Whispering Verse

Chapter 1730: Thaumaturgy - Connecting Hearts

"Are you a psychologist?"

Shade asked curiously.

"You can only be considered a scholar, let's get started."

Mr. Richard said, and Shade nodded. The cover of the album is a hand-painted landscape, with nothing noteworthy about it. Turning to the first page, Shade looked at the black, purple and white intertwined together, and the dynamic exchange between color blocks continued. He hesitated for a moment and said:

"The first one, the eyes."

Mr. Richard wrote in pencil in his notebook:

"please continue."

The second picture is more abstract, it is densely packed with hundreds of pairs of eyes, large and small, distributed on a colorful black background. The constant blinking of those eyes can drive someone with trypophobia straight to the point of going crazy. Shade tried hard to force himself to look for a while, because the answer "eyes" had already been used, so this time he reluctantly found another shape:


The third picture becomes a fragmented colorful butterfly with abstract eye patterns on a colorful background, occupying the entire picture.

The butterfly seemed to have been forcibly torn open, and the delicate fluff and antennae depicted on its body were still shaking.

“Beauty torn apart by violence.”

He made the answer a little more complicated this time.

In the fourth picture, on a pure black background, a blood-red irregular strip divides the picture into two, and the strip is still dancing up and down.


He answered questions one after another, and when he turned to page 13, it happened to be the last page. He had seen all kinds of strange and uncomfortable pictures before, so when the last picture, the huge moon in the starry sky, appeared, this normal picture surprised him:

"The last one...the silver moon, yes, the silver moon."


Mr. Richard asked, then nodded and took the album handed back by Shade:

"Different people flip through this album, and the content and number of pages they see are different. Usually there are three or four pages, but it is rare to see thirteen pages like you."

His tone was very calm, but he still glanced at Shade. The look in his eyes made Shade feel more and more like a guilty person:

"Can you tell me the test results? Or do you need time to analyze them?"

He was curious about the results.

"I can tell you now, but I want to declare: this is not divination or prophecy, it is just psychological analysis, so it may be completely wrong. If you are not satisfied, you can listen to my words as a joke."

After Shade nodded to express his understanding, the old man looked at his previous record and said:

"Obviously, you like a lot of girls, with beautiful eyes, twins, being stronger than you and very attractive, and having tails, which are your favorite features."


"I'm just doing analysis, I don't guarantee right or wrong, so you don't need to defend yourself."

Mr. Richard said quite understandingly, obviously having seen similar reactions many times. Then, he drew the Holy Emblem in front of him:

"In the name of God, this result will not be spread. Besides, I don't even know you. Even if others know it, they won't know who it is related to... By the way, your result is actually I’m a normal person, so why are you panicking? I’ve seen people who like humanoid steam girls, humanoid cockroaches, rotting female corpses, or worn-out high heels, so what does that mean to you?”

"Um...please continue."

Shade thought it was best not to dwell on this topic.

"You have a more conservative tendency towards marriage and love, and you are willing to give your sincerity to obtain love, and hope that the other person will do the same. You have a certain desire for control, but it is not very strong. You are greedy and eager to get more. ..."

"Ahem, can we skip to the next paragraph?"

"Okay, anyway, I'm almost done. The last paragraph is about your inner desire. This is not the type of girl you like, nor the love story you yearn for, but what you yourself may not be able to see clearly, your truest self." Thoughts…you longed for the moon.”

Old Mr. Richard still said calmly, not caring what Shade thought at all:

"By the way, what's your age and family situation? If it's convenient, and your income status, I'd like to have an income bracket."

"About 22 years old, I don't have any relatives...at least I didn't find any relatives related by blood. As for the income...it's not much, but I have shares in the mine, and the girls around me like to be responsible. My expenses...oh, God, to be honest, I already kind of regret sitting down."

"Then I'm glad that you don't have the ability to go back in time, otherwise I would have one less record...Okay, the record is ready."

Mr. Richard hurriedly wrote down the last few strokes:

"I only do psychological analysis, but most people who accept my invitation like me to give a summary conclusion at the end. Are you interested in listening?"

Shade nodded. Since the investigation just now has been completed, of course he wanted to hear the end:

"Sure, please."

"You yourself don't know what you want. You are chasing a dream-like goal. You are lonely, so you hope to be loved and long for a lot of love. You are afraid of losing, so you desperately want to hold on to what you have gained. thing."

