In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is easy to imagine that the entrance to the ruins is very close to the hiding place of the statue.

"Even if you don't dare to hide something like the statue of the old god, which is more dangerous than a relic, in your stronghold, and you are worried that if something goes wrong, everyone will be done with it, you can't hide it far away from the stronghold."

This is Shade's opinion.

The "Knock Printing House" with its courtyard and three-story building is where the entrance to the underground ruins is located. [Mercury Blood] spent money last winter to buy the printing factory that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and secretly carried out excavation work here. And the agent who bought the printing house was Mr. Ponton, whose family was killed tonight.

The man with silver eyes wanted to kill him, not only because this ordinary man's hand was stretched too far, but also probably because he wanted to make everyone who knew the secret disappear.

The above is the information that the doctor interrogated from the dream. But the doctor was not interested in the sage-level (level 2) relic [God’s Gift Box] at all. A relic with such a high danger level was not his target in the first place.

On this rainy night, he stood beside the corpse and explained his attitude. Then he looked at Miss Louisa, who also shook her head:

"I don't want to risk going to some ancient ruins, but the information itself is valuable. After the doctor gets the [Forged Philosopher's Stone], he can consider handing the information over to the academy."

Shade understood what she meant. This was to prevent disturbing the silver-eyed people.

The doctor and Miss Louisa looked at Shade together. Shade nodded and said:

"Don't worry, I'm just a first-level warlock. How can I have the courage to go into some ruins alone? I also agree to wait until the matter is over and sell this news at a high price. I am now short of gold pounds to repair the third floor of my house. .”

"No, I can't tell you for sure. After all, Lakeview Manor and the fish scales you talked about...

The doctor sighed softly:

"However, you are usually a cautious person. Remember, don't be carried away by greed, it's not worth it."

After dealing with the traces left in the house, the three of them separated at the intersection of Mr. Ponton's block. The rain washed away their footprints, and the Orthodox Church could not find them after discovering what happened here.

The doctor hurried away in a carriage. He seemed to have really found important clues about the "Forged Philosopher's Stone".

Shade and Miss Louisa were going the same way, so they took the same carriage back. But halfway through, the blond girl asked the carriage to change lanes temporarily. She planned to go to Old John's pawn shop to pick up something.

Shade didn't want to take the weird eyeball home, so he went along with him to sell the magic eye.

"But it's already eleven o'clock now. Is Papa John's still open?"

he wondered.

"The pawn shop closes at twelve o'clock in the evening and opens at seven in the morning. After all, when people do some gray transactions, they like to go there at night."

As Miss Louisa spoke, she tilted her head and looked at the street scene of Tobesk on a rainy night. Shade thought for a while, whether he went to the pawn shop or the Black Raven Library, he always went there during the day.

"Sure enough, it's still not cautious enough."

The stranger reproached himself, causing the female voice in his head to chuckle.

Visiting this kind of ring warlock trading place at night is very likely to meet other ring warlocks, but probably because of the bad weather tonight, even ring warlocks are reluctant to go out at night, so when the two walked into the pawn shop with the gas lamp on, When we arrived, only the owner was inside.

Going from the humid outdoors to the warm and dry indoors, isolating the sound of rain, is the best enjoyment on rainy days. Out of politeness, they all rubbed their shoes on the doormat before greeting the shop owner, Old John.

The old man, who looked very young, put the pen he was holding in the middle of the account book and clamped it:

"Oh, Louisa, and the detective, I thought there wouldn't be any guests coming tonight, so we all started keeping accounts."

He stuffed the account book back into the counter. Shade said hello and asked:

"Is there any news about the relic I want?"

Although Miss Carina promised to deliver the relics within a week, Shade would not just make one-hand preparations.

"There's news. My friend out of town has something similar, a living leech. I'll let you know the specific news when the goods arrive."

Old John said, handing Shade a black and white photo. The photo shows a wooden jar, with black leeches in the jar taken from a bird's eye view. The size of leeches is similar to that of ordinary leeches, except that their bodies are densely packed with fly-like compound eyes, which look very disgusting.

Even eyeballs can be relics, so it wouldn't surprise Shade that leeches are relics.

"You guys really like weird things. A few days ago, Anat's request was even weirder."

The old man muttered and put the photo away.

"What do you want to buy Luvia?"

Miss Louisa asked curiously. The shopkeeper was supposed to keep secrets for the guests, but Old John knew that these people had a good relationship, so he revealed a little bit of information:

"It's also a relic. It was brought back from the ruins of the New World. It looks like a cubic box, and inside is a rattle. It is said to have caused disasters in ancient times. This is not my collection. It was spread on the black market. Touting the news, Anat asked me to help contact the seller. When did she like to collect this kind of thing, or is the Prophet Association going to buy it... Oh, it doesn't matter, it's so late, so what do you want? "

The old man asked with a yawn, turned around, took a teacup from the small round table in the counter, and then went to make tea for himself.

