Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,707 The Reappearance of Chloe

"Dragon, please change one condition. We are companions traveling together, and I will not give up any of them!"

Shade said decisively, while stuffing Mia into the inner pocket of his coat and preparing to take action.

To be more precise, who is stronger, the Balrog or the Dragon, depends on their age and specific race. But since they were able to defeat the Balrog when they first came, they might also be able to defeat a giant dragon in the "traveler mode" where they don't know whether the enemy was weakened or themselves were strengthened.

Obviously, Shade was not the only one who thought this way. The unicorn's golden horn also shimmered, and the witch was even more angry than Shade.

"Another condition?"

The huge dragon head thought for a while:

"Then it's just money, lots and lots of gold, or powerful relics or precious ancient books."

Shade certainly didn't have these. Although the witch brought some props that might be able to help them, they were not very expensive.

Wanting to understand this, in Shade's drooping right hand, the silver-white electric arc crackled. He has always heard that "Thunder Gun" and "Sunshine Gun" have special damage effects on pure-blood dragons. Since it cannot be verified in the Sixth Era, this time it is just right to test it.

However, before he actually took action, the dragon's cave-like nose suddenly twitched again, and it asked Xade suspiciously:

"It's really interesting. I thought I smelled it wrong just now. How come you smell like a female dragon?"

Shade frowned slightly, remembering the "smell of the female dragon" left on him by Fiona, the demigod red dragon witch, when he used the time key of [Eternal Night City] for the fifth time at the end of the Battle of Randall Valley. Although this smell is not just a smell, it will slowly dissipate over time. Although the power to intimidate wild animals has decreased a lot now, fortunately it has not completely dissipated.

"I know a hybrid dragon witch."

Shade then replied that in this era, even if Fiona was not mentioned, Miss Feliananna and Miss Olanode were not born, so even if they were told, no information could be found:

"That witch left some smell on me, but that's not the point. We don't have anything valuable, we just want to get over it."

As he spoke, the "power of the red dragon" had been activated. To deal with such a huge enemy, strength was also necessary.

The unicorn also walked next to Shade, and the light from the golden horn had spread to the surroundings. The dragon looked at the hostile person and the unicorn, thought for a while, and gave up some positions:

"In that case, you can go over there. The female dragon that is the source of the smell on your body is really powerful. I don't want to be chased and beaten by other dragons in the future, especially those red dragons with bad tempers."

But Shade didn't see anything bad about Fiona. On the contrary, the Fiona Drago he knew had a weak personality.

"Let us pass? Let me confirm, we travelers don't have to spend a lot of money like the last person who passed, right?"

Because it was in the story, Shade deliberately used the title "Traveler" to make sure that the other party would not lie.

"Come on, come on."

The dragon said impatiently:

"And the last witch who passed by didn't give me any money either."

The voice became much quieter in the second half of the sentence:

"I just want to scare you. The last witch beat me up. Otherwise, where do you think the ice crystals on my head come from? I am a dragon, not an elemental creature. It is definitely not normal for ice edges to appear on my body. "

It complained and put its head back. As a huge shadow passed from high in the sky, everyone felt their eyes go dark. When the light reappeared, they returned to the familiar camp again.

The bonfire is bright, the sky is filled with snowflakes, and the surrounding woodland is foggy in the dark night. He clearly encountered a giant dragon and was ready for a fight, but he didn't expect the contact to end in such an anticlimactic manner.

From this point of view, this dragon must have been injured when fighting the last witch that passed by, which at least affected its combat effectiveness. Otherwise, there would be no reason to let the group of people pass just based on the smell.

The bard was writing something quickly again. Shade looked at the witch, who shook her head:

"Although Lux is excellent, I'm sure she can't defeat a dragon of that size on her own. The last witch who passed by was definitely not the one we were looking for."

"My sister had just been promoted to the eighth level before she disappeared."

The maid in black skirt also added, Shade nodded knowingly, and the voice of the god started the narration again:

"The traveler under the moon has blind confidence, and the path he chooses leads the group to the dangerous dragon territory. The dragon appears and asks you to pay the toll for passing, or leave some companions. Although the travelers Your pockets are empty and you are unwilling to give up your companions, but relying on the deep friendship with the demigod red dragon in the past, the traveler under the moon successfully persuaded the dragon to let you continue on your way."

