Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,753 The Witch’s New Skill

Shade bent down and picked up a handful of white ash. He was very satisfied with it:

"The effect is very good, but the cost of casting the spell is a bit high, and it requires a high degree of concentration. The cost of destroying this apple is enough for me to use two space jumps."

"The meaning of the Black Moon Talisman is not to destroy something, but to destroy something irreversibly. It cannot be used as your main attack method. Your 'Moonlight Slash' and 'Moonlight Wheel' I can't identify what they are." It is a typical attack method. The meaning of the Black Moon Talisman to you is actually an auxiliary attack, destroying the enemy's weapons or limbs in battle."

Audrey pointed, Shade nodded and stood up:

"How's the situation outside?"

"The Green Lake area is completely closed, and the two Thirteenth Rings are expected to live by the lake for a while. After tonight, the church should send more people to garrison the area, as well as the Prophet Association. They will never allow this. The traitors continue to exist."

She opened her arms and hugged Shade, closed her eyes and listened to Shade's steady heartbeat:

"The ancestors did something like this tonight, and he can't run away. Now the fog on the central island of Green Lake has moved a hundred meters outward, and the unstable space has further affected the entire world. I don't understand, what did he learn from the prophecy? What kind of future I saw.”

The two hugged quietly for a while, until Audrey felt it was enough before they separated.

"Have you finished talking to your friend from before?"

The witch blinked:

"Yes, but after a while she asked me to find her again. She has a lot to say to me. During the banquet on Friday, I will introduce you to each other... Do you need me to prepare clothes for you in advance? That one Our friend has a noble status, we cannot let her look down upon her."

Shade shook his head:

"I have a whole wardrobe of formal attire for formal dinners and balls."

Most of them were stuffed in by Lecia, since there was a lot of space in Shade's house anyway.

"What I'm more concerned about now is, how are you?"

The ritual traces on the floor can be cleaned up in a while, but the 36 pearls that have been irreversibly transformed into black stones are no longer valuable. They came to sit on the sofa together, and the brown-haired girl clenched her fists:

"Very good, better than ever before. Even before I became a magician and a ring warlock, I had never felt so good."

The witch replied that she knew what Shade wanted to ask:

"As I just said, you have not completely separated our souls, because we have been one from the beginning. But excessive integration will cause soul turbidity and mutual harm. We have been looking for one Point, find a point that can not only stabilize the soul, but also maintain the harmonious symbiosis of the soul. Just like a swinging scale, there must be the most perfect balance point.

You did something better than that, you separated us, but not completely. This state has settled into the perfect way for my souls and Meghan's to coexist. It's our perfect posture. "

She spoke very quickly, probably because she was very excited:

"Compared with the method I found with my friend from Thirteen Rings before, this is like the difference between a tiger and a cat."

Only in Xiao Mia's eyes, the difference between tigers and cats is not big.

She looked at Shade with bright eyes:

"I have now fully restored the power of the eleventh ring, and I even see the possibility of leading to the twelveth ring. The dual soul gives me an advantage over everyone else. I really don't know what to do. , to express my gratitude to you..."

Having said this, I remembered that Shade said that this was something he prepared for other girls.

Shade also saw what the witch was thinking at this moment, and he asked:

"Do you know what power I used at that time?"

But even the great witch of knowledge and wisdom cannot think of the answer at this moment:

"I can only see that it has something to do with angels. Speaking of which, you used the power of angels many times tonight. When you were dueling with the Mirror Hidden Man, angel wings also appeared behind you."

Shade smiled, closed the curtains, and then took out the book.

The page of the book was opened, and feathers emitting pure white shimmer were displayed in front of Audrey. Although the three opportunities have been used once, the shimmer of this feather has not changed at all, and it is still so heart-warming:

"This is it."

He took out the feather and put it in Audrey's hand:

"This is the feather of an angel. To be more precise, it is the feather given by the Cherubim."

The witch's eyes widened:

"You mean, the assistant of the Ancient God-Secret Master, the first wise angel under the Ancient God of Wisdom? You..."

"Yes, I know that angel. That angel is still stranded in the material world. I asked her for help and wanted to save a pair of girls around me, so the angel gave me this feather, which represents three opportunities."

Although they knew from the beginning that Shade must have used something very precious, Audrey and Megan did not expect that it was actually a Cherubian feather.

