Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,689 Passion and Ice

Shade smiled apologetically, and the woman behind the veil asked softly:

"When you first met me, was I cold to everything?"

"Yes, because of the influence of the Heart of Stone."

Later, when she gave that heart to Shade, Shade almost cried when he just touched the "winter flower" growing on the stone.

"So, do you remember the last question you asked me?"

"Of course I remember, I asked - even now, do you still love Stone Oxenfurt?"

Shade repeated, and Hela nodded. Their faces were illuminated by the moon, and their eyes were serious. The departing souls were shining with their backs to them, while Priest Augustus by the door watched this scene quietly.

"My answer: Yes. I hate him. I no longer have a fiery heart. I no longer pay attention to everything in the world, but I still love him. Mr. Hamilton, is your heart cold and empty, and you It doesn’t matter whether you love someone or not.”

Shade was a little confused and opened his mouth slightly not knowing what to say. Hella Oxenfurt continued:

"If you love her, you will love her at any time, even if you just remember to love her. I am not a transcendent person and cannot discuss the impact of 'love' on the soul, but simple indifference cannot change love and love. I am very Confirm this. If I really no longer love Stone, I will not entrust you to solve the problem of him being trapped in the world."

"So this is what your commission meant... Simple indifference cannot change..."

"Mr. Hamilton, would you forget your loved ones because of their mistakes?"

The woman asked again, and Shade immediately shook his head. Last Saturday, Dorothy and Lesia did such risky and irrational things, and he just made them promise not to do it again.

"of course not."

"Then there is no need to doubt your emotions."

She looked at Shade through the veil. Shade felt that Hela Oxenfurt's eyes after death had the power to penetrate people's hearts compared to those in life and death:

"You said that you, like me, are indifferent to the world. I don't object to this view. But like me, you always remember the people you love until the end. No need to worry, no need to question, I hope You can get all the love, and I hope all your love can always be by your side. Even if everything comes to an end, as long as you remember that you still love them..."

She folded her hands together and pressed them against her chest. The soul glowed slightly, and then all the light gathered into the hands on her chest.

Hela Oxenfurt held up the light in her hand to Shad, and the cold blue light jumped into Shad's body, touching his soul under the gaze of the cat on Shad's shoulder. .

[Outlander, you have obtained the thaumaturgy "Passionate Ice". Use positive emotions to make ice and snow have high heat and explosive effects. Positive and high-spirited emotions will make the explosion more violent. Corresponds to the "indifferent" spiritual rune. 】

This seems to be the thaumaturgy of making a bomb with bare hands.

By the time Shade came back to his senses from the trance of gaining strength, Hela Oxenfurt's figure had returned to the water, and together with those souls whose faces could not be seen clearly, they turned their backs to him and walked towards the dark moon.

Shade wanted to wave and thank her loudly, but he was afraid of disturbing the peace here, so he just said "thank you" in a low voice, then turned around and took Mia back to Priest Augustus.

The old priest heard the complete exchange just now, smiled and said to Shade:

"Do you understand now?"

"Yes, those confusions are really ridiculous. Whether I am indifferent to the world has anything to do with whether I love everything around me?"

He covered his chest and felt the strong beating of his heart. All the sequelae caused by the weird hollow power of the angelic relic [The Nameless Man's Remains] were completely eliminated at this moment. What this incident brought him was only strength, the strength to help him protect everything.

"Priest, let's go back... Speaking of which, there's something I don't quite understand."

He and the priest walked through the crack in the door and returned to the Soul Cemetery. The stone door was automatically hidden in the thick fog.

"What don't you understand?"

asked the priest, standing in the fog.

"Why are these lost souls so powerful? Joeyin Barton's lover, Ms. Marilyn Handel, was actually on the waters of death, absorbing the curse imposed by death itself after Barton lost it to me; Hela... Although Oxenfurt was resurrected by demonic power, she is indeed just an ordinary person, but she can let me learn thaumaturgy."

Shade asked his doubts. A smile appeared on the priest's face. He and Shade exited the cemetery and returned to the corridor of his home:

"Death, isn't it wonderful?"

The truth, of course, is that the departed soul has become part of the world, and the emotionally controlled spirit therefore has magical powers equal to death itself. These powers only manifest themselves through various miraculous events, and once the soul returns from true death to the world of the living, this power no longer belongs to them.

