Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,607 Black Moon Talisman

Miss Denister listened carefully to Shade's description of six generations of Edwards, and thought for a while before speaking:

"The Edwards family ruled that island not long ago. The first lord was the Klein Edwards you mentioned. This man lived more than three hundred years ago. It is difficult to find a true statement about his identity. , it is even difficult to find accurate literary and historical information to describe this man's life. But some evidence from Mohu can be inferred that he was a ring warlock."

"So, the disaster in Green Lake Town and the past events of the Edwards family actually originated from this person?"

Shade asked, and Miss Danister nodded:

"After hearing the information you learned, I can deduce this. Shade, you are better than I thought. I have conducted so many investigations and have not found exact information about the members of the Edwards family, but you did arrive."

"I'm also interested in the picture of the sun, moon and stars. Besides, it's not very difficult to go to Green Lake. The next difficulty is just how to find all the surviving Edwards. Brothers Fulan, I can go touch."

"I have interesting information here too."

Miss Denister held the tea cup and said:

"The image of the sun, moon and stars is very similar to the image on the back of the Rhodes card, so I contacted the Prophets Association to find out the meaning of the back of the Rhodes card, but they said that the image was not original, but a copy. Patterns that already exist.”

This refers to the "impermanence card".

"I know you like Rhodes cards very much, and you should also know about the cards in the Founding series. The Prophet Association showed me [Foundation Destiny], and told me that the back of the Rhodes cards came from this card, and the card in your hand. The [Origination·Knowledge]. Therefore, the clues about the Rhodes Card have been temporarily interrupted, and even the Seer Association does not know which ancient soothsayer these two cards came from."

Shade smiled and shook his head:

"That's true, but I envy you for being able to see [Founder Destiny]... Ahem, back to business, did you find another clue in the association?"

"Yes, you understand other people's thoughts very well."

The red-haired sorceress nodded:

"Although I didn't get any clues about the plot from the Prophet's Association, I accidentally found out that the fourth-generation father of four, the third-generation lord Pride Edwards who died in Green Lake Town, once prophesied in Green Lake City. In the Association of Prophets, we asked for the interpretation of a prophecy. That was not a prediction made by the Association of Prophets, but one made by Pride Edwards."

"What is the prophecy about?"

Shade asked.

"Those people are stubborn and won't reveal anything."

Miss Danister shook her head. After all, the Prophet Association has the obligation to keep secrets for all those who seek help. Luvia has said many times that the Prophet Association will never leak secrets. This is the bottom rule of the association.

"They refused to disclose it, so I went to see it myself. After all, it was a prediction made by ordinary people, so it was not very well hidden. The protective measures of the Prophets Association can stop others, but they can't stop me."

The librarian lady talked about what she was doing as if she had woken up early in the morning and ate a vegetable salad, and then told the content of Shade's prophecy:

"When the day of reconciliation comes, the separated bloodline will return to the origin of the family. We will drink the wine of immortality together and escape from the cage of the world."

"How does the Prophets Association interpret this passage?"

Shade asked, and Miss Danister shook her head:

"This prophecy was not interpreted by the sorcerers of the Seer Association, but by ordinary fortune-tellers. The registered fortune-tellers of the association will not easily interpret other people's predictions. This is a strange rule among fortune-tellers. But from now on From a perspective, at least the middle half of the sentence means that all the Edwards will return to that island together one day."

"It's even possible that the 'origin of the family' refers to that picture."

Schade agrees:

"So, we just wait for them to come back, and then while they are drinking wine together, we can ask one by one about the meaning of the pattern?"

"What you say is very humorous."

Miss Danister smiled and shook her head. She was not one to sit still and wait for death:

"Next, you go to contact the two Fulan brothers, and then use your own methods to find other Edwards. There are some things at the college that I may not be able to investigate in depth for the time being. The next investigation will focus on you."

She didn’t hide anything about Shade Academy either:

"Some people suspect that St. Byrons is hiding a big secret related to the chosen ones, and that there are secrets related to the reappearance of the ancient witch in the fifth era hidden in the academy... To be precise, everyone except us Everyone is so suspicious. The principal has reached an agreement with the church, allowing the church to send a team into the college to investigate."


Shade blinked and pursed his lips not to comment.

Miss Denister continued:

"If we were in the Fifth Era, how would we have been subjected to such an 'insult'? Fortunately, the church still takes into account the friendship between the two parties, so it was nominally invited by the seminary to send a 'visiting delegation' here. Our principal, Mr. I will take charge of this matter. I hope they can find out something by then. After all, I am also curious about how Miss Feliana and other ancient witches came across time... Best, they can The investigation revealed that the god-caller is our student."

As she spoke, she looked at Shade:

"Shad, what do you think this investigation will find?"

Shade shook his head quickly:

"I don't know, then you will handle the affairs of the college, and leave the affairs of Edwards to me."

