Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,734 The third landing on the island

In fact, Shade is more cautious than most. He also knew that landing on the island again tomorrow, Wednesday, would most likely not go smoothly, so before setting off on Wednesday morning, he carefully prepared the items he would bring - which naturally included important props such as angel feathers.

After kissing Luvia, who was holding little Mia, goodbye at the basement door, he walked towards the hidden wall.

Because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to finish things on the island before evening, Shade set out quite early. It is drizzling in Tobesk City today, and it is also raining in Green Lake City.

The rain wasn't heavy, at least not as heavy as the rain last week, but it didn't seem to be a good sign either.

Little John was in the trash can in the back alley of the hotel. He had not "go out" yet early in the morning. Shade did not disturb him and the puppy from resting, left some food and left. When he walked around the main entrance of the hotel, he saw that the carriage from Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals did not appear, so he knew that Meghan had not come yet.

He pushed the door open and walked into the hotel, saying hello to Mr. Soren Green behind the counter. A few minutes later, the hotel owner personally carried a tray and a newspaper and came to Shade, who sat down in a familiar position.

After placing the morning tea and newspaper in front of him, instead of leaving, Mr. Green pulled up a chair and sat on the side of the table.

Shade was not surprised. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then opened the newspaper to check the news.

Mr. Soren Green hesitated for a moment before speaking:

"Aunt Megan won't be here for about twenty minutes."

Shade's eyes moved away from the photo of Miss Carina on the front page - the duchess looked out of the photo with a serious expression, and then looked sideways at him:

"Have you finally admitted that you and Ms. Helena Green are descendants of the fourth generation's youngest daughter, Maria Edwards?"

The man wearing an apron shook his head helplessly:

"Didn't you already see it? And I believe that you also saw it. We saw that you saw it."

This is a long sentence, but the logic is relatively simple:

"Yes, I originally planned to wait for Meghan to take the initiative to tell me."

His eyes moved to the newspaper again. The front page headline reported the news that the second kingdom negotiation delegation led by Miss Carina would arrive tonight. The news stated the location of the train yesterday evening, so if nothing else happened, they would be able to arrive tonight. In this way, Xia Deming will be able to see Carina, Tifa and Agelina early.

"Auntie does intend to take the initiative to explain all this to you, but..."

He carefully looked back at the hotel door to make sure that the brown-haired elder would not rush in immediately:

"However, my sister and I discussed it and decided to reveal something to you in advance to prevent you from being unable to accept it. Meghan and Aunt Audrey..."

"I know everything."

Shade interrupted him and continued reading the newspaper without looking at the expression on his face:

"One body, two souls, or something similar. I know it. Since she said she wanted to tell me, let her do it. I won't be surprised. I have seen similar situations."

"is that so?"

Mr. Sauron Green is a little confused, but as an ordinary person, he himself cannot accept much knowledge about magicians and mysticism, so he really has no common sense in this area:

"Now that you know...there's one more thing, my aunt is actually..."

"Witches' Council."

Shade said softly, ignoring Mr. Solon Green's shocked expression:

"What are you so surprised about? Did I say something weird?"

He turned the newspaper to the next page:

"I can even know that she has two souls, so what does it matter if I know her origin? Don't worry, I won't mind that she was wanted by the Zhengshen Church, nor will I mind that she did some wrong things when she was crazy. I believe Megan and Audrey are both good girls.”

"No, my sister and I were worried that you would mind the witch..."

"What do you mind? A charismatic lady can only approach a man like me. Why should you mind such a thing?"

Shade glanced at him curiously. Mr. Soren Green opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

"But since you want to talk to me, there are indeed some things I'm curious about."

"Excuse me."

Mr. Green nodded immediately. This conversation planned by him and his sister was completely unexpected.

"How did you get discovered by Megan and Audrey? Also, is there any special reason why you run the hotel here?"

Mr. Green sighed slightly:

"It's about grandma. In fact, grandma Maria Edwards, never left the Green Lake area. Yes, her three brothers left, but grandma chose to stay. That island couldn't survive. After that, my grandmother stayed in Green Lake City, got married, had children, and lived an ordinary life. Probably because she was the youngest, my grandmother had the best relationship with her great-uncle Alphonse Edwards, and they never broke off. We lost contact, so our aunts have known us since a long time ago."