Shade nodded again, pursed his lips and said nothing for a long time, and suspected that the other party was not a believer in the God of Love, but a believer in mind reading.

Mr. Richard was probably really used to seeing this kind of thing, so he didn't bother Shade to think about it. After a long while, he suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, why are you looking for me?"

Shade also woke up from his thoughts. The psychological test just now shocked him:

"I saw a passage in an ancient book: love, the fusion of souls; sex, the collision of bodies; love, the connection of spirits; love, the promise that two people become one person.

This passage was inserted into the paragraph very abruptly and has no connection with the context, so I want to know what this passage represents. I happened to be acquainted with Mr. Foran, and they introduced me to you for help. I'll pay for it. "

Mr. Richard shook his head:

"Forget about the reward, since you are a friend of those brothers and have accepted my psychological test, you can also be considered my friend. What you said is indeed one of the most important mottos before the demise of the cult. . In the distant fifth era, before our Lord left, this sentence was printed on the first or last page of every church book. But now, this is one of the few divine arts we can still use. Among them, part of the most special magical spell...it can be said to be a thaumaturgy, but it requires the corresponding spiritual runes to be learned."

"What magic is it?"

"Brother Fulun also knows that magic - connecting hearts. It requires spiritual runes such as [Connection], [Twin], and [Emotion] to learn it.

The basic function of divine magic is just to allow two people to communicate with each other without opening their mouths while holding hands. With mutual trust and emotional integration, injuries can be transferred to each other. However, the Fulun brothers have special talents and have developed other functions of this magical spell. Therefore, they can cast spells together by slightly changing the way they cast the spell. But if you want to do this, the spellcasting requirements are also higher. "

This requirement should refer to "twins" or "complete trust", but Shade did not have the corresponding spiritual rune and could not learn this thaumaturgy.

"Will this strengthen Dorothy and Lesia's bond?"

he asked in his mind.

[No, the fusion of souls will not be promoted so easily. 】

Although it was unclear whether Chloe Yin meant to ask Shade to find this miraculous magic, Shade still wanted to let Dorothy and Lesia give it a try. Shade remembered that they had "emotion" spiritual runes.

"So, can you teach me this magical skill? I can pay, or you can ask me to help with other things."

Shade then said, and Mr. Richard shook his head again:

"This is not under my control. This magic is not only the knowledge of the former Order, but also the knowledge of the [Rosicrucian Order] now. If you want to learn, go downstairs to find Upton and Hope. Upton is the successor of the Order The Keeper who came down, you need his permission to learn thaumaturgy. Hope is the treasurer of our outing this time. She will give you a price... I suggest you go to Kelly Hope first, eh Purton has an eccentric personality, and if you go to him directly, there is a high probability that there will be no results. But if you say that Hope has already made a price, he might be willing to talk to you."

So Shade said goodbye to Mr. Richard and prepared to go downstairs. Before leaving, the old man gave Shade a business card and invited Shade to sit in his psychological counseling center if he had time to go to Willondale. sit. From this point of view, this old gentleman should be regarded as a colleague of Dr. Schneider.

Kelly Hope, who lives temporarily in room 211 of the hotel, is a woman who looks to be in her forties. Although she has wrinkles on her face, she is still very attractive. She was wearing a long black dress and a pink crystal earring on her left ear. Other than that, she was very simple.

The lady made no special request to Shade. After asking Shade to come in, she first listened to him finish what he had just seen and heard at Mr. Richard's place, and then nodded gently:

"No problem, this magic is knowledge that can be sold. But I want to warn you in advance, two people must learn this magic at the same time, so that they can communicate and communicate while holding hands. As for the effects of injury transfer and joint spellcasting, There are more stringent prerequisites, which are not something ordinary friends can do.”

"It's okay, I want to give it a try."

Because Schade was a friend of the Forans, Ms. Hope did not offer a high price. In Shade's estimation, the price of this thaumaturgy, which contained many unique properties, should be around 350 pounds without materials, but Ms. Hope finally only asked Shade for 320 pounds.

When Shade took her approval slip and was about to persuade the last Mr. Upton, Ms. Hope asked Shade to wait again:

"I have a different view on the maxim you just told Richard."

"Isn't that the incantation of this magical spell?"

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