Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,741 The Labyrinth and the Witch’s Spirit Rune

Although Shade did not have the courage or interest to try this potion that was said to be able to make people crazy, he had just smelled the unique smell of the potion's main ingredient "blood mint".

It tastes a lot like catnip.

He was not surprised at all that Audrey and Megan had also read the "Pink Book". That book was not a banned book, and it was normal for the great witch of knowledge and wisdom to read it. He just didn't expect that the other party would be so creative in developing such a use for pleasure potions.

And since Megan carries this magic potion with her, it means that she has thought in advance that the two of them might want to share their vision. From this point of view, even if her strength is damaged, this eleventh-level witch still has knowledge and power that far exceeds that of a normal ring warlock.

"However, if Dorothy and Lesia were allowed to drink this magic potion on the Day of the Red Butterfly... they would have imitated each other on the Day of the Red Butterfly... ...Oh, what was I thinking?”

He attributed his thoughts at this moment to the aftereffects of "Desire" he saw in the morning.

After drinking the potion together, the golden thread originally wrapped around the fingers turned pink.

"The effect is very good, the fog has dissipated a little, and my perception has recovered a lot... Is this potion so effective? I originally thought that it just allowed me to barely see clearly in front of me. Is the potion extremely effective, or are we two particularly suited to this potion?”

Megan cooed suspiciously, but didn't pay too much attention. In order to prevent them from getting separated in the fog, they held their hands again. While moving along the street towards the north of the island, they also saw what had just attacked them.

Those swaying figures were actually stiff corpses. After being bombarded by Megan's beam just now, only the broken bodies were left lying on the street. The bodies varied in their degree of decomposition and in the clothing they wore.

Because they did not want to delay here, they did not check the identities of these corpses in detail. They only made a rough judgment that the undead power had manipulated them.

"First the devil, and then the undead. What do you want to do?"

The two quickly left the town and entered the forest path connecting the dock to the town. As expected, they encountered the enemy again. This time the enemy was a large group of miserable green undead, with screams and wails, rushing towards them from the fog in the forest on both sides of the trail.

If the vision is suppressed in a chaotic state of space, it might be really troublesome to encounter such an attack suddenly. But to Shade and Megan at this time, these enemies, like the resurrected corpses just now, did not pose a threat at all.

In Shade's view, these evil spirits were much weaker than those in Fort Midhill. He didn't understand why these weak things would be sent out if they were to attack them.

But in the end it was not Shade who took action, but Megan who wanted to show that she was actually stronger than Shade and cast a spell first to purify those resentful spirits.

It was past 3:30 in the afternoon, and they finally returned to the dock. Immediately after boarding the ship, Shade set sail. He turned around and saw the dock gradually disappearing into the fog. He didn't understand why he escaped so easily, but the demon didn't react at all.

Megan also had the same worry, holding Shade's hand and waiting for the boat to break through the thick fog.

Both of them were counting the time, but twenty minutes later, the ship was still moving in the fog. This situation was obviously abnormal. Given the speed of the ship, they should have sailed ashore long ago, not to mention leaving the foggy area.

"It's not that simple after all... enhanced spatial perception."

This time it was not a normal spellcasting, but an extra spirit spent, using all one's strength to expand one's spatial perception range.

The flat lake surface and the rugged bottom terrain of the lake gradually appeared in Shade's mind with the two as the center. Even Megan Dumo Lake sensed what Shade "saw".

The perceived range is getting bigger and bigger, but there is no trace of land around at all, as if they are not in a big lake, but in a certain sea area.

[The exit is on the water. 】

In order to maintain the rest of the battle, Shade stopped using thaumaturgy in time. After taking a breath to regain his energy and strength, he shook his head at Meghan:

"No, we are probably trapped in some special area. But since the water is impassable, it seems there is a way."

"This is the only way, that's good."

The two clasped their hands together and jumped from the boat to the water at the same time. With his body in contact with the lake water, Shade vaguely heard the sound of the mirror breaking. But what followed was not the feeling of sinking into water. His feet touched the ground, and there was no moisture at all around him.

Looking around, Megan was still holding hands with him, and the current location was surprisingly the street where she jumped out of the bedroom where she was asleep just now.

[This is not a retrospection of time. The lake forms a passage that brings you back here. 】

"Back to the starting point? Has this island turned into a maze?"

