Whispering Verse

Chapter 1609 Banquet at Willard Manor

This is not the first time that Shade has expressed his stubbornness. Although it is regrettable, the witch is not disappointed.

"I'm fine here, I'm just an ordinary person. Have you finished the matters at Yodel Palace? I heard from the newspaper that there is an important meeting this afternoon?"

"Important meetings are not important to you either."

Miss Carina looked at Shade:

"It seems that you don't have any other travel plans today. In that case, let me comfort you. Come with me to the banquet tonight. I didn't plan to go, but I remember that we rarely dance together."

The evening banquet was held at the Villard Manor in the city. In name, Count Willard welcomed his relatives. Count Dewey of Kasenlik arrived in Tobesk, but that Count Dewey actually came from Kasenlik. The identity of the leader of the second delegation was similar to that of the annoying Earl Lewis, the leader of the first delegation.

This banquet was actually ordered by the king to contact the Kasenlik delegation privately to complete the last unofficial "tacit" agreement before formal negotiations in the Green Lake area. Therefore, the grand banquet invited many Kasonrik nobles who were resident in Tobesk, and even Kasonrik's ambassador to Delrayon was invited to attend.

This should be the first time that Shade has participated in such a high-level banquet as Miss Carina's male companion. When the maids were helping him prepare the dress at home, Shade was worried that he would see Lesia at the banquet, but fortunately Lesia would not attend the banquet. Only Agelina was killed by King Larus. The third generation asked to participate.

Spring has arrived, and there is no need to consider temperature restrictions for banquets held in the open air of the manor, so women's evening gowns are no longer as bulky as they are in winter. At the beginning of the lights, when the carriage stopped at the entrance of the manor surrounded by white walls through an uphill road, Shade, who was the first to get out of the carriage, discovered that the ladies' clothes were very different from those in winter.

Of course, he didn't forget to turn around, hold Miss Carina's hand very gentlemanly, and ask her to get off the carriage. The witch is wearing a long red dress today, with shiny silver threads sewn on the skirt, which can better set off her tall figure under the light.

She seemed to be in a good mood and motioned to Shade to hold her hand and walk into the manor with her. There was no maid behind her, and now Tifa, together with other maids, had gone to the lounge specially prepared for Miss Carina in the manor in advance. She had to meet several guests in a while.

The guests who came to attend the banquet kept nodding to the duchess, while the beautiful witch walked into the red carpet in the manor courtyard while looking at the colorfully decorated vestibule and the water floating in the slender waterway on the ground. There was a paper boat carrying candles and a table with food, while smiling and whispering to Shade:

"Before I met you, I never thought that one day I would be like my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, holding a man's hand and attending an important banquet in the kingdom."

"There will be more opportunities like this in the future."

Shade answered equally softly, which made the witch's powdered cheeks look even more rosy.

Since it was not a formal banquet in name, the atmosphere in the manor was very relaxed that evening. In the past, when participating in such events, Miss Carina would always sit and chat with the aristocratic women she knew well, but since she was accompanied by Shade today, she could enjoy the atmosphere of the banquet like ordinary people.

Of course, before that, Miss Carina first met with the owner of the manor, Count Willard, and then, through Mrs. Willard's introduction, she met her cousin, Count Dewey of Kasenlik. Compared with Earl Lewis, this tall and thin southern nobleman can obviously be called a qualified gentleman. Although there is a pretentious tone when speaking, but compared with Earl Lewis, known as "The Pig of Willondale", this small problem is not a problem at all.

People holding wine glasses were chatting at the long table with cooked food and snacks in the courtyard. At this time, the ambassador of Kasenlik also came over. Although the stranger has been in this world for nearly a year, this is the first time he has seen this gentleman.

They chatted in Delarian, talking about the weather in Tobesk, the food, and the schedule of the Green Lake delegation, and then Miss Carina sent an invitation to Count Dewey to visit Yoder Palace tomorrow.

Shade stood next to Miss Carina as a foil. He didn't speak the whole time and felt that his smile was about to freeze. Fortunately, he was able to appreciate Carina Cavendish's profile at such a close distance. Amidst the background noise of the lively open-air banquet, he watched the warm night breeze pass through the long tent illuminated by gas lamps. , blowing the red hair around her ears.

