Whispering Verse

Chapter 1830 The secret that cannot be told

Mr. Green and Shade nodded together, but they did not repeat it. Shade turned around and took a deep breath, grasped the cold door handle, and opened the entire door in front of the three people.

Behind the door are stone steps. The end of the stone steps is not an empty basement, but a long and narrow masonry corridor. There were torches on the walls, and the corridor was filled with mist that did not exist on the dream island, so they could not see clearly what was at the end of the corridor.

As he watched, the torches on both sides of the corridor were lit up from near to far, reflecting the fog into orange. But the torches that could not be seen in the distance quickly turned scarlet. From far to near, all the torches turned red, turning the entire underground corridor into scarlet everywhere.

This time there were no words of warning from the devil, and the power belonging to the devil appeared directly and undoubtedly.

Shade did not move. The doctor pulled Mr. Soren Green and ran away. The scarlet mist had already spread from Shade's feet, following the two escaped people towards the entire island in the dream.

The dream was further invaded by strange forces, and Shade blocked the basement door alone, as if to cut off his companions. He squinted slightly and saw a man walking step by step in the scarlet fog, throwing a black cube. His slow voice was particularly charming:

"Knowing that it is impossible to enter the depths of this corridor, what are you trying to do by breaking in again this time? I know you, a pure and powerful soul. Have you forgotten the last warning?" (Devil's language)

Xia De stretched out his hand and grabbed the [Night Watcher] from the air. The bright yellow runes of "My heart is clear and my sword kills demons" lit up in the scarlet fog. He hadn't used this sword for a long time, even if it was only in his dream. De also has an indescribable joy:

"This dream is very strange. Look, didn't we find the secret room in the well outside this time? And, how do you know that I still can't do anything to you this time? The demon of the labyrinth - Yalu!"

The scarlet light in the thick fog kept flashing, and the stimulating light made Shade instinctively feel irritated. The demon in the fog let out a deep laugh, and then its figure gradually blurred, while another figure appeared in the thick fog in the underground corridor, walking towards Shade step by step with heavy steps.

It gradually became clear to him that he was a middle-aged man with a face somewhat similar to the corpse old Mr. Green and Mr. Eric Foran. His left arm was burnt black, and his body was covered with a viscous black liquid. The semi-liquid armor with strange lines, the exposed facial skin was scorched yellow, the cracked skin and the dull eyes all had a scarlet light.


[The father of the fourth generation of four, Pride Edwards who released the dense fog. 】

"She" said the name that Shade was thinking about at the moment. Shade nodded slightly. The moment the man walking towards him disappeared, he turned around and slashed behind him with his sword:

"So I asked, can you change your starting position?"

The swirling sword light left traces of light in the air, and the Night Watchman collided with the right hand gauntlet of the black liquid armor. Without even pausing, the long sword that restrained the demonic power cleanly cut off Pride Edwards' right hand. . The mucus dripped, and his right hand grew again in just a second, but during the growth process of his right hand, three other swords had already stabbed him:

"Blade of Disarrayed Time!"

The long sword thrust out from the void, and at the same time Shade swung his second sword. Even though he was wearing strange black liquid armor, Pride Edwards was still overwhelmed by the four swords. His left hand blocked the sword in Shade's hand, but the other three swords pierced the armor on his upper body, and then Disappeared into the air.

Pride Edwards made a strange sound from his mouth, like a beast, but not human. He was greatly suppressed in this dream. Facing the sword thrust again, the previously strong armor was once again pierced like paper, and he could only keep retreating.

Shade, who has been learning cold weapon combat with Sister Devlin recently, is able to display the swordsmanship inherited from the [Night Watch] better than before. Coupled with the "Blade of Disrupted Time", it is equivalent to him holding four swords to fight the enemy alone. The flashing silver sword light formed a fierce attack like a sword net. Demon Pride Edwards defended while retreating. If the flashing figure disappeared, Shade would appear behind him in the next second.

Shade didn't know how much ability this devil had in reality, but in the dream, the opponent was definitely no match for him.

At the 34th second when the battle broke out, as Pride Edwards disappeared again, Shade's figure also disappeared. At the same time that the demon appeared behind him at his original position, Shade appeared behind the demon.

