Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,685 Indifference, the Moon and the Thirteen Rings

The divinity given voluntarily does not need to be absorbed deliberately, and it completely becomes a part of the outsider.

Under the sea, the silver blasphemous element flickered on the increasingly larger life ring, but it was indistinguishable from the light of the cold silver moon.

"She" who should have spoken long ago, only now whispered in Shade's ear. It was a very gentle voice:

【Fall in the abyss, drown in the deep sea. No one knows, the loneliness before death, no one knows, the despair of falling alone. An indifferent heart is not given by the world, but only because it has glimpsed the inevitable ending that will eventually come. You understand her, but she knows that you are also her. Foreigner, are you really that lonely? 】

He seemed to be hugged by someone from behind, but Shade knew that he couldn't see any trace even if he turned around.

[Outlander, you have absorbed the divinity of the old god "God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea", and you feel blasphemy. 】

Above the life ring, the second spiritual rune belonging to the sixth ring was already shining with aura, and that aura fell with Shade.

[Outlander, you are engraved with the silver blasphemous spiritual rune - indifference. 】

[Outlander, you have accepted the blessing of the old god, the God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea. Any injuries can be healed by immersing the whole body in water. 】

The mortal sin chain hovering around him automatically extended part of it, and a brand new rune [Indifference] was added to the rune chain that originally had only five runes.

Shade looked at the corpse that was getting closer and closer to him, and at the evil god who was still longing to become one with him:


He said softly, but of course got no answer. But he knew that God only gave him power and would not restrict the original actions of the order, so he still had a lot to do.

Looking up, feeling the power of "divine overflow" that briefly appeared due to the absorption of new divinity, the cold moonlight also dyed the black wooden staff silver.

So, the falling stranger raised his long staff high and said the most suitable word at this moment:

"Silver Moon!"

The cold yet gentle light gathered at the top of the staff, like the moon falling to the bottom of the sea, finally illuminating all the darkness.

"What? What's wrong?"

On the surface of Green Lake, heavy rain was pouring, dark clouds were rolling, and water ice was splashing everywhere.

The two sides who were fighting fiercely around the ice on the lake and the sunken ship also noticed a silver light appearing under the water. The eight followers of the witch and the two black-robed ring warlocks were not the only two parties fighting. From the foggy island, Shade and Megan had seen a man surrounded by tentacles carrying the fog and manipulating the tentacles to join the battle, and the [War] who had been stationed in Pukhov Village by the lake recently The team of ring warlocks from the Peace Church had just arrived in this area of ​​water by boat.

Everyone saw that on the side of the ice-covered shipwreck, with the gurgling springs, a brighter and brighter silver light bloomed under the ice. Then, the light spewed out carrying a huge water column, and even dispersed the rain clouds in the sky.

Tall water columns supported the clouds, and at the top of the water columns, a young man's body was covered with golden cracks, and the figure of a young man appeared like golden flames scattered with his hands.

The moonlight spilled onto the lake from the hole in the dark clouds, illuminating the man at the top of the water column and then also illuminating the glistening ice. The witch's eyes stared at this scene in shock, and she suddenly felt that what she was looking at was actually a human god:

"It's him?"

Shade scanned the surroundings through the moonlight and instantly discerned the situation at the moment. He didn't attack anyone, he just threw out the cards in his pocket. While the "Twin Lovers" were floating in front of me, the staff moved forward slightly——


The card turned into pure white light, and then the light was shaped like thick cream into an evil object with overlapping legs, four hands and two upper bodies.

With a loud bang, the evil object fell onto the ice, breaking a third of the ice. The smaller body behind cast a spell to stand on the water, and then it ran towards the tentacled man carrying the fog in the rain.

Almost everyone was looking at him under the moonlight, but Shade didn't look at anyone, but looked at the island in the middle of the lake in the distance.

The long staff was held in the forehand and stood at the side. As the silver moonlight attached to the [Stand of Yggdrasil], the cold light continued to extend, and continued to extend, until it turned into a link that seemed to connect the water surface and the starry sky. pillar of light.

But if you look closely, you will see that it is not a pillar of light, but a "moonlight sword" that is even larger than normal, as if it can split mountains with one blow. Luxurious and ancient patterns are attached to the translucent sword made of crystal, and the stars flash like blessings from the starry sky. The dense runes constitute a power that no one can identify, and the flowing golden light is divine power.

He still remembered that using too much power in the "divine overflow" state would cause coma, so he just wanted to strike once and figure out what the island was hiding.

