Whispering Verse

Chapter 1856 Danister by the Lake

"Oh? That level 0 relic! The association actually found it?"

This was even more surprising than Dorothy and Lesia's disappearance last night.

"Of course not yet, how could it be so soon. However, the association has found the believers of the old god - the Golden Lord."

This is more attractive to Shade than the discovery of the [Destiny Base], because that unknowable relic is definitely impossible to put into his hands:

"Really found them? Where are they now? I thought that all the true believers of the old god had disappeared."

"Oh, my dear knight, don't underestimate faith so much. Although the nominal religious order has disappeared, the association relied on divination to find several ring magicians who inherited the old gods' magic. You know the magic - point Golden Hand? This magical skill was once thought to have been lost. I didn’t expect those ring magicians to still retain the method of learning.”

Luvia smiled and said to Shade:

"When the association found them, they found some special items that had just been converted into gold in their residence. These ring magicians who called themselves the [Gold Investment Club] agreed to cooperate with the association because the association agreed to help them convert gold into gold. Keep the matter hidden."

The use of divine magic to transform gold is essentially a type of alchemy. As long as it is not sold in large quantities and disrupts the financial order of ordinary people, the Zhengshen Church will not care. This is a gray area. But it's clear that those club members should be shipping big volumes.

"Are those people rich?"

Shade asked curiously:

"Being able to transform gold and being a believer in the God of Wealth, he can't be a poor person, right?"

The smile on Luvia’s face became even bigger:

"You would never have imagined that when the association found them, they could barely afford the rent for a public meeting place. It is said that after the collapse of the ancient religious order, the sworn enemy of the religious order placed a curse on them, keeping them poor. As for Transforming gold is just a way to break the curse.”

Shade also smiled. Just when he was about to ask where those people were now, Luvia mentioned new information:

"Also, the first batch of materials they sent to the association contained part of the information related to the synthesis of the 'Philosopher's Stone'. The ancient alchemy manuscript was incomplete, but it was also very precious. It seems that divine magic - The origin of the Midas Touch is related to the 'Philosopher's Stone'. The association is still investigating, and this is a brand new discovery."

Shade touched his chest and took out the pendant with the alluring luster "ruby". Little Mia immediately came over from Shade's shoulder and took a lick. However, this Philosopher's Stone from the Stone Mirror Demon - Goethe, is definitely not something that can be licked out into pieces by a cat. Shade doesn't know why this cat likes this thing so much.

"The research on Edwards' ancestors is also related to this, the Philosopher's Stone."

He looked at the stone in front of him and was slightly lost in thought. Luvia reminded:

"Because the president wants to bring people here, and the original location of the Old God believers is very close to Green Lake, so they will come here first to meet the president, and then they will be protected by the association."

"Is there any chance I can meet them?"

Luvia shook her head slightly:

"It's difficult, but it's not impossible. Did you just tell me about the [Destiny Base]?"

"Of course, you were so excited when you heard the news last Thursday morning. I knew it was very important to you, so I didn't tell anyone else. Even Iluna didn't know."

The girl with purple eyes showed a gentle smile:

"Although it is very important, even if the association finds it, it will not be given to me. Besides, in my opinion, it is not that easy to find. If you tell Miss Danister at the college about this, there is no way that St. Byrons will not be interested. . And since Miss Danister has obtained such important information, she will naturally be able to negotiate with the association and help you arrange a meeting with the believers of the old gods."

This is a good idea. As for the residence of the college professors in Green Lake, Iluna, who came by train with the professors, has also told Shade.

Obviously there was no sign of rain in downtown Green Lake this morning, but after lunch, the entire both sides of Green Lake were surrounded by rain clouds. Compared with Tobesk City, the frequency of precipitation in the Green Lake area in spring is really exaggerated, but for this reason, the vicinity of Green Lake is one of the most important grain-producing areas in the central part of the Old World.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Miss Denister, together with Professor Mystra Truss from the School of Political Science and Economics, Professor Anna Bell from the School of Astronomy, and Professor Neo Fudge from the School of Chemistry, went to the local Peace