Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,751 Reeds

After Shade put on Meghan's coat, Miss Denister finally asked the question she really wanted to ask:

"If I heard correctly, the man hiding the mirror said just now that you are the God Summoner?"

There was still a smile on her face, and it was obvious that she had been preparing for this sentence for so long just now. And rather than exposing Shade, she seemed to enjoy watching Shade's panic and confusion.

But Shade replied calmly:

"He recognized the wrong person. Not only did he say that I was a Godcaller, he even said that I was a member of the Edwards family. However, the college has investigated my background and I am very sure that I have nothing to do with Green Lake or the Edwards family. ."

The sorceress had a regretful expression on her face:

"Yes, Al Harken is really talkative."

Even Megan knew what she was regretting, but Miss Denister quickly looked at the brown-haired girl behind Shade, but the librarian did not talk to Megan, but asked Xiang Xia German:

"You are certainly not the Edwards, but where is this lady? Introduce yourself to me."


Shade glanced at Megan, and after the latter nodded, he said:

"Yes, this is the girl I said, take me to the island and help me find clues about the Edwards family."

"It's so beautiful. Although your love life is a bit complicated, I have to admit that you have a good taste."

Miss Daniste commented, Megan stood behind Shade with her head lowered, determined that she would never take the initiative to speak.

"Both of you should know about the chosen one, so I won't explain it. The chosen one in space is suspected to be related to the entire Edwards family, so Miss Edwards, you know what you will face. Your ancestor just said He is the chosen one, but we cannot believe whatever he says, you have to be vigilant.”

Megan grabbed Shade's shoulders and nodded gently.

"Ms. Edwards, although you are a high-level warlock, you probably don't have a twelve-level one. So in the following dispute, you are not actually a strong party. If necessary, you can keep in touch with St. Byrons. , I don’t know what your background is, but since you are Xia, you are a female friend of my student, you are a friend of St. Byrons.”

The red-haired sorceress of the Thirteenth Circle gave advice that would also benefit St. Byrons. After all, the chosen one has reached the sixth place. This is the first time that the suspected chosen one is related to the college.

"Ok, thank you."

Megan forced out a sound from her throat, fearing that her identity would be discovered.

Miss Denister nodded and said to Shade:

"I'm going back to the academy. I'll lead a team in about a week or two. Remember to come see me then. Don't stay here too long. Although I 'believe' that you are not the God Summoner, other than me, Everyone probably doesn’t believe it.”

Shade was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, so the smile on Miss Daniste's face became even wider. She looked up at the three-wheeled moon that still had not reappeared, and warned her students:

"Pay attention to safety. There should be other changes in the Green Lake area after tonight. Also, don't forget to learn the thaumaturgy [Black Moon Talisman] tonight. If you miss tonight, if you want to learn that thaumaturgy again, arrange The money for the extra ceremony will probably make you feel distressed for a long time.”

"Goodbye then, Miss Daniste, and I wish you a pleasant evening."

Shade said goodbye to his teacher, and the red-haired sorceress waved:

"Goodbye, see you soon. Also, during the period before I came to Green Lake, you should not easily land on the island without special reasons."

"I see."

Shade looked into Miss Danister's rose-red eyes and said. The latter burst out into a smile, then turned into a ball of light and flew away into the distance. This time he really returned to the academy.

"Don't move yet, she might come back again."

Shade was about to turn around and speak to Megan, but he didn't expect that the girl behind him grabbed his shoulder to prevent him from turning his head.

"This is my teacher, not a bad guy ambushing us."

Shade reminded, while rearranging the illusion to cover the surroundings. Miss Danister was able to find them because Shade specially left a trail for her and Miss Carina. Otherwise, even these high-level sorceresses would not be able to find the two of them so easily.

"You didn't tell me that the teacher you keep mentioning is actually the 'Red Moon Witch' Daniste."

After the illusion was formed, Megan finally allowed Shade to turn his head, and then reached out and hugged his neck enthusiastically:

"It makes me look ridiculous. It turns out you were really sure of everything all this time."

She was definitely not complaining about Sha De. Sha De could feel it from her warm embrace:

"I originally planned to wait until I told you my true identity before talking about the teacher. Miss Danister is a very nice person, but I didn't expect that she would fly directly to me."

