Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,717 Farewell Ball at Yodel Palace

The weather in Tobesk is very good tonight, and the spring starry sky hangs upside down above the Yodel Palace. Only Agelina, Shade and the little princess's maid were left in the garden. The princess glanced back, and the maid turned around consciously and waited at the entrance of the garden.

Suppressing the emotions in her heart and her gratitude to her sister, Agelina took off the small silver crown on her head and stuck it on her arm. Then she put her right hand behind her head, untied her long red hair that was originally bound, and slightly Shake your head and let it dangle behind you.

This look made her look obviously more mature than before:


She looked at Shade beside her, and Shade also looked at her.

"The moonlight is so beautiful."

She looked at the man who seemed to be favored by the moonlight. He seemed even more unusual under the night:

"Sister said that you know the moon very well and are very good at using the power of the moon. Now, can you talk to me about...the moon?"

Her smart eyes seemed to be able to speak. Although there were echoes of Lesia and Miss Carina in her frown and smile, she was completely different from them. Standing on tiptoes, their lips touched lightly, both of them opened their eyes and saw what they looked like in the other's eyes.

Night, 9:40, Yodel Palace Banquet Hall.

"What are you thinking about?"

When the ball music played in the banquet hall, Carina Cavendish, who was wearing a purple dress and a silver crown, was hugged by Shade and entered the dance floor first.

The beautiful witch noticed Shade's pensive expression and couldn't help but joked:

"Don't tell me that you and the two girls have been studying mathematics or philosophy in the room for more than an hour just now."

"No, no, of course not."

"So, those two girls have finally found a way to counter your extraordinary physique? Is this the so-called, the most rational time for men?"

She said teasingly. Shade shook his head slightly and said something in her ear. The witch immediately blushed:

"Okay, okay, I know you are just starting now. I will let you go after dancing in a while. Really, you know that I can't keep you tonight, but you still say such things."

As she spoke, she adjusted her pace to the slow rhythm, and then sniffed slightly:

"It doesn't smell like she hasn't done anything. This smell...Has Lesia changed her perfume recently? This is the light scent of the new Golden Lily III perfume launched this spring, and it's the same one I use." The scent of the witch's scent is very close. Isn't she very confident? How could she imitate me?"

Shade didn't want to talk about perfume. He couldn't say that Lecia not only changed the perfume on purpose, but also got underwear similar to hers, and then asked him to call her "my Duke", and then told them ...Although he is in a good mood now and wants to go back as soon as possible after dancing, he does not want the witch who is in a good mood to change her mood:

"I was just thinking about what the lunar eclipse means to me. Agelina and I were walking in the garden just now..."

"Were you with Agelina just now? Are you sure you didn't say the wrong name?"

The witch raised an eyebrow.

"It's just a walk."

"No, no, I'm not surprised that you and Agelina are together. Who can't see Agelina's little thoughts? I'm surprised that Lesia is so generous. This is the first time I've seen a tiger guarding its food. Taking the initiative Let the food out... That's right, after all, the tiger also has a sister... Please continue. Be careful, please don't step on me, knight."

She reminded softly, but the smile on her face did not diminish.

"Feel sorry."

Shade looked down at his feet and continued:

"Ajelina invited me to discuss the topic of the moon... Just think of it as just the moon. Her inspiration is really strong. She said that I have always looked like the moon, but recently I have looked like the moon. Like the moon in the sky, it is getting darker. More than one person has said that this lunar eclipse is very important to me. Sister Devlin and the guardian of the earth said so, but Miss Danister said that it is best for me to hide. For this lunar eclipse.”

"So, Agelina still has the talent of a diviner?"

The witch said with a smile, but she didn't seem to care very much:

"Although I'm not as good as your teacher called the 'Red Moon Witch', I'm pretty sure that the lunar eclipse is also part of the lunar phase. I heard that some people - such as the one who sat on the moon seat during the meeting One, even in the face of a lunar eclipse, there is a way to enhance one's strength. A lunar eclipse is just the disappearing moon and the shadow of the moon, what are you worried about?"

The two hugged each other, and she whispered into Shade's ear, as if she was flirting.

"Just flirting."

As if she could see what Shade was thinking, the witch smiled softly and enjoyed the dance:

"On the night of the lunar eclipse next Wednesday, I will most likely have arrived at Green Lake. If you are worried, how about staying at my place for the night?"

"If there's nothing important, I'd better stay at home. It's safer at home."

