Whispering Verse

Chapter 1810 The Fishing Doctor

There was a nostalgic and helpless smile on the outsider's face:

"I thought of a story last time at Sister Devlin's place, and now I think of it again."

[A fairy tale again? 】

She asked gently, and Shade almost coughed:

"Don't say that, it's not a fairy tale. If anyone shows it to children, should that person be dragged out and shot for five minutes to lock in love? It's really interesting. The God of Love in this world is called the 'Red Heart Lock', which locks in love. Lock up love, believers of the God of Love, I wonder if there is such a mantra. There are many people who long for love, and there are many ways to long for love, indeed."

His face was filled with infinite melancholy and reminiscence, but "she" did not continue to ask questions and just allowed Shade to think.

He thought of many things, what Helena Oxenfurt said to him in her death, about the cold heart and loving and being loved; Granny Miles's warm and sentimental love story; and then, hometown , about using a spell to lock love, and finally being unable to control one's desires and unable to bear everything, leading to tragedy and destruction, and pushing all the good things into the abyss with one's own hands.

"I didn't trick them with lies or curses."

He looked at his hands.

[Yes, you have always been sincere. 】

"And I also have the responsibility and responsibility to bear their responsibilities and take care of this family. I understand what love is, yes, I understand."

[You have always understood, otherwise, why would desire challenge you? 】

"Her" smile became gentler, as if she was happy, and Shade finally understood.

"Desire, love, desire, she couldn't have noticed my struggle a long time ago, and deliberately reminded me, so that she would let me prove my loyalty, right?"

He suddenly said doubtfully, but this question is not important. He looked at little Mia, and the cat tilted its head and looked at him suspiciously.

"Since they made their choice voluntarily and are willing to go all the way with me, what am I struggling with?"

He clenched his fists violently, and the strange thoughts of the past month were swept away. Outsiders are never afraid to examine themselves and analyze themselves, and at this moment, he once again saw clearly the confusion in his heart.

The life ring itself appeared later, with slightly enriched enlightenment elements, but failed to form spiritual runes. This is just the ring of fate responding to Shade's heart becoming stronger and more determined.

He is always getting stronger step by step, and can always see his inner desires and expectations. At this moment, the outsider once again understood what kind of future he wanted. As a result, greed shone with a dazzling and weird aura on the life ring that had not yet disappeared.

"She" still smiled gently.

After gathering his mood, seeing that Mia was still unwilling to go out lazily, Shade went to Green Lake City alone.

Although a time key was opened in the morning, it didn't actually waste much time, so when Shade came out of the back door of the hotel, the boy John was about to go out with his puppy in his arms.

Seeing Sha De appear, the boy greeted Sha De politely:

"Good morning, Sir."

"Good morning, where are you going?"

Shade knew that the boy had no serious source of income and usually ran around the city, begging, or looking for ways to make money. But since Shade delivers some food every day, he doesn't have to worry about starving to death. Of course, the boy had never stolen before. He was still too young to master the craft.

"My friend said he could get fish from the backwater of Pomfrey Street on the Doin and asked me to go and have a look."

"Be careful and don't get too close to the river."

Shade gave his warning and gave the boy the bread he had brought. Little John held the paper bag and asked a little embarrassedly:

"Sir, is there anything you like?"

Shade smiled:

"Are you going to give me a gift?"

He knew the boy meant well:

"I like Rhodes. Did you know that?"

"I know, everyone likes to play cards, but I don't understand the rules."

"You'll understand when you grow up, but you have to learn language and math. Oh, you don't need to give me Rhodes cards. I only like the cards I win."

He was preventing the boy from doing anything risky in order to give him a gift:

"If you want to give me a gift, just be prepared. I will introduce you to a place where you can learn writing in a few days."

In fact, there is already a relatively common compulsory education law in this era, but its implementation has not been smooth. But children like little John who have no parents are not without any possibility of learning writing. In addition to meeting kind-hearted people, some charities and churches will offer free education courses, but homeless people usually don't know about it, or they are unable to go due to practical reasons.

But this is not difficult for Shade. Even if Iluna has not arrived yet, he is not familiar with the local church, but Paradise Island Pharmaceutical has such a local charity education institution.

Some time ago, because I was worried that John would be implicated in the Ring Warlock incident, I never introduced him to him. Now it seems that letting him run around the city is actually very dangerous, so it is better to let him learn something first.

