Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,720 Cooperation

Megan smiled:

"Young people must respect their elders. Why don't you first tell us what you are here for?"

She was actually ready to take action. Although there were no followers ambushing her nearby this time, as her condition continued to improve, the witch believed that she would have no problem dealing with the two juniors in front of her.

The two brothers looked at each other - they could only look at each other:

"We are here to look for a certain relic. According to the investigation results of the Mirror Association, relics have been circulating on that island in the past two hundred years, especially in the one hundred years after the family's decline. During his lifetime, Count Man seemed to have come into contact with the relics circulated on the island, so Your Excellency the Mirror Hidden Man sent the two of us to investigate."

Megan frowned slightly, which also coincided with the results of her and Shade's investigation just now.

"Aunt, I wonder if you and uncle have found that relic? That relic can be used to make wishes."

One of the twin brothers asked, and Megan couldn't tell whether it was the older brother or the younger brother. However, seeing that the other party was willing to exchange information, she also said:

"We are also looking for relics, but not the relics you mentioned."

She shook the ring on her finger. The two brothers subconsciously wanted to dodge, but then they realized that this action was just to display the item.

"I'm looking for this beautiful ring. Your uncle loves it."

A smile appeared on her lips, and the silver-white cat made a man's voice:

"In addition to this ring, we have other gains, which may be related to the purpose of your visit this time."

Although the way the cat spoke was strange, especially the beautiful silver cat that sounded like a mature man, the two brothers still suggested:

"Since it is to deal with the ancestors, maybe we can work together to find the relics related to the ancestors. The total area of ​​​​the manor is so large, and four people can find it faster than two people."

This is what Shade was waiting for. He moved his paw to signal Megan not to speak. The sorceress understood and continued to let Shade speak:

"It's an interesting proposal. However, we must also see what skills you have before we can talk about cooperation. You ran very fast on Monday when it rained. I think you should have inherited the family's special spatial talent to some extent. Some."

With that said, he threw out extra chips:

"Want to show it to you? We can also tell you some other things about the family."

He wanted to confirm in advance what the other party's power related to the "chosen one" was.

The two brothers seemed to have a special way of communicating, and they still communicated by "looking at each other."


The man who was blind in his right eye nodded and reached out to hold his brother's hand. This time, the two of them did not show their life rings. Instead, like last time, each person stretched out the thumb and index finger of their free hand, formed a box together, and aimed at Megan, who was holding the cat.

Immediately, the feeling of being locked came over me again. Last time it was through the rainy alley and the glass door, but this time it was directly facing them.

"Our talent is space locking. As long as it is locked by us, any of our subsequent attacks, unless blocked or offset in advance, will definitely hit...including the effects of firearms and thaumaturgy. "

“I also felt the spatial fixation effect.”

Shade said, but this kind of fixation is not particularly strong and can be broken free in a moment. I don't know if the two brothers deliberately held back, or if their eighth-ring strength is not enough to completely solidify the space.

"Space stabilizing halo."

I whispered in my heart, and the feeling of being locked in my body immediately disappeared.

The two brothers also put down their hands:

"Yes, we are also exploring this unusual talent. Your Excellency the Mirror Hidden Man is our teacher. He has taught us many thaumaturgy techniques to use with mirrors."

They only spoke to this extent, and Shade Cat nodded. Compared with the complete chosen ones, this talent is obviously not very outstanding, but it has also been proven that it is indeed one of the characteristics of the "space chosen ones":

"Okay, the information we can provide is that the Edwards family is not a pure human family. We have at least five kinds of heterogeneous bloodlines: elves, goblins, star dragons, astrological centaurs, and vampires. Moreover, there are extremely rare bloodlines in the bloodline. The small amount of unknown ingredients is suspected to be related to the human body."

Megan said that if Shade said this, it would be a lie, but for her, it would be the truth.

The two brothers frowned, and were surprised by this result. They took off their hats and put them on their chests, and together they leaned forward and bowed slightly to the woman holding the cat:

"Thank you, aunt, this information is very valuable. Do you want to share the information here and search together?"

She pinched Shade's paw, and the cat responded:

"Okay, we found a notebook."

