Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,605 Carina’s Guess

This is the first time that Shade has used up almost all his energy to cast the [Space Stability Halo]. With the appearance of the life ring and the amplification of the "Stand of Yectrasil", the effect has almost reached the extreme of what he can currently cast. level.

In an area where space is unstable, the visual effects are indeed a bit exaggerated, but they almost make Shade lose his strength. Seeing that the pharmacist lady lowered her head, although her mood was not right, her condition seemed to be fine, so Shade secretly took out the pink vial and took a sip, then he held on to the staff and said to his companion:

"Let's go quickly. Such a large space disturbance and the changes in the clouds on the island will definitely attract the attention of the church."

The setting sun shines on the water, showing large areas of fierce orange-red sparkling light. The setting sun also shone on the face of the sorceress with short brown hair. She finally raised her head and looked again at the white spiral smoke column over the island, and then at the young man whose profile was illuminated by the setting sun and looked slightly tired. He seemed to be glowing, and as if he was melting into the sunset:

"Oh, sorry, I almost forgot about this."

The rope tied around the pharmacist's waist automatically untied, and then retracted into Shade's hand, where he turned it into a toy and put it away. He smiled and wanted to go to the pharmacist lady, but realized that he couldn't do this, so he stood there embarrassed and at a loss.

The lady with light brown hair blinked her eyes twice, and her cheeks felt hot for some reason. This was probably the last temperature of the sunset:

"If it weren't for the fact that you used a staff instead of a sword, I would even doubt whether you are a God Summoner."

I didn't quite understand why my heart was trembling, so I used other words to cover myself up.

"God Caller?"

Shade smiled dryly, and the long staff in his hand glowed and turned back into a key.

"Yes, you are... very powerful... let's go, aren't you still in a hurry to go on a date?"

He said and turned around.

"Yes, I almost forgot, but luckily I had enough time."

Shade patted his head:

"However, I still don't quite understand what happened to those tentacles, monsters, and the man I saw vaguely. That man is not the guy who escaped from the Mirror Association."

"I will explain it next time we meet. Just like what I said just now, this is related to the fact that I can't kill people on the island."

The pharmacist lady said, looking at the young man who walked to her side, keeping a distance and walking on the water with her. She pursed her lips, communicated with the voice in her ear, and confirmed that she really wanted to do this:

"Actually...I am a descendant of Edwards."


Shade looked at her and saw that most of his eyes had turned golden at some point, and they were also looking at him:

"Do not tell anyone."

Shade nodded slightly:

"That's it...I understand."

The two of them did not speak after that, but walked towards the water filled with sunset together. Shade was not sure why the atmosphere suddenly became weird. At this time, he remembered that he could summon the ship, but he was not embarrassed to say it; he also thought that he could actually throw the glass slipper home, but still did not say it.

The strange clouds above Green Lake finally attracted the church's attention. Shade and Miss Pharmacist came ashore from the side of the lake in advance for safety reasons, thus evading the church's team.

The two separated after landing, and the sorceress said goodbye to Shade with a pursed lips. Originally there were many things he wanted to ask, such as what exactly Shade was, but in the end he just said "see you next time". When Shade turned around and left, the sorceress, whose eyes had turned completely golden, stared at his back and decided to find an opportunity to test whether he was a man. This time, in order to confirm that he really would not trigger the witch's curse, we took the risk together, and the answer we got was really surprising:

"If he really is a man... a boring life, finally becomes interesting."

Anyway, when Shade returned to Tobesk, it was just six o'clock.

To my great surprise, there was someone at home. Miss Carina was sitting in the study, looking through books on Shade's bookshelf that he didn't even know how to read. Tifa was holding Mia in the living room on the second floor and watching the pigeons in the square. The other maids were tidying up the house. health.

The location at the Silver Cross Avenue restaurant had been reserved in advance, and after Shade changed his clothes, the group set off.

It was a very high-end restaurant. When night fell, all the gas lamps and chandeliers in the restaurant were turned off, leaving only the candles on the tables flickering.

The melodious sound of the violin came from the dark corner. The people talking lowered their voices, but the sound of the waiters moving around was the most obvious.

"So, you want me to help you find out about the 'Cat in a Bottle' potion?"

The Duchess also figured out what Shade wanted her to help with. Shade temporarily put aside the afternoon adventure and enjoyed the leisurely dinner.

