Whispering Verse

Chapter 1832 Demonic Black Dragon

After a loud explosion, the woman who had just taken off was shot down towards the lake. At this moment, two dark chains flew out from the bottom of the lake, one on the left and one on the right, tying up Gratoni Edwards's hands. She struggled hard and yanked, pulling Shade out of the water in the lake, but Shade immediately stood on the water, activated the power of the red dragon to wrestle with it, and with the support of his feet, he could feel the strength of the earth. Power, the woman affected by the [Sin Chain] struggled to resist, but the suppression of the two witches above her head immediately struck.

Even if it wasn't in the dream, Shade actually defeated her in strength once again, and Grattonie Edwards' own spiritual and spell-casting abilities were inevitably affected even more.

The life ring symbolizing the twelve-ring warlock emerged from behind her, with four core spiritual runes - Enlightenment [Space], Enlightenment [Immortality], Whispering [Monster], and Blasphemy [Dragon]. The life ring attached to the abnormal black light rotates slowly, trying to break free from the shackles of the [Sin Chain] in this way. The dark chain tries to cling to her life ring, but is unable to get close due to the influence of the evil whisper [monster] .

"His Majesty Fanes' space sealing technique!"

"The Ring of Holmeli!"

The witches' secret technique was fully effective. The gray transparent square wrapped around Gratoni Edwards, and then three golden halos forced her hands behind her back and were tied together.

At the same time, on the cruise ship anchored on the lake, dozens of figures rose into the air to support her. At the same time, more than a hundred offensive thaumaturgy lights had already struck, and the aura and explosion once again submerged her in the night sky.

The armor protection performance of Grattonie Edwards is quite high. Because she cannot move, she can only resist this attack. Her power suddenly stagnated when she was attacked, and the two chains of sin finally found the opportunity to cling to the twelve-ring life ring.

The runes of the six sins flickered with light, and the chains wrapped around the life ring trying to stop it. The slowly spinning ring made a harsh "squeaking" sound and tried to resist, but as longer and longer chains wrapped around and clung to the ring, it finally slowly stopped.

[Chain of Sin] is an extremely rare thaumaturgy that can directly affect the Ring Warlock's life ring. If it was possible to escape if the hands and feet were tied by chains, once the life ring was completely locked by the chains, Shade even thought that even a thirteen-ring warlock would not be able to break free.

Gratoni Edwards fell from the air to the water, completely losing all ability to fight back. Shade breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to say something to the great witches in the sky, when he suddenly saw a hole in the night beside the fallen black armored woman. A man's hand stretched out, and with a flick, the sin chain automatically fell off the ring.

Grattonie Edwards adjusted her position in the air. As her angry roar spread across Green Lake, she turned into a black light point and rushed higher into the night sky. Then her swollen body was instantly covered. The galaxy above Shade's head lives:

"Oh, isn't this a little too much?"

The black dragon, with its whole body surrounded by black flames, three completely asymmetrical horns sprouting from its head, and four pairs of jet-black wings sprouting from its back, appeared above Green Lake.

[It’s close to the thirteenth ring. 】

"She" whispered in Shade's ear, and the corners of Shade's mouth trembled. Even though he had expected that tonight might not go well, it was still unexpected for this situation to occur.

The two great witches faced the deafening roar but were not afraid. The dragon swung its tail, but Megan grabbed the dragon's tail with both hands. Audrey appeared behind her, and the gold and silver big book was an angel-level relic [ The Tome of Desire] was floating at hand, and a series of ritual arrays burst out under their feet. The first wave of attacks composed of brilliant light made the dragon unable to parry it. The eleventh-level twin witches are definitely not inferior to their grandmothers in combat prowess.

Above the cruise ship, a dense golden mesh ritual array appeared in the night sky. Miss Sylvia stood on it with both feet and raised her right hand to chant the incantation. At the same time, dark clouds were rapidly gathering in the clear night sky, and golden lightning flashed in the clouds. Jumping and getting ready to go.

On the cruise ship, the flying girls have gathered around Miss Sylvia, and even the cruise ship is about to float into the air under control. Shade saw Megan and Audrey's head maid communicating with Tifa on the deck. Margaret, who was temporarily unable to help, was watching this scene with excitement and worry.

The rituals specially prepared by the witches for the demons were all triggered by the demonic black dragon. As for the monster transformed by Gratoni Edwards, it must be a combination of experimental alchemy and transfiguration. Its essence is actually no different from Shade's cat-changing technique.