Megan put her head on his shoulder and continued softly in Shade's ear:

"This is not an ordinary teacher-student relationship. You really have a good teacher... In fact, I should have thought of it myself. You were born in St. Byrons, and you were promoted to the sixth ring in less than a year. , of course your teacher should be very powerful. In addition, you revealed that your teacher is a woman, the Red Moon Witch, of course it is the answer."

She bit her lip, but because neither of them could see each other's face at this time, Shade didn't see this action:

"If I remember correctly, Miss Denister is the librarian of St. Barons Comprehensive College. If you are her only student, then wouldn't you be the next college librarian? "

"That's the theory, but these things are still a little too far."

Shade said, and then he was suddenly startled, sensing that Miss Carina appeared on the edge of the illusion. But fortunately, he and Megan are hugging each other tightly now, so the badge is already very hot, and he doesn't have to worry about Megan discovering the clues.

The church team would search over soon. In order to prevent Miss Carina from being discovered by the church team, Shade removed part of the illusion without telling Megan immediately, allowing the duchess to enter the reeds.

Of course he didn't want Miss Carina to see him and Megan hugging to welcome her arrival, so he wanted to push the girl in his arms away. Unexpectedly, Meghan refused to let go, and said in a coquettish tone:

"Do you really not want to be with me?"

Shade was already sweating coldly, because from his direction, he could clearly see the beautiful red-haired duchess, silently walking out of the dark reeds. Because there was no moonlight, her entire face was hidden in shadow.

Because of Shade's illusions and Miss Carina's own concealment ability, Megan, who had her back turned to her, did not notice the arrival of her parliamentary colleagues. She only felt that Shade's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and thought it was because of herself.

The red-haired witch raised her head slightly, and then Shade relied on dark vision to see her expression clearly. There was no anger or even murderous intent on her face, but she smiled at Shade, as if she had expected to see this scene.

Seeing Sha De open his mouth to call out her name, Miss Carina put her finger in front of her mouth to signal Sha De to be silent, and then the voice appeared directly in Sha De's mind:

"If you say you know me now, you'll never climb into my bed again."

Shade hugged Megan and winked at the beautiful red-haired witch not far away:

"Um...are you serious?"

He didn't have the ability to speak into other people's heads, but he believed that his expression had accurately conveyed the meaning of this sentence.

So the duchess thought for a moment and felt that she had suffered too much. So she bit her lower lip gently, made a soft expression towards Shade, and then blew him a kiss:

"Help me, don't meet me now. I must give Audrey a 'surprise' this time. No matter what, I will give you a surprise after the banquet on Friday."

Shade nodded slightly, and while the red-haired witch retreated into the darkness and hid temporarily, he said to Megan:

"Another person came, but was temporarily blocked by my illusion. But the other party should be able to break through the illusion soon. The other party has a very strange power... It seems to be the one who appeared with Miss Danister just now. A lady with the same red hair. Is that Miss Daniste’s friend? Strange, why I haven’t seen her before.”

Megan's expression changed, and this time she took the initiative to let go of Shade:

"You go first, you should be here to find me. The other party is very... very unreasonable, and is prejudiced against men. She is a very weird woman."

Shade couldn't help but ask:

"Is there still such a person? Do you need me to stay and deal with it with you? Will the other party be harmful to you?"

"No, absolutely not. You go first, leave now, and never look back!"

After saying that, he kissed the side of Shade's face, and then pushed Shade to let him leave.

Shade waved goodbye to Meghan:

"I'll come see you tomorrow, still in the same place."

The sorceress was reluctant to separate from Shade like this:

"What tomorrow? Don't you still want to know my current soul status code? Go wait for me in the hotel room. I will go to you later and explain my current situation."

So Shade nodded. She watched Shade take a step back and disappear into the reeds, and then immediately patted her face, adjusting her emotions and expressions while changing from Megan to Audrey.

Turning her head, the face of the red-haired duchess appeared first in the gap between the reeds, and then the red-haired witch who still maintained elegance and charm even in such a bad environment appeared in front of her. .

Carina Cavendish had an unpredictable smile on her face, tilted her head and looked at the direction where Shade disappeared, and then said:

"Good evening, Audrey."

She looked at her colleagues:

"You seem to be very different."

"Good evening, Carina."

Audrey Edwards calmly blocked the red-haired witch's sight, and was extremely lucky that Shade left in time.

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