Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,737 Mineralogist

The two people hugged each other tightly in the fog, trying to vent some unspeakable emotions caused by "desire" in this way. In the end, Shade woke up first and wanted to push Megan away, but the body dominated by the sorceress instantly switched to that dominated by the witch, and she continued the kiss even more passionately.

Apparently both Megan and Audrey were affected.

In the end, Shade successfully separated from Audrey. At this time, both of them were completely awake, but Shade still felt a fire jumping in his heart. He only hoped that Luvia's horoscope would not last very late tonight.

The witch didn't know what Shade was thinking. She wiped her lips and felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest:

"You're very skilled."

She said, biting her lips again, reaching out to touch her face, and the appearance covered by illusion disappeared, revealing her true appearance. In fact, not much has changed, but her face has become more refined, and her beauty is also beyond the normal level. She even has some special charm that other witches don't have because of her pale complexion.

Golden eyes looked at Shade:

"Am I pretty?"

"very beautiful."

Shade praised, thought for a while, and revealed his true face. However, neither Megan nor Audrey recognized who this was. Although Shade's photos appeared in newspapers, they were mostly from the side or from the back. In addition, the black-and-white photo had distortion issues, so she did not immediately think of Tobesk's detective.

"Are you feeling better? Feeling better, let's set off."

Shade suggested, the witch nodded slightly, subconsciously hooked her little finger, and then felt the vibration of the golden thread:

"Much better, let's go. There's still a lot to do today."

After saying that, she moved forward again and touched Shade's lips with her lips. She was greedy for this kind of temperature that made her soul vibrate:

"If everything goes well today, come to my place for dinner tonight. Let's discuss what you want to wear when you and I attend the banquet on Friday. I think you are not good at it. Prepare yourself a banquet dress, right?"

She was indeed right. Shade's clothes were prepared by the girls around him, and Lesia was particularly interested in this.

"At the banquet, I will definitely tell you everything and let you meet my friends."

She held Xia De's hand, and Xia De turned to look at her and said cautiously:

"As long as you're not angry with me then, you can do whatever you want."

He became more and more worried about what the red-haired duchess had planned.

The terrain of the central island of Green Lake is generally relatively flat in the north and mostly mountainous in the south. The island is small in size, with the town of Green Lake located in the north of the island and the Edwards family's mansion located almost in the center of the island.

In order to obtain the key today, Audrey did not take Shade to the Green Lake Town Cemetery in the forest. Instead, she entered the abandoned Green Lake Town through the forest path, and then took Shade towards the cemetery. Moving to the southeast of the town, they finally stopped in front of a very ordinary building.

Most of the buildings in Green Lake Town are low. The two-story building in front of it is located on the edge of the town, but it doesn't look much different from other buildings. When Shade first landed on the island with Megan, although he walked around the town, he did not enter this building.

"This is the residence of mineralogist Mr. Ludy McMahon. I investigated his life. He was an accomplished mineralogist in the academic field who lived more than a hundred years ago in the town of Green Lake. Destruction moved to the island five years ago and died half a year before the town was abandoned."

Megan looked at the building and said:

"I found the descendants of the surviving townspeople, and after asking around, I confirmed that the scholar was not dead, but missing. After the townspeople searched to no avail, they could only think that he was dead. Therefore, he did not have a cemetery, nor There are no bones.”

"I remember that this key of yours requires precious metals like adamantine, mithril, and orichalcum... Is this scholar still in the house?"

Shade asked, Megan nodded slightly:

"Yes, I even suspect that his disappearance is related to my ancestor. Come with me. If you want to see him, you don't have to be lost in space like a blacksmith, but it is definitely not simple."

She opened the door and walked in with Shade.

The house was not big, and Meghan was very familiar with the internal structure. She led Shade through the living room to the stairs, and then took him to the bedroom on the second floor.

Because this is just an ordinary house in a small town, even the explorers who landed on the island did not come to search specifically. Everything in the room is still there.

Megan brought Shade to the desk, and then pointed to the oil painting hanging on the wall above the desk:

"This is it."

More than a hundred years ago, there was no mature photography technology today, so if people wanted to record their appearance, oil painting was a good choice. The oil painting on the wall was the portrait of the mineralogist. Although it looked nothing special at first glance, when Shade reached out and touched it, he did feel the traces of the elements:

"How to call out the soul?"

