Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,664 Warning and Candidates

After confirming the situation in the conference room, Shade gently opened the door, and a strong and firm man's voice came immediately. The content of his speech was to protest against the harsh content of Article 5 on weapon types.

Shade walked in without looking at anyone, then turned around and closed the door gently. Then, he bent down and walked to the wall on Delarion's side, sat down on the free chair, and nodded to the person next to him who looked at him:

"Have you finished talking about the export controls of McMannon's new steam cannon?"

This is one of the key points of today's negotiations, and no one except the core figures of the negotiating delegation and relevant personnel in the Yoder Palace knows about it.

Although the middle-aged gentleman beside Shade did not recognize him, he still lowered his voice and replied:

"It's not going well. I don't think there will be any results today. There has been no agreement on the caliber limit of the steam cannon... You are..."

Shade shook his MI6 ID and then made a silent gesture. The latter nodded in realization. Although Sha De didn't know what he understood, this was also what Sha De wanted to achieve.

So Shade sat in his seat from 10:30 to 11:30. During this period, he got up and helped the servants who knocked on the door to open the door of the conference room so that they could come in to pour tea and change water. When collectively protesting to Kasenric's side, he also booed with the others, and after Count Sims of Delarion made a wonderful rebuttal, he and the people around him cheered excitedly. He clapped his hands.

There were negotiators sitting around the table, and secretaries and advisors sitting around the walls. Therefore, no one doubts Sha De's identity. When the agenda was temporarily over at 11:30 in the morning, the negotiators stood up and left. Shade and others approached the table to collect the documents and papers on the table. He took the opportunity to look through the recorded contents.

This certainly looked suspicious, but Shade only glanced at each page, so although some people were confused, no one asked Shade what he was doing.

After writing down hundreds of pages of documents, Shade left the meeting room with everyone. He returned to the bathroom, made sure that the unconscious man was about to wake up, and prepared to leave.

Just when I came out of the bathroom stall, I happened to see the Fulan brothers talking in front of the mirror beside the sink. They are not in conference room 404. They are probably involved in other agendas today.

Since he happened to meet him, Shade also walked over, turned on the faucet next to Eric Foran, wetted his palms, and raised his hands to fix his hair in the mirror:

"Any news?"

He asked abruptly. Because he was looking at himself in the mirror, the two brothers were a little stunned and didn't know who they were talking to.

So Shade reminded:

"Ivy Club in Green Lake City, you agree to help me find clues about the sun, moon and stars pattern."

When he said this, the two brothers understood. The one with glasses on his right eye is the elder brother of the twins, Mr. Eric Foran. He is dressed very much like Shade, both wearing a white shirt with a dark tie and a black formal suit:

"It turns out it was you... Sorry, the old servant at home helped us look through my grandfather's belongings, but there is no news about the pattern."

Shade nodded regretfully, still looking at the mirror and arranging his hair:

“Have you guys been to Central Island in Green Lake lately?”

Both brothers shook their heads, so Shade reminded:

"You guys have been keeping a low profile lately. The Thirteen Rings 'Mirror Hidden Man' from the [Mirror Association] is here."

"What? Oh, sorry."

Charles noticed that his voice was a little louder, but fortunately there was no one else in the bathroom for the time being. Shade's [Heart of Stone] could only hear the heartbeat of the man he had knocked unconscious in the cubicle:

"Of the four Edwards brothers who left the island, you two are the grandsons of the second son Edward. There is a pair of eight-ringed twin brothers in the Mirror Association. You are most likely the grandsons or grandsons of the eldest son Hohenheim. I was on the island with They have met each other, and all I can say is that the Mirror Hidden Man is indeed well-deserved."

Hearing what he said, both Fulun brothers showed awe in their faces, apparently because the mysterious man around them escaped unharmed after fighting with the thirteen-ring warlock, and they felt that the other party was more mysterious than they thought.

"Thank you for your reminder. We will pay attention to it. In fact, we have no plans to land on the island, at least not yet."

Eric said, Shade nodded in front of the mirror, took out the ivory comb from his pocket and continued to comb his hair. He couldn't quite remember which girl had left the comb in his house.

[Lecia Cavendish's. 】

"Also, I would like to know if there is any other reason for you to come to the local area at this time besides the official arrangement?"

Shade continued to ask. The two brothers looked at each other and nodded slowly:

"Yes, because of a prophecy...a prophecy that often appears in dreams."

"No need to go into details, I know the prophecy. So, it is indeed like this..."

He told the brothers the entire family tree, focusing on the fifth and sixth generations:

"The six people of the sixth generation, you and the twins from the Mirror Association are ring magicians, and the other two are ordinary people. From the current perspective of the fifth generation, only the children of Alphonse, the third son of the fourth generation, are still alive. . I know the latter, are you interested in meeting her or him? That should be considered your aunt or uncle."

He asked proactively, and Charles looked at his brother and asked him to make the decision. Eric was somewhat moved, but did not agree immediately:

"It would be nice to meet our elders, but we want to think about it again. After all, the family reunion is the content of the weird prophecy, and we don't know what will happen if we actually meet."

"Okay, one more thing. I found out the identity of your ancestor, Klein Edwards, the first lord of Green Lake."

For the first time since the conversation began, Shade turned his gaze from himself in the mirror to the two brothers. He shook the ivory comb in his hand:

"The identity of the other party is very unexpected, so this information cannot be provided to you for nothing."

"What do you need?"

Charles, who was wearing a monocle on his left eye, asked, and Shade raised the corner of his mouth:

"Help me collect confidential documents from the negotiation meeting."


Although their ancestors were nobles of Delarion, the two brothers were born in Carsonric and grew up in Willendale. They were not foreigners without a hometown like Shade, and it was not easy for them to betray them.

"Your ancestors were Thirteen Rings."

Shade said calmly, and his brother Eric Fulan immediately changed his words:

"No problem, we will help you collect it. But we also hope that when the time comes, you can provide us with protection."


Shade smiled and put the comb in his pocket:

"Your ancestor's full name is Laplace Klein Howard. He was a twelve-ring soothsayer who betrayed the Seer Association more than 200 years ago."

He patted his chest:

"I bring a dice that can interfere with fate, so I dare to say his full name casually. You must be careful. I am not sure whether your ancestor is dead. If he is not dead, we'd better not say it casually. His full name. After all, that’s the fortune teller of the Thirteen Rings.”

"Sir, are you sure?"

Charles Fullan asked in a panic, Shade nodded:

"Not only can I investigate this, but the church and the Prophets Association will also find out soon. The church will probably get involved in Edwards's affairs, and will soon be able to find out about you two through your grandfather. After all, all Among the descendants of Edwards, you are the easiest to find through official channels. This may only take a few days, or it may take a few weeks. Think carefully about how to deal with the church."

Shade was referring to their status as ring warlocks. They were obviously not members of the church.

The two brothers looked a little bad, and Shade was ready to say goodbye:

"Don't worry too much. The church won't do anything to you. If you want to continue to cooperate with me, just collect the confidential documents of the meeting and give them to me next time I come to see you."

Although Shade didn't know when he would come next, it was probably because Lecia asked him to help collect information again.

"If you don't want to cooperate with me, you can tell the church about me... They can probably guess who I am."

The two brothers shook their heads hurriedly:

"Sir, of course the cooperation can continue. There is no problem with the documents."

After all, reporting Shade would not do them any good, and it would not be able to get them out of a dangerous situation.

"Well, happy cooperation, see you next time. Don't be so pessimistic. Maybe the church can't find you? As long as you don't take the initiative to expose your identity and don't take the initiative to go to that island, there is actually not much danger. As for that The prophecy of bloodline...that is a major event for the entire family, and it involves not just the two of you."

After saying that, Shade left from the bathroom. He has a good impression of the Fulen brothers, and the two brothers don't seem like the kind of people who would give up everything to pursue power. If possible, it would be in everyone's interest to distance themselves from the Chosen One and Edwards' secrets.

[So, do you have any guesses about the candidates for the space selection? 】

When Shade was about to throw away the glass slipper, "she" suddenly asked in Shade's ear.

Shade looked at the small, crystal clear shoes in his hand and shook his head:

"While doing divination for Dorothy and Lesia, I unexpectedly learned that this ceremony of the chosen ones involves a process of 'merging multiple individuals into one individual', that is, the chosen ones have the characteristics of 'many persons in one'. So this It’s really hard to say. However, it must be related to Edwards.”

Speaking of this, he remembered that after the Battle of the Pantanal last winter, when he and Sister Devlin returned to the Everglades to liberate the soul of the "Swamp Witch", that poor woman's soul had It is said that he is "two persons in one" (note).

Although Shade didn't understand what this specifically meant, it also meant that he seemed to meet the requirements of the chosen one.

【You really don’t understand? 】

"She" asked softly. Shade felt as if he was being hugged by someone from behind, and the person holding him whispered softly into his ear.

He subconsciously reached out and touched his ears, and sure enough he didn't touch anything.

"not understand."

As he spoke, the shoes in his hands were thrown away. Before the glass slipper landed, although the man's shadow was always reflected on the smooth floor, it could not reflect the expression on the stranger's face.

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