She looked at the feather and asked softly:

"That girl must be very important to you, right?"

"Yes, it's important."

Audrey pursed her lips:

"I will apologize to them later. The value of this feather is no worse than any angel-level relic."

She felt the power of the feather carefully and then returned it to Shade. Later, she showed Shade more of her gains:

"In addition to the restoration of strength and the ability of the scar on my body to speak, there is also this..."

As she spoke, a shadow appeared on her upper body, and then the upper body of Megan's soul separated from Audrey, as if lying behind her, smiling and waving hello to Shade. The soul in this state is semi-corporeal. Although it cannot overly affect reality, it has two-way touch and can be observed by ordinary people.

It was just this familiar posture that made Shade subconsciously want to retreat, but then he realized that their posture was probably the most correct "two-in-one" posture.

He then overcame the few psychological barriers and reached out to touch the spirit Megan's face. Both girls are a little shy, but they are also happy about it:

"It's very similar to the evil thing with the aura of disaster that you once summoned, right? But we are fundamentally different. Audrey and I can be separated for a short time and then cast spells together. Although the soul can only be separated by up to two parts One, and the consumption of spirits is common, but fortunately our spirits themselves are more than those of normal ring warlocks."

As he spoke, a dark shadow ball appeared in the hands of Audrey in the physical body, while a pure white ball of light appeared in the hands of Megan in the spiritual body.

After the demonstration, Megan's soul returned to her body. Audrey extended her right hand to Shade again, and the scar shrunk slightly and moved to her palm:

"This is a new discovery on the way here, you see."

The scar squirmed and deformed until it turned into a beautiful golden eye in her palm. Although this scene was extremely scary, the eyes winked playfully.

Audrey carefully observed Shade's expression:

"Well... that's it. The scars can be transformed into some extra organs, allowing Megan or me to 'appear'. At present, I only found that the eyes and mouth can do this, and the others still need to be practiced... ..I won’t show you the mouth, you won’t like talking to a hand, or holding my hand and kissing it.”

If a mouth really appeared in the palm of her hand, Shade even suspected that the dead Dark Chosen One Yinfan Darkness would rush in from the door the next second. But this special ability is indeed quite practical, and Shade immediately thought of many ways to use it.

"In the future, can you rely on this to reveal arms and arms, until... half of your body is revealed?"

Shade asked cautiously. The witch thought for a while and nodded gently:

"It's possible, and it's not half, but more than half or even the whole. Although the soul can only be separated from one-half, the body is actually the same, so as long as the bodies hold hands, sooner or later Megan and I will be able to stand side by side. Together. However, just like the terrifying monster you released, although it is good for fighting, its appearance is probably very strange... It is too early to think about this at the moment. If you want to achieve that level, I'm afraid I still have to learn a lot of thaumaturgic spells for physical transformation and control."

"I can't lie and say it's not weird, but I can say it's definitely not ugly."

When he said this, he tried not to think of the true posture of the "mermaid with many hands and legs" in the legend of desire.

Audrey nodded, hugged his neck, closed her eyes, and kissed him on the sofa. This time both of them were very involved, but when they saw Shade's expression when they separated, the witch asked with a smile:

"Why, is this your first time kissing a girl with two penises?"

Shade felt that his heart was beating very fast. He could not describe the feeling just now. He even suspected that the "desire" had not left at all, but was lodged in the bodies of the girls in front of him.

【not at all. 】

Audrey and Megan were quite happy that he was covering his mouth and blushing, which meant that Shade really didn't hate their current state. They gave Shade time to adapt, and Shade also tried hard to restrain his charming memories of that moment:

"Of course I don't have that kind of experience, and I'm afraid I won't have it in the future. You don't have to use this method to prove that you are normal in my eyes. This posture of yours is the posture of the ancient space god's 'original rift'."

Audrey shook her head indifferently, seemingly thinking that Shade was comforting her.

"Have you investigated where I went when I was away from Green Lake?"

So Shade asked, and Audrey shook her head again:

"Of course not, I won't pry into your privacy."

"So do you have space-related spiritual runes?"

He asked another strange question, and the witch nodded slightly:

"Yes, the enlightenment gained during the first ring - [Locked Space]."

"Then please come with me, say hello to the owners of this hotel, and then we go to the underground storage room. I'll let you see where I usually go, and I'll also let you see the posture of the ancient god of space. ."

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