The effect of opening the door is to obtain this precious miracle by sacrificing a drop of divinity or a heart of the living dead.

It wasn't until after lunch that Shade and Priest August separated. Although he didn't travel far that morning, Shade gained more than he experienced adventures.

Ignoring Mia's habit of taking a nap after eating, he forcibly took the cat with him and went to the Prophet's Association to find Luvia during the lunch break.

When she saw Shade in the divination room, Luvia thought something big had happened again. She was quite panicked and took three [Ghost Iron Coins] to divine for Shade, but Shade hugged her directly. she:

"No, I came here just to give you a hug."

The girl with purple eyes was a little surprised at first, but she quickly realized it and hugged Shade.

"That's great. You're completely back to normal."

She felt the warmth of the embrace and was very satisfied that Xia De was as determined as she thought:

"The man I chose is really good."

Shade didn't stay at the Prophet's Association for too long. He got on the carriage and went to Quill Street in the University District and found Dorothy in her apartment.

This afternoon, Miss Writer invited other well-known local female writers to have a tea party in her apartment. When she heard the landlady say that Shade was looking for her downstairs, Dorothy, like Luvia, thought something had happened:


She hurried down the stairs, but was greeted in the foyer with a warm hug. Miss Writer blinked in confusion, then reached out and hugged him as well, and reminded him in his ear with a smile:

"Your cat looks like he can't keep his eyes open. If you have something else to do later, how about leaving him here to take a nap?"

So little Mia could finally take a nap peacefully.

The next stop was to find Lesia and Miss Carina. Although Shade didn't know if Lesia was in Yodel Palace, he was sure that Miss Carina was in Yodel Palace.

News has been published in newspapers that the second negotiation delegation led by Grand Duchess Carina will set off for the Green Lake area this Saturday evening, so she still has many things to deal with at Yodel Palace before leaving. .

As the residence of the royal family and the administrative center of the entire kingdom, the defense of Yodel Palace is second only to the cathedrals that can facilitate the arrangement of ceremonies. But for Shade, it is not very difficult to break in.

After turning into a cat, jump directly onto the wall and then jump into the garden of Yodel Palace, and then walk openly towards Lesia's room. And no one who saw this cat on the road thought it was strange.

This time, there was some bad luck. There was no one in Lesia's room. So the silver cat jumped down from the window sill on the third floor lightly. Just when he was thinking about whether to rely on the induction of the "Witch Detection Medal" to go to Miss Carina first, he saw Agelina behind him. Figure in the garden.

The little princess had nothing to do. Taking advantage of the nice weather in the city today, she had afternoon tea with her two sisters in the back garden. The three young princesses sat together around a white round table in the pavilion, while maids served in the pavilion.

The other two princesses both looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, and they were both dressed in princess dresses and black leather shoes. Shade knew one of them, Alice Cavendish, but the other, younger princess, could not be compared with the huge list of princesses in the Cavendish royal family:

"Kate? Elena? Belinda?"

He thought about possible names for a moment, then decisively gave up thinking about pointless things. If he walked over in cat form, he would definitely scare others, so Shade maintained his cat form and stopped in front of Agelina's maid. Agelina's maid also saw this silver-white cat when Shade broke into Yodel Palace last Saturday night, so after confirming that it was the cat, she went to tell Agelina.

A few minutes later, under the grape trellis in the back garden of Yodel Palace, Agelina saw Shade the cat standing on the stone table:

"Oh, why are you here?"

She was a little surprised and wanted to touch the cat, but Shade, who had been prepared, immediately dodged it:

"Good afternoon, Agelina. Is Lesia here? And is Miss Carina here?"

"What a coincidence. My mother and my sister went to visit the Duchess of Cabor. But Aunt Carina is here. I saw her half an hour ago."

Agelina said, looking at Shade eagerly:

"Do you want me to take you to find her?"

"No, no, I can just go by myself."

"But my aunt is indoors. The palace guards will not care about cats that appear outdoors, but cats will certainly not be allowed in indoors."


So Agelina reached out and hugged the silver-white cat, and tried hard to hide her smile.

She then said to her maid:

"Tell Alice and Elena that I have something to go to see Aunt Carina and I won't be back for an hour."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Then, the little princess happily hugged the cat in her arms and left.

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