Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,662 The Drowned Believer

It was still early, it was spring, and the sunset on Friday would be more than an hour away, so Shade took a carriage to the public cemetery in Green Lake City. The public cemetery in this ancient city also has a long history, and Shade came here just to find a new tomb that was built half a year ago.

The tomb of the former grave robber "Hard Ferrero" is located in a shabby corner of the cemetery, crowded together with other poor people. It was obvious that no one had visited him for a long time. The grave was entangled with weeds that had grown this spring, and the tombstone was covered with dust.

Although strictly speaking, night is the best time to rob a tomb, Shade did not have time to wait until night. After making sure that no one was nearby and that the choking fog could obscure his sight, he used illusion to cover the surrounding area, and then skillfully took out a shovel to dig.

He had already developed this technique when he and Megan were on the island.

The excavation went smoothly because the coffin was not buried very deep. As soon as he saw the shabby wooden coffin, Shade knew that he had found the place. He felt the unique spirit and elements of the power of the death angel.

Where there is the power of the Angel of Death, there is no need to worry about the undead, so Shade safely pried open the lid of the tomb robber's coffin, and found the piece of corpse among the shabby burial objects such as metal cups around the corpse. Bone fragments in the box.

The white bone fragment was about the size of a quarter of Shade's hand. But the power contained in it is far inferior to the other "remains of the angel who told the death" that Shade had come into contact with. This harvest is probably better than nothing for Priest Augustus, but it at least proves that the Edwards family really has the remains of the death angel other than the two powerful angel finger bones.

"Continue to investigate and delve deeper into Edwards' secrets. Maybe we can find more."

Shade was very optimistic about this, but he was also very confused as to what Edwards' ancestor, the powerful Thirteen Rings Diviner, wanted to do when he first found these precious materials.

After refilling the grave and cleaning up the traces of his visit, it was time for dinner.

Shade did not stay in Green Lake for long. Instead, he threw away his glass slipper and returned home first. He took Mia to have dinner before coming to Green Lake City again.

In the deep darkness, he arrived at the casino he visited in the afternoon. It can be seen that the casino business is more prosperous at night. Even before entering the four-story building, Shade could still hear the sounds inside.

At the same time, there are many more guards in the casino at night than during the day. In addition to the gatekeepers, in the alleys extending in all directions from the casino, there are people guarding important places such as alley corners. It's certainly not easy to get close by ordinary means, but fortunately Shade can turn into a cat. And these casino guards are not responsible for preventing cats from wandering in nearby alleys.

The deepest room on the fourth floor has no windows, so you can't fly in directly. But other rooms on the fourth floor had windows, so Shade Cat transformed from a cat into a red butterfly on the roof near the casino, and then flew to another window on the fourth floor.

[I thought you were going to sneak into the casino disguised as a Rhodes gambler, gamble a few times first, and better get some special cards, and then take the opportunity to go upstairs. 】

"She" whispered softly in the ears of the butterflies. Xia Dedie felt that she had been misunderstood:

"I have said before that I have always hated gambling. As for betting on special cards with others, that is another matter."

"She" smiled softly, and the red butterflies under the moon, which had become transparent using illusion magic, also successfully flew out of the window on the top floor of the casino.

Although the window was locked from the inside, [Lagra's Jump] could move as long as it could be seen, so Shade used his space transfer ability to enter the room that was temporarily unoccupied.

However, this is not the room where I met Bad-Eyed Barry in the afternoon, but the warehouse where the casino's account books are stored. Shade recalled the structure on the fourth floor he observed in the afternoon:

"There are doors in front of and on the left side of the stairs. The door on the left leads to Barry's office. There are doors on the left and right sides of the office. The door on the left is the private room, and the door on the right seems to lead here."

He looked at the familiar door on the side wall of the room, walked over in the dark, put his ear to it and listened, and then opened the door with the "Door Key".

There is also a room without lights behind the door, and dark vision can make every detail of the office scene visible. Shade smiled and walked to another door on the side wall, but this time after putting his hand on the door handle, he did not open it immediately because he sensed traces of the element:

"Investigation? Counterattack? Or an alarm?"

Because he didn’t know what the elements on the door represented yet, Shade didn’t open the door, but put his hand on the wall next to the door:

"Fossils to mud!"

The arm went directly through the wall and entered the next room. Then Shade turned into a swarm of butterflies and flew into the windowless secret room through the hole his arm penetrated.