Miss Danister showed a thoughtful expression, but did not test Shade. She had more important things to say:

"Let me remind you that based on your participation in the Ring Riding Competition, as well as your talent and promotion speed after becoming a Ring Warlock, the academy now suspects that you are the chosen one from space."


Shade was stunned for a moment and then understood the logic. Carina said similar things yesterday.

"But I can't be."

"You don't need to explain to me, because I don't know who the chosen one is. But what's even more coincidental is that the Green Lake area may be the place where the chosen one holds the ceremony, and you happen to be there."

"I'm reporting the Fulun brothers. They also have space abilities, and they are twins, and the ancient god of space is related to division and healing!"

Shade said immediately, and Miss Danister laughed:

"Okay, okay, from now on, I can only say that you are the biggest suspect. But don't worry, only St. Byrons knows about your situation now. I don't think you are the chosen one in space. If you really It's the chosen one, and it's also the moon, not space. I just want to remind you, never let anyone see 'Shad Hamilton' appear in Green Lake. Otherwise, you really can't explain it clearly."

"Of course, I understand."

"In addition, your studies are the most important thing. Don't let the investigation waste too much time. After I finish handling the affairs of the college, I will still take the lead in investigating Edwards. Of course, my students can complete the tutor's tasks so proactively, I Don’t be too stingy either. Make some requests from me, Shade.”

This is what Shade was waiting for:

"There are two things. My sixth ring has obtained the first spiritual rune, Whisper-End, which is the spiritual rune corresponding to my sublimation word [The shadow of the silver moon guides the final direction]. I want to apply to the academy New thaumaturgy.”

After saying that, she showed her life ring. Miss Danist took a look at it and nodded with great satisfaction:

"Yes, it seems that you are really working hard. So let me choose for you. What type of thaumaturgy do you prefer? Spiritual runes such as termination and destruction, and more offensive thaumaturgy."

"It doesn't matter what type it is, but I hope it has something to do with the moon."

The librarian lady is becoming more and more satisfied with her students:

"Very good, you know exactly what path you want to take, which is very important for young people of your age. If so, I recommend thaumaturgy to you - [Black Moon Talisman], which is also what I often use Thaumaturgy.”

As she spoke, the apples in the fruit bowl on the table flew in front of her. She reached out and tapped on the apple, and a small black moon symbol with a strange luster appeared on the surface of the apple. Miss Danister snapped her fingers, and the apple disappeared.

It didn't rot, nor did it disappear like it was erased from space, but turned into white fly ash.

Miss Denister asked:

"Please answer me, what does the black moon mean?"

"The three moons in the material world are the silver moon, the red moon and the yellow moon. The black moon usually refers to the moon in the lunar eclipse state. This rare astronomical phenomenon will cause the spiritual tide in the material world and the magic casting ability of the ring magician. Fluctuations will also cause changes in the properties of some special relics. But generally speaking, the appearance of the black moon represents the darkest night, the darkness that ends everything, and is a symbol of destruction."

"Yes, thaumaturgy - [Black Moon Symbol] was born for this reason. The caster leaves a black moon symbol on the surface of any entity, and detonates the black moon before the symbol disappears, causing the attached entity to be annihilated. The symbol can The time of existence is related to the level of the caster and the spirit consumed. It is difficult for objects destroyed in this way to be restored except for the power of time reversal. For example, if a person's finger is destroyed in this way, Then restorative magic cannot regenerate the finger, it can only turn back time or create a brand new finger."

"Conceptual destruction?"

Shade asked.

"Almost, you can experience it yourself after you learn it. You can also hear the danger of this thaumaturgy. Generally speaking, only students in the academy who have passed the strict examination of the seventh level and above can be allowed to contact. Currently, St. Byrons There are only five users of the [Black Moon Talisman] recorded in the eucalyptus, and four of them, including me, are professors."

She waved, and a roll of yellowed parchment flew from the bookshelf far behind Shade to Shade:

"This thing cannot be leaked. You can write it down now and prepare the materials. Remember, you must not teach this thaumaturgy to others. As for you learning this thaumaturgy, I will vouch for you and let you become the current sixth A Saint Byron's Ring Warlock who masters the [Black Moon Symbol]."


Shade quickly thanked him and then looked at the contents on the parchment. The materials required for this complex thaumaturgy are naturally unusual, but fortunately, Shade himself has a lot of the "Moonlight Water", one of the core materials of the ritual. Others that need to be prepared can be collected through various channels. List Although some of the materials in it are troublesome, they are not impossible to obtain through the channels of the Witch Council and the Guiding Light Hermitage.

The only trouble is that there are strict time requirements for learning this thaumaturgy:

"The ceremony must be held during a lunar eclipse?"

Shade looked at this request suspiciously:

"A lunar eclipse is not something that happens very often."

In fact, since outsiders came to this world, they have never encountered a lunar eclipse.

