Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,765 Pink Crystal Spell

Since she asked Shade what he did with Megan and Audrey, Shade immediately stopped objecting to the Duchess's arrangements for the banquet. He didn't want to talk about experiences like two tongue kisses.

Shade then thought about it and mentioned that he had recently met followers of the old god "Aphrodisiac". Of course, he didn't talk about "desire", but about the new thaumaturgy he had acquired.

"The God of Love? According to the data of the parliament, the witches of the Fifth Age like to go to the priests of the God of Love to seek the blessing of love. However, those big witches who are very old and single never think that they will not be able to find one. When it comes to beautiful girls, it’s because of their eccentric personalities.”

Miss Carina told anecdotes, and then motioned to Shade to try [The Thorn of Love].

Then, as the crystal pink light emerged in Shade's hand, beautiful pink crystal spikes appeared in his hand. The sunlight breaking through the gray fog outside the window shines on the crystal, making the ambiguous pink light even more dazzling.

Shade blinked his eyes suspiciously. He clearly remembered that the "thorn of love" summoned by this thaumaturgy should be a bright red similar to the emblem of love, not this pink. However, the essence of thaumaturgy has not changed, and the mere issue of color is not important.

The witch couldn't wait to take the weapon from Shade's hand, and then carefully stabbed it into her chest - in fact, other positions could also be used.

"It doesn't feel like something is piercing flesh and blood, but it feels like it has fallen into water."

She commented, letting go of her hand and seeing the crystals that penetrated her body turn into light and disappear.

Then, a pink sheen appeared on her palm. As she waved her hand violently, with a rustling sound, the crystallized sword appeared in her hand. The pink long sword is covered with dense crystal clusters, but this way there is no blade part.

"This kind of crystal sword does not rely on the blade to cause physical damage. Shade, you probably haven't seen anything like it. This is a magic weapon, a more traditional magic sword. It's really beautiful."

The twelfth-level, part-time twelve-level witch said with a smile, stood up and made a few gestures with her sword, and then asked Shade to call out the [Moonlight Sword] to test the hardness of each other.

Then she let the crystallized sword turn into light spots and disappear. The witch raised her hand and waved her hand. Several pink streams of light fell from the sky like small meteorites, trailing flame tails, but disappeared before causing any damage to the floor:

"Crystal hail, and this..."

She drew a circle with her finger, and on the right side of her body, several pink light streams gathered together to form a huge crystal light cluster. And as the witch casts spells and accumulates power, the spirit accumulated in the pink light cluster becomes more and more terrifying. Even before Shade is released, he knows that it is not difficult to destroy a building with one blow, but fortunately this move is the same It turned into a point of light and disappeared before it was actually released.

As for Miss Carina's last experiment, she turned the pink crystal into a shield to block herself. But compared to those attempts just now, this simple casting and shaping is not worth mentioning.

"As expected of a witch of the twelfth level, she has thought of so many uses in such a short time."

Shade praised from the side, and the red-haired witch waved her hand with a smile:

"You can do it sooner or later. Besides, what I care more about than casting spells is that you and I really love each other."

She sat down again, stroked Shade's chest, and asked while Shade blushed:

"How much cost did this spellcasting cost you?"

"I just performed a standard spellcasting, so the loss was a quarter of the spiritual upper limit."

In fact, the standard casting cost of [Spur of Love] is to temporarily reduce one-third of the spiritual upper limit, but Shade is affected by the "divine afterglow", and one-quarter has the same effect as one-third.

"Your spirit is really huge. Only a quarter of the upper limit can bring about this effect. However, this crystallized soul magic does not enhance me much. It is not that its effect is not strong, but that I have better It’s your own means. But it will be very useful for girls who are a little lower than you.”

Miss Carina commented, and at this time Shade also stopped casting spells to return the upper limit of his spirit to normal.

"Do you also think this is a soul-type thaumaturgy?"

Shade asked curiously, Miss Carina nodded:

"Of course it's soul magic. You're still in the middle level now, so you don't have much exposure to it, but high level warlocks usually have one or two soul spells, which is one of the symbols of high level."

She motioned for Shade to use another thaumaturgy. Of the other two people in the room, Agelina was not yet a ring sorcerer, so she could only use it on Tifa.

So Shade condensed the pink crystal spikes again and handed them to Tifa. Including Agelina behind the desk, the three of them watched as the black-haired maid pierced the crystal into a part that was the envy of other girls.

