Whispering Verse

Chapter 1812 An acquaintance in the circus (asking for votes)

No one spoke to Shade, so Shade walked around among the caravans by himself. Almost everyone was doing their own thing. It was normal here, very normal, but it was precisely because of this normality that Shade felt something was wrong.

He pretended to be interested in the souvenirs for sale at the circus and stopped in front of the stall. Most of the souvenirs they sold were cheap items that the circus purchased from the local area when it traveled around the Old World, and then sold them at a higher price in the next city. Shade even saw an anchor pendant from Coldwater Port and an anchor from Fort Midhill. Maple leaf bookmarks, empty bottles from Huntington with famous winery labels, ugly stone ornaments from Randall Valley.

He originally thought whether it was the relics accidentally collected by the circus that caused some unnoticeable events to occur, but he was soon attracted by the stall selling various Rhodes cards.

Not only are ordinary sets of playing cards hawked here, but there are also wooden card boxes sold by Seer Guild chapters across the Old World. Because different clubs have different card box shapes and engraved badges, there are indeed collectors who like this kind of thing.

In addition to ordinary decks and card boxes, there are even more than ten Rhodes cards with special card faces on the booth. Although the price of these Rhodes cards is not as expensive as the special rules cards, they are still worth showing off among the players.

Shade stopped to check. He had no intention of buying anything at first, but he was attracted by a card that said "The cat looked up under the tree."

That was Moon 10, the same color as the "Origin Space" that Shade was looking for. But even if he finds "Origin Space" in the future, he can still stuff this cat card into the backup deck.

"Pet Series·Delarion Desert Cat."

Shade said the name of this card, and the man behind the booth smiled and said:

"Yes, what, do you want to buy it? This amount is fine."

He stretched out his hand and shook it to Xia De. The price was quite reasonable and within the range that Xia De could accept:

"It's a pity that you don't have special rule cards here."

Shade sighed, almost certain that at least the person in front of him was just an ordinary person.

"This is my small business. All the cards here combined are not as valuable as a special rule card. But if you want to play cards, you can go to our group leader. That gentleman is the best card among us. Hand, he has a special rule card in his hand."

Shade raised his eyebrows and first said that he wanted to buy the Moon 10, and then talked about the circus with the man. The two gradually became familiar with each other and even played a game of cards together. As a result, Shade had a deeper understanding of the basic situation of the circus, and learned that after the circus came to the local area, it did recruit new people from the local area.

Most of them are minors and are responsible for chores such as moving the venue. When the troupe leaves, one or two of them will be taken away to be trained as apprentices. These are certainly not Gray Gloves agents. Although neither MI6 nor Gray Gloves prohibit the use of child labor, such tasks should not be assigned to minors.

As for the number of adults recruited after coming to the local area, there are five or six adults. The number is uncertain because some people only work part-time and may leave one day and never come back. As for the long-term stayers, one is the new circus accountant Mr. Merkel, and the other is said to be the distant nephew of the troupe leader, who came here specifically to join his uncle.

"Oh, in the middle of the night last night, the dog kept by the regiment kept barking outside. Later, we found an unconscious man in the farmland. The regiment leader said that if he had time, he would go to the city to report the crime in the afternoon. The guy is still unconscious. , but the injury can’t be seen.”

As he said that, he glanced at the three policemen not far away who were asking for information about the circus:

"They don't care about this matter. Really, they are obviously police officers. Why do they know so clearly?"

"Did you pick up an unconscious person last night? I'm from the city. I can go see him later. Speaking of which, I also want to play a few games of Rhodes with the leader of the group to see what he's like. Special card, I wonder where I can see him? Is he the one talking to the police over there?"

Shade finally asked. Because playing cards brought us closer together, the man guarding the stall stood up and asked Shade around:

"The group leader went to the village to discuss with the village chief about installing a temporary gas pipeline. He will be back in half an hour. That person over there is our deputy group leader, and he doesn't know how to play cards."

"Okay then, I'll take a look around the camp again."

Shade said, then walked towards where the unconscious man was.

There was no suitable place to place him in the circus, but they were worried that if he died like this, the foreigners in the circus would be regarded as criminals by the locals, so he was finally placed in a tent where circus apprentices lived.

Everyone in the group had something to do, so no one had time to take care of him. So when Shade got into the tent, no one stopped him:

"Aren't they afraid of losing things?"

