Whispering Verse

Chapter 1768: Rich Businessmen in the Steam Age

She was probably worried that Shade was not ready, so she also revealed to Shade:

"At the banquet later, in addition to the local nobles, I will also take you to meet several big nobles from Tobesk City, yes, including the Duchess of Saladir. You should know her, right? She is known as The most beautiful rose of the Cavendish royal family, the daughter of countless men and women, the defender of the South, and the aunt of His Majesty the King."

"I know, I know, I've heard a little bit about it... Don't worry, I have received complete training in noble etiquette, and I won't be rude."

Shade felt uneasy about his conscience, but he couldn't say it out loud.

"A girl you know trained you again, right?"

Audrey mistook his restraint at the moment for nervousness, thinking that he had never seen such a big shot before, so she asked teasingly, but what she said this time was completely correct.

The Rose Manor where Miss Carina is staying can be regarded as the largest manor in the city center of Green Lake City. When the carriage carrying Shade and Megan arrived, the endless stream of carriages had almost blocked the spacious street.

The location here is very good. When Shade jumped out of the carriage first, he could see the silhouette of Green Lake City Hall to the left, the city's bell tower to the right, and not far behind was the church steeple hidden in the night. in silhouette.

He turned around and held Audrey's hand, allowing the witch to hold up the hem of her skirt and walk down carefully. The two of them looked up at the red carpet that was illuminated by the gas lamp and extended from the entrance of the manor to the manor house. The witch said softly:

"It's really a generous move."

The banquet was attended by dignitaries from the negotiating delegation, local aristocratic officials in Green Lake City, and some Kasenlik people. Shade must not have known any of these guests, and Meghan probably only knew a few of them, so when the witch entered the manor holding Shade's arm, no one greeted them.

They arrived just in time for the guests to enter. At the door of the manor house, Meghan handed over the invitation letter and gave gifts. When she saw "Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals", the old butler wearing white gloves glanced at Meghan quite unexpectedly.

However, this conscientious old butler will probably take a temporary leave of absence for a month or two after this banquet. Miss Carina brought a large team of maids to serve herself. She did not like men walking around where she lived.

The banquet hall is located on the second floor. When this building was first built, the original owner, Count Gaiman, had considered its function as a banquet hall, so the banquet hall is quite large. When Shade and Megan followed the maid in, the violinist in the band was playing cheerful music to welcome the guests. Men and women in formal suits and skirts were either laughing or chatting in low voices around the long table in the center of the banquet hall. The crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, and its bright yellow light, together with the light of the gas lamp, illuminated the freshly painted manor and the clean, reflective floor even brighter.

"She is really rich."

Shade heard his female companion cooing again, but he pretended not to hear it, and then she took her to meet those business partners.

In the negotiations between Delarion and Kasenric regarding the Pantanal region, the businessman force could barely be regarded as a third party force, trying to influence the outcome of the negotiations through various roles in order to benefit themselves. Of course, the impact they can make is not as great as the third-party force that was discovered by MI6 in Tobesk City some time ago and has not yet revealed its true identity, but at least these businessmen can appear on the surface.

Among the wealthy businessmen who are favored by both countries and have no obvious preference for either country, in addition to "Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals" in the pharmaceutical industry, there are also "Cuckoo Publishing House" in the book publishing industry, and "Cuckoo Publishing House" in the river and lake fishery farming industry. Willy Brothers Aquatic Products” etc. These big businessmen came to the Green Lake area because of the invitation, and most of them attended tonight's banquet.

Although Megan Edwards' identity is mysterious to ordinary people, she is very prominent among these wealthy multinational businessmen. She brought Shade to meet these famous businessmen in the Old World, and got together with them. They each held wine glasses and chatted with each other about the weather, jewelry, business, and the bad climate this year. During this period, Meghan also introduced Shade’s identity, calling Shade her friend in a rather ambiguous tone.

This is almost equivalent to saying that Shade is her lover or lover.

"It's a pity that Miss Sivi Aurora didn't come. It would always be a pity if there was no Aurora Shipyard on such an occasion."

The representative of "Cuckoo Press" is an intellectual lady wearing gold-rimmed glasses. She does not wear a gorgeous long dress, but wears a slim-fitting blue jacket with a relatively simple black gauze skirt.

The Aurora family represented by the "Light" witch she mentioned was also a wealthy businessman who was invited. Unfortunately, Miss Aurora did not come this time because she wanted to avoid suspicion.

"It is indeed a pity that Miss Aurora did not come. She has probably already thought about fully supporting the United Kingdom of Carsenlike. After all, her family is a native of Carsenlike. Speaking of this, on the south bank of Green Lake on Sunday night You will also attend the other banquet, right?"

Mr. House of Healthy Cigarettes Associates asked. He had three golden rings on his thick right hand holding the wine glass. He spoke with a strong Delrayon East Coast accent that made people have to listen carefully. distinguish.

When he asked the question, no one in the circle immediately answered. Although the "Healthy Cigarettes United Company" is not registered in the two countries, in fact the company's business is mainly based in Delrayon. On the way here, when Megan introduced the situation to Shade, she mentioned that the bloated Mr. House was suspected to be related to a certain prince of Delarion, and he might have been a member of the royal family.

As for the "Sunday night banquet on the south bank of Green Lake", it refers to the welcome banquet of Kasenrik. It is naturally difficult for him to answer this sensitive question here.

"Mr. House, I heard that you have recently been doing business with the islanders of Kairaguli, the Kingdom of the Islands? Those pirates can afford your cigarettes. Do they still have enough money left to buy matches?"

After everyone looked at each other in tacit silence, the tall, slender man with blond hair changed the subject. Not only is he not a businessman, he is not even a Delarian, he is a representative of the Accounting Guild of the United Kingdom of Carsonlik, and he somehow managed to get here to participate in the conversation.

As for the Kingdom of the Islands, Miss Carina and Shade have talked about it, it is one of the main forces that threatens the peace of the Old Continent.

"Looking at what you said, it sounds like I have a connection with those pirates. My relationship with the islands is limited to my love for cod and shark fins produced in the North Sea."

Mr. House said, pointing to Meghan:

"Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals, don't they also want to sell their earthworm oil and tonic water to the islanders, and then exchange them for farmland to grow herbal medicine?"

Megan's public name is Megan Green, and the name Megan Edwards is only used in a few places. In addition, Edwards itself is not a particularly rare surname, so no one has linked Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals to the Edwards family for the time being. Together.

The witch nodded gracefully, she did not deny:

"Who here doesn't want to do business with those islanders? Oh, Cuckoo Publishing certainly doesn't want to. The literacy rate of the islanders is really too low. Although the number of islanders living on the Eye of the Storm Islands is less than the population of the Old World One-twentieth, but everything is lacking there, and once the market is discovered, there will be treasures buried there that are more valuable than the Pantanal trade route."

The businessmen nodded together:

"That's true, but even if we exclude the risk of being robbed by the islanders, the cost of shipping and the risk of ocean trade have increased the cost by at least 20%. It is not easy to open up the market."

Everyone tacitly agreed not to talk about another banquet on Sunday night.

"It is said that the Ministry of Finance of Delarion has considered providing trade subsidies in the form of tax rebates for ships going to the Kingdom of the Islands for business."

Xia De said suddenly, seeing everyone else looking at him in surprise - even Audrey, he explained:

"I have friends in the Delrayon Treasury Department and that's what they're telling me. But this was a proposal from nearly a decade ago.

At that time, the Kingdom of Delarian was considering establishing closer ties with the Kingdom of the Islands and expanding its influence on the west coast, so merchants were needed to open the gap. But then the matter was shelved due to the conflict between the Delarian New World Expansion Corps and the pirates. "

In fact, this is learned from the memory of his neighbor Mr. Smith. Last time in [Past Life·Sixth Era], Shade gained many memories of his neighbors. When Mr. Smith was young, it was a time when the kingdom was prosperous. He was the key to many important historical events. The witness to the incident was a legend even more powerful than "Grey-Headed Eagle" Sparrow Hamilton - because he lived to this day.

"I don't know about this, no, I have heard about it, but I don't know that much... Miss Green, I didn't expect that your... friend still has such a relationship in Tobesk. "

The fat businessman Mr. House praised, and then took the initiative to hand Shade a business card. Although it was the first time that Megan knew that Shad had such a relationship, she still pretended to be calm and dealt with it for a few words, and became more and more curious about Shad's true identity.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the protagonist of the banquet, Grand Duchess Carina Cavendish, appeared together with her grandnephews and grandnephews. Everyone stood up and listened to the Duchess's speech on the theme of "Peace and the Future" under the flash of flashing lights.

Although the current situation is precarious, and the old continent will fall into the cage of all-out war again if you are not careful, this does not prevent the adults from saying anything.

Of course, Shade's attention was not on the speech whose contents he already knew. He had listened to it yesterday afternoon. He noticed Miss Carina who was giving a speech and looked in his direction with abnormal frequency.

Audrey thought this was a colleague from the Witch Council greeting her, but Shade knew that this was the red-haired witch warning her that she must act according to the plan.

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