Rhodes Tournament with the people who came over to talk. Seeing that he was almost familiar with the people around him, he looked for an opportunity for the servant to serve drinks and came to Baron Hull.

"Oh, Mr. Hamilton, that's a pretty good game!"

Without Shade taking the initiative to talk, Baron Hull, who was wearing strange boots, spoke enthusiastically. The servants around him also welcomed the young detective to join their conversation.

Shade naturally extended his hand to Baron Hull, and the two shook hands politely. During this period, Shade heard the answer from the whisper in his ear:

[Ordinary people don’t have any elements on their bodies, and they don’t hold any relics. 】

Although she may not be omnipotent, Shade believes that it will not be a small probability event at this time.

He stood with Baron Hull and his friends and continued chatting. He learned that the people around him were the owners of large factories in the city, the owners of newspapers, and a man in Coldwater Port who had a whole family of animals that traveled between the old and new continents. The owner of the fleet.

Shade has another purpose for Baron Hull, and several other people are also testing his relationship with Miss Carina, so the atmosphere of the conversation is very pleasant, and everyone is complimenting the others.

Foreigners were not very used to such social situations, so when the time was almost up, they quietly winked at the baron, then explained to several others that they were going to the bathroom, and walked out of the banquet hall without looking back.

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