Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,622 Divination and Angels

When he went to the basement to get the [Devil's Gold Coin], Shade saw the [God's Gift Box] again, so he took out this week's gift. The gift I got last week was a flint and steel, and this week’s gift is a thick book, “All Things Are One: The Original Origin.”

From the name, you can tell that this book is not a book that ordinary people can read. Shade was in a hurry and just flipped through it roughly, confirming that it was a book for ring magicians to obtain spiritual runes, and it was related to [Space] and [Primordial].

The books themselves are written in Drarian and have an introduction at the front. The book describes a story in which everything will return to its original point, which reminds outsiders of the universe theory of their hometown.

This week's task is to read a book, which is not a task at all for Shade, who already reads a lot of books every week.

After packing up the clothes for going out, I carried Mia to the Prophet's Association on Silver Cross Avenue. It was still early and the association had just opened its doors. When he saw the detective holding the cat coming over, the receptionist at the front desk on the first floor smiled and informed him of Luvia's location. Shade soon met the purple-eyed girl in the fortune telling room on the second floor.

"Look at you like this, what happened?"

After the two sat down opposite each other, Luvia asked with concern. Shade put the cat on the table and let it play by itself, and handed the last demon gold coin to Luvia:

"Help me divine something, a very important thing: where does the specialness of Dorothy's soul come from?"

Luvia looked at Shade in surprise:

"Dorothy's secret? Are you sure you want to divine this? From what I know about you, even if you know that the girls around you have secrets, you will not take the initiative to study them without their permission. It seems that there is indeed something wrong. A big deal."

She closed her eyes and tossed the coin neatly. As the coin spun into the air, Shade's hope was dashed because the coin was not consumed.

"Strange, unable to divine. It's not that the secret is too big to be divined, but that there is no specialness in her soul, so the divination is invalid."

Luvia said, and Shade frowned.

There are two possibilities. One is that Luvia's special divination cannot predict the situation, and the other is that Dorothy and Lesia's special involvement is not special at all in fate. Shade is more inclined to the latter possibility. Although he still does not fully understand the principle of Luvia's "special divination", it must be related to the long-haired Luvia.

As for the long-haired Luvia, it was impossible that she didn't know about Dorothy and Lesia's situation. Even if she might not be able to fully understand those secrets like the current Shade, it is impossible for her to be completely incapable of divination.

"Then let's change the question: How to stop Dorothy's soul from..."

He still remembered his promise to Lesia to keep their secrets:

"How to prevent Dorothy's anomaly last night from evolving further."

"What happened to Dorothy?"

Luvia asked with concern:

"We are all family, and if you need my help, I can help."

"She won't let me talk, but don't worry, it'll be fine."

Luvia nodded and tossed the coin again. Fortunately, this time the gold coin showed rust and cracks at the highest point, and scattered ashes as it fell.

Luvia opened her eyes with a surprised expression on her face:

"Interesting, really interesting. The answer is: If you want to curb this change in the long term, Dorothy and another individual must have a firm determination to never merge into one."

She looked at Shade in surprise. Although Shade didn't speak, she had already guessed something. She had been wondering about the good relationship between Princess Lesia and Dorothy, and Shade's inexplicable acquaintance with the princess while in Coldwater Port. Now all these doubts have been solved.

"I know that. I've been strengthening her resolve. What else?"

"And if you want to curb this change in the short term, you must not let Dorothy or another person become the chosen one in the space. Once any of them performs the ceremony, they will truly transform into 'double' 'One body'."

Luvia paused:

"Yes, the ceremony of the chosen one in space includes the process of multiple individuals becoming one individual. I didn't expect that this divination would have such a harvest. Shade, you don't seem surprised by this answer at all? "

"Yes, guessed it..."

Shade pursed his lips:

"Dorothy and the other girl, are they the first candidates?"

Shade asked.

"Certainly not."

Luvia said with certainty:

"The first candidate has the magical talent associated with the qualification, and he has it from a long time ago. Does our blond friend have space talent? The other person, I think it is Princess Lesia, She shouldn’t have space talent, right?”

"Yes, none."

Shade breathed a sigh of relief. Although the power of "exchanging souls" is similar to that of the ancient god of space, the power of "original rift", the most important power of that ancient god is still "space", so the chosen one in space , must have excellent space talent.

