Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,649 Traveling Merchant in the Tavern

The tables against the wall are not really placed side by side, so people can sit in all four directions. The lunches of the three professors had not been served yet, and they did not start talking until Shade ordered his own lunch.

"I never expected that, Mr. Watson, I would meet you again by such a coincidence."

Professor Boulanger seemed very enthusiastic, while the two young students who looked like students were more dull:

"After I met you last time, I added what you mentioned about the natural and cultural environment of the Pantanal region to my next paper. When the negotiations between the two countries are over, I am thinking about going to the Pantanal again. Nar is investigating, there must be many mineral veins in that place."

"Then I wish you success, Professor."

Shade raised his glass of water and said, he likes to deal with such scholars:

"I haven't heard of anyone conducting decent research in the Pantanal for so many years. Recently, both countries have planned to develop the swamp, and areas that were prohibited from entering in the past have also been allowed to enter. Only then do we have the current opportunity. Professor , seize this opportunity, you will definitely become famous."

“Academic research is not about fame, but it’s certainly nice if it can bring fame.”

The professor said modestly, and he and Shade talked about the local weather conditions for a while. There has been only one light rain in the Green Lake area this spring, and Professor Boulanger believes it will probably continue to rain starting next week.

After the drinks and food were served, Xia De finally asked:

"Professor, are you also looking for someone when you come to see that bad-eyed Barry? I've been investigating some interesting things recently. If there are results, my next book will be a detective novel."

"Like "Hamilton's Detective Stories"? Then you must send me a copy. I like detective stories very much. But I'm not looking for someone. I'm conducting a geological survey. There is a college on the Carson Creek side. As long as I take out the issued documents, no one will stop me anywhere. But on this side of Delrayon, there are some private lands that we are not allowed to enter. I spent a lot of time looking for people to find out about the bad eye. Barry actually owns a large piece of land along the lake. He agreed to let me in to collect some soil samples, but the man was really vulgar."

Professor Boulanger said with some dissatisfaction, not knowing what kind of criticism he had just received:

"Mr. Watson, from what you just said, do you still have a relationship with Bad-Eyed Barry?"

"No, no, I don't know this kind of person. He is my friend, an army captain. You know, no matter how powerful the local people are, they would not dare to go against the officers, especially since this is still a border area."

Shade said, Professor Boulanger nodded with deep understanding:

"This sentence is quite right. Since this is the case, it is actually a bit embarrassing to say it..."

He smiled awkwardly:

"If it's convenient, can you introduce me to your officer friend? During this period, I also felt some danger in Delrayon on the north shore of Green Lake. If you can let your officer friend introduce some of you who can temporarily contact me, A bodyguard for our trip would be perfect.”

What he means is to find someone to protect them at specific times. This is normal in military camps in border areas. After all, soldiers also need to eat.

"Of course. I'll take you there in a moment. Captain Rades is the deputy battalion commander of the camp. There should be someone under him who is willing to take on such an errand. Speaking of which, I also have something I want to ask you for help with."

Shade said, taking out the pen found near the water ghost's lair. He didn't know who the original owner of the pen was, but based on his knowledge of pens from Dorothy, he at least knew that this pen was definitely not cheap:

"Professor, have you seen this pen and this name? Maybe it is related to the person I am looking for recently."

Professor Boulanger took the pen and asked the students beside him:

"It looks familiar, Kirk. Is this the kind of pen you use?"

The tall and lanky young man adjusted his glasses:

"Professor, this is not the kind I use. This is a custom-made pen from Spencer Company. It was only sold once in Willondale two years ago. The price is very expensive, and it is actually rusty like this."

"The name is... Durut Giles?"

Professor Boulanger returned the pen, frowned and thought for a moment:

"I seem to have heard of this name, but I'm not sure. It's nothing special. Oh, I'll write back to Willendale and ask my colleagues to help check it out. Those who use this kind of pen must be scholars. If it's famous, it should be It can be found.”

"Thank you very much, Professor."

Shade said with a smile.

The two talked throughout lunch. The professor of geology and folklore was very knowledgeable, and the outsider who had traveled to many places was able to provide unique insights. As for the professor's two students, they only communicated with each other with their eyes, and were obviously not used to eating with their teacher.

When lunch was almost over, a traveling businessman with a red scarf around his neck and a brown scarf wrapped around his head came into the tavern. He claimed that he had a Rhodes card with special rules in his hand that had not been authenticated and did not know whether it was true or false, and wanted to bet with the people in the tavern.