Shade asked, and Audrey pointed to the display cabinet on the side of the room, which displayed various stones:

"Solve the puzzle, yes, don't look at me like that, I'm not kidding. Every time I come here, the placement of the stones here will be slightly different. You need to select the stones with extraordinary properties and put them on the desk. The soul of the scholar Only then can it appear. The reason why it is called a puzzle is because there are clues in the room."

"Well...how did you know these rules when you first came here? Someone put the rule book on the desk?"

"From what I know from my father's belongings, the Edwards who left at the beginning should all have similar key clues."

Megan’s tone was a little low, but she shook her head to dispel the emotion. Judging from the current situation, it would be easier for the descendants of the Edwards family to die than to live:

"Stop talking so much. There are 23 stones in total. Let's do it."

There is a special power in this room, which is used to prevent the ring magicians from directly sensing whether the stone is an ordinary stone, and can only use knowledge to distinguish. Shade was actually curious about whether it would work if he broke the display cabinet and put his hand directly on the stone to sense it, but he was cautious and did not do so.

Audrey was obviously not here for the first time. She knew most of the 23 stones. The remaining stones that stumped the great witch with wisdom and knowledge are mostly precious ores that are rarely seen in this era, and some of those stones are very familiar to Shade, who possesses [Witch Reverberation]. ——Most of the magic potions and alchemy knowledge possessed by witches contain materials that can no longer be found in this era.

The two finally identified 20 stones in total. Although the remaining three stones were unrecognizable, Audrey relied on her experience in solving puzzles here several times and took less than an hour to identify them from the room. Their names and functions are found here.

So five stones were placed on the desk. After a while, as the stones turned into sand and scattered on the table, the man frozen in the oil painting suddenly blinked and then moved in the frame:

"Descendants of Edwards, are you here again?"

His tone was not as rigid as the blacksmith Shade and Audrey had come into contact with, but unfortunately it was not as spiritual as a normal soul.

The witch nodded slightly and took out the materials she prepared for the key:

"You asked for any one of the three special metals, and I found orichalcum for you. In addition, there are black pearls, steel ingots with a specific carbon content that you asked for, the Edwards family's memories of research experiments, the blood of family members, and the flawless of deep orange gemstones, green crest minerals.”

Among them, [Green Crest Ore] Shade had come into contact with before. He found a piece in the water ghost's lair and still keeps it at home. This kind of ore allows people without space talent to temporarily obtain space talent through special means. The ore is mostly produced in areas with unstable space. The "Family Memories of Research Experiments" is a yellowed notebook page with dense writing.

"Give them to me."

The man in the frame said, and with a click sound, the portrait bounced slightly off the wall. Open the portrait to the right. Behind it is a hidden compartment in the wall where items can be placed.

Shade looked at Audrey and asked her if she needed help putting the ores and materials in, but the witch told Shade not to worry:

"You said last time that if I was willing to give you something more, would you be willing to reveal some other information to me?"

She frowned slightly:

"Can I tell you now what exactly I have to give you?"

She reached for her satchel, obviously preparing a lot of things in advance.

The man in the portrait nodded:

"The Philosopher's Stone."

"Are you kidding me?"

Audrey asked in a stern tone, so the man said again:

"Or two of the other three special metals. The more you give me, the more I can tell you."

In other words, "Adamantine" and "Mithril".

The brown-haired lady breathed a sigh of relief and first took out the mithril. It was only half the size of a fingernail and was placed in a small glass bottle. As for the fine gold, Audrey looked at Shade, who nodded:

"Just use the one I have."

His fine gold came from the life money of the ring warlock who used the invisible sword during the group mission. Later, when he asked Megan for blood, he left it with the witch and never got it back.

Audrey nodded again:

"I will make it up to you."

Those fine gold ores have been smelted and purified into fine gold by her. The amount is also very small, only the size of a full thumb.

So all the materials were transferred by the two people to the secret compartment behind the portrait. When Shade pushed the portrait back to its original position, the man in the portrait already had a key in his hand.

He threw the key and looked at Audrey outside the portrait with an expression of pity:

"You can't defeat your ancestor. You can't imagine how terrifying he is."

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