He temporarily put down the foie gras on his fork and wiped his mouth:

"Yes, I remember you said at the time that you asked the witch in the council for help to complete the preparation of the half-finished potion."

"It's Edwards, the one we discussed some time ago. Although she is mentally abnormal, as a great witch of 'wisdom and knowledge', she has high attainments in potions and alchemy."

The witch in evening dress said.

"So, which city is she in now? Green Lake area?"

Shade asked tentatively. The red-haired duchess thought for a while and shook her head:

"I don't know where she is specifically. She is mysterious and unwilling to have more contact with us. Probably only the Speaker really knows her. When the next meeting is held, I will help you ask about the potion. Things. If she still has the finished product, I should be able to get it."

She assured Shade, then tilted her head slightly and said with a smile:

"You seem to have a lot of concerns about this Time Key adventure?"

"Yes, I have found the relic corresponding to the candy house, and it does exist. The boatman that the travelers met by the river is also a relic of some kind of recorded event. Speaking of which, this time key The adventure is actually using the form of a travel story to face the relics of the fifth era. I am not worried about whether I can reach the end. I am worried about how many people can reach the end."

"But you can always bring everyone a satisfactory result."

The witch said with a smile, and asked Tifa to put the cream mushroom soup in her hand:

"Tell me more about your experiences in the Green Lake area. What did you find? I will go there in a while. Based on your information, I can prepare in advance."

So Shade talked about his impressions of the two cities, talked about the conflicts he encountered in the country tavern with his friend Captain Rades, and also talked about the recent stories about the two cities that he heard from innkeepers, coachmen and foreign scholars. The change.

Shade said everything except the fact that the pharmacist admitted that she was Edwards. Of course, he also told the red-haired duchess something very important that he had hidden.

Miss Carina listened attentively and frowned slightly when she heard Shade talking about "Ms. Pharmacist". When she heard that the two of them had ventured to the island, she signaled to Shade to stop:

"The sorceress who knows Edwards very well, is unwilling to let you get close, Eleven Rings - are you sure you are not describing Audrey Edwards? Oh, could Eleven Rings pop up just anywhere? A sorceress?”

"But my badge didn't respond at all, which means there was no sorceress around me. Ahem, I mean witch."

As he spoke, he took off his badge and handed it to Tifa, who handed it to Miss Carina across the table. Although it has been strengthened by the mithril of the "Earth's Core Furnace", this badge is still essentially the creation of the Great Witch of Balance. After checking it, she knew that there was nothing wrong with the badge:

"It's really weird."

Miss Carina still thought that the "Pharmacist Miss" was quite suspicious, so Shade showed the lady's appearance through the "Silver Moon Library". As expected, Miss Carina did not recognize that face, but this Suspicion cannot be ruled out:

"Since she doesn't let you get too close to her, there must be a reason. Next time you touch her hand directly, the truth will be revealed."

"But why should I do this? If the other party is really the big witch, then she must have discovered that I am different. Since there is still no expression, it means that she is protecting herself; if she is not the big witch, I Once he takes action, he becomes the frivolous young sorceress’s slutty man.”

Shade said very rationally, and Miss Carina snorted:

"Maybe next time when we have a meeting, she will say that she has met a strange man as soon as she opens her mouth, and then invite everyone to eliminate you as a special case. In this case, I will discuss with Xiwei and the others to test Audrey Edwards first. .The advantage right now is that we suspected her and she knew nothing about us."

"Even if she is really the great witch, since I agreed to keep her secret, I believe she will not betray me casually."

Shade said, thinking about what he encountered on the island:

"I will continue to contact her. There is indeed a big secret on that island with a chaotic space environment. And that family tree, if it is correct, then regardless of whether Audrey Edwards is the pharmacist lady, she should It’s better to have a sibling... Speaking of which, is she also so young in the parliament?”

"Almost, according to her own words, she drank a special potion when she was young, which caused her ageless appearance... You must test her next time. This is not only for your safety, but also to expose her Identity, wouldn’t it be easier for you to get information about the Edwards family? Just say this: Miss Pharmacist, you don’t want others to know about your disguised identity, right?”

Shade admired how the maids serving the two of them could hold back their smiles. This was probably professional training. He joked with a smile:

"Carina, are you reading some strange book like Agelina recently?"

The duchess pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word, casting a flirtatious wink at him.

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