Miss Carina's ears seemed to be turning slightly red, and then she put her hands behind her back and pinched Shade gently, obviously warning Shade not to look at her so openly.

Shade then looked away, and then heard someone calling his name softly. So, he temporarily left the talking people, and then found that an unknown Kasenlik woman was looking for him.

"Your Highness Margaret greets you, Mr. Hamilton."

The brown-haired lady in her thirties wearing a blue dress greeted in a low voice and handed a letter to Shade, and then said in a normal voice:

"I am the sister of Countess Dewey. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hamilton. I have read in the newspaper about your performance in the riding competition around the city. Meeting you in person is indeed more impressive than what was described in the newspaper. deep impression."

The lady even asked for the blessings written by Shade on the paper for her two nieces, and then she left with satisfaction. Shade put the letter away and returned to Miss Carina. They had already talked about the import and export trade issue between Delrayon and Kasenrik. This topic was probably caused by tariffs.

"It was ten years ago that we signed the last version of the tariff agreement. At that time, the agreement was negotiated for half a year. I was still acting as secretary at the meeting, and I remember the situation very clearly."

Count Dewey smiled and said:

"At that time, you Delrayon requested higher tariffs for Kassenrik's financial subsidies for wheat, industrial alcohol, and special airbags for Mark III special steam engines. We only talked about this for two months."

"In addition to these, there are actually drive shafts for large steam engine ships and special subsidies for the development of steam aerial airships. Delarian also has great opinions."

Shade, who stood next to Miss Carina, spoke out and smiled at the duchess's surprised expression:

"However, it was later discovered that Delrayon also had subsidies for special alloys, so the two parties understood each other in the agreement, and finally reached terms that both countries were satisfied with. I believe that this time the Green Lake negotiations will also have satisfactory results. , just like back then.”

He slightly raised the wine glass in his hand:

"Before the tariff agreement ten years ago, there was a lot of uproar in the city, but we still came through it safely."

Count Dewey nodded in surprise:

"Is this Hamilton from Ray Jade? Yes, you are right. We all need to have confidence. Confidence is more precious than gold."

It wasn't until she politely bid farewell to the two earls and began enjoying the atmosphere of the open-air banquet with Shade that Miss Carina couldn't help but curiously asked:

"How do you know these things? Even I only know the information about the meeting ten years ago."

"Oh, Carina, don't think of me as an incompetent man who just eats soft rice next to you."

Shade said, straightening his tie:

"Since I'm standing by your side, of course I won't embarrass you. Although I'm not interested in politics, it doesn't mean I don't understand anything."

"But you still didn't answer, how did you know those things."

The witch asked curiously, looking at Shade's handsome face under the gas light in the courtyard.

Shade explained softly:

"One of the members who participated in the tariff negotiations on behalf of Delrayon was my neighbor, Mr. Smith, the former Chief Financial Secretary of the Kingdom. And I know something about him."

In fact, it was Shade who obtained some of the important memories of Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith after defeating the twin monsters in [The Past and the Sixth Era]. The conclusion of the tariff agreement was one of the most important political achievements in Mr. Smith's life. Shade read it over in his memory, and with the "Silver Moon Library" to enhance his memory and "her" help, he was able to do it just now Just say it casually.

"Shad, you always act like you know everything, so now do you know what I'm thinking?"

The witch pursed her lips and asked with a smile. She stopped with Shade and looked at the magician who was invited to perform "steam magic" in the courtyard with the people. This type of magic usually involves complex machinery, so it is also called "mechanical magic", and the magician is trying to make a bird assembled with mechanical gears fly.

"What you are thinking is also what I am thinking."

Shade said softly, and then was patted on the arm by the witch. She scolded angrily:

"Really, how can you think about those things here? You lecherous slut."

She was smiling in the night, under the gas lamp in the courtyard, and among the crowd. She looked younger and more charming than usual. Shade even felt that his heart was touched.

So in accordance with his own wishes, Xia De suddenly kissed Carina's side face gently, which made the blush look even more gorgeous. She did not blame Shade for being disrespectful, but instead covered her mouth and lowered her head and chuckled. At this moment, her figure almost overlapped with Lesia's.

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