Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,791

When the cigarette is lit, it releases a light blue smoke with a drowsy aroma. Shade waited with bated breath for the reaction of the sleeping Earl, which lasted only ten seconds. As Shade subconsciously yawned, he actually found that the Earl in front of him disappeared out of thin air.

[It’s not disappearing, look carefully. 】

"She" reminded her gently. Shade concentrated his attention and finally saw the count again. It wasn't that he was invisible, it was more like his sense of presence was severely reduced. Shade immediately thought of the coins in [Black Mist Camp], but obviously the two had nothing to do with each other.

Focusing himself on observing the count, the count opened his eyes, but they were rather confused and sleepy, obviously not fully awake. He stood up from the sofa and walked towards the wall with the "crack leading to Paradise" that he pointed out just now.

Shade observed carefully, and then watched in surprise as the Earl actually walked into the wall. When his skin came into contact with the wall, traces like water ripples appeared on the skin and the wall, and then the count disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

Shade had been following the count, and he had already reacted when the count interacted with the wall. Because he was worried about hurting Count Petrarch, Shade did not hold him. Instead, he used his senses to detect this series of activities. Only when the count disappeared did Shade touch the wall again. The wall was completely solid, even with There was no response when the [Time and Space] Spirit Rune was shining.

He lost the trace of Count Petrarch, and actually saw nothing, which was far beyond Shade's original expectation. Although according to the earl, this is not the first time he has used mushroom powder for "deep meditation", so he should be back soon, Shade still thinks it is best to investigate the truth by himself.

When the count disappeared just now, he did feel the abnormal fluctuations in the space. This shows that the count carried out space transfer under a special state. The "cracks" on the wall he mentioned most likely really exist, but cannot be observed in the ordinary state. .

Since neither "powerful space perception" nor Shade's own inspiration could capture that crack, it is very likely that this is the most hidden space crack in the stable space of the material world. Combined with the recent frequent spatial anomalies in the entire world, it is basically certain that the function of those colorful mushroom powders is to enhance certain aspects of spatial perception.

"But it certainly doesn't stop there."

Shade hesitantly returned to the table and held up the portion that the Earl had just given to him:

"Count Petrarch is just an ordinary person. His resistance to drug resistance is much lower than mine, and my own resistance is also very strong... To be safe, I only need to observe the cracks for a very short time. … Still need to be cautious.”

He took out the needle he carried with him and used it to extract a small amount of mushroom powder. With his eyes widened, he picked out the smallest particle and put it into his mouth——

[Strong hallucinogenic effect, has no effect on you. It is recommended not to take it, just drop it into your eyes. 】


After dissolving the very small amount of powder with water, it was dripped into both eyes one after another. Then he felt like the world was spinning. He closed his eyes subconsciously and held on to the back of the sofa to avoid unconsciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, the world seemed a little different, but probably because Shade's dosage was very small, he didn't see the terrifying vision. But in his eyes, the world became a lot darker, and some faint black cracks were spread across the air that was originally nothing.

Most of these cracks are quite short and not fixed, but creep away or reappear. Among them, the largest and most stable gap was indeed on the wall where the count disappeared. Shade didn't need to get close to determine that this was the gap hidden in the stable material world space.

Schade had seen an introduction to these cracks in a textbook. They appear and disappear all the time, which is one of the manifestations of the dynamic stability of space. Originally they would not be so dense. It must be because they are close to the central island of Green Lake and affected by the instability of the "double island" that they appear so frequently.

This kind of gap will not have any impact on humans, and people can't see this kind of thing. But once you see it, it means you can come into contact. This is an extremely rare situation and an extremely dangerous situation. After all, things that appear along with space cracks are often not particularly friendly.

Using too little means the effects are fading quickly. Shade took the time to collect the remaining mushroom powder, then walked towards the gray crack in the wall and stepped through it.

So far, he has experienced many types of space transfers, but this experience was the worst. He felt like he was spinning a hundred times in one second. When the surrounding space stabilized, the food in his stomach protested and wanted to rush out of his mouth.

Holding on to the wall to resist the urge to retching, the smell of powder in the air aggravated the discomfort in his stomach. Resisting the desire to vomit, he raised his head and looked around. This was obviously indoors, and it was a well-decorated interior.