"I can't be sure where Dorothy is in the ranking, but she is definitely not the first. And what's very interesting is that I just saw her yesterday morning, and I didn't feel that she was a candidate for the election. Man. Now that the sixth page of "The Whispering Poems" has begun, I shouldn't be unable to see it."

The purple-eyed girl looked at Shade with deep meaning, and Shade understood why:

"Because she is not a candidate, she and another person combined are considered candidates."

He calculated the date of Red Butterfly Day and planned to take Luvia to see Lecia and Dorothy standing together on the next Red Butterfly Day.

【You don’t want to...】

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

He responded in his heart and asked Luvia:

"So what was the reason for Dorothy's change last night? Their determination has obviously been strengthened, why..."

"Don't worry, this has nothing to do with determination."

Luvia said, she also saw Shade's worry:

“It is the power of the chosen ones that stimulates this transformation. Even if Dorothy and Princess Lesia are not the first candidates, their power will still be enhanced to a certain extent now that the epic of the chosen ones in space begins. And once the Space Chosen Ones decide on the candidate, the excitement will end. I'm not sure what you're worried about, but it won't last forever."

Only then did Sha De feel completely relieved:

"While it would be to our advantage for Dorothy to be the Chosen One, Luvia, I don't want to do that."

"Of course you can. I have said it a long time ago. I just want to witness the appearance of the thirteen chosen ones. You will decide other things."

She looked at Shade tenderly:

"Don't be too anxious. You have comforted me countless times and asked me to relax. Now I want to tell you the same. If you are worried about something, use all your strength to prevent it from happening. This is what we can do. "

"I understand, I'm just a little too worried."

Seeing that Shade was not in a good mood, Mia also came over to the table and rubbed her head against his hand on the table.

And Shade suddenly raised his head again and asked Luvia:

"If my hypothesis is correct, then Dorothy, who is ranked lower in the ranking, needs to merge with another soul in order to become the Chosen One. Does this mean that other candidates for the Space Chosen One are in a similar situation? ?”

The purple-eyed girl frowned slightly:

"It does make sense, but if that's the case, it would be a bit troublesome. Before the two are merged into one, I can't judge whether I am the chosen one."

"So, I want to pay attention to those special individuals who have the potential to fuse, especially twins."

Shade frowned, thinking of more possibilities.

Although he received good news from Luvia, as long as the matter of the chosen ones in space is ended as soon as possible and Dorothy and Lesia are not allowed to become chosen ones, their current status will not "deteriorate", but he Still a little worried.

Therefore, after returning home from the Prophet's Association, he immediately carried Mia to the city of Huntingdon, set off from the White River Valley Vineyard on horseback, and went to look for the "Lady of the Lake" again.

With Mia, the strange cat, leading the way, Shade soon entered an unknown large lake in the suburbs. After crossing the water curtain gate in the middle of the lake, we arrived at the Lake of Cherubim, and again saw the angel holding the staff in the center of the lake.

The mist on the lake dispersed. After greeting him respectfully, he asked his question:

"I wonder, what is the cause of the special connection between Dorothy Louisa and Lesia Cavendish?"

The lady holding a long staff and wearing a white robe looked at him with a smile, and shook her head after a moment:

"I can't tell you."

"I can accept the test, no matter how dangerous the test is."

Shade insisted, but the lady with a kind smile and pure white light all over her body still shook her head:

"The answer to this question is related to many things. I can't tell you. You need to find the answer yourself. Besides, don't you already know how to prevent the relationship between them from being further strengthened?"

The wise ancient god's former assistant reminded Shade softly:

"You need to always make them aware that they are different, and you've done a great job so far."

Shade, who was holding Mia, was a little disappointed, but he also realized that the connection between Dorothy and Lesia was definitely not as simple as he thought in the past.

"I understand. Thank you for the reminder."

He bowed slightly and planned to leave. Since he couldn't find the answer here, he really had no choice but to look for the answer by himself.

But the lady in white robe stopped him. The goddess of the lake held up her hands, and a pure white feather appeared in her palm, and then the feather flew to Shade. The cat in Shade's arms immediately stretched out its little paws to catch it, but was stopped by Shade.

"This is a gift for you."

The angel who held the long staff again said, Shade looked at the feather that exuded a strong miraculous element:

"Is this...your feather?"

He had seen the feathers of the "Angel of Death" in incomplete form, so he could recognize this one.

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