The long sword in his hand flashed with light, and the huge head flew up and down into the distance, and then the demon's body collapsed.

Shade immediately squatted down and put his hand on his burned left arm. Although it was the body in a dream, at the moment of contact, he still felt the first fire in his body stir with pleasure.

"Yes, his arm was scorched by the Prime Fire. The power that has been stabilizing this place since ancient times is the Prime Fire."

Of course, Shade would not be arrogant enough to think that he could kill a demon transformed by demonic power and unknown means in his dream. Therefore, he ignored the "corpse" and did not stay in the mansion for a long time. Instead, he rushed out of the house with his sword and rushed into the island that was mostly covered by scarlet mist.

The doctor and Mr. Soren Green, who had "escaped" one step ahead, had long since disappeared. The dense fog that shone with scarlet light completely reduced the visibility in the rainy night to a distance of ten meters around them.

Shade did not use the countermeasures reserved by the doctor for this dream, because he had just stepped out of the door of Edwards' old house when he saw two figures standing in the thick foggy yard.

The two figures were both children, and they didn't look out of the ordinary. The boy and the girl stood together in front of the flower garden. Although they could not see their specific faces clearly, Shade could clearly hear their words:

"Brother, what kind of flower is this?"

"This is a sunflower, always facing the sun."

"What about when there's no sun?"


The boy was asked, but the girl was not disappointed at all. Instead, she giggled and hugged the boy's arm.

Two figures disappeared in the fog, and then the figures of a boy and a girl who grew slightly taller and looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old appeared at the edge of the well again.

"Brother, what are you doing looking into the well lately? Father and mother say it's dangerous here."

"Gratonie, aren't you curious about what's in this well that only has water in spring and summer? Maybe it's like the story says, there's a treasure buried under the well."

The boy's voice was animated.

"Brother, this is too boring. Why don't you play with me on the swing? Look at the new dress I asked my mother to buy for me. It's very beautiful."

"Grattonie, we must always remain curious. This will allow us to see further."

The two figures disappeared into the fog again, and then two figures appeared at the fence gate, walking towards the door of the building where Shade was. This time the figure looks taller and must be an adult. The male figure is still the boy from the previous two times, but the female figure no longer seems to be the girl who was just called "Gratoni".

They walked arm in arm, talking and laughing, but disappeared before Shade could see their faces clearly. Then, the girl from the first two times finally appeared. She stood there and only said one sentence:

"Brother, is this the woman you chose?"

She disappears in the mist, only to reappear a second later. Gratoni stood with the woman by the well. Because they have grown up, the heights of the two women have not changed much, except that the latter's figure has become plump, and cannot be called fat.

"Finally a girl."

Gratoni said to the woman holding the child:

"Including the adopted little Alphonse, there are already four people in the fourth generation of the family."


The woman holding the baby spoke softly, lowering her head to look at the swaddled baby.

"Can I hug little Maria?"

Gratoni asked, and the woman carefully put her little daughter into Gratoni's arms. Shade watched this scene with cold eyes, watching Gratonne Edwards take over the child, stabbing a dagger into the chest of his brother's wife, and then pushing her into the well.

She hummed a song in a good mood, hugged her little niece and walked towards Shade's direction. But this time, she did not disappear, and just came to Shade.

The whole body is wrapped in black armor, which makes the slender and tall figure stand out. The surface of the black armor has fine scale patterns. The face that is very similar to Megan and Audrey has three black grease scratches on the left and right sides, and small dragon horns grow on both sides of the head.

Behind her, a weird black semi-bony tail dragged traces on the ground. And what she was holding in her arms was definitely not a baby, but a black dragon with its eyes open.

The two looked at each other, and the disgusting feeling of a mixture of demon and dragon in Grattonie Edwards made Shade instinctively disgusted. Gratoni Edwards, on the other hand, instinctively felt that the man in front of her had a smell that frightened her, and it was also the smell of a dragon. It's just that it's a dream now, and she can't analyze what it is.

"It's amazing that real dragons can still be found in this day and age."

Shade said to the woman in front of him who had accepted the power of demons and dragons. The state she was showing at this time was somewhat similar to Fiona, the red dragon witch, but she was far less charming than Fiona. She was originally supposed to be a very beautiful woman, but now her coquettish and strange appearance made her look ugly.

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