Shade sighed and looked at the turbid water bottom at his feet. The coffin of the doctor and Sauron Green was still very calm. He was about to transform into a swarm of butterflies and fly into the sky to help, but he saw that the hole opened in the night had already come to him.

The hole was almost as big as the window, and Laplace Klein Howard was sitting on the other side of the "window". Shade could even see his right arm pressing on the table, and the table was spread out. In the book, it was revealed that it was Shade's original goal when he came to the Green Lake area, which was the ritual array with the "sun, moon and stars" pattern.

The ritual matrix first appeared in the letter found by Miss Denist, related to the collapsed tower in the Kalas Mountains, and also appeared in the Night Temple in Randall Valley. The letter originally belonged to Pride Edwards, the third and fourth generation of the Edwards family and Meghan's grandfather, the man who helped his children achieve a normal life. But when Shade saw him just now, he had completely turned into a demon and there was no possibility of communication. Therefore, Shade could not ask him what he had found out back then.

At this time, seeing this pattern appear on the book in Laplace Klein Howard's hand, his pupils shrank suddenly. But before Xia De could see clearly, the man on the other side of the "window" blocked Xia De's sight with his body.

The fortune teller who was thought to be unable to leave the central island of Green Lake in a short period of time by Mr. Green, the fortune teller who was suspected of exploring the mystery of "creating space", appeared so close to Shade for the first time through the method of "space splicing" .

However, it is difficult to tell what this thing in human skin is. At this time, it did not take action against Sha De. Instead, it looked at him inquiringly and asked a question seriously:

"Why do you think everything you do is right?"

Shade still remembered Luvia's evaluation of him as "madman", so he did not intend to talk to him, but stayed vigilant with his sword. So the man on the other side of the "window" asked another question:

"You will always have a way to initially obtain information about "The Whispering Cantos". So why do you think that the information you first learned, the information that gave you your initial impressions and prejudices about the Sixth Age epic, is correct? "

Of course, Shade would not doubt Luvia's words just because of someone else's provocation. He shook his head and still didn't intend to speak, so the fortune teller continued:

"I would like to invite you to meet me on the island. We will have a lot to talk about. You and I are not enemies. Perhaps, we are like-minded partners."

Shade still didn't speak, and Laplace Klein Howard wasn't angry, but finally said:

"You will meet me. At the end of the story of the Space Chosen One, I will be waiting for you on the island, waiting for you to attend our family's banquet."

"If you are willing to give up and not fuse your descendants, I am willing to talk to you."

Shade finally spoke, and this time it was the man on the other side of the "window" who shook his head. He does not explain or excuse his actions:

"If you defeat Gratoni, I can promise that I will not stop you the next time you land on the island."

After saying that, the two connected spaces closed again, and Laplace Klein Howard disappeared from Shade's eyes. Shade pondered the other party's performance just now. The other party was calm and rational, even a little too rational.

"What does he know?"

Although he didn't intend to believe the other party, Shade was still curious about the information the other party had. It's just that the battle is still going on and now is not a good time to think.

The red butterfly fluttered and arrived on the deck of the cruise ship that was more than five meters above the water. Shade's figure appeared next to Tifa and Margaret.

Megan and Audrey's maid, Miss Jill Holly, controlled the ship, which had been highly modified by alchemy and was almost an alchemical weapon. The red copper muzzle exposed after the bow was split left and right was pointed at the sky. A black dragon entangled with two great witches and dozens of sorceresses.

The ancient runes engraved around the muzzle were flashing and gathering energy as many girls on the deck activated them.

Shade nodded to Tifa, signaled Margaret to stand still, and then held the Higgs head stone in his pocket.

Even though Miss Sylvia has attracted dark clouds, March still hangs overhead. He closed his eyes and bathed in the moonlight. After taking a deep breath, he straightened his chest and raised his head slightly. The silver moonlight and the bright moonlight shone from the corners of Shade's mouth, eyes, nose, ears, and even every tiny pore on his face. Uncontrolled ejaculation.

The chest made a breathtaking sound while exhaling, like a real giant dragon breathing slowly. The mouth gradually opened, and almost at the same moment when the big cannon on the bow finished charging, along with the dragon's roar, the silver light emitted from Shade's mouth, together with the golden beam of light from the muzzle, penetrated the night sky and hit the sky. dragon.

While Gratoni Edwards was dealing with the two great witches, she also noticed the fatal attack below. The attack from the ship's muzzle only threatened her by its own power, while the dragon roar emitted by Shade posed a conceptual threat to the "dragon".

PS: Illustration "Gratonne Edwards"/"Grandma Edwards"

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