Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,780 The Ghoul in a Broken House

"Let me put it another way, is there something here that could cause you injury or even death?"

Shade said, and the sheep nodded slowly:

"No, everyone here is very kind."

Shade thought for a moment:

"So have you ever seen a strange guy? Strange means that he has a serious stench, like something from a dead human being?"

The sheep thought again. The way it chewed and thought looked so wise:

"I've seen it, but it's not common. It lives underground and occasionally buries chicken and duck bones nearby. I once encountered it while going to the toilet at night. It didn't want to harm me, probably because I'm worth more than chickens and ducks. The value is higher.”

The vocabulary it uses is becoming more and more refined.

"Are there really corpses? Did Nicholas Green really become an undead after his death?"

Xia De was slightly surprised, and then asked:

"Then you know..."

"It lives in the underground palace. It is the place where dream demons hover deep underground. It is the sleeping place left by the ancestors of mankind."

In other words, there is an ancient tomb underground in this village.

"How do you want to meet..."

"It's not difficult. It likes chicken, and even more cooked food."

Sheep spoke slowly and slowly, and after listening to it for a long time, Shade even found it to be very charming. He has never felt like this when talking to people:


"Bake cooked chicken in a broken house, and if it wakes up, it will definitely appear."

"I see, thank you so much... Speaking of which, someone has investigated it before, right? No one has asked you about it?"

Shade asked again, and the sheep with the ring on its horn looked up at him again:

"Human, I'm just a sheep."

Shade felt more and more that this sheep was unusual, but he still had something to do. This conversation ended here. Besides, using the [Fish Training Ring] to give the animal wisdom and the ability to speak, any kind of results were possible.

But before taking off the ring, he asked this very smart sheep another question:

"I'm going to take away my ring. Your intelligence and speaking ability will return to what they were before. Will you regret this?"

The sheep chewed the leaves, not looking at him this time:

"Thinking leads to worries; wisdom has many worries, as do humans and sheep."

Shade was shocked and reached out to take the ring off the horn of the sheep. He was afraid that if he talked for a while longer, he would find that this sheep had a higher philosophical attainment than himself. Among the sheep population, he undoubtedly met a true wise man this time.

The warm spring breeze flows through the forest, blowing the sheep's hair slightly. Of course, the sheep didn't know the crazy thoughts of the strangers. It lowered its head and ate the grass, chewing slowly, as if it was its own life, so it slowed down.

Suddenly a red apple rolled in front of it. The sheep slowly raised its head and saw the man's leaving figure. Then it lowered its head and continued eating. Nothing has changed here except the red apples.

Shade did not go to the village to buy chickens. Among the many supplies he carried with him, the most indispensable one was food. After rummaging in his pocket for a while, he found a large box. When he opened the box, there was a lot of meat inside. He picked out a roast chicken that was already roasted but was too cold, and then walked back to the shabby house with the food.

There was a musty smell in the room, but Shade didn't care. He lit a bonfire with firewood piled here by the villagers, then set up a rack to grill the meat again, even sprinkling some cumin to enhance the taste. This is not a mainstream spice now. Cumin powder is only liked by people near the desert, and outsiders rarely use it in this world.

Shade patiently continued his cooking work, flipping the wooden sticks on which the roast chicken had been threaded, and occasionally using a knife to cut small openings to allow the flavor of the spices to penetrate. Soon, the fragrant smell filled his nostrils. He even thought that if the ghoul didn't appear, he would eat the roasted chicken himself, so he roasted it very carefully and patiently.

But obviously he was very lucky. After more than ten minutes, amidst the crackling sound of burning firewood, "she" gently reminded:

[Something appears outside. 】

Shade lowered his head and looked at the crispy roasted chicken:

"Outside the house? I thought it would choose to come out of the ground. What is it doing?"

[Magic potion, the wind outside the window brings the vaporized potion. Take a deep breath. 】

Shade did as he was told.

[A magic potion that has a drowsy effect. 】


He answered in his mind and then yawned:

"Why are you so sleepy all of a sudden? Spring is really a good time to take a break from the busy schedule."

He said this, then squinted his eyes and lowered his head suddenly, and then raised his head again, surprised that he almost fell asleep:

"Really, is it really so harmful to the body to read that erotic novel until three o'clock in the morning last night?"

As he spoke, he yawned again, then squinted his eyes and gradually lowered his head, sitting in front of the campfire and fell asleep.

Shade's breathing gradually became evener, and the bonfire that lacked firewood gradually extinguished, but the aroma of roasted chicken was still strong, and even soon became scorched. Two or three minutes later, a large gray-black swollen hand stretched out from under the window and waved towards the house. After making sure that it did not attract the attention of the sleeping Shade, the clothed corpse quickly crawled out of the window. Entered the house.

