Whispering Verse

Chapter 1841 Margaret’s Apprentice Life

After greeting the doctor, Shade took a carriage to the city on the other side of the lake. Every time I take a carriage and pass by the army camp near Crossroads Village, I can see a different scene. When I arrived at the camp at sunset today, I was surprised to find that most of the expansion of the camp has been completed, and it is obvious that the soldiers in the camp have become more numerous. too much.

Continuing to walk inside, I was surprised to find that there was another small camp outside the entrance to the Kasenlik side of the camp.

"The Yankee Camp."

Captain Rades, who came over to greet Shade, said, standing with Shade, watching the soldiers on the north and south sides busy strengthening the camp fortifications under the setting sun.

At this time, simple towers made of metal pipes and metal buckles have been built in the camps on both sides to facilitate detection at high altitudes. And Shade noticed that not only the side leaving Delarion had to be inspected, but also the side entering Kasenric.

"I remember, wasn't the camp of the Kasonrik people a mile to the southeast?"

"The same applies to us for the temporary increase in troops. It is said to be an order from the important figures in the royal capital as a way to show a tough attitude towards negotiations."

The captain shook his head:

"Detective, the recent situation is very strange. Although it is calm on the surface, even the soldiers at the bottom can see that this kind of escalating confrontation will definitely cause problems. You should be more careful in Michaela Blast Furnace City, listen People who say something about Dralyon's appearance will be insulted and reviled there."

Shade is not worried about this:

"Besides accepting new recruits and expanding the camp, have you received any other orders recently?"

The captain did not hide it from Shade:

"Strengthen vigilance, and you are not allowed to shoot southward without permission. Also, increase the intensity of searching for spies, and require soldiers on patrol to wear firearms and a certain amount of bullets. Within Delrayon, we were given limited authority to fire."

Shade did not ask Captain Rades if he believed that there would really be a situation in the Green Lake area that required the use of firearms. This question was meaningless.

Although Kasenrik also set up an inspection gate on the other side of the crossroads military camp, fortunately their inspection was not as strict as Delrayon's, and Shade was allowed to pass after just a few questions.

He then took a carriage to the city and successfully found the local "Glass Bottle Theater" in the big city on the south bank of the lake. The visit of the "Golden Dawn Opera Troupe", which is famous throughout the Old World, aroused the enthusiasm of the citizens. On the carriage, Shade heard the coachman mention that it was difficult to buy tickets tonight.

Even though Miss Vanessa Benenice has not performed on stage for many years, the Golden Dawn Opera Company is still astonishingly famous.

Margaret arranged in advance for the maid to wait for Shade on the first floor, and took Shade to the box on the fourth floor through the hidden staircase on the side of the opera house.

Miss Benanis and Siris had to manage the backstage, so they did not show up. Audrey, who came with Miss Sylvia at noon, was not here either.

"Teacher Sylvia is not coming tonight. She said that there is a very interesting space folding phenomenon in the east of the city, which causes the matter in the two spaces to completely overlap, resulting in a high-density alloy. She Going to investigate. Miss Edwards went with the teacher, but she said she would only be half an hour late and would be here soon."

Margaret said to Shade, Shade nodded and didn't care:

"I saw on the sign downstairs that tonight's play is "Lovers in the Bell Tower"?"

"Yes, Miss Carina said that you have been studying this fairy tale recently, and Miss Benanis specially arranged this performance."

The blond princess was in high spirits. After Shade sat down, she winked at Shade, then she slightly leaned her head in and kissed the side of Shade's face:

"Is this the first time we've been alone since we came to the Green Lake area?"

"Yes, every time we meet, it's always so busy."

"I thought you would bring your cat with you. Oh, come and have a drink with me."

She waved the maids out first, and then poured two glasses of red wine herself. Although Shade didn't like drinking, low-alcohol red wine was okay.

After clinking glasses, both of them took a sip, causing the blonde princess's face to turn red.

"Margaret, how does it feel to be a witch's apprentice?"

"It's a little different from what I thought, but I can really learn a lot. Miss Benenice is very good to me, and Miss Lassers has been helping me. But to be honest, I feel that my talent is really poor. "

Although she expressed her worry in her words, she actually hugged Shade's arm:

"I can't compare with Duke Carina's maid. Both teachers speak highly of Miss Servitt. Sometimes I have nightmares. In the dream, Teacher Benanis and Miss Lassers discover that I actually have no I was unfit to be a witch's apprentice, so I was expelled from the council."

She said these words, partly because she wanted to start a suitable topic, and partly because she really wanted to express her troubles. When she was in Willendale City, Her Royal Highness had no one to say these words to.

So Shade chatted with her about other witch apprentices he knew. He was not very familiar with Miss Aurora's niece, but he was very familiar with Miss Rita Swift from Cassandra's mother-in-law. .

As the two chatted, Margaret unknowingly kicked off her high heels and sat sideways on the sofa. Shade originally talked about his views on witches and witch apprentices, and wanted to see what Margaret had learned recently.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the smiling eyes of the blonde princess were getting closer and closer to him. Fortunately, the human race has a "nose", so before her eyes hit Shade's eyes, the blonde princess tilted her head slightly and kissed Shade.

Shade didn't know when the opera started on the stage below the box, but at least he knew that Margaret had indeed lost some weight compared to the last time they met.

Her Highness the Princess has been under a lot of pressure in recent months. Although she and Shade had several correspondences, it was only when they actually met and were alone that the suppressed feelings in her heart really burst out.

Of course she would not have her first private affair with Shade in a place like this, but there was still excessive intimacy and tenderness. The two hugged, and Shade listened to Margaret talk about what happened in Willendale in the past two months, and the new power she had gained. Margaret is also a ring magician who is good at "enlightenment" power, but unlike Lesia and Dorothy, her core spiritual runes [Earth], [Doll] and [Poet] allow her to choose to manipulate puppets, so she always She carries a doll she made herself with her.

After becoming a witch's apprentice and coming into contact with the power of memory from Siris, she is trying to make dolls out of clay and use the threads of memory to give the dolls power, even to the point where it is almost the same as a living person. It was difficult, but it was enough for her to study the path to the Thirteenth Ring Road.

In addition to this knowledge, after becoming a witch's apprentice, she also learned many incredible secrets about the witch council. Because she has seen more and knows more, she can better understand what Shade has been doing:


He kissed Shade's neck gently, his eyes were a little blurry, and his messy blond hair half covered Shade's face. Compared to the red-haired princess, the blond princess from the southern country is more enthusiastic but more reserved.

Her arms were already wrapped around Shade's neck, listening to Shade's response to every word she said. The topic shifted from the life of the witch's apprentice to the current situation. Margaret actually didn't want to talk about this, because she couldn't determine the direction of the next negotiation in Green Lake:

"Did your princess say anything?"

"Lecia is very disappointed that she was not able to come to Green Lake, but she also knows that her father cannot let her participate in everything. As for this negotiation, Lecia has not expressed her opinion, and she is probably waiting and watching."

"In fact, there are more people who are eager to start a controllable local war than those who are eager for peace. However, I heard that the church is lobbying the two countries to suspend negotiations, and the newspaper plans to publicize this among the people not to mention this."

She kissed Shade again, and this time without even caring about royal lady etiquette, she covered Shade's legs with her skirt and let herself sit sideways in Shade's arms.

"I've already thought about it."

She whispered in Shade's ear:

"Now the Duke and my brother are excluding me from participating in the next few important negotiations. In this case, I will simply withdraw on my own initiative. I have a hunch that no matter what the outcome of this negotiation is, people in the future will not give any advice to the participants. Leave a good name in the history books. Instead of doing this, I might as well focus on helping the two teachers and deal with other difficult things."

Since the Battle of Randall's Hollow, Margaret seems to have had some changes in how she views her life and the world in general. Shade understood what she meant and nodded gently:

"That's good. You can learn a lot by following Miss Benenice. And if you withdraw from the negotiations, those hidden assassins won't be able to attract your attention."

"You care about me, knight?"

"Yes, isn't that what it should be?"

Margaret, who was wearing lipstick that Shade couldn't tell what kind of red it was, showed a bright smile. Listening to the passionate soprano voice coming from outside the box, she bit her lower lip and asked in Shade's ear:

"You and the teacher, I mean Teacher Sylvia, did you ever do this in the afternoon when I came back from the meeting and the study room was filled with fabric boxes?"

This was followed by a short sentence that only two people could hear.

Shade was a little surprised that the princess of the royal family could actually say such words:

"This is the privacy of Miss Sylvia and I. I can't say anything without her permission."

The blonde princess's eyes were full of smiles as she reached out to the top button of Shade's shirt:

"Then... give it a try."

PS: It’s still an update from the Silver League, thanks to @the idle streamer, (3/10). The update cannot be completed in one day, it will be divided into several days. Thank you for your support.

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