Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,728 Destiny and Soul

This is the phoenix that once sealed the gap between life and death in Mount Sikal. Although she unfortunately died in the battle of Mount Sikal, fortunately she was reborn again based on her own characteristics and followed Devlin until she regained her strength. nun.

This little bird hasn't been seen for a few months, and its figure looks a little rounder. Although the fiery red hair looked very fluffy, Shade still felt that the nun probably prepared too much food for her.

This also makes outsiders who own other people's pets very wary, worried that little Mia will become so "mellow" if she continues to eat like this.

"Greatness does not mean that her soul has special power, but I see that her soul is carrying some kind of assigned mission."

The nun explained softly, put her fingers close to her shoulders, and let the phoenix rest on her shoulders:

"This has nothing to do with the nature of the soul, so the old priest did not see it. Do you remember the fateful death of Joeyin Barton?"

Shade nodded:

"Although I still don't quite understand what it is, it allowed him to gain demigod-level power by relying on death in a short period of time."

"Yes, Qiao Yin Barton's soul is destined to be close to death and then become a part of death. This is the responsibility given to him at the beginning of his birth, that is, the identity of the chosen one."

Shade frowned:

"You mean, Dorothy is also the chosen one?"

"No, those souls with unique destiny are not necessarily the chosen ones. For example, you..."

She raised her hands and untied the cloth tied around her eyes. Then, Sister Devlin's two completely white eyes looked at Shade. Shade was still a little uncomfortable for a moment, probably because he was used to the appearance of nuns wearing blindfolds. Now that she was looking directly at him, for some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of shame, as if he was not wearing any clothes.

"For example, you are destined to inherit the original fire. The fate of the soul, even if I am the chosen one of death, I cannot fully see it, but I can at least be sure that Dorothy Louisa and Lesia Cavendish , destined to be born extraordinary."

Shade pursed his lips, and the nun suddenly asked again:

"What are their middle names?"

"Dorothy Redemption Louisa, Lesia Sewell Cavendish."

The nun closed her eyes and said nothing more:

"You don't have to worry too much. Fate only gives them responsibilities, not what fate must tell them to do. They have the right to actively reject fate, just like you also have the right to refuse the fire in my hand on the top of Mount Sikal."

This reminded Shade of last fall, when he was lying limp on the top of the mountain after using his divinity, but Sister Devlin took away his [Eternal Leaf] and asked him to touch the flame tremblingly.

The nun seemed to have thought of what she had done before. She closed her eyes and turned her head slightly, so that Shade could only see her side face:

"Goodbye, Shad. If nothing else happens, we will meet at Green Lake soon."

"Goodbye, Sister Devlin..."

He thought of another thing:

"Speaking of which, do you know anything about the believers of the old god [God of Love]?"

The nun thought for a moment:

"They hate people who are not loyal to love."

Not sure if it was an illusion, Shade felt that he saw a slight smile on the fair side face of the blind nun in front of him.

She raised her hand, touched the phoenix on her shoulder, and then turned into a stream of fire and flew into the sky together with the bird.

Shade watched them leave, feeling that Sister Devlin was already very close to the twelve rings:

"The nun's talent is very good, and she is still a chosen one. It is only a matter of time before she becomes the Thirteenth Ring."

Thinking about various things, the worried Shade turned around and returned home. When he returned to the living room on the second floor, Dorothy in the bedroom finally opened the door carefully, looked around, and asked in a low voice:

"Shadow, has your friend left?"

"Yes, don't worry, I know you are at home, and you will definitely not invite unfamiliar friends to your door. When Priest Augustus came just now, I even locked the door with [Thorns of the Moon] so that everyone would know Don’t go near that door…it’s noon already, let’s go out to eat.”


This cat has definitely fully understood what "eat" means in human language.

"Just leave."

The writer lady just walked out of the door and had already changed her clothes for going out. She patted her chest gently, looking frightened:

"It really scared me just now. She is the Sister Devlin you mentioned? She is such a unique woman, as if she came out of an old-time oil painting."

Dorothy sighed, even looking a little excited:

"I have seen many beautiful girls, and I have always thought that Carina Cavendish is probably the most beautiful one. Although Sister Devlin is not as gorgeous as the Duchess, she has a really good temperament."

She grabbed Shade's arm:

"How about introducing me to that nun in the future? I think there must be a lot of inspiration in her. A blind nun is definitely a good subject for a detective novel."

