Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,673 Pale Heart

"Is this heart a relic?"

When the safe was not opened, the whispering element was still very weak, but when he saw the heart, Shade knew that it must be a relic. He felt the coldness, and at the same time, after being stared at by [The Remains of the Unknown Man] during the group mission last Thursday night, the hollow feeling in his heart also appeared inexplicably again. Fortunately, it was not serious:

"The danger level for heart-type relics, especially heart-type relics that can be accommodated by the human body, seems to start at the Keeper level. He is a low-level warlock, but he actually has such a good thing?!"

Shade said in amazement, while the witch paid more attention to the letters:

"The cult gave it to him, so it can be fused with corpses to cultivate special water ghosts. This was also the research result of the [Truth Society], but the [Truth Society] has now begun to study the perfect fusion of relics and human bodies."

Shade knew that he and Priest Augustus, the ring warlock who kept coming back from the dead discovered in the cemetery last fall, were researchers of the Truth Society.

"It seems that this is the most important thing here. This is the most important stronghold of Bad-Eye Barry, but it should not be his most important laboratory. Let's go, I will take these letters back to check, and hope to gain something."

"What should I do with this relic?"

Shade asked, but he was not interested:

"You can't just leave it alone, right?"

"I'm not interested in it either. So, either let my followers take it to a suitable place to save it first, or make it into a trap and give it a surprise when Barry comes back."

Shade nodded, thinking both options were acceptable. Seeing that the relic was in relatively stable condition, he reached out and touched the glass jar, wanting to determine the specific condition of the relic before making any plans.

The moment his palm touched the glass wall, a chill flowed down his fingertips to his whole body, but besides the coldness, there was also the illusion that his heart had been hollowed out.

At that moment, all the joy and beauty in the world disappeared, and even hatred and disgust disappeared. The outsider feels that he has become a heartless person, and the things he once loved and cherished are no longer important. In other words, everything in this world is no longer important. Indifference, the indifference of forgetting everything arises spontaneously, but he does not feel that this is a mistake, this is a crime...

[Take your hands away. 】

"She" reminded gently, and that voice woke up Shade. He hurriedly took his fingers away, and then not only saw the witch on the side looking at him worriedly, but also found that his fingertips were covered with a layer of frost. But the heart in the jar was still quietly bubbling with tiny bubbles.

He was surprised by his reckless behavior, and felt a little at a loss when he felt this way for the second time:

"The feeling just now... was really scary. How could I not care about Luvia, Lesia, Dorothy, Carina, and Mia? Besides, I already have a house in Wangdu Square. , this world is of course very important to me!”

[Outlander, you have come into contact with whispers. 】

[Outlander, you have some insights into "indifference" and "heart". 】

"Are you OK?"

The lady with brown shawl hair on the side said worriedly:

"The look on your face just now was scary. I can't describe how I felt, but it was like... you were leaving this world."

She gently grabbed Shade's hand and shivered from the coldness in it:

"Look, heart-like relics are evil. If you don't feel comfortable, let's just stop here today? My followers can do the rest."

"No, no need, it just... felt like a piece of my chest was missing."

Shade's condition was not as relaxed as he said. He pressed his left hand on his chest and his breathing rate was faster than usual. It wasn't the gray-white heart that had such a big impact on him when it was not triggered, but the sequelae that had not completely disappeared after being watched by the "Unknown Man's Remains" that the team was responsible for guarding last week. .

Luvia said it would take at least a week, and it seems she was right.

That angel-level relic could not erase Shade because of the divinity in his soul, but its impact would definitely not disappear easily. Last time, he had Mia in his arms and four people from the group beside him, but this time, all he could feel was the warmth of the woman holding his hand.

"You don't act like you're fine. Please tell the truth. How are you doing now?"

The brown shawl-haired witch became more and more worried, and Shade had no choice but to admit:

"Last week, I was accidentally affected by an out-of-control angel-level relic... It was related to nothingness, blankness, indifference and emptiness."

"The relics transported by St. Byrons? Oh, I know this! It almost caused a disaster in Tobesk. Yes, it is indeed possible for an outstanding student from St. Byrons like you to be involved. I remember it. There is a stop very close to Green Lake.”

She continued to hold Shade's hand and took out a bottle of orange-yellow potion with a pleasant color from the small bag:

"Try drinking this."

