Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,679 The Blood of the Witch

After hearing Shade's words, Ms. Kaufman's smile froze. She didn't expect that the man next to the wealthy businesswoman in front of her would speak so rudely, and she didn't expect that he was actually from Kasenrik's side.

She exchanged a few words with Audrey before standing up to leave. During the conversation, she even revealed that Delarian intended to give a title to the owner of Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals, as long as Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals could support some of Delarian's proposals.

Audrey did not express her position, but cooperated with Shade to change the subject and sent her to the cabin door, and then sent her maid to take her ashore.

When the cruise ship sailed out of the pier in the rain, the brown-haired lady smiled and said to Shade who was following her:

"Did you say that on purpose just now about Kasenrik's acquaintances?"

"Yes, it can be seen that you don't really want to get involved in the troubles between the two countries. Therefore, letting her know that the Kasenlik people have also begun to contact you will make them treat you with a more cautious attitude. Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals It’s big enough, so as long as you keep a good balance and don’t express your opinions casually, you won’t have any trouble for the time being.”

Shade said, and the witch looked at him curiously:

"I'm becoming more and more curious about what your job is."

Shade thought for a moment:

"Next week if I have a chance, I'll tell you my real name and identity."

After all, Miss Carina is coming next week, so there will be no need to hide it like this.

The witch was a little surprised, but a smile immediately broke out on her face:

"Okay, then I will look forward to it. When an important guest arrives next week, I also want to confess some things about myself to you."


While the two were talking, Mia's furry little head suddenly emerged from between the buttons on Shade's chest. After seeing the strange woman in front of her clearly under the gas light on the side wall of the cabin, he immediately gave her a threatening shout. Call:


"We'll eat right away, don't be in a hurry. And she's the one who gave us dinner, not the enemy."

Shade stroked the little head to comfort him, while Audrey looked at the cat carefully:

"Is this your cat? It does look beautiful...not as big as I thought. Do cats like this eat a lot?"

"Yes, I have never seen little Mia look full."

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't eat much, it's just that the frequency is a bit high.

"So, why did you choose a name like Mia?"

The two of them turned and walked towards the depths of the cabin. Shade said what he had said countless times:

"Actually, this is not my cat. It was fostered by a lady whose name I cannot say. However, she gave me 10 pounds a month as the cost of raising the cat, and she would regularly send letters asking about the cat. She even asked me to take a photo with Mia and send it to her."

Shade felt that the witch beside him was looking at him more and more strangely.

It's still raining outside, so even if you're dining on the yacht, you can't eat on the deck while enjoying the view. Audrey felt a little regretful about this, but Shade felt that the warm and comfortable restaurant on the yacht was also very good.

It can be seen that the witch's maids put a lot of thought into preparing this dinner. Golden candlesticks and candles mixed with spices were placed on the square table, and steaming food was prepared in gold and silver vessels. It was not as luxurious as a formal banquet, but both Shade and Xiao Mia felt very satisfied. Shade especially liked the pan-fried cod fillet with red pepper sauce.

As a guest invited to the dinner, Shade also followed social etiquette and brought a bottle of "blood wine" made from grapes as a gift.

"It's really good. This is the best red wine I have ever tasted. What winery is this from?"

Sure enough, the witch also expressed her appreciation for the liquid, which was like liquid ruby. She looked at the wine glass against the light of the candle:

"Looking at the color, I guess there must be a magician involved in the brewing process. I'm afraid even those who claim to be masters of potions will have a hard time replicating such superb skills."

"I made this with a spell...or a magical spell, related to a god related to 'wine'. But the great man's temper was not very good, and the night was dark and windy. It’s a rainy day, so I won’t explain it in detail.”

Shade said cautiously, and stopped Xiao Mia from curiously picking at the clam shells on the table.

The witch did not guess that he was talking about the evil god:

"It seems that you had a lot of adventures before coming to the Green Lake area. Who is the old god related to wine...who could he be?"

As he spoke, he naturally put his right hand on the table, raised his forearm to support his slightly tilted head, and looked at the man and cat under the candlelight with his brown eyes.

The rain outside the boat was still so heavy, but she felt at ease at this moment. Megan's voice in her heart laughed at herself as if she was getting older and couldn't wait to find someone to rely on, but the witch herself laughed at another soul, they were one.

The warm yellow light made people feel sleepy. Looking at the interaction between the man and the cat across the square table, the witch actually felt a little sleepy. The light became blurred, and when the eyes were closed a little bit, the light from the candle core produced strange light and shadow.

In the strange light and shadow of the light source, the man and cat across the table became more and more vague. In the end, the figures of Shade and the orange cat completely melted into the glare, and she saw in the illusion that the moon and the sun formed a wonderful pattern.

That picture made the witch who pursued knowledge feel addicted for a long time, as if it represented the ultimate answer to the world. But fortunately, years of mental laxity and soul damage made her realize something was wrong with her. She tried to open her eyes and looked at the "sun" again. It was clearly a young orange and white cat "glaring" at her.

