Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,687 The Crimes of the Soothsayer

"I want to talk to you too, but don't you still have a job?"

"Work is not as important as my family. I can't neglect my family just because I value my work."

As she said that, she took Shade's hand and led him towards the stairs. The word "indifferent" made Shade's heart skip a beat, but he thought that it didn't matter anymore.

In the living room, Shade told what happened tonight while Luvia was eating. Little Mia was lying on Shade's lap, waiting patiently for Shade to maybe give it some midnight snack.

By the time Shade finished telling the story, Luvia had almost finished eating. She went to the bathroom to wash up, and gave Shade a hug when she came back:

"Look, it's you who are going on such an adventure again. You are the strongest one among us, always have been. I just heard you describe the feeling of falling alone in the abyss, and I knew that I would definitely not be able to bear it. "

She whispered into Shade's ear.

"You don't have to comfort me like this. I knew there was something wrong with my emotions at the time, but it was fine afterwards. That evil god... was strange. I understood her, and then the cold feeling of falling disappeared. I can’t be arrogant and think that I really understand the thoughts of a god, I mean... I’m fine, Luvia, just take a sleep and it’ll be fine.”

Her purple eyes were still looking at him worriedly, but she still nodded gently:

"I believe you. The harvest tonight is great. Part of the secret of the island has finally been revealed. I didn't expect that there is another island on the opposite side of the island, in another space."

"The thick fog and the strange tentacled man most likely came from that strange island. Although the tentacled man's head was smashed, he was definitely not dead. The last beam of light should belong to the first generation lord of the Edwards family. Handi... Sure enough, he is not dead. He is probably the enemy this time. If it is only the thirteenth ring, it is not dangerous at all compared to the previous times. "

When it came to business, Xia De became more serious. Luvia tilted her body slightly and leaned into Shade's arms, listening to his heartbeat and asked:

"I guess that Edwards witch must have seen something."

"Yes, Audrey said that when she first landed on the island, she was too far away to sense him. This time the tentacled man walked out of the fog on his own initiative. She could feel that he was also of Edwards' bloodline."

The purple-eyed girl smiled:

"The seniors of the Prophet Association should not be underestimated. Fortunately, I also found some interesting things before the association seized all the information on Laplace Klein Howard.

He is not only an excellent diviner, but also a master of alchemy with superb methods. He has studied the Philosopher's Stone in depth, and may even have contact with the "Blood Spirit School" in an attempt to learn the alchemy technique of reconstructing the human body. Guess, Shade, why did he rebel against the Prophet Association? "

"It can't be because you couldn't beat the then president of the association at cards, right?"

He made a joke, and Luvia shook her head slightly:

"But it is indeed related to the Rhodes card. I think you still remember the origin of the contemporary Rhodes card rules, right?"

"Yes, this is what you told me -

Hundreds of years ago, the association discovered an impermanent card in the database - [Impermanent Knowledge]. While searching for relevant information, I found another piece of paper called "Impermanence and Destiny" from the notebook of Mr. Schleich Riddle, an ancient fortune teller from the fifth era. Based on these two cards and other manuscripts, Mr. Chanem Rhodes, the president of the association of that generation, created the playing method and system of Rhodes cards, which is still in use today. "

Luvia nodded:

"But there are actually different opinions within the association as to why the Rhodes card game was created. What I tell you, which is what most people think, is that the Rhodes card game was created to promote the issuance of divination cards. , in order to find new profit points for the association's divination business that was in recession at the time. But Laplace Klein Howard believed that the creation of the Rhodes card system had profound meanings and had something to do with the truth of the world and the end of the world. Arrival related.”

Shade frowned and thought for a moment:

"He has his own ideas. Isn't that a mistake?"

"Of course not, but the fact that he excavated the tomb of President Chanem Lord and was caught afterwards is an absolutely unacceptable crime. He was originally going to be imprisoned, but he ran away early. He He even tried to snatch two of the All Things Impermanence cards from the association before escaping - now there is only one, [Origination·Knowledge] in your hands. Fortunately, the association's prophets are not incompetent."

Luvia shook her head slightly:

"If I hadn't seen the exact information, I wouldn't have dared to imagine that something like this had happened in the association. Before Laplace Klein Howard escaped, he was injured by the then president and three vice-presidents. And he was fatally injured. Divination showed that he must be dead, so after more than 30 years of pursuit and no clues were found, the association gave up the pursuit. Unexpectedly, he actually ran to the Green Lake area and hid with more than 200 people. Year."