"Since I recommend this thaumaturgy to you, of course I won't deliberately embarrass you. The college held a teaching seminar a few days ago. I heard the professors from the School of Astronomy mentioned that around the end of the month of sowing, there will be a short period of moonlight. Eclipses can be observed across much of the central Old World.”

Shade is not sure yet whether this world is a planet or a round sky, but there is indeed a time difference in various parts of the Old Continent, and the stars seen in different areas are also different. However, these phenomena can all be explained through mysticism.

"It's the tenth day of the month of sowing. You have more than half a month to collect materials to prepare for the ceremony. I think you should have time. Of course, if you really can't collect all the materials, I can give you some from my personal warehouse. But thaumaturgy is given to you for free by me as a teacher, but you will have to pay some price for the materials."

The sorceress said with a smile. After Shade read the contents on the parchment, she let the ancient parchment fly back to its original position:

"Let's talk about the second thing. Don't you still need my help with something?"

Shade nodded:

"That's right, I want to meet with Miss Emilia Siamold and talk about unicorns."

This is so that the witch from the fifth era can master the power of the unicorn form.

Miss Denister hesitated:

"Xia De, although the college does not prohibit students from falling in love, but..."

She was obviously thinking of Shade's chaotic relationship between men and women. Not to mention the high-level sorceress she saw with her own eyes on the night of the Battle of Randall Valley, but according to Tobesk's rumors, Shade was entangled with at least three women:

"An elf in his fifties, converted into a pure human, is actually only fifteen or sixteen years old."

"I'm really here for the knowledge, and if you don't believe me, just watch us talk."

Shade said with a serious face, trying to change his image in Miss Daniste's mind.

"Is that so?"

It was obvious that Miss Daniste still had doubts, but in the end she chose to believe in Shade's character.

This Thursday morning, Shade has been communicating with St. Byrons through a ritual projection. The elf girl Emilia, whom she hadn't seen for more than a month, was very happy to see Shad again. Although the question raised by Shade was very strange - how to use the power of a unicorn if a person turned into a unicorn, the elf girl still gave her answer in detail.

By the time I said goodbye to Amelia and Miss Denister, it was already noon. When Shade stretched and stood up from the chair, he saw Mia lying on the sofa and looking at him, so Shade, who was in a good mood, picked up Mia and prepared to go out for lunch.

He no longer planned to go to the Green Lake area today, so he took the cat to have lunch outside and then walked to Old John's pawn shop.

"Father John, help identify the relics."

There were no customers in the pawn shop in the afternoon. After Shade went in, he took out the red copper bracelet he got on the island yesterday.

"Relic? Let me take a look."

The old man behind the counter was making tea very carefully. When he heard that there were relics, he reached out with interest and opened the handkerchief wrapped in Shade's bracelet. He glanced at the light, shook his head slightly and showed a disappointed expression:

"What did I think it was?"

He took out a pistol with a silencer from under the counter, put the bracelet on his wrist, and then handed the pistol to Shade:

"Shoot me."

"Aren't you kidding?"

Shade asked.

"Of course not, bullets don't count as your expense."

Shade nodded suspiciously, confirming that the mental state of the old man behind the counter today was much better than that of the pharmacist yesterday, so he patted his cat first to prevent it from being frightened, and then pulled the trigger:


Because there was a silencer, the sound was very soft, and Shade's dynamic vision clearly captured the traces of bullets in the air, so he also saw that the bullets were actually bounced away after getting close to the old man.

"Don't destroy my store."

Old John waved his hand, and the bullet was controlled to fly back and fell into his hand. He took off the bracelet and put it back on the counter, signaling that Shade's appraisal was over:

"I have seen this relic, it was about forty or fifty years ago. This is a clerical level (level 4) relic [Lost Arrow Enemy]. Wearing a bracelet can deflect flying objects. Missing arrows, bullets and even fireballs , thunder, are all within the protection range of this relic. The negative characteristic is that wearing it for a long time will lead to bad luck, and it seems that even the luck has been bounced away. "

Shade raised his eyebrows:

"Then I definitely won't be wearing it. But the positive features sound pretty good."

"No, it's actually pretty useless."

Old John shook his head:

"The relic itself is passively activated, and can only maintain the effect for 1 second at a time, and the shortest activation frequency is once every five minutes. And although it is easy to bounce bullets, facing the thaumaturgy spells of the Ring Warlock, if you want to use the relic The effect requires the consumption of one's own physical strength. If the upper limit is exceeded, the body may even die directly. For ring warlocks, they are not afraid of bullets when they enter the middle ring. The advanced spell [Bullet Protection] of the basic spell [Arrow Loss Protection] , there are also defensive thaumaturgy corresponding to spiritual runes such as [Shield] and [Guard]. Ordinary bullets cannot penetrate it, and the power of alchemy bullets has a clear upper limit. Since the effects that this relic can achieve, thaumaturgy also It can be achieved, but the effect is only better than that of alchemical items, so why use dangerous relics?"

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