The crystals melted into her body. Tifa first tried Miss Carina's spellcasting process just now. There was no problem with the crystal shaping, but the levels of crystal hail and crystal light clusters were significantly weaker.

"It does make sense to be called the core magic of the cult by those believers in the God of Love. It is equivalent to adding a crystallized soul spellcasting system out of thin air."

Shade spoke highly of this, but Miss Carina was concerned about other things. She chuckled:

"Tifa can use it too... You and my maid are indeed having an affair."

Agelina, who eavesdropped on all this, did not feel strange at all. Instead, she took it as a matter of course. She had seen this kind of thing too many times. The black-haired maid showed no expression at all, which meant that Shade had to face this topic by himself:


"Look at your appearance, it's not like I didn't know before. Why are you so nervous? Do I look like a bad person?"

She teased for a while, and then talked about other great witches:

"Emma has arrived at the City of Glass this morning. Vanessa will arrive at the south shore of Green Lake with Siris Lassus and [Golden Dawn] over the weekend or next week. Granny Cassandra and Xi Wei will probably be a little later, but It’s just a matter of more than a week.”

Shade noticed that she called the other witches, all except the old witch, by their first names.

"So does the parliament have any plans for Green Lake? Does your speaker want to do something?"

“Yes, the Speaker knows Meghan’s identity as an Edwards descendant, and naturally speculates on whether she is the chosen one.

This opportunity is rare. The Speaker has instructed us to proactively explore the secrets of the Edwards family as much as possible while ensuring safety. This time, the command is given to me. I will finish what I am doing first, and then find a way to get more detailed information about the central island in Green Lake. Wait until the five witches gather before conducting the test work, but Megan's wishes will still be the main one, after all, she is the protagonist. "

Shade nodded:

"So how do you plan to get information about the central island of Green Lake?"

As far as he knew, Miss Carina had no local intelligence sources.

"Of course it's you. Is there anyone who knows more about it than you these days?"

The witch said with a smile, sitting on Shade's body and hugging Shade's neck, signaling Shade to pick her up.

When Shade stood up, the witch said to her personal maid:

"This afternoon, even if my nephew Larus III comes from Tobesk in person, I won't see him. I'm going to interrogate important information about Green Lake, and don't let anyone disturb us."

"Yes, miss."

Tifa said, winking at Shade again. However, Miss Carina, who was speaking in Shade's ear at this time, did not notice her movements. The witch whispered:

"The bedroom is on the third floor. I have asked someone to chill the wine in advance. We can... have a drink together."

The voice was a little hoarse, and for a moment it made Shade think of "desire" again.


"You must go home for the night. It's hard for me to convince you not to go home at night, so I can only do it in the afternoon. The boring train journey is finally over. Can you help me change my mood? Besides, since I said, yesterday If you don't recognize me in the reeds at night, I will give you some reward. I am the Duchess of Delrayon, and I keep my word."

She whispered a few words into Shade's ear again, making even the bold foreigner blush a little. The witch was very satisfied with the result. After instructing the red-faced Agelina to carefully read the documents to be used tomorrow, she whispered:

"Oh, didn't you just say that you gained new power and blessings from the moon last night? Why not, let me see it now."

Because I think of "desire", the delayed "sequelae" after having multiple contacts with "desire" yesterday is showing up. Thinking again of Luvia's "lustful" comment when interpreting her dream this morning, Shade thought for a while, lowered his head and kissed the side of the red-haired lady in his arms, making the smile on her face even more charming.

"But is it really not going to delay your business? I don't want to damage your reputation."

He held Miss Carina like a princess and walked towards the door of the study. The witch shook her head slightly and said with a smile:

"If you really need me to step forward, the worst thing you can do is ask little Agelina to come to the bedroom and take over from me."

There was obviously her own head maid in the room, but she mentioned her grandniece. She should have teased two people at once, no, three people.

Agelina, whose face turned red, watched as the two figures disappeared through the door, and the black-haired maid just smiled at her and followed her. Therefore, Her Royal Highness Agelina Cavendish waited all afternoon in the study with sweaty palms, looking at the documents absent-mindedly, with anticipation and panic, rehearsing the many possible scenarios in her mind.

But until evening, she didn't expect anyone except the maid who came to deliver afternoon tea. As for her beautiful great-aunt, the red-haired witch who had the courage to challenge the knight, she spent her first romantic and passionate afternoon in Green Lake City contentedly.

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