Instead, there is a light source in the secret room. Several long white candles are placed on the ground. These are permanent candles that can burn for a long time and are basic alchemy items. And by the candlelight, Shade looked back at the door, and sure enough he saw traces of the ceremony on the back of the door:

"If the door is opened using other methods than the corresponding key, the person who set up the ceremony will know immediately."

He interpreted the effect of the ritual, which only took effect on the door, not the walls.

Shade did not lament the negligence of the opponent's defensive measures, but looked at the room.

The layout here is indeed like a special prayer room. The white candles on the ground that can burn for a long time are placed on the nodes of the huge ritual matrix drawn with blood. However, the meaning of the ritual array is only to focus people's attention, and has no directional symbols or symbols.

There is a vague element of blasphemy in the secret room, which means that there are extraordinary people praying to the evil god here for many years. However, there are no statues or holy symbols in the room, and there are no words on the notebooks and papers placed here.

The only thing that could be called a clue was the innermost wall of the room covered with blood-red ropes. There was a low table placed under the wall, which should obviously be used to enshrine a statue of a god or a holy emblem. As for there was nothing there at this time, it was probably because Bad-Eye Barry temporarily took away those sensitive items while he was away just to be on the safe side.

“The soundproofing here is really good.”

Entering this room, you can no longer hear the noisy sounds of the gamblers downstairs. In addition, only Bad-Eyed Barry himself will definitely come to this room, and the sound he makes after entering this room can only be the sound of prayer, so——

"Echoes from the past."

Close your eyes and listen to the past, and the first thing you hear is the sound of doors opening and closing, followed by a muttered complaint about the weather. After waiting for a moment, the footsteps moved towards the innermost side, and then the solemn and solemn prayer of the one-eyed man entered Shade's ears.

This is the most crucial passage:

"Praise to the first dead of the deep sea, you are the master of the sea and the carrion, you are the guardian of the mystery of death. Praise to my Lord! Praise - the god of the drowned in the deep sea!"

Shade opened his eyes. Suddenly, on the midsummer night last year in Tobesk City, the shadow of the evil god who confronted him for the first time when he launched the Mysterious Lock [Match Girl] was about to appear in front of him again:

"Now, the three evil gods of Coldwater Port are complete."

Among the three traditional evil gods in the Coldwater Port area, the fishmen, followers of the "Scarlet Spiral Lord", attempted to flood Coldwater Port, but were stopped by the church and Shade. Shade even obtained a drop of divinity from the golden pearl, and The pearl became a gift to Queen Diana;

The believers of [Furious Storm] appeared at the grand Lakeview Manor wedding banquet during Margaret's visit to Tobesk. After Shade was struck by thunder containing the power of the evil god, he absorbed the divinity in the relic. , and also obtained the [Thunder] Spirit Rune, and the [Thunder Gun] he commonly uses now also comes from that experience;

As for the [God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea] this time, Shade’s contact with her was limited to when he was still a ring. In order to save the souls of the flower girl’s family, he unfolded the mysterious lock [Match Girl]. Under Dorothy or Lei Under the witness of Qian Ya, she used the "divine afterglow" state to confront his gaze...

"Aren't the followers of this god mostly active in coastal cities, islands, or oceans? Why did they end up in the Green Lake area? This is the interior of the Old World, far away from the east and west coasts."

The cult composed of followers of [The Drowned in the Deep] is often called the "Order of the Drowned." Of course, the members of the order are all living people, but they are good at manipulating drowned corpses, so they are hostile to the "Scarlet Order" to which the "fish-man" who was born to swim belongs.

Raising and manipulating water ghosts is obviously the specialty of the [Order of the Drowned]:

"This is the right match, so there will be a smell of water ghost in Bali with bad eyes."

He closed his eyes again and listened. Although this was not a church, it was a genuine prayer to the gods, so the subsequent listening was not very smooth. After confirming that this was not the most important stronghold of Bad-Eye Barry and that there were no other clues, Shade left along the same path as before. Of course, he did not forget to fill the hole in the wall.

After confirming that the gang leader was a cultist, Shade could actually report him directly. But there are clues about this man that are related to the tomb robbers, and even directly related to the island. Therefore, Shade was not in a hurry to let the church handle it.

He returned all the way to the Green Lake Hotel. In the night, the interior of the hotel was warm and bright. Shade asked Mr. Solon Green, who was on duty behind the counter:

"Can you contact the pharmacist lady? That's Megan."

Mr. Green was surprised:

"Did she tell you her real name?"

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