Megan said softly, frowning slightly as she considered new methods. Hearing the word "maze", Xia De suddenly realized something. But before he could tell his guess, several figures appeared again in the fog.

But this time it was no longer a shaking corpse, nor a screaming soul. Seven humans dressed in different styles hurried over from the north of the street. They were also surprised when they saw Shade and Megan:

"Meeting someone else again!"

Five of the seven are ring sorcerers, and the highest level, a man and a woman, are both six rings. They wanted to get close to Shade and Megan, but when they saw the light shining in Shade's hand, they immediately took a step back.

"We are not enemies!"

The seven people explained in unison:

"This island is becoming more and more strange, and we are all trapped here. Now it is a huge maze. No matter where you go, you will eventually return to the starting point. Join us, whether it is to survive together, Or find a way together, we can all help each other.”

Megan shook her head, looked at Shade with a solemn expression, and then asked proactively:

"How long have you been stuck here?"

"I don't remember, but it's been a long, long time. Believe us, it's definitely not something you can walk out of casually."

Their tone was quite sincere. Even Shade didn't think they were lying, but he still shook his head:

"We want to take a look at this island first. If we need cooperation, we will go to you."

"But after separation, you may not be able to find..."

Before the woman from Sixth Ring Road finished speaking, Shade took Megan's hand and turned towards the other end of the street, disappearing into the fog.

Neither of them spoke, and they walked for five minutes before stopping after making sure those people hadn't followed them.

"Those things are not people. The corpses and evil spirits just now should be them."

Megan said solemnly:

"There are many legends about the family's island. According to the rumors, some people have disappeared on the island. I think the truth is that the missing people have become like this. Judging from the current situation, they most likely died in the fog. More than once, my memory has been distorted and changed countless times, but I still haven’t realized what happened.”

Shade took a deep breath:

"Turning the island into a maze, trapping the souls and bodies of the lost until they fall into the deepest despair... is indeed an act of the devil."

Megan frowned slightly:

"In other words, since we woke up, we have entered the scope of influence of demonic power."


Shade nodded. After realizing what was going on now, the thaumaturgy of [Seeing Demon] finally made out the imperceptible black stream of light from the thick white fog.

"If we cannot escape, we will gradually lose consciousness, and like those people just now, we will become the devil's plaything, wandering in this huge maze forever."

Shade said softly, and Megan took off the small book hanging around her neck, shook it gently, and turned it into a large gold and silver book. This is Megan’s angelic relic [Book of Desire]. Now that she can use high-level power, the power of this relic book is also stronger:

"I heard you talk about demons last time, so I was prepared, and it really came in handy this time."

She quickly opened the book and found the corresponding page number. The fine scarlet writing and complex ritual diagrams combine to form a powerful thaumaturgy called "Marguerite's Exorcism".

Of course, the "Margaret" here is not the southern princess Shade knew, but a female witch hunter who lived in the ancient era. The exorcism ritual she created has been passed down to the present day through several eras, and has been integrated into the ring sorcerer system.

The page Megan opened contained a detailed description of the learning methods, spellcasting methods and taboos of this high-level thaumaturgy. After reading it carefully, she said to Shade:

"It's up to me this time. I specially asked my twelve-ring friend to record her thaumaturgy in my book."

There is a high probability that she is also a certain great witch, but Shade doesn't know her.

"I will save you this time."

Megan showed a bright smile on her face, and then extended her hand to Shade:

"Lend me that ring. It will enhance the effect of thaumaturgy."

Shade handed over the [Demon Hunting Seal]. After Megan put it on her finger, she lifted the book up and down with both hands. The invisible wind spread outward from the sorceress's body, and for the first time, Megan's eleven life rings appeared completely behind her.

There are six extremely rare core spirit runes - Enlightenment - [Immortality], Enlightenment - [Twins], Enlightenment - [Wisdom], Enlightenment - [Metal], Enlightenment - [Medicine], Enlightenment - [Book]. Judging only from the core spirit runes, Shade had never seen anyone, including the thirteen-ring warlock, whose talent and potential could match Megan's.

[Immortality] and [Twin] are consistent with the Fulun brothers, and any one of [Wisdom], [Metal], [Potion] and [Book] are extremely rare and very practical spiritual runes. Although the ring warlock's talent cannot simply be judged from the spiritual runes, Shade still fully understood why Audrey, who has the talent for space, is the "great witch of wisdom and knowledge."

When he saw her life ring, he knew that no one was more suitable than her.

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