There were bubbles in the potion, and it tasted like lemonade. The taste is similar to a certain drink in my hometown, which makes the outsider feel a little better:

"What is this? Euphoria?"

"Yes, but I improved the formula with my friend from Thirteen Rings. Every time I am not in a good mental state, I drink something that makes me happy."

Speaking of herself, she could better understand Shade's feelings at this time, and the worry in her eyes became stronger:

"Let my followers do other things. You should take a rest first."

Shade also knew that something was wrong with his mental state. Fortunately, [Moon Dream] could restore his state after four hours of sleep:

"I need to rest for four hours at noon. But it's still early, we can start again in the afternoon."

The witch nodded slightly, took a look at the relic, and decided to leave it here as a trap. No matter how valuable the relic is, safety must be considered:

"Do you need me to hug you? Just like you saved me last time. I know how you feel now. Maybe you need some gentle comfort."

she asked boldly, admiring her courage in her heart. Other witches would never make such suggestions to men.

Shade hesitated for a moment:


Audrey and Megan controlled their expressions, their hearts beat slightly faster, and their faces turned slightly red due to the expansion of capillaries. She tried to open her arms to hug Shad, but saw Shad's entire body turn into a ball of light, and then from the light, the silver-white cat jumped out and ran into her arms.

The witch's expression froze, and she subconsciously hugged the silver-white cat. Although the cat looked beautiful, there was something different about it than she had imagined.

As Shade turned into a cat, the relics on his body also fell to the ground, which could not be transformed together. But fortunately, the only things he brought with him this time were the [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] and the black key to time.

"Sure enough, transforming from a human into a cat can effectively alleviate the physical discomfort caused by the mental state. I don't know if this is related to the characteristics of the cat, or simply because the cat's brain capacity is relatively small."

Shade Cat said, and then explained:

"Last time I saw you drinking magic potion and turning into a cat, I also tried to learn the art of transformation. As expected, I still have some talents."

"Cats are one of the few creatures that are innately able to sense abnormal fluctuations in elements. This is similar to dragons. If you observe carefully, you can find that cats' ability to seek benefits and avoid harm in the extraordinary realm is significantly higher than that of other animals. animal."

The witch explained instinctively, and then sighed regretfully in her heart.

"But this is not bad, at least it is an improvement."

Audrey said softly in her heart, and Megan also agreed.

She was holding Shade Cat and was about to say something else. Suddenly she was startled, and then looked outside into the rain:

"somebody is coming."


"Someone broke in. He's not an ordinary person, he's a ring warlock, and his level is not low."

She noticed that Shade wanted to jump out of her arms and turn into a human, so she grabbed Shade:

"No, you don't need to change back. It shouldn't be Gao Huan. There are only two of us. The other party has already noticed that something is wrong here and is also testing."

"Who would be so interested in Bad-Eyed Barry?"

Shade Cat said, and the witch shook her head cautiously:

"It seems that this heart really cannot be taken away... I want to see who it is."

She picked up two of Shade's relics, gathered the information she wanted to take away, and finally made some tricks on the bottle containing the heart to ensure that it would break no matter who touched it. Afterwards, he carried Shade Cat back to the first floor of the house, and then looked outside through the frosted glass door.

In fact, this house has two doors. The iron door that opens outward is practical, and the glass door that is more decorative than practical is used daily when there are people. Because the City of Glass is so close, there are also many glass products in Green Lake City. On the inside and outside of this door, you can't actually see clearly what the people outside look like. You can only see the figure of Mo Hu shaking in the strange light.

The two ring warlocks who broke into this area were very cautious. It took them twenty minutes to walk the same path that Shade and Miss Pharmacist had just walked in just a few minutes.

When the two approached the building at the meeting point of two intersections in the rain, Megan, who had been preparing for a while, took action immediately.

The rain curtain, which was like a line of large pearls, originally hit the umbrellas of the two brothers in black windbreakers in a regular manner. But when the two of them crossed an invisible boundary, the falling raindrops were like the sharpest blades, piercing the umbrella and falling towards their heads and shoulders.

But they had already seen something abnormal here and had been wary of attacks, so they responded to this unknown thaumaturgy immediately.

The two held hands, and the rain curtain that was about to touch them was moved ten feet away out of thin air, and then the ground was hit with dense pits.

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