And as Mia called out "Meow~", the witch was startled, feeling as if she was yelled by something indescribable. She suddenly woke up from her sleepy state, and then realized that she had almost fallen asleep.

"Feel sorry."

She apologized for her gaffe, and at the same time she felt unbearably hot all over her body, as if there was a stream of fire circulating back and forth in her body. Shade held a knife in one hand and pressed the cat with the other. He and Mia, whose head was lowered, looked at her curiously, wondering what was wrong with her.

"I'm going to the bathroom to touch up my makeup."

After saying that, she stood up and left. Shade looked at her back suspiciously:

"What's wrong with her?"

[Although her mental state is better than when you first met her, it can only be regarded as recovered by less than one-fifth. 】

"Is she exhausted? She cast a lot of spells all day today."

Shade thought to himself, patted and pawed his cat, and decided to end the final investigation as soon as possible after eating.

She said she was going to touch up her makeup, but Audrey came back quickly, but her makeup didn't look changed, and it didn't look like she was touching up her makeup. Of course, Shade was not stupid enough to ask.

After the witch sat down again, she handed a small drop-shaped purple crystal bottle to her maid, and then placed it in front of Shade.

This bottle is made entirely of crystal, but it also has a silver metal base and a metal cover for threading a string. It looks very expensive. Shade has only seen similar utensils in Lesia and Carina's makeup boxes. . The liquid in the bottle is not easy to distinguish because of the color of the bottle itself.

Audrey said:

"This is my blood, don't you want it?"

Xia De looked at her in surprise:

"I want to identify whether there is anything wrong with your family's bloodline. However, you don't even know my real name. Are you really so confident in giving me your blood voluntarily?"

Shade asked, and the witch looked at him through the candlelight:

"You mean that you might be a liar who deceives women?"

"No, I definitely don't..."

"I rarely trust others, but once I trust others, I won't doubt it. It's just two drops of blood. It's not a loss to me. It's used to finally confirm whether you really deserve my complete trust. It's really nothing more." It couldn't be better."

Shade understood what she meant, so he put away the bottle of blood and planned to go to Fort Midhill for identification as soon as possible:

"I'm very happy to be able to accept such a test of trust. How about this, how about I also leave some precious things as collateral?"

"What's the point?"

Audrey asked, and Shade thought for a moment:

"It doesn't make any sense, but I also want to show my sincerity."

He didn't say to leave his own blood, but he reached into his pocket and took out the piece of fine gold ore he got during the group mission last Thursday night:

"This one, although it's not very valuable, if you want to look for it in a hurry, it won't be easy to find."

The maid held the ore in front of the witch, who looked at it in surprise:

"First it's orichalcum, and then it's fine gold. Is your main business the ore business? You don't happen to have mithril, right?"

Shade was choked and quickly explained:

"No, no, I'm not in the ore business."

After thinking for a while, he added:

"But I do have shares in the gold mine. As for mithril... I did have it some time ago, and it was very large. But part of it was given to a lady by me to repair her damaged jewelry, and part of it was given to me. The pendant used to strengthen myself...don't look at me like that, yes, the lady is not the ones I mentioned before, but I am talking about a nun, a celibate , a nun with an indifferent personality.”

Shade emphasized, and the witch looked at him with a smile:

"It seems like you are really popular with girls. Well, I will keep this piece of fine gold with me for the time being. I will return it to you after you give me the results of my blood analysis."

Shade nodded, untied the napkin from his chest, and looked out the window through the porthole:

"It's still raining. That's good. It won't be easily discovered. It's getting late, shall we set off?"

"Yeah, it's getting late."

The witch felt a little regretful, but she also knew that the next thing could not be delayed:

"lets go."

The ship had been traveling southward during the meal, so when it was ready to set off, the ship had clearly reached a position close to the entrance of Green Lake.

Of course, Xiao Mia couldn't be taken along with her if she was carrying out such a dangerous activity. It happened that Audrey decided that she and Shade should go together, and no one else would participate, so Shade wanted to entrust little Mia to the care of the maids on the ship.

After all, Mia is willing to be taken care of by Tifa, and presumably other maids wearing similar outfits will also have no problem. But Shade's idea was still too naive. When he tried to let the witch's maid Jill hug the cat, the cat struggled desperately.

Shade didn't know why the beautiful maid in front of him couldn't do it, or why any of the maids in the entire ship couldn't do it. He could only attribute this to the fact that little Mia was not familiar with these maids, so he had to turn the cat into a toy and put it back in his pocket.

"Your thaumaturgy can also transform living creatures?"

The witch was surprised when she saw this scene.

"I can only transform creatures that have full trust in me. So far, except for this domestic pet cat, I have not found a second living creature that can be transformed. I don't know how gullible this cat is. , I’m still too vigilant.”

Shade patted his pocket to confirm that it was ready, and then made an invitation gesture to the witch at the hatch of the ship.

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