Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,666 Dorothy’s Experiment (please vote and subscribe for more updates)

Shade reminded from the side:

"Priest, didn't you say that your potion and alchemy skills have improved a lot recently? If you have a very precious potion formula, you can make some for us."

He was referring to the magic potions and alchemical items related to the ancient knowledge of angels that could not be taken out easily. The old priest nodded understandingly:

"Please allow me to express my gratitude to you. Next I will prepare some unique potions that you will like."

In addition to this most precious sage-level relic, the remaining two trophies are secretkeeper-level (level 3) and clerical-level (level 4).

The Keeper-level relic is a piece of fingernail, which is similar to the Magic Eye. Both are relics that require replacement of human body parts to be effective:

"Keeper-level relic - [Abomination of the Ghastly Soul]. It can only be replaced with the nails of the middle and index fingers of the right hand. It has a wide range of properties, enhancing the power related to abominations and undead, and enhancing any thaumaturgy that requires hand gestures to cast spells. . In addition, the hand wearing this nail can directly contact the spirit body, and without taking the initiative to attack, it is regarded as the same kind by most spirits. As for the negative characteristics..."

The doctor shrugged:

"The body temperature will be lower than normal, and your own hatred will be amplified. If you use it regularly, there is a possibility that your body will be usurped by an ancient evil spirit that cannot be named. I do not recommend that the four of you choose this relic. , this thing is very evil."

There were fine patterns engraved on the nails, and Shade could only make "her" feel the presence of those letters by rubbing them with her fingertips. Its meaning is roughly:

[Hate everything, hate yourself. 】

"None of us have any intention of replacing a part of ourselves with a relic."

Dorothy expressed her position on behalf of everyone:

"Doctor, do you think it would be appropriate to donate this relic to the college, or sell it to Mr. Copps, who is in the corpse material business?"

Everyone knows that Papa John does not accept any relics related to human body materials.

"Donate it to the academy. Although it will cost you a little, it is more appropriate to leave this kind of highly dangerous relic to the academy."

As for the last clerical relic, it was a wooden blowgun. Although it is a rare weapon type, it is only rated as "clerical level" because its characteristics are only "infinite" and "stun".

Dorothy and Dr. Schneider are both interested in this relic. Dorothy wants it to be used by the "hunter" in the story. Dr. Schneider considered that he had already taken away the [Psychic Looking Glass], so he gave up the relic, and the ownership of the relic belonged to Dorothy.

Of course, in addition to the relics, the ring warlocks who were defeated by the five people in the group also had other miscellaneous things on them, and the doctor also took advantage of this group meeting to share them with everyone.

As for the piece of fine gold ore that Shade captured alone, it was also a jointly distributed thing, but in the end Shade still took it away.

All in all, although Shade didn't get anything valuable and just held the cat and watched the money in front of him getting more and more, this kind of group task is indeed a rare opportunity that will definitely lead to major gains.

Doctors consider that everyone has their own lives and worries, so they only arrange tasks once or twice a year. In fact, if Shade's team is willing to take over, there will be many tasks in Tobesk City, a hinterland of civilization that is difficult for the academy to reach. In particular, their group is indeed the strongest group of correspondence students in the region.

Because everyone gained something, everyone was in a good mood during the afternoon study session. The doctor asked the clinic maid to prepare baked cookies in advance, so even Mia was in a good mood.

In addition to "dividing the spoils", the doctor also mentioned the summer exam week again. At the same time, Luvia also applied for new thaumaturgy from the academy:

"I'm about to reach the sixth ring... Why are you so surprised? Didn't Shade upgrade faster than me? And after the doctor was promoted from the fifth ring to the sixth ring, didn't he reach the current seventh ring very quickly? Ring?"

The female diviner asked her companions. After considering what she said, the others felt that her promotion speed was not so exaggerated.

Shade didn't have anything important to do this week. Apart from submitting two course papers, he just asked the college about matters related to his skipping exam from the current fourth grade to the sixth grade during the summer exam. This is also Miss Danister's request for him, so even though theoretically he cannot skip grades continuously and cannot conduct promotion exams during the summer exam week, the college has already made relevant arrangements.

When the meeting ended that afternoon, Shade asked Dorothy, who was going to borrow Luvia's coins in the evening, to leave with Luvia first, while he and Priest August planned to talk about other things.

Instead of leaving in a carriage, they walked to Regent's Park, a short walk from the Röntgenstrasse where Dr. Schneider's clinic was located.