The environment in which the apprentices live is not very good. In addition to living quarters, the tents are also filled with a lot of performance debris. In the innermost part of a row of low beds made of abandoned steam pipes, a man with a pale complexion and yellow hair, who looked to be in his thirties, was lying.

Shade was stunned when he saw his face, and then he saw the soul floating above him, making a face in Shade's direction:

"Giles hasn't woken up yet, I can't let anyone get close to him! It's very dangerous here, big bad guy, get away!"

The spirit of the little girl Rusty Edwards was talking quietly and amusing herself without seeming bored. For a moment, Shade doubted whether he was still in Green Lake and whether he had returned to Tobesk City. Then he realized that he had really met Professor Manning's friend, the former grave robber Dulute Giles, and the second-generation eldest daughter of the Edwards family who had died young.

Although the little girl's soul was judged to be very powerful, she could not recognize Shade based on his appearance alone. Therefore, when Shade came closer, she even waved her hand to hit Shade on the chest - this would make ordinary people suddenly feel cold all over their bodies.

Unexpectedly, Shade grabbed the girl's hand.

He looked seriously into the other person's eyes. Rusty Edwards then put away his grimace, showed an innocent smile, and then jerked his hand away to leave, but he couldn't get rid of Shade's hand. .

With a bang, she turned into smoke and dispersed, and then appeared on the other side of the bed. This kind of supernatural ability of ghosts that only appears in storybooks is actually a very unique spatial power. It seems that even the undead have inherited Edwards' outstanding bloodline.

"The professor's friend, we met in Tobesk."

Shade said calmly, instead of chasing the girl, he sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on Durut Giles' forehead.

【coma. He was exposed to a powerful force that exceeded his mental capacity, so he fell into a self-protective hibernation. 】

That is to say, I saw something I shouldn’t have seen.

"Why are you here?"

He raised his head and asked the girl hiding aside. This Megan's ancestor, the oldest person in the Edwards family except Laplace Klein Howard, also recognized who Shad was at this time.

She tried to float closer, and when she saw that Shade didn't catch her again, she put her hands on her waist and "warned":

"I'm only eleven years old, so don't have bad thoughts towards me."

"Well please don't say such things, I'm a little scared. No kidding, you know I have no ill intentions towards you. How did you get here? Didn't I tell you not to come to Green Lake?"

The girl thought for a while:

"Yesterday Giles went to eat, and he quarreled with me and told me not to scare the wild cats. We were in the alley, and we came here in no time!"

She gestured in an exaggerated way:

"It came really quickly. I came here in no time. I know this place, my home. It's in the lake over there."

"Is it really fate to encounter a space transfer?"

Shade frowned and looked at Durut Giles who was lying down. There were no traces of space power on the opponent's body, and there were no obvious external injuries. Although space transfer is extremely dangerous, it doesn't look like he was unconscious because of it:

"Do you know what happened to him?"

The girl gestured again and said:

"As soon as we came here, Giles wanted to help me figure out where this was, so he walked towards the place with light. Then, we saw a circus~a circus~a circus that only exists in books! Giles was frightened by the tiger, cowardly Giles, poor Giles, and then he passed out!"

She said with a smile, floating in the air and spinning around.

Shade almost understood:

"Is the tiger a bad thing?"

He tried to express it the way a girl would talk, and Rusty Edwards nodded:

"Yes, bad stuff, bad stuff. And it's contagious, it's a disease! We'll leave as soon as Giles wakes up."

"Infection. Can you tell me, is the tiger still in the camp? I want to get rid of the tiger. In this way, your friend will not have any problems even if he cannot wake up in a short time."

Soul blinked at Shade, seemingly surprised by Shade's thoughts. She flew above Durut Giles, then opened her left and right arms together, drawing a circle in the air.

Faint traces of light flickered in the air, and a translucent gray ball of light enveloped Durut Gilles. This is a method of sealing space, but it is very similar to Shade's "Thorn of the Moon".

"I will go with you!"

Rusty Edwards said:

"The tiger hurt Giles! It's a bad thing."

"Why didn't you go by yourself just now?"

"Because I can't beat it."

Therefore, although Rusty Edwards's way of thinking is naive, she is definitely not without common sense in life.

PS: Please vote! !

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