The floor tiles are clean and reflective, and the ceiling is five meters high from the ground, allowing a huge crystal lamp to hang down. This is not the height that a normal floor should be. Outside the window is a gloomy sky and hazy drizzle, while lively and lively music is floating indoors. The walls were painted gold, and the mahogany wall cabinets were filled with dinner plates filled with various fruits and exquisite candlesticks.

The red-carpeted staircase behind her indicates that there is more than one floor here, and looking at the spacious hall and the laughing crowd also indicates that this multi-story building is very large.

A middle-aged woman wearing a satin skirt stood at the door, skillfully and enthusiastically greeting every well-dressed guest who came through the door. Girls in gorgeous clothes, surrounded by regular customers in groups of two or three, headed upstairs or on the first floor. Individual sofa set.

The smell of powder in the air became stronger and stronger, and the atmosphere created by the laughter and laughter was quite pleasant and comfortable.

"here it is......"

The shocked foreigner gradually understood everything in front of him:

"High-end technology... No, whether it's Delrayon or Carsonrick, they are officially prohibited from doing technology. Is this a high-end club?"

He now fully understood why Count Petrarch said that in his deep state of meditation, he could go to the "Elysian Paradise" through the wall. The sober Earl has indeed come to the "good place".

As long as the earl can still pay instinctively in the lost lake, this place is indeed the best paradise for that person who has a simple heart and a mediocre life.

"But, which city is this?"

Most of the people around him were speaking Kasonlik, and they had the accent of Michaela Blast Furnace City, so Shade had reason to suspect that he just ran to the south shore of Green Lake.

"No, no, this is not the time to consider such a thing. While the power of the mushroom powder has not weakened, I want to find Count Petrarch as soon as possible, take him back and ask about the origin of this strange colorful mushroom... ...I don’t want to stay here for long at all, Luvia and the others will laugh at me if they find out.”

But before Shade could take action, the door not far from him was opened. A middle-aged man covering his face with a hat and wearing a black leather jacket walked in and whispered to the woman at the door. After chatting for a few words, the latter pointed upstairs, and then led the middle-aged man and the man behind him with a serious face and carrying a black suitcase to the stairs.

They didn't notice Xia De at all, but Xia De recognized the middle-aged man who came in:

"Director Anlos?"

Although when he joined the company, he heard that some field agents would reimburse invoices from the Technical Institute and Rhodes Casino, but Xia De really didn't expect that his loyal boss would actually come here during such an important negotiation between the two countries. Find a place to relax.

"No, no, Director Anlos is not this kind of person."

After the shock, Shade figured out that his boss was probably here to perform a mission, or to connect with important informants. But he didn't expect that the place where the agents performed their missions could be such an...exciting place.

[So where do you think it will be? 】

"Of course it was on the roof of the building. Then I said things like, 'How could it be you?' 'Give me a chance, I want to be a good person.'"

"She" smiled softly, while Shade continued to whisper in his heart:

"No wonder someone wants to reimburse the receipt here. It turns out it is really necessary."

So Shade was faced with two choices, one was to find Count Petrarch who didn't know where to go for entertainment, and the other was to follow Director Anlos to see what he was doing.

After just a little thought, Shade made a decision, turned around and followed the stairs:

"Count Petrarch is having a good time, I shouldn't disturb him. Director Anlos is obviously more interesting."

The effect of the mushroom powder disappeared faster than Shade expected. While he kept up with the three of them, he used illusions to continue hiding his figure. After getting closer, I heard Director Anlos call the middle-aged woman who greeted the guests "Mrs. Loris". She seemed to be the owner of this business.

From the first floor to the second floor, there are still Yingying Yanyan playing with the men, but the area of ​​the hall has been reduced, and the remaining space is a room with the door open.

The hall area on the third floor has been reduced again, but the number of rooms is only three, and each room is very large.

Mrs. Norris led the two men into one of the rooms. Before Shade could admire the large bed hung with tulle and the astonishingly large wooden basin, Mrs. Norris walked to the bookshelf. Some mechanism was pressed, and the wall in the corner revealed a narrow passage, followed by a staircase winding upward in the cracks in the wall.

It is not surprising that such a relatively private service industry has such secret rooms. Mrs. Norris did not go up, but waited here. Director Anlos led the people behind her and walked over.

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