Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,755 The Moon, Dreams and Letters

"After people turn eighteen, unless they are politicians or nobles, they rarely mention their birthday. The eighteenth birthday is the last memorable birthday. This is the second year of adulthood. , is also the year when she truly matures. Xia De, don’t forget to prepare a birthday gift for Yin Luna.”

Luvia did not forget to warn her, but this time she did not say that she would help Shade prepare. After all, she also knew that Yin Luna wanted Shade to show her feelings.

It was getting late, so they had dinner and supper, washed up, and then turned off the lights and rested. There is no "nightlife" tonight, so there is no need to lock little Mia in the closet. The cat can sleep peacefully next to Shade's pillow.

Luvia soon fell asleep in Shade's arms. She spent a lot of energy watching the stars tonight. Shade closed his eyes. Although the black time key was ready for use, he didn't want to use it now. He was really exhausted today.

The curtains were not closed, and the stranger hugging the purple-eyed girl faced the window and could see the three-wheeled moon that seemed to become brighter after the lunar eclipse.

Luvia and Little Mia's breathing gradually became even, but he couldn't sleep. So many things happened that night, but there was one thing he could never forget.

It’s not that he finally learned the method of enlarging his attacks, it’s not that “desire” appears, it’s not that Megan and Audrey’s souls have reached a perfect posture, it’s not that there are mutations or demons on the Central Island.

The most important thing is that because of the lunar eclipse, he inexplicably entered the [Silver Moon Library], and then obtained a drop of divinity, and then learned that it was possible to meet the sleeping Ancient Moon through the moon in the library. God [Silver Moon Sage].

Shade didn't know what would happen if he really saw the ancient god, and he didn't know whether he could really see her or whether she was really still sleeping. My thoughts were quite complex and chaotic. Now I was lying on my bed looking at the moonlight, and this thought came to my mind again:

"No matter what, I must go see her."

He said to himself in his heart that even if it was difficult, he must do it.

At this time, three drops of divinity were quietly infiltrating the soul. The power from [Stone Heart Demon], [God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea] and [Moon] were enough to allow Shade to realize most of his wishes in the material world, but he couldn't. He opens the space left by the ancient gods.

Even if you use the expensive one-time ritual that Miss Danist used to reopen the [Silver Moon Library], there is a high probability that you will not be able to contact the moon like you do today because the "authority" obtained by that one-time ritual is not enough.

[You will see her, stranger, you will. 】

"She" said softly in Shade's ears, as if not only Shade was holding the girl in his arms, but he himself was also being hugged by the gentle girl.

Shade didn't speak anymore, but closed his eyes and prepared to fall into deep sleep. The night was finally over.

The moonlight from the window shone on Luvia's back and Shade's face, and his breathing became even. When his consciousness was drowsy and he was about to fall into the endless wilderness under the moon, he heard "her" last voice:

[The current world, the sixth era, 1854 according to the universal calendar, spring, night of lunar eclipse. With your eyes closed tightly, the dim light of the moon shines into your dreams. I see the moon, but know that it cannot be touched. The farthest distance is not between life and death, but because it is so unattainable. Ancient roots spread across the lake, and travelers under the moon witnessed the secrets of space. Stranger, do you already know what is waiting for you in the lake and behind the door? 】

"Good night."

【Good night. 】

(Xiao Mia is sleeping zZ...)

I don’t know if this particular Wednesday was too exciting. That night, Shade had a weird dream.

In the dream, he seemed to be back in Green Lake, being chased by Laplace Klein Howard in the devil's labyrinth. Behind him were the tentacled man who also belonged to the Edwards family, and Rust, who had become an undead. Edwards.

Soon he fell into the hole, and then felt that he was entangled in something, and then saw that it was a blue-purple two-headed snake, and the snake heads were clearly Audrey and Megan. Countless white arms stretched out from the gorgeous two-headed beauty snake, grabbing his arms from the left and right, as if trying to fight for him, but more like tearing him into two pieces.

But fortunately, as the moonlight shone into the hole, the beautiful snake disappeared. Shade kept rising, chasing the beautiful moon. He vaguely felt that the light and dark on the moon's surface seemed to form the appearance of a curled-up silver-haired lady. But the moon refused to let him get closer and flew further and further away, leaving only Sha De flying in the air.

As the cat meowed, Shade looked up again and saw the giant Mia's face, made of stars, appearing in the night sky. As the cat's mouth grew, Shade was swallowed in one go.