This kind of gambling involves not only betting on who can win, but also betting on whether the card played by the travel dealer is real.

So Shade, who was interested, got up and went to join in the fun, asking Professor Boulanger to wait for him, and they would go to see Captain Rades together later.

There were many people in the tavern who were also interested in this, but most of them were worried that it was a scam. In addition, more people could not afford the 5 pounds bet that the traveling merchant said, so in the end, only three people, including Shade, saw the card in front of the tavern counter.

The rules of the card are very special, different from all the special cards Shade has ever seen:

"This is... [The Dove of Peace·Kansas Mountain Negotiation], suit star 13. With the consent of all players, this game is a draw."

On the card, two hands are clasped together, with a distant view of the Kansas Mountains in the background.

The "Dove of Peace" series of decks includes negotiations and meetings that play a decisive role in world peace and the process of civilization. This series of cards is very special, because the rule for all special cards is "all players agree, the game will be a draw", which also expresses the original intention of the Prophet Association when making this deck.

The deck was released nearly thirty years ago and has never been reprinted. Although very rare, because the rules of special cards are really difficult to implement, the auction and sales prices of this series of special cards are generally lower than other series of the same period in the early stages of release.

Of course, since the Prophet Association has begun to reprint past cards in recent years, the price of "Dove of Peace", which has never been reprinted, has gradually approached or even exceeded other series of card sets of the same era.

After seeing this card, after hesitation, the well-dressed old gentleman among the three gave up the fight, so one of Shade and another gentle gentleman wearing glasses decided to have a bet with the traveling merchant.

The two of them checked the card together, and "she" reminded Shade softly that the card was most likely real based on its details and texture.

The traveling merchant said after the two inspected:

"Please give me the amount of money you want to gamble with me. The base price is the 5 pounds I just agreed on. I will bet with the person who bids the highest."

"You really know how to do business."

Shade said, taking out his notebook and writing a number. The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said to Sha De:

"I'll give up too. Just play cards with him. I won't let such profiteers take advantage."

"You're right, I don't want profiteers to take advantage either."

Shade showed the number he wrote on his notebook - 5 pounds. The traveling merchant smiled and shook his head:

"I didn't take advantage of you. I received this card and spent a lot of money on it. Sir, we will decide the outcome of the game. What about the most basic rules? If it is a draw, I will take it. You take the money and the cards.”


Shade took out his spare deck that contained no special cards. Under the gaze of the old gentleman and middle-aged man who had not left, he and the traveling merchant each drew two cards and displayed the latter one.

Shade lifted up the first hidden card and took a look at it. After raising his eyebrows, he lifted up the hole card:

"I'm suspending trading."

Moon 10 and stars 9, totaling 19 points.

You Shang used the second card to tilt up the first card, held it in front of his eyes, moved it a little bit to open the card, and then smiled and held a card in each hand to show it to Shade:

"Star 9, Sun 9. You shouldn't draw the cards directly, otherwise I would have to hesitate whether to continue drawing cards."

"Playing cards is all about having fun. It's boring to be too obsessed with winning or losing."

Because the loss is not big even if he loses, the foreigner, who has become richer and richer recently, leaned on the counter and said easily. Both old and middle-aged people expressed their approval.

So the travel merchant opened his third card, threw it on the table with exaggerated movements, and made a regretful sound:

"Sun 13? Is this a joke?"

"Then this card belongs to me."

Star 13 [Dove of Peace·Kansas Mountain Negotiation] was not placed in his deck by the Traveling Merchant, but was placed in a position visible to everyone. Shade picked it up and inserted it into his deck, and then handed the 5 pounds as a bet to the businessman:

"You also want to make money and eat, so just treat it as a draw."

The traveling merchant was a little annoyed at first, but now he was stunned. He wanted to refuse for the sake of dignity, but in the end he accepted the money and said to Shade:

"I didn't take your money for nothing. Take a look at the products I have here and pick one out."

Then he said to the bartender who was watching the excitement:

"Four glasses of ale, please. Yes four glasses. I'll treat the three gentlemen here to drinks."

Although he usually doesn't like drinking, Xia De did not refuse the other party's kindness. When the bartender brought the wine glasses one by one, he smiled and clinked glasses with the old people, middle-aged people and traveling businessmen and praised the Rhodes cards.

Later, Xia De saw the merchant's goods.

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