"We have here a copy of the memoirs of Count Gaiman's personal maid who passed away last month."

The three people and the cat exchanged information with each other, and it did not take too long to read the short documents. In the personal maid's memoirs, there is not much about the old earl who passed away fifty years ago, but it can be seen that the emotions are very sincere.

In other words, the maid was once the count's lover, and when writing her memoirs, she was still thinking about the man fifty years ago.

"It is very common for a maid to have an affair with her male master."

Megan said out of some unknown state of mind, it was a good thing that Shade was still in the state of a cat, otherwise his expression would have changed.

As one of the people closest to Count Gaiman, the maid certainly knew about the Count's "adventures". But the count seemed to be trying to protect her, so he never fully told her what happened.

But she knew that Count Gaiman had always attached great importance to this manor, and would often murmur in his dreams at night, "You must not continue to make wishes," "You can't be greedy," "It will take away everything from me," and "Don't trust that person." Sentences like this. Out of concern for her lover, the young maid wanted to find out what happened to the earl, but when she quietly followed the earl, one night she found him alone with a fishing rod, from the small pier behind the manor. After setting off by boat, he discovered the Count who was being followed and dismissed her and drove her away.

"It should be to protect her."

Megan commented when she saw this, and then continued to turn back.

Shortly after the maid was fired, the count unexpectedly died. He seemed to have predicted his death in advance, so he left a will. The fired maid also received a generous gift. The count's family did not object to this, but chose to respect his choice.

"It's a qualified love story. If the maid sneaks back into the manor to investigate the true cause of the count's death, it would be a good novel to adapt it to."

Shadcat said from Dorothy's perspective. Megan rubbed his head rudely and turned another page to make sure there was no other relevant content:

"In other words, Count Gaiman's secret may not only be in this manor, but also in the water behind this manor."

"That's what we thought too."

The two brothers not far away said:

"Aunt, the contents of your notebook further confirm this, and the possibility of being in the water should be greater. Do you want to search together?"

They extended the invitation again, and although Meghan wanted to go back for lunch with Shade right now, she still agreed. After all, this matter might really be related to their ancestors:

"Okay, but the sun is too strong today, and I didn't bring a parasol. If there are no clues by noon, I will go back."

The three people and the cat then walked through the abandoned manor, bypassed the mansion, and followed the path to the pier from the small gate of the completely deserted back garden. Although the manor and buildings have been abandoned for a long time, the small dock here can still be used reluctantly, probably because local gangs occasionally come here during smuggling.

Of course, there are no ships left here for three people and one cat to use, but even the lowest-level Shade cat has the ability to walk on water. Naturally, the high-level witch and the brothers of the eighth ring will not be stumped by this problem. .

Three people and one cat started from the pier, divided the nearby water into two parts, one on the left and one on the right, and then searched separately. The water in the area near the shore is not very deep, so most of the time you only need the help of "another self" to sense it, without reaching into the water.

But even so, this kind of search is also quite difficult. Shade originally thought that it would take a long time, or that there would be no results at all, but within half an hour, among the two brothers who were searching separately, the one who was blind in his left eye discovered something unusual:

"Come this way."

He shouted to the other two people, and Megan walked over on the water with the cat in her arms. This is about 800m away from the pier. There is no sign except for a clump of reeds nearby. What was found was a glass bottle lying in water about 3 meters deep.

The specific appearance and shape of the bottle kept swaying with the ripples on the water's surface, so no one could see clearly.

"Is it so easy to find it?"

Megan asked suspiciously. She actually didn't trust the two brothers very much. At this time, she even doubted whether this was their conspiracy:

"Now that you've found it, pick up this bottle. The whispering element is very slight, almost non-existent. What is this?"

"Aunt, we also doubt whether this is your conspiracy. After all, you came earlier."

The brother stood on the water on the other side of the bottle and said hesitantly.

Shade the cat looked at the bottle under the water, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed. Frowning slightly, he then said to the three of them:

"Why are you thinking so much? Since it is cooperation, we must trust each other. I will try it first, and you all stay back."

While Megan was holding him and retreating, the cat's paw raised the snowball and fell from the sky. With a loud bang, the thaumaturgy [Passionate Ice] exploded out of the water.

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