Because of the last conversation about "Enlightenment and Civilization", Shade was full of curiosity about this pawn shop. I haven't been here for a week, and the place doesn't seem to have changed much, but the miniaturized steam engine in the corner is gone. I don't know if it was donated to the museum or bought by a collector.

"Dad John, the alchemy item I customized last time, the brush that can be used to erase pen ink marks, is it ready? I was supposed to pick it up the day after tomorrow, but since I'm on my way, I came over to ask."

Miss Louisa asked questions, while Shade looked at the old man behind the counter in surprise, not expecting that he had such skills.

Both alchemy and potions require talent, and of course, they also require gold pounds and time. Even in the ring magician system that has developed to this day, there are not many people who are proficient in these crafts.

"It's done, but I can only guarantee that it will be useful within half a year. The effect will be compromised after half a year."

As he said that, he searched for it on the counter, and then handed a small brush with a black metal handle to Miss Louisa. Shade's eyes could see very delicate runes and symbolic symbols engraved on the brush handle. The bristles on the brush were squirming as if they were alive, making Shade suspect that the bristles were actually worms.

"I didn't bring enough money when I went out at night. I'll pay the balance next time."

Miss Louisa said while observing the items in her hands under the light of the gas lamp. Old John didn't care either:

"Just settle the balance before the weekend. Also, are you going to write your new book? I've been waiting for a long time."

As he said that, the old man winked at Shade again:

"I can be considered her reader."

"It has to be after the exam season anyway."

Miss Louisa shook her head and lamented that the recent busy studies were giving her a headache. Old John sympathized with her, so he sold Shade and Miss Louisa a poet-level (level 5) relic that could cure headaches. But none of them were interested because the relic had a side effect of sleeping 22 hours a day.

After Miss Louisa's affairs were dealt with, Shade took out the bottle from his pocket and put it on the table with a thud.

"Oh? The magic eye? This is a rare thing. Where did you get it? Why is there still blood? Oh, which unlucky guy had your eyes gouged out?"

The old man suddenly became interested and asked with a smile. Then he bent down and looked at the bottle carefully, but did not touch the bottle:

"However, I don't accept this kind of thing."

He shook his head.


This is what Miss Louisa asked.

"I never accept magic eyes. This kind of item is too dangerous, and the buyers are relatively limited."

"Why haven't I heard you mention it before? Do you still have such a rule here?"

The female writer asked again.

"Because you have never come here to sell the magic eyes."

Old John had a matter-of-fact expression:

"It's like, I don't accept obvious stolen goods here, and I don't accept dangerous relics that are contagious and cursed. There are many similar rules. Of course, I will only speak out when I encounter a situation."

"Dad John, can you help me contact the buyer? Although you won't accept it, there will always be ring magicians in this city who need magic eyes."

Shade asked, while Miss Louisa was still confused about Old John's rules.

"Write down the specific name, function, and negative characteristics of the relic."

The old man gave Shade paper and pen, and added:

"The agency fees here are not low."

"Look at that cane..."

"Okay, okay, don't mention this matter in the future. I'll charge you 10% of the agency fee this time. Lucia, you know what a generous condition this is."

The old man folded his hands and put them on the table. Shade snorted and didn't answer. Miss Louisa showed a smile on her face:

"Dad John, you never suffer a loss."

It was close to 11:30 at night when I got home. After closing the door, the sound of rain and moisture were blocked out, which made Shade feel particularly at ease.

The orange cat that welcomed Shade home excitedly ran downstairs and circled around Shade's boots. He felt more at ease after being picked up. This feeling of being welcomed home makes foreigners very happy.

There was a lot of travel on this day and a lot of gains. For safety reasons, he stored the [Earl's Left Eye] and [Witch's Carbon Paper], both secret-keeper-level relics, behind a hidden wall in the basement before going to bed, and waited until the appropriate time to access them.

This place is really an excellent "safe deposit box".

When I left the basement, I couldn't help but sigh. Although he longed for the peaceful life of a ring wizard, he still had to participate in various events in order to quickly gain power and wealth.

Miss Anat said that as long as the chosen one does not die, he will definitely become a thirteen-ring warlock. Perhaps this is not because of the favor of fate, but because trouble haunts them anytime and anywhere.

When Shade took off the cat on the pillow and prepared to sleep, he suddenly thought of Miss Bayas. She always encounters various accidents, and probably has more wealth and relics in her hands than Shade thought.

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