"Yes, but it will take some time. Now everyone is busy with Green Lake."

The blonde girl nodded, then asked with a smile:

"So Shade, what's your relationship with that nun? Since you've been invited to your home, you're not just friends, right?"

"It's better than an ordinary friend relationship, not the relationship between me and you."

Dorothy nodded, and when she and Shade walked out together, she felt a slight discomfort in her body again:

"Shad, please remember to find time to ask Lesia out on a date recently."

"Is it because Agelina is away and you want me to spend more time with her?"

Shade nodded:

"No problem at all."

"Of course not because of that."

Dorothy gritted her teeth and said:

"I want our Princess to experience the feeling of sleeping until noon."

Despite what she said, Lesia was certainly as busy as ever assisting her father in negotiating matters in Tobesk. Even if Shade wanted to ask Lesia out on a date, it wouldn't be possible in a short while.

Time flew by. On Sunday and the following Monday, Shade just went to the Green Lake area to check out. After confirming that he was still unable to land on the island, he went home and waited patiently.

During this period, the most important delegations from Delarion and Kasonrik had already set off from Tobesk City and Willendale City respectively. The atmosphere of uneasiness and tension that was already hovering over the old continent has reached a new peak in just two days. Now even ordinary people who are not sensitive to current affairs news can detect the depressive atmosphere everywhere. spread.

Parades, demonstrations, endless criticisms in newspapers, and wanton comments about negotiations and war in pubs, all mixed together, it was as if the negotiation meeting that had just reached its climax was no longer important, and the worries and expectations for war had instead become Main theme.

In Tobesk, His Majesty the King gave public speeches for two consecutive days. Although the theme of his speech was still calling for peace, it was on the front pages that spread throughout the old continent. In the background of the photo, he was clearly hanging Photos in military uniform.

Green Lake City has also selected the manor where Duke Carina will stay. That is Rose Manor located in the central area of ​​Green Lake City. This place was originally the private property of Earl Gaiman - the one who died fifty years ago. Unfortunately, the Earl died just after the manor was built. The manor was later sold and renovated and maintained repeatedly, but no one ever lived in it. Later, it was simply sold to the royal family. This time it happened to be the temporary residence of Grand Duchess Carina Cavendish.

When hearing the news from Megan at the Green Lake Hotel on Monday, the brown-haired sorceress complained two things:

"I wanted to buy it more than ten years ago. Obviously I paid a higher price, but the owner of the manor at that time wanted to sell it to the royal family at a low price."

It is not convenient for Shade to express his opinion on this kind of matter.

While Miss Carina was heading towards the Green Lake area, the other great witches were also ready.

Mother-in-law Cassandra, Miss Swift, and Sister Devlin were probably the last to arrive, but the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe led by Miss Benanis and Siris are still staying in Willondale to perform, probably with Cassandra. Grandma Dela and the others arrived in this area at about the same time.

Miss Aurora has been going to that area to discuss business every time the chosen one appears in the past year, so in order to avoid suspicion, she will not come soon this time. On the contrary, Miss Sylvia, who was originally going to arrive in the Green Lake area in a private capacity, will soon appear in front of Shade.

Because Margaret did not know how to persuade her father "Lion Lai En", she will go to the Green Lake area with the delegation as a princess of the royal family. Therefore, Miss Sylvia can use the identity of "the princess's math teacher and personal doctor" to accompany her.

In this way, it is really hard to say whether Shade met Miss Sylvia first or Miss Carina.

"Why can Margaret go, but Lesia can't?"

Lesia knew the news one step ahead of Shad. When she complained to Shad about Dorothy's body and Dorothy's tone on Monday morning, her tone was obviously dissatisfied.

"Because there are too few princesses and princes in the Anjou royal family, Delarion sent Duke Carina this time. For the sake of etiquette and standard equivalence, it is impossible for Willendale not to consider Margaret."

The purple-eyed fortune teller who spent the night with Dorothy at Shade's place last night said. She lazily sat across from Shade at the dining table and watched Shade stretch his hand into the [God's Gift Box]:

"Dorothy, have you been in poor health lately? Your condition was a bit too bad last night."

She said to the blonde girl sitting next to her. When Shade's hand touched the bottom of the box, his eyes noticed that the spoon in Dorothy's hand bent at least sixty degrees.

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