This ghoul is very strange. Although it is an undead, except for the corpse spots and slightly swollen body, it looks almost like a normal person. Even if you wear very thick clothes, you may only think that you are a very fat person from a distance.

After crawling into the room on all fours, he stood up carefully, lowered his body and approached the still-smoldering fire. His cloudy yellow eyes stared at Shade closely, and then he reached out and grabbed the man in the grilled clothes. Chicken on a stick.


Shade opened his eyes, and jet-black chains of sin shot out of his left and right sleeves at the same time. At such a close distance, even a supernatural creature like a ghoul couldn't escape. But he didn't expect that he grabbed the roast chicken and disappeared in the moment before the chain touched him, and then appeared at the door. .

"Space jump!"

Shade immediately recognized what kind of skill this was, but the fact that he didn't continue to activate the "Space Stability Halo" just now was not because he was careless, but because he was worried that the other party would not get close. At this time, the corpse that had escaped Shade's attack turned around and ran towards the door. Shade got up and chased after him while shouting:

"Nicholas Green!"

As expected, the corpse's movements paused, but only for a moment, and then disappeared at the door. Shade quickly chased after him. As expected, the corpse was unable to move continuously in space. At this time, it was holding the roast chicken in its mouth and was already on all fours, ready to cross the fence and enter the forest.

Shade, who had prepared the casting materials in advance, took a step forward and pressed his hand on the fence:

"The Thorns of the Moon."

Almost at the moment when the ghoul was about to break through the fence, the holy silver thorn bushes grew along the fence, exorcising evil spirits and suppressing the power of the undead, forcing the ghouls to give up the idea of ​​forcing their way through.

It held the roast chicken in its mouth and turned around to "roar" at Shade, but because it couldn't open its mouth, the sound was quite weird.

Shade didn't want to hurt him, so he took this opportunity to introduce:

"I am a friend of your children, Mr. Green, and I..."

The undead body disappeared from the spot and then appeared outside the fence. But the blocking effect of "Thorns of the Moon" is definitely not just the effect of physical space. Even if it really passes through the thorn bush, its whole body is already covered with silver thorns of holy light at this moment.

With the explosion of silver moonlight, the corpse was almost exploded on the spot. Shade felt pitiful when he saw this scene:

"You don't have to run, I'm not..."

It still ignored Shade's words, staggered up and ran away. Although it was seriously injured, for the undead, as long as it was not killed in one blow, there was no possibility of being unable to move.

Shade had no choice but to continue chasing after him, and then almost disappeared and reappeared together with the corpse. The two of them got into the forest. After once again using the power of space movement together, the entire forest scene was like a picture album that turned the pages quickly. Almost every time they blinked, Shade and the corpse would appear in a new location and remain in the same place. Different chasing postures.

The limit distance of Shade's "Rag Lai Leap" is 20m, and the waiting time for each cast is five seconds. The maximum distance of Ghoul Green's spatial movement is only a short distance of less than 10 meters, but his waiting time to cast a spell is less than three seconds.

Therefore, the two men, who each have shortcomings in spatial mobility but have amazing spatial perception, chase each other, making the scene in the woods become increasingly strange.

Because the opponent moved so fast, Shade couldn't even catch up and use the "space stabilizing halo" to stop the opponent's movement. And his efforts to explain that he was a friend of Helena Green and Soren Green failed to make the ghoul stop and listen to him.

However, the other party kept biting the roast chicken and never let go.

Neither of them wanted to leave the woods, and they both maintained restraint, trying not to touch the bottom line of space movement for fear of attracting creatures from outside the space. But as the chase became faster and faster, the two people's casting frequency was close to the limit. The spatial disturbance caused by the continuous breaking of space was combined with the already chaotic spatial situation in the Green Lake area. When Shade and the corpse once again After casting spells together to move in space, the two of them felt as if they had fallen into a large whirlpool on the bottom of the sea, and were uncontrollably taken away from their original direction by some huge attraction.

The scenery of the woods instantly turned into strange color blocks, and various bizarre and twisted scenes were combined and displayed in front of the eyes. The bizarre pictures gave people a splitting headache, but what was even more dangerous was that Shade realized that he and himself That ghoul might have really "crossed the line" by accident.

It seemed like a moment, but it seemed like a long wait. The unrecognizable color blocks merged into a new scenery. The moment his feet touched the ground again, Shade, who recovered faster than the ghoul, didn't even have time to identify where he was. He lay on the red carpet and threw it forward. off the chain.

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