Shade definitely had no illusions. The witch and the maid must have glanced at him with profound eyes.

"The dragon's wings cleared the way for you, and you successfully reached the scheduled camping site before dark."

On top of the card pile, the next card is automatically revealed, which means that the events of this night are not chosen by them, but appear on their own as the story develops to this point.

What stood on the card in the background of the snowstorm was a small one-person tent.

At the same time that the four people were confirming the card face, a faint light lit up at the edge of the forest that was not originally illuminated by the bonfire, and then became brighter and brighter until it illuminated another area in the snow, consisting of bonfires and A small camp consisting of tents.

At that moment, a storm mixed with snowflakes hit their faces, and no one could see clearly what was in the small camp. They could only see the figures who were sitting in the camp, getting up and walking towards them.

There was a smile in God’s voice:

"On the night of the sixth day, the travelers in the snowy night arrived at the original camping site, but they didn't expect that someone was already resting here. Meeting strange travelers during the trip is also a very important part. I just didn't know that the travelers Can we get along well with this stranger?"

The tall figure walked towards them in the snowstorm. As the figure got closer and closer, the face became clearer and clearer, and Shade stood up immediately. She has long silver-white hair, a gorgeous dress and a brown fur-collared coat. The demigod witch with golden eyes, Miss Cloyin Marcus Marquez, walked towards them with her back to the wind and snow.

Even if he knew in advance that Chloe Yin might appear, Shade's eyes widened at this moment. Also standing up at the same time was the witch Miss Andreana. She also recognized that this was the demigod from Zarath Academy. .

But Chloe Yin frowned and looked at the man in front of her and the group of animals behind him. Her eyes seemed as if she didn't recognize Shade at all.

This is a very strange thing. As a demigod, she left the Silver Mountains and her memory will not be erased. Moreover, the demigod's powerful memory should not allow her to completely forget Shade in just twenty years from 903 to 923.

Even if she really couldn't remember clearly, the fact that Shade, as a male, would not trigger the witch's curse would not make her so calm. Therefore, the only explanation is that although Shade did not turn into an animal like his companions, his appearance in the story is definitely not his normal appearance.

"Who are you? Circus leader?"

Although she is petite and has a cold expression, when she speaks, she is even more oppressive than those tall witches of the Sixth Age with arrogant expressions.

Obviously, the test of this incident is to get along peacefully with other travelers encountered on the journey, but what Shade wants more than anything else is to make Croyin recognize him.

He motioned to Miss Andreana, the witch who stood up next to her, not to speak. When he was about to say something, the cat in his arms meowed again.

Speaking of which, the cat meowed in the Lost Forest apparently too many times.


Because when Shade entered the Silver Mountains for the second time, the cat also met Miss Cloyin, so when facing the witch in front of him, the cry was no longer vigilant and intimidating when facing strangers.

When she heard the cat's meow, Chloe frowned suspiciously, then looked down at Shade's arms, as if she had just realized that he was holding a cat.

This also made Shade realize one thing. Although he brought a cat with him last time and this time, in fact, little Mia never appeared in the travel stories told by the gods, and the gods never described little Mia. exist. Even though it will also follow Shade into scenes in the story, it is not judged as part of the traveling team because it did not come the first time.

That is to say——

[Inside and outside the story, this cat is real. 】

"She" concluded gently.

"This cat is...Mia?"

The short silver-haired witch called out the name of the cat that Shade had called in surprise, and then looked at the face of the man in front of her in shock. Suddenly, he realized that the person standing in the snow in front of him was actually a man. And the face that seemed to have never been seen before also revealed its true appearance when he realized that the other person was a man. In other words, she suddenly realized what this face meant.

Twenty years of longing, twenty years of memories of the "climbing trip" to the Silver Mountains in dreams, all turned into real emotions at this moment. And that beautiful and unique orange cat also confirmed that this was definitely not an illusion created by the snowy mountains:

"It's you?!"

"You recognized me! That's great. I was still thinking about how to explain it just now."

The silver-haired witch no longer cared about talking and walked quickly towards Shade in the snow, then opened her arms and stood on tiptoes to hug him.

Her whole body was trembling, and the familiar warm breath reminded her of the brief time they spent together in the tent when they climbed the Silver Mountains. The cat, squeezed between the two of them, was very dissatisfied and struggled to sit on Shade's shoulder, meowing to express its feelings.

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