"Look, you rejected me again. Come on, don't talk about those depressing things, let's continue dancing. I know Agelina is still there waiting for your invitation, but she can wait a little longer. Lesia is very fond of her. You are generous, but I am different. The witch has never understood what humility is."

She kissed Shade on the side of his face, surprising everyone else who was quietly observing the two of them. Xia De also unexpectedly raised his hand to cover the side of his face, looking at the shyness and joy in the eyes of the beautiful red-haired lady who was close to Chi Chi:

"Shad, I'm warning you in advance. After arriving in Green Lake City, I can arrange my meeting with Megan however I want. Don't stop me. I haven't encountered such an interesting thing in a long time. You must let me arrange it. ."

Beneath that shyness and joy is uncontrollable excitement.

"In fact, just meet and talk directly, and don't make Meghan too embarrassed."

Shade was a little worried.

"That's okay. Since she likes role-playing so much, let her play it to the end. Don't worry, I just want to embarrass her, and I won't embarrass you."

Miss Carina said, following the music, she was held in Shade's arms and spun around for a week, then she leaned in his arms and looked up at him:

"If Little Lesia hadn't booked you in advance tonight, I wouldn't have let you go at all."

Shade originally planned to dance two dances with Miss Carina and then invite Agelina. As a result, it wasn’t until the end of the third song and the band took a short break that the Witch was willing to let go of Shad:

"Tomorrow evening, remember to go to the train station to see us off."

She warned before walking towards Tifa who was waiting aside. And Agelina, who had been waiting a little anxiously, walked towards Shade with a smile regardless of her reserve. But when the dance music started playing again, she whispered to Shade:

"My great-aunt's head maid just now, the very tall Miss Servit, asked me to tell you that there is a very strange person here. He carries a soul with him."

"Soul? Here?"

Shade was slightly surprised. This was the Yodel Palace. He could not imagine what kind of soul could enter such a place where the church had arranged numerous exorcisms and blessing rituals.

"Is that person still there?"

"Here, although I can't see the soul, Miss Servit told me about that person's appearance. He didn't dance, he was watching others playing Rhodes over there. Please hold my waist, yes, spin, yes, lightly Softly, gently...yeah, turn your head to the left. See that? That guy who looks so weak."

Now Shade saw that it was no stranger, but Durut Giles, who had robbed the tomb on the central island of Green Lake, and the soul of the little girl discovered by Tifa was naturally Miss Rusty Edwards. However, the other party did not float aside blatantly. Instead, she hid in Giles' body and only occasionally showed her head to look around. She was probably seen by Tifa due to bad luck.

This kind of harmless soul that cannot affect reality is difficult for low-level and even most mid-level warlocks to see without performing thaumaturgy or drinking potions. It was really bad luck that she was noticed by Tifa who had been promoted to the eighth ring.

"It's okay, he's an acquaintance. I'll go talk to him later."

Shade wasn't sure why this guy came here. If he remembered correctly, Durut Gilles had been plagued by poverty like other tomb robbers due to the curse. Although attending this banquet does not mean escaping poverty, this does not look like a place where he can come.

So after dancing three dances with Agelina, Shade went to the bathroom to disguise his face, then patted Durut Giles on the shoulder from behind, and walked with him outside the banquet hall. corridor.

The dance began, and the banquet had reached its most lively moment. After a while, His Majesty the King finished speaking and handed over the letter of carte blanche to negotiate matters to Miss Carina. The banquet was finally over. Therefore, everyone was still gathered in the banquet hall at this time, and the corridor lit by gas lights was empty.

The banquet hall is extremely soundproofed, and the corridor and the room separated by a wall seem like two different worlds. Durut Giles looked nervously at the stranger who brought him out, and asked tentatively:

"Are you... a friend of the professor?"

"Yes, you are really brave to bring her to a place like this."

Shade leaned against the wall and shook his head.

"I can't help it, she won't wait for me at home."

Even though his face was powdered, the man who still looked pale said helplessly:

"It was my relative, Viscount Chris Rendall, who gave me an invitation. He told me not to stay at home all the time, but to go out for a walk occasionally. This distant uncle was really enthusiastic, and Lars Te Ye was clamoring to go out for a walk, and I thought it might be good for her recovery, so I came... I guess she wasn't discovered by others, right?"

"Look, didn't I just discover it?"

Shade did not intend to waste more time with him, but warned:

"You'd better be careful. Although the Church of Souls will not care about this harmless thing, if it is discovered that you are a ring magician, things will be in trouble."

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