"This person is more troublesome than I thought. If it was really him who took action half an hour ago, he is definitely the one with the strongest combat power among the Thirteen Rings."

Shade lamented that his perception was stronger in the divinity overflow state, so he could tell this.

"It had better be him, otherwise doesn't it mean that there are powerful guys on the island that we don't know about?"

Luvia said, looking at Shade with her purple eyes:

"Let's talk about these things tomorrow. You look really sleepy. Go to the bedroom and I'll rest with you."

Shade was indeed very sleepy, because he only used one move in the divine overflow state, so he did not faint after the state ended. But this doesn't mean that he doesn't need a good rest.

"I can just go and rest by myself. You don't have to accompany me. Don't you still have work to do?"

The purple-eyed girl smiled and kissed the side of his face:

"I said, you are more important than work. And... won't my enthusiasm be better at dispelling your indifference?"

"Actually, work is more important. I don't have..."

The girl with purple eyes patted his arm angrily:

"Think about it carefully, Shade, what do I want to do? I can work anytime, but if I miss the night, it will be gone."


"Mia, you can sleep in the living room tonight. Good night, and wish us sweet dreams."

(Girl Yin Luna is praying...)

Luvia, who was originally worried about Shade's mental condition, was completely sure that Shade was absolutely fine when she woke up early Tuesday morning. At the breakfast table, she asked Shade in the morning light how he got out of such a serious "psychological trap."

Shade said while touching Mia:

"It was true that I couldn't think about it at the time, but then I thought about it carefully. I have less in this world than most people. If I don't care about you and little Mia anymore, what's the point of me coming to this world?"

He sighed:

"I also admit that sometimes I feel lonely, and this feeling will probably stay with me for the rest of my life."

After all, he is a foreigner, a real foreigner.

"But I also understand that I have established new relationships and gained a new identity. Therefore, looking at the world indifferently is indeed my attitude towards life, but I will not be indifferent to anything."

He looked into Luvia's purple eyes with a smile:

"I don't care about the territorial dispute between Delarion and Kasenric, I don't care who the richest man in the world is, and I don't care whether the city I live in can still maintain the appearance of the old era amid the industrial wave. But I care about you, and Mia, Pay attention to all the people who cross my path."

He spoke what was in his heart:

"Gluttony, greed, sloth, arrogance, anger, indifference... these are all my sins, but they are not all of me."

"I already believe you are fine. You showed your enthusiasm last night. I'm glad you can figure these things out. Some ring warlocks are troubled by their own thoughts and have no chance of promotion in their lives."

Her ears were a little red in the morning light:

"Besides, compared to these six crimes, the one that suits you better is..."

She blinked at Shade, who shook his head with a smile, and saw the portrait in the snow that Hela Oxenfurt painted for him hanging on the wall.

He still has things to do.

Today is Tuesday, and Shade has no plans to go out. Luvia went to work after breakfast, but she would come back tonight to continue adjusting her stargazing equipment and recording star maps.

Since there was nothing important, Shade slowly cleared away the breakfast dishes before going to the basement to get what he needed.

Just as he reached the stairs, he heard a knock on the door. After opening the door, he found Priest Augustus outside. The old priest looked dusty and carried a black suitcase in each hand:

"Good morning, detective. I was worried that you had already gone out."

The priest said with a smile, and Shade made way for him to enter.

The purpose of Priest August's visit was to deliver something to Shade. After the meeting last Saturday, the two of them chatted in Regent's Park about the Edwards family and the remains of angels in Green Lake. Priest August learned that there was a suspected thirteen-ring fortune teller on the island, and there were ten other people outside the island. After seeing the Mirror Hidden Man in Sanhuan, he decided to make something useful to help Sha De.

Originally, Shade should have gone to him to get something, but the priest happened to have time today, so he took the initiative to bring something to Shade:

"This box is a magic potion, you will probably need it. In the other box, there are alchemy tools to help you fight against the Thirteen Rings. Although it is impossible for you to have the power to match theirs, there is still no problem in protecting you. Yes. That sage-level relic shield also gave me inspiration. It can be regarded as the most troublesome thing I have made so far, but it will definitely be useful to you."

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