He sat up from the bed and saw that Luvia was already arranging her hair in the mirror at the desk. The purple-eyed girl in a nightgown turned around curiously:

"What's your name so early in the morning?"


The cat meowed beside Shade, reminding him to go downstairs and get the goat's milk.

Shade clutched his chest, feeling as if he had experienced an adventure that he couldn't breathe:

"Luvia, since you are a diviner, you must be able to interpret dreams, right?"

"If you dream about the enemy, it means you are too stressed; if you dream about a strange lady, it means you are full of desires; if you dream about the moon, it means you have strange thoughts; if you dream about your cat, it means that it just happened The cry came into your dreams.”

She actually knows how to interpret dreams.

"Huh? Miss Gold's letter?"

It took Shade a long time to wake up from that weird dream. When he went downstairs to get the newspaper, he saw another letter from the real owner of Xiao Mia, a small town on the east coast of the Old World.

"Why are you so surprised? Doesn't that Miss Gothe send letters every month? Today is the first day of the month of praying for rain. Isn't the time just right?"

The breakfast table was already set on the table. Luvia asked as she took off her apron and put it on the back of the chair. Shade answered while opening the letter:

"But she usually sends letters at the end of the month. By the time the letter reaches me, it takes many days at the beginning of the month. It's really unusual for that lady's letter to arrive on the first day of the month."

Shade had planned to visit the woman after the incident in Randall Valley at the beginning of the year, but because of the serious illness and the beginning of the incident in Green Lake, he could only postpone the trip. It just so happened that Miss Gothe also said in her letter last month that she was busy dealing with trivial matters in the family territory, recruiting helpers who were willing to stay in the ancient town, and repairing damaged churches, sanatoriums, taverns and other basic buildings for people's livelihood in the town. She was very upset, so she suggested that Shade wait until a few months later in the summer to visit her again.

So when he replied to the letter last month, in addition to expressing his gratitude to Miss Gothe for the armor, Shade also expressed his willingness to postpone the trip to the summer.

In this month's letter, after Miss Gaude congratulated Shade for winning the "1854 Torbesk Equestrian Competition", she simply talked about her current situation and the encounters she had encountered in life and work. He also reminded Shade to be careful about cats going into heat in spring and to take good care of the cat that was already over one year old.

“You are becoming more and more like pen pals, rather than client and client.”

This was Luvia's comment, and she was obviously joking. Shade did not continue this topic. After folding the letter paper, he took out the usual 10-pound note from the envelope:

"Pen pal? Pen pal won't give me money."

Luvia showed a strange smile while eating, but she did not speak out her thoughts, but talked about the relationship between Xiao Mia and Miss Gothe:

"The farthest distance in the world is probably like this. You clearly care about another person, but the other person is worried about someone else. If Miss Gold knows her cat, it is no longer possible to follow her. This master will probably make her very sad."

"Oh, Luvia~ I know I'm guilty, please don't say that."

Because she was worried about Sha De's situation last night, Yin Luna visited No. 6 St. Teresa Square during breakfast before going to Blackstone Security Company. It happened that Sha De also wanted to tell her the details of the battle at Green Lake last night. After listening to Sha De's story, Yin Luna made a very wise judgment:

"It seems that the church will let me go to the Green Lake area soon."

"Yes, the suspected candidate for the chosen one has appeared, and the epic of the space chosen one has entered the second half. Judging from Shade's description, the four Thirteen Rings combined may not be able to completely defeat the one hiding on the island. Laplace Klein Howard, the Church needs your strength."

Luvia said, Yin Luna took a deep breath and nodded, she was ready.

Megan and Audrey will not meet with Shade today. Shade's plan is to go to Michaela Blast Furnace City to inform the believers of Cupid about yesterday's meeting with "Desire" and the destruction of the holy emblem, and by the way, recycle the painting. Oil painting of desire.

But before setting off, he still chose to use the brand new time key that Megan gave him last night. Counting it all, the last time he submitted a time key exploration report to the academy was before he fell ill. If the key this time has something to talk about, he plans to write another report and hand it in, so that the pressure of the credits at the end of the semester will not be so great.

After Luvia had breakfast, she left with Yin Luna. The two of them still had something to talk about. Moreover, after the night of the lunar eclipse, she will not appear at Shade's house at night in the past few days:

"I want to leave some opportunities for Dorothy and the princess, and I also want to make new arrangements and plans for Green Lake. Priest August's friend has special coins. When I receive the next batch of coins, I want you to cooperate with me and conduct a crucial divination. Who will be the chosen one in the space?"

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