Shade suddenly understood, and Mr. Green lowered his voice and added:

"In fact, when my sister and I were born, our young aunts held us in our arms."

This immediately reveals Megan and Audrey's age, but Shade is not stupid enough to point it out:

“Is that why you have such a good relationship with Meghan?”

"Yes, as for running the hotel, this is actually the legacy left by my grandmother. This hotel has existed since my grandmother's generation. There is no special reason for running this place, but my grandmother hopes that future generations will not give up this industry. Green Lake Hotel It’s actually pretty good. Although I’m a little busier, my income is also very high.”

"Did your grandmother ever say that there was a special reason for not giving up this industry?"

Mr. Green nodded slightly:

"Grandma said that she hoped that if one day in the future, the descendants of one of the four brothers and sisters returned to the family's hometown, at least there would still be a house and a family here to welcome them back and allow the family to return. Sit peacefully at the table and have a meal.”

Even strangers without relatives were a little moved at this time. Mr. Green then raised his head and said:

"Mr. Watson, my sister and I hope you can be kinder to Megan and Aunt Audrey. She has suffered enough over the years. We know she is very powerful, but in fact she has always been lonely."

"Are you worried that I'm a bad person?"

Shade asked in surprise, Mr. Green shook his head slightly:

"My sister and I are just ordinary people. We don't know much, and there aren't many things we can do for our aunt..."

"I know what you mean, look at this."

As he spoke, he took out his business card from his pocket, which was the business card of Hamilton Detective Agency, and handed it to him:

"I originally planned to tell them my identity in a few days, but this week. You should recognize this name."

Mr. Green took the name and looked at it, then looked at Shade with surprise:

"Hamilton's Detective Stories?"

"Do you play Rhodes? If you do, you should know my deck."

Shade handed him his Rhodes deck again for inspection, and continued as the innkeeper looked more surprised:

"I'm that detective. By the way, I'm glad you know me because of that novel and not because of Rhodes or scandals or anything like that."

"But how could you be..."

He held the deck of cards with a heavy look of confusion on his face.

Shade lowered his voice:

"Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals can be one, so why can't I be one? This is not surprising. I'm just a second-rate detective with no business."

He put down the newspaper:

"Don't tell them yet, I still want to keep some mystery."

In fact, it was to cooperate with Miss Carina. The red-haired witch had been looking forward to revealing their identities for a long time.

The hotel door was pushed open, and a lady with brown shawl hair walked in. Mr. Green hurriedly stuffed the business card into his pocket, returned the deck to Shade, and stood up with Shade.

"Good morning, gentlemen, what are you talking about?"

Megan asked curiously.

"We're talking about Rhodes cards and detective stories, and I'm a writer traveling in the Old World."

The first half of the sentence is true and the second half is false.

"Are you really a writer?"

Megan said in surprise, Mr. Soren Green held the tray and said nothing, Shade thought for a moment:

"At least for now, I'm still John Watson, the writer."

Now that Megan has arrived, the two immediately set off to prepare to land on the island. This time we still took a boat, but instead of starting from the Duin River, we first took a carriage to the village of Pukhov on the north bank of Green Lake, and then set off on the prepared boat.

Because the departure time was very early, it was only eight o'clock in the morning when we arrived in Pukhov Village. The rainy weather made the usually lively village of Pukhov quite deserted, but it could be seen that the pub was very lively.

After disguise, Shade and Megan held umbrellas and walked through the village. When they came to the pier, they saw a magnificent hybrid steam and sail boat sailing towards the middle of the big lake:

"The Peace Church's boats have been patrolling and monitoring the lake near here these days."

Megan said, then motioned for Shade to follow her.

It can be seen that after last week's "treatment", Megan's strength has recovered very well. Although he has not fully recovered to the eleventh level, he can already use more of the power of the high-level warlock. Therefore, considering the church's blockade and the complicated situation on the island, she did not let her followers follow her this time. Instead, she took Shade to find the boat parked in the reeds. She and Shade were alone. Set off towards the Central Lake by boat.

This time the boat is not a steam-powered boat, but the most traditional wooden paddle boat. This boat was chosen because this original wooden boat was more suitable for renovation.

During the long week of waiting to land on the island, Megan gathered her followers to modify the ship. Various ritual arrays have been condensed and engraved on the bottom of the ship, and even the oars have been modified and processed, making the ship itself a complete alchemy item.

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