He raised his hands high, the giant sword floated in his palms, and the silver light rose into the sky, completely scattering the rain clouds. Just like a pillar of light piercing the night sky, the stars shone around this cold silver-white light pillar. Citizens who have not yet fallen asleep tonight were fortunate enough to see this unforeseen "astronomical wonder".

Except for the summoned evil creature, the eyes of everyone near the ice of Green Lake at this moment were involuntarily attracted to the figure holding a giant sword high under the moon.

The giant sword fell towards the island in the middle of the lake that was wrapped in thick fog, but this was not an attack, it was just to break through the fog and see the truth:

"Space stabilizing halo!"

The giant sword fell, as fast as lightning, and as slow as a floating feather. The sword marks fell, and dense cracks appeared from the fog, revealing the scenery on the other side of the space.

The real island in the middle of the lake was not damaged in any way, but everyone in the fight saw the scenery as if the curtain had been lifted.

Under the scary yellow sky, strange and rugged black rocks are scattered in the waters around the island. Surrounded by rocks and dark lake water, there stands an island that looks exactly like the real central island, but still seems to be the same island more than 200 years ago.

The two islands and the surrounding waters completely overlap, just like the front and back of a piece of paper. Even people with no space talent can still see the truth of space represented by this extraordinary scene at this moment.

"Another island?"

Without any skills or any strange methods, Shade directly opened the fog of space with a power far beyond the Thirteen Rings. But as he voluntarily gave up maintaining his power, the fog came in again, and the broken space healed again.

that's enough.

The light of the giant [Moonlight Sword] swept into the sky, completely clearing away the annoying rain clouds that had lasted all day in the Green Lake area, revealing March and the starry sky hanging upside down. The rain stopped, everything was quiet, and the rippling lake water reflected the splendor of the starry sky.

The glowing figure slowly fell downwards, and the twin evil things he released had already killed two men in black robes. Then, ignoring the witch's followers, the figure broke through the space and appeared. In front of the tentacled man, the space-strangling spell completely chopped the endless tentacles into pieces.

As the front half, Mr. Smith's thick arm smashed the tentacled man's head, but just as Old Mrs. Smith was about to cast a spell to destroy his body, a huge beam of light projected from the island's fog penetrated the front and back of the pair of evil creatures. heart.

The monster died, turned into gray mist, and regrouped in front of Shade, turning into playing cards. The tentacled man, whose head was smashed, was wrapped in mist and disappeared around the central island.

Shade, who was falling like a feather, looked in the direction of the island. With the golden cracks in his eyes that had not yet disappeared, he could clearly see a strange figure standing on top of the lighthouse at the highest point of the island, looking at him. The figure put his hands in his pockets and nodded slightly towards Shade. Then the fog closed and enveloped the islands again, indicating that the night's battle was temporarily over.

"The fortune teller of the Thirteenth Ring has finally taken action."

Shade, who gave up on using his divine overflow power, took back the cards, took a step while falling in the air, and came to Megan who was watching the scene under the starry sky in shock.

Now is not the time to rush to the island to solve the problem. His divine overflow state only lasts for ten minutes, and he will fall into coma after using it up. There are still many puzzles on the island, and now is far from the time for a decisive battle.

The witch had been looking at the starry sky. She was originally wondering why the falling figure suddenly disappeared. Only when she heard the sound did she realize that Shade had returned. She looked at the man who was close to Chi Chi, looked at the long staff in his hand and the golden remnants of the corners of his clothes that had not yet disappeared, and opened her mouth not knowing what to say:


"Let's talk about it after we get back."

Shade then looked past her and looked around. Although he did not speak, his voice had clearly reached the ears of all the girls on the ice:

"The church's fleet has arrived outside the ice, it's time for us to leave."

The sorceresses spontaneously gathered towards the man who was "speaking". Megan held the hem of her skirt and stood behind him, as if he was their master. Shade didn't care what Megan was thinking. He took out the Holy Grail of Mist and knocked it lightly. The rich white mist escaped and surrounded the entire broken ice in an instant.

When the fog disappeared, the team that had boarded the ice, and the subsequent teams that came from the city, hung upside down in the galaxy, and the only thing they saw was the sunken ship that was still frozen in the lake.

"That one just now should be the God Summoner, right?"

"Yes, who else but him?"

It's simple conversation.

"Since the God Summoner has appeared, the chosen one in the space must be in the Green Lake area."

"Yes, but the problem is... Who is the evil and blasphemous element that almost caused the measuring instrument in the church in the city to explode just now to help?"

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