"Okay, sir!"

The boy smiled and nodded, then watched Shade go away. He was holding his puppy and was actually still thinking about the Rhodes cards.

Shade came to Green Lake today mainly to see the doctor and wanted to ask how to take away the soul from the devil. But unfortunately, the doctor left early in the morning. However, he left a message at the front desk of the hotel. If Shade wants to find him, he should go to the village of Pukhov in the countryside, which is the dock village where Shade first met "Bad Eyes Barry".

The doctor claimed that he went fishing, but he should have gone to explore the terrain.

Anyway, after a boring carriage trip, Shade got off the carriage at half past nine that morning in the village of Pukhov. After going to the pier, I asked someone about it, and found out easily that a well-dressed stranger came to the village half an hour ago, carrying a fishing rod and a bucket.

The doctor also walked around the village and inquired about places suitable for fishing. However, he did not rent a boat and go directly to the lake to fish. Instead, he went eastward along the lake, otherwise it would be more troublesome for Shade to find him.

Finding a doctor is not complicated when you have someone to guide you. But when he saw the doctor, Shade was really shocked by his appearance.

It was in the reeds about a mile away from the village pier. The doctor was sitting on a dark brown wooden coffin with one end deep into the lake water. He was wearing a sun hat and holding a fishing rod that had been thrown out.

"Sitting in a coffin and fishing alone? Doctor, since I have known you for a year, this is definitely the most fashionable and chic time for you."

Shade was full of praise for the doctor sitting alone in the coffin fishing in Green Lake, but he did not jump on the coffin, but walked on the water to the doctor's side.

"Walk softly and don't scare the fish."

The doctor first warned, then explained with a smile:

"This coffin is not an ordinary thing. It was specially prepared by me for our goal. It cost me a lot of money to transport this thing from Tobesk to Green Lake City, but fortunately it was worth it. I believe that in this era , not many people can do this.”

Shade raised his eyebrows:

"You don't want to lie down here and fall asleep, do you?"

Although there are no ritual symbols on the surface of the coffin, the "seeing demon" can see the shadow of demonic power.

"It's not me, it's the dreamer who sleeps here. This is not just a coffin. Didn't you say it could be fought in the lake? It's actually a pretty good boat."

The doctor said, holding the fishing rod and looking at Green Lake under the bright sunshine:

"The scenery here is really good, but it can't compare to the Randall River Valley. What do you want from me?"

"That's right, I want to ask you about another evil spirit from the third era. No, no, we can't encounter it, and it's impossible to encounter it. I just want to find out."

"I understand. Detective, just ask, I won't ask any unnecessary questions."

So Shade described the demon's face made of coins, and mentioned that the other party might be related to the old god-the Golden Lord.

The information this time was very complete and very directional. The doctor immediately thought of who it was:

"Devil of Greed - Plisidine. This is a tough guy. As long as even one of the coins that make up its body is not sealed, it can transfer its body to that separate coin. Even if it's me Once you encounter it, I’m afraid you won’t be able to catch it easily.”

"Where is that guy now?"

Shade asked curiously, thinking that this time he would have another chance to encounter something he saw in the fifth era.

"It's really hard to say. This guy has never appeared in the entire Sixth Era. When I collected information over the years, I only heard some legends. According to the stone tablet unearthed near an unnamed lake in the south of Kasenlik - —The demon fell on the mermaid, coins rained down, and countless people were injured. I think this probably refers to the alien creature mermaid, which was defeated and sealed."

After the doctor finished speaking, before Shade asked any questions, he took the initiative to express his opinion:

"But aren't mermaids marine creatures? Other stone inscriptions unearthed in that area show that even in the fifth era, there was land there. Moreover, although the mermaid race is powerful, don't think about defeating that guy easily, greedy Desire is very powerful.”

After hearing "Mermaid", Shade roughly guessed what was going on, but he didn't dare to say it. Regarding sin and desire, mermaids will always leave their own shadow. From this point of view, Shade has no chance of finding the devil in this era.

"Doctor, the guy we are talking about should still be sealed now. Only I can enter the seal. If I want to take away a soul from the other party, and the devil also knows, I really want that soul. In How am I going to trade it when I'm sure I can't beat it? I'm sure I'm going to get ripped off, so what can I offer?"

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