Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,628 The Unknown Thirteen Rings

Although he saw the look of help in the eyes of the brown-haired sorceress, Shade shook his head this time:

"I know nothing about Klein Edwards. Although this person is important, he can't be found at all. He lived too long ago, and he never did anything worthy of being recorded in his life. Madam, you decide what to ask, I think this question will determine the direction of the next investigation."

The pharmacist lady nodded and made a decision after thinking for a moment:

"Since the premise of asking this question is that there is a high-level warlock among the descendants of the family, then my question is - what level has Klein Edwards' power reached? Among the old family items left by his father, there is a vague indication The first generation of the family must have truly been exposed to extraordinary power, and now the secret is finally revealed."

The old woman nodded:

"My great-granddaughters, the answer you long for is-the Thirteen Rings."


The soul slowly disappeared, and Shade could sense that the other party was truly "moving on", which meant that the soul bound in the material world went where it should go.

The surrounding dense fog also returned to normal levels with the disappearance of the spirit body. But neither of them had time to think about why the loss of spatial perception was so short this time. They were both shocked by the facts they just got.

"I guessed that Klein Edwards is a ring sorcerer, but the Thirteenth Ring... Since he is the Thirteenth Ring, how could he spend his life huddled on this island?"

Shade asked, and the pharmacist lady also looked incredulous:

"There are only a few of the Thirteen Rings in the Sixth Age. The family has a tradition of late childbearing, so my great-great-grandfather began to reproduce for six generations, which took a total of about 240 years. Ten years ago 240 years ago Three rings..."

For her and Shade, that was a long time ago, so for a while, neither of them could imagine which Thirteenth Ring would come here in that era. Or maybe the other party is an unknown high-level warlock.

In short, no matter how incredible it is, the fact that Edwards' secret is related to a thirteen-ring warlock is certain. When Shade refilled the coffin, the sorceress behind him said:

"I will investigate the identity of my great-great-grandfather. I don't believe that there really is a completely unknown thirteen-ring warlock."

"After today's incident is over, I will also help with the investigation. But it is certainly not a simple job."

Filling was much faster than digging, and he quickly leveled the land using fossils as mud. Then the pharmacist lady cast a spell, combined with the ritual symbols engraved on the ground, to hide the tomb with a simple illusion. But the two of them did not leave immediately, but stood there looking at the small cemetery.

"Thanks to your help this time, otherwise I really don't know who else can see through the secrets of these strange souls."

The brown-haired woman whispered, worried that the family secret was getting more complicated.

"I am not the only capable person in this era. For example, the chosen one who died can definitely do similar things."

Sister Devlin didn't even have to touch the soul, she could probably see it if she took off her blindfold.

"Do you still know about the Chosen One?"

The pharmacist lady looked at him hesitantly, and Shade also looked at her suspiciously:

"Ma'am, isn't it last year when the epic "Mumbling Cantos" just opened. Isn't it difficult to know the news about the chosen ones? And since I was born in St. Byrons and have my own teacher, I should have a way to get information, right? ?”

He asked back. The sorceress was speechless for a moment and felt that her reaction was a bit too big:

"Speaking of the chosen ones, I heard that the sixth chosen one who is about to appear is the chosen one from space, and may appear in the Green Lake area. Huh?"

She didn't just know the news yesterday, but she didn't realize something important until she said it now.

His eyes looked at Shade again, but this time he looked surprised:

"Appearing in the Green Lake area, you are good at space power and have a unique space talent. Although your level is not high, you can still exert a power far beyond your own level. Could it be that you..."

"I'm not."

Shade immediately denied it. The other party's reasoning process was exactly the same as Miss Denister's:

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not the chosen one. Although my spatial talent is very good, I don't have any unique power about space."

"The one that smoothed the space last time..."

"That's thaumaturgy [space stabilizing halo]. I guess its root is the magic of the ancient gods, not the talent of self-awakening."

Shade shook his head again, and the pharmacist lady also lowered her head to look at the tombstone again, but suddenly asked:

"Are you involved in the Tobesk rodeo?"


"You still say you're not!?"

Her tone became louder again.

"I'm really not. Madam, I usually don't take the initiative to lie if it's not necessary. If I wanted to conceal my identity as a selected candidate, I would have directly denied that I have anything to do with the Ring City Riding Competition."

