Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,773 The Agreement between the Witch and the Witch

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door in the lounge on the third floor of Rose Manor. After getting permission, the sorceress from the Church of the Sun who came to search entered the room, chatted for a few words with Miss Megan Green of Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals, checked the windows and windowsills for traces, and then exited the room.

After a while, the closet door opened and Shade walked out of the closet:

"Can you recognize who was on the rooftop just now?"

"Of course I can't recognize it, it's just the seventh ring. But the other party obviously used divine magic. If I guessed correctly, those two people just now are from the [Tyranny Club]."

Megan said, letting her take control of her body at this time.

Shade frowned. He had heard of this ring warlock group. It was mentioned in Bad Eyed Barry's letter that the illegal ring wizard group [Tyranny Club] active in the border area was also the ring wizard group that assisted "that gentleman", the ancestor of Edwards.

"Believers of the god of tyranny, those war lunatics?"

"At least they are not completely crazy. They are also concerned about the church's official secrecy law and do not dare to let the ring warlock directly attack the manor where Carina is staying. The people who just broke in were ordinary people. The ring warlock could obviously do it by himself, but he was in the room. Please wait."

Megan judged, and came to the window with Shade, watching the scene where the guests left the manor through the courtyard illuminated by gas lights because the banquet was interrupted early. The well-dressed gentlemen and ladies walked in a hurry, and the carriage of the police department rushing from the distant view of the street added more dynamics to the scene.

"Are the ancestors going to cause other troubles again?"

Megan asked softly.

"Or maybe it's just another temptation from the careerists."

Shade whispered softly.

No one knows the answer, but the time has come to the spring of 1854 in the Sixth Age. In this most beautiful season of the year, the order of the Old Continent is finally heading towards inevitable chaos.

Although no one was killed in the shooting just now, the local Baron Lubbock was unlucky to be hit in the left chest by a bullet. Fortunately, he was born with a heart on the right side, so he did not die. However, this has also cast the shadow of death on this welcome dinner that was originally full of joy and blessing.

The banquet ended early, and the guests left Rose Manor in anxiety and uneasiness. Originally, the church thought it might be unsafe and wanted Miss Carina to leave here, but the duchess made it clear that she would not live in the church:

“If I’m scared away by little gun gums when I first come to Green Lake, what am I going to do to overwhelm those Carsonliks next week?”

She rejected the proposal with words full of royal majesty, but did not reject the church's proposal to strengthen its protection here. By the time Shade and Megan saw Miss Carina again in the lounge on the third floor, it was already half an hour later.

She opened the door and walked in apologetically, and said to Meghan:

"I'm really sorry. I should have entertained you well. You can only go back temporarily today. Please come see me again tomorrow. Before attending the meeting next week, I have two days to spare on the weekend."

Megan nodded with understanding and told what happened to the two of them just now. After hearing the name of [Tyranny Club], the duchess sighed helplessly:

"The believer of the evil god was very active during the Civil War in the Old World. The church even found out that the deputy secretary of a permanent secretary in Delarian's military department was a member of the [Tyranny Club]. But after peace came, They disappeared. I didn't expect that after so long, this group of people became active again... I understand, Audrey, Shade, I'll take you to the door. I'm really sorry for the poor reception tonight. ."

She was still worried about the secret she had discovered, and she had already had sex with Sha De yesterday afternoon, so she did not keep Sha De again.

"Shad, you follow the maid to the carriage first. I will walk behind with Carina. I will have a few words with her."

The brown-haired witch said again. Shade thought it was a secret in the council that he could not know, so he left with Tifa and some maids first, just in time to say goodbye to Agelina.

Megan watched Shade leave, and then followed Carina and the other maids to the corridor.

When Shade's figure walked away, the smile on Megan's face disappeared. She casually threw the Silent Portal towards both ends of the corridor, then took Carina Cavendish's hand and pressed it against the wall.

The maids around looked at this scene with a smile, but did not find it offensive. The red-haired duchess made a helpless expression:

"Really, my lover has just left. When you do this kind of thing, have you considered Shade's feelings?"

"Carina, I'm not kidding you. What is your relationship with Shade?"

Looking into golden eyes, Miss Carina calmly said:

"Is the conversation we just had together just a dream? Have you forgotten it?"

"No, I'm pretty sure you're lying."

Megan held Miss Carina's hand with one hand, and supported the other three hands on the wall. Her voice was very low, but it was a gritted tone:

"Have you and him ever done that kind of thing?"

The surrounding maids were blushing and whispering to each other. They were all personal maids of the duke. They not only knew the stories of the head maid and the knight, but also what the knight and the duke had done, but the big witches didn't care about them.

"Why do you think so?"

Because the two faces were too close together, a shadow enveloped the red-haired witch's face, but it could not hide her curiosity.

"The way you looked at him just now..."

Megan said "viciously":

"It's no exaggeration to say that when you looked at him just now, your eyes were almost blurred. I don't believe it, your relationship has stopped at the last step! Carina, what on earth did you do?"

"Stretchy eyes? Oh, I like this description. It's so apt."

The smile on Carina Cavendish's charming face remained unchanged, and there was a proud look in her golden eyes:

"As for what I did, isn't that my privacy, Miss Pharmacist?"