The arrival of spring brings life to this famous park in Tobesk. On Saturday afternoon, there were many people here, including male and female students from the university area who came for dates, middle-class citizens who came with their children to play, and of course, students from the art college sketching by the lake, and young people who came from nowhere to sit there. Playing Rhodes on the grass.

Shade and Priest August stood far away from the crowd under a tree overlooking the artificial lake. Shade took out the box on his body and took out the piece of gold he obtained from the tomb of a tomb robber in the Green Lake City Public Cemetery. The bone fragment was given to the priest and explained the current situation:

"There are very few clues about the tomb robbers. I am still investigating the owner of the pen, a low-level warlock. But to be honest, I don't think the tomb robbers have any more clues about the remains. The real clues should be It’s still on the central island of Green Lake. There may be more wreckage at the place of the first lord, Klein Edwards.”

The old priest frowned slightly:

"You just said that the other party is a fortune teller from the Thirteenth Ring?"

He looked at the white bone fragment in his hand, but did not dissuade Shade from going there again:

"This is really dangerous. In this case...when do you plan to land on the island next time?"

Megan said it would take about a week for her to collect other materials related to the key to “Orichalcum”:

"Next Tuesday at the earliest, but it could be Wednesday or Thursday."

"Well, come find me before you set off, and I'll give you some good things. Although it won't give you the power to defeat the [Mirror Hidden Man] at once, but at least you won't be in such a mess."

The priest smiled:

"There are more and more remains, and I am getting more and more powerful. This has nothing to do with the Ring Warlock level itself. After all, Ring Warlock is only a form of power that only appeared in this era. Of course, the Ring Warlock level is also very important. You see, Anna Special is about to be upgraded, so I have been thinking about whether to be promoted to the fourth ring recently, which is really interesting."

From the priest's tone, it seemed that he could be promoted if he wanted to be promoted. As for "power is not only related to the level of the ring warlock", Shade heard "she" mention it when she digested the distortion and filth of the earth and wondered that she failed to obtain the "earth" spirit rune.

The stranger nodded silently:

"Things over at Green Lake are very complicated, and I might need your help in the future."

"This is actually you helping me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find things so far away."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a noise coming from the lake. Looking down the slope, the police were having a conflict with two young students. Judging from the sounds in the wind, the police suspected that the two men were related to the Kasenlik spy.

"Recently, there have been more and more such things in the city."

The August priest on the side said, Shade did not speak, but watched one of the two young men suddenly jump into the lake and escape, and then gunfire rang out, breaking the calm in the park on the spring afternoon.

Blood flowers bloomed on the lake, a rich color unique to the spring of 1854.

After bidding farewell to the priest, Shade took Mia home in a carriage. Although it was Saturday and it was Shad and Dorothy's class time, Shad had dinner with Dorothy and Luvia today.

When I returned home after having dinner outside, the elegant gas street lamps around Saint Teresa Square were already on. The glass lampshade emitted an ambiguous warm yellow light. In the somewhat dim halo, the three of them arrived at the door of No. 6, and then the shadows entered the door one after another.

"Are you sure you really want to do this?"

In the master bedroom of Room 1 on the second floor, Dorothy was already lying on Shade's bed, while Shade and Luvia were standing beside the bed, the latter holding the two [Ghost Iron Coins].

None of them really agreed with Dorothy's use of this method to experience the death of her soul leaving her body, but the blonde girl insisted on doing so.

She was already familiar with Shade's bed, so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable lying on it. Those beautiful green eyes looked at Shade's face:

"If you move faster, this matter can be over in a few minutes. We might be able to do more interesting things this night. Besides, hasn't Shade already arranged a soul-protecting ritual under the bed? "

The gas lamp on the bedroom wall illuminated the three of them, as well as little Mia huddled on Shade's pillow. The cat was very interested in this scene.

"Then we have to say yes, we will only give you thirty seconds. After thirty seconds, you must return to your body."

Shade warned, the blonde girl smiled and nodded while lying on the bed:

"No problem, actually twenty seconds is enough. Luvia, you time it. Let's start now. Oh, Shade, please turn off the lights. The relics will be more effective in a dark environment."

Then the lights in the room went out, and little Mia was picked up by Shade to prevent the cat from touching Dorothy midway.

Two white candles were lit and placed on the bedside table. After Dorothy closed her eyes, Luvia leaned over and placed two coins on her left and right eyelids respectively.

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