He looked seriously at the beautiful sorceress one meter away:

"Although we haven't known each other for a long time, you should also know a little bit about the kind of person I am. I am not the chosen one, I am sure of this. On the contrary, I am suspecting that the chosen one in space is Edwards Members of the family...do you have a talent for space?"

The pharmacist lady blinked:

"There are some, but it's not very strong, otherwise it would be a big m in space...I mean, you don't have to doubt me. There is a high probability that I am not either."

The two of them did not dwell on the issue anymore. The pharmacist lady signaled to Shade that she could leave, but Shade asked her to wait a moment, then took out a bouquet of white flowers from his pocket and threw it to her from a distance.

The brown-haired lady blinked, then bent down knowingly, placed the bouquet of flowers in front of her ancestor's tombstone, and softly apologized for digging up her grave before leaving with Shade. .

Now that they have obtained the tooth, the next step for the two is to return to the Green Lake Cemetery in the north of the island and hand over the materials to the blacksmith's soul.

To get there from your current location, you need to cross the southern part of the island and climb up the hill to the Edwards mansion, then all the way down the hill, through the town and into the woods.

Because the journey was a bit long, and the pharmacist was worried about encountering other situations, the two decided to return to the boat after discussion, and then left the foggy area by boat. After wandering around the outside of the island for a week, we landed on the island from the northern pier of the last island.

When going down the mountain and returning to the boat on the shore, Shade asked:

"Since the bones of your great-grandmother summoned strange spirits and gave us valuable clues, can we assume that the bones of your other ancestors have similar effects?"

"Are you trying to suggest that I dig up the graves of all my ancestors?"

The pharmacist lady glanced at Sha De, who immediately shook his head:

"Of course not, I'm just raising the possibility."

"It's a pity that I only know of two tombs. The others are hidden on the island. If you are interested, you can find them slowly by yourself."

"Two places? Then besides this place, there is another place..."

"It's in the north of the island. If everything goes well, I can take you to see it later. But don't hold out too much hope. It is the grave of a child who died young, and it has been stolen..."

Her expression turned cold for a moment:

"I don't live in the Green Lake area, I just came here recently because of something. By the time I found out that the tomb robbers were there, it had already happened for several months or years. I collected the turned bodies, but it didn't trigger What just happened.”

Shade nodded, not knowing what to say. The "adventurers" who landed on the island must have come here with the idea of ​​gaining something. We cannot rule out the possibility that there are tomb robbers who even dig up graves for money.

"Also, do you know why I didn't let my followers enter the island with us?"

When the pier could be vaguely seen at the bottom of the mountain road, the pharmacist lady asked again.

Shade nodded:

"On the one hand, I don't want more people to come into contact with my family, and on the other hand, I don't want them to know that you are very weak now."

"Just a little weak, not very weak."

She corrected Shade's wording and looked at Shade's face in the fog:

"My strength is only temporarily at a low ebb, and will recover soon. During this period, I probably need more help from you. When I regain the strength of the eleventh ring, I will let you know that I am not really They will only prepare magic potions."

She wanted to emphasize that she was not weaker than Shade. Shade smiled and nodded, feeling that this witch's character was really interesting.

After returning to the ship, the steamboat carried a group of four people out of the dense fog area, and then made a large circle under the afternoon sun to the north of the island before entering the fog again.

Although it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, they still had lunch on the boat. Shade didn't know how Miss Pharmacist explained his existence to her followers, but the two high-level sorceresses didn't show any strange expressions after realizing that Shade couldn't trigger the witch's curse.

[She probably said directly, you are a woman. 】

"She" told the most likely situation. After all, this explanation was the easiest.

By the time Shade and Miss Pharmacist landed on the island again from the north of the island, it was already three o'clock. Walking through the forest path, and then entering the forest where the road already molded into the lake, soon I saw the black iron fence on the outside of the Green Lake Cemetery, which was hidden by trees.

The two came to the blacksmith's tombstone again and stood there waiting for half a minute. Shade turned to look at the pharmacist not far away on the left:

"What to do now?"

"Be patient and wait until you lose your sense of direction. You don't have any appointments today, right?"

"No, but I'd better be back before ten o'clock at night or my cat won't be happy."

Just like last time, the two sat down and waited among the tombstones. Only this time, the pharmacist lady no longer refused to chat with Shade.

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