She said the title again, and while the expression on Megan's face changed drastically, she suddenly leaned forward and approached the side of her face. Of course, he didn't kiss the side of her face, but whispered a few words in her ear.

The expression on the face of the witch with brown shawl hair changed from a little anger to surprise, then from extreme shock to blush, and finally from blush to fear:

"Oh, don't describe it to me, you actually, you actually dare..."

She took two steps back and pointed at Miss Carina, who smiled broadly:

"Yes, strike first. This is an interesting experiment that proves that whatever happens with Shade will not affect the existence of the witch. He can enter and exit the council at will, and is completely harmless to the witch council. He may even be What worked...he united us.”

Carina looked directly at Meghan:

"If you are sensible enough, you should understand that you should keep everything you know in your heart. Originally, I planned not to tell anyone, and it would be fun to keep it to myself. I didn't expect you to be so smart to see it."

"You actually did it...that's really amazing."

Megan quickly regained her composure, and she shook her head quickly, as if to drive away the annoying mosquitoes:

"What we learned about Shade today is absolutely as important to us as the secret of the family lake island, and even more important than a single chosen one. Carina, you know what you and them are doing. ?"

The Duke replied calmly:

"Of course we know that we have the right to make choices for ourselves. Besides, this is not a betrayal of the parliament. The parliament did not say that it cannot do this, right? Yes, I am very sure that this clause is not included in the clauses that the speaker emphasized to us."

Megan nodded with a profound expression:

"You don't have to try to convince me. With what Shade has done for me, I can't let him go. I will hide his secret, but I hope to know more. This is very interesting, and I also hope to see To what extent can the man I choose achieve."

"Of course, you will know. Remember to come tomorrow morning. We will enter the parliament together and report to the Speaker on the progress of the investigation."

"Well, I have to go back and think about it carefully. Although your bad taste is quite bad, I admit that you have kept this secret very well."

"So, will you do what I do?"

Miss Carina asked again. Megan's face turned red and she shook her head slightly:

"I still have to concentrate on family matters now. Besides, Shade and I... are still a little short of the final step in our relationship."

In fact, I'm still shy.

So the satisfied Miss Carina sent Megan to the door of the manor house. At this time, Shade followed Tifa and came with the carriage.

Shade said goodbye to Miss Carina with a warm embrace, and then waved goodbye to Agelina from the upstairs window.

The duchess stood with Tifa like this, watching the carriage drive Shade and Megan out of the manor. She took a deep breath and felt the breath of the spring night in Green Lake City:

“Fun night, but it’s going to be busy for a while.”

The speeding carriage carried Shade and Megan away from the sentries set up by the police on both sides of the street, and then headed to the Witch's cruise ship located next to the Duin River Pier.

Along the way, Megan said nothing. Shade raised the topic a few times, but she just dealt with it casually. When she returned to the cruise ship, she grabbed Shade's hand and entered her own room, looking at him up close:

"Shad Hamilton, can we still get along like before?"

She said Shade's name for the first time, and Shade nodded:

"I think it's okay. Although I've hidden so many things, it won't change our relationship... You don't have to worry about the Witch Council."

Although the Speaker, Ms. Sabella Yin, has a very high voting power in the parliament, there are Feliana, Olanode, Fiona, Violet, Theresa, Chloe and Luvia. For these seven witch reverberations, Shade alone is equivalent to 14 votes. If Parliament really meets to decide his matter, he even thinks he has a good chance of winning.

He hugged the girl in front of him, but he didn't expect that this was exactly what Meghan wanted to do. The illusory arms behind her opened up and hugged him. Coupled with Megan's own hand, he was completely unable to break free:

"Meghan, what are you..."

"Let's do a little experiment."

The girl in her arms said softly, in a very low voice:

"You don't have to do anything. I'll do an experiment. After that, I'll forgive you for hiding it. Yes, it's just an experiment."

Her right hand reached down, and Shade's eyes widened. But no matter how strong he is, he can't resist the witch who is equivalent to two people superimposed in this kind of power confrontation. "Knowledge is power" is not said plainly. Megan and Audrey's original physical strength far exceeds the average level of eleventh-level witches.

And he originally thought that Megan was going to do what Miss Aurora had done before, to verify his doubts for the last time, but he soon knew that he was wrong.

Shade struggled even more violently, but Megan and Audrey's three hands held him firmly. He and Megan hugged each other tightly, so they couldn't see each other's expressions. Suddenly, the upper body of Audrey's soul emerged from behind Megan, almost cheek to cheek with Shade, while his hands still maintained the hugging movement.

There is shame on Audrey's translucent face, but the way her eyes shine in this shame is really beautiful:

"It turns out to be this...smell...It seems that you are really a male. Now I completely believe it. Very healthy, Shade Suellen Hamilton. Your reaction is really interesting."

"Wait, Audrey, you don't want this..."

Soul kissed Shade.

This also means that the original "soul separation" and the "birthmark physical appearance" on the palm of the hand can completely occur at the same time.

Although she was still very shy with her, and although she had not yet made all the decisions entrusted to her, she still had the courage to do a small amount of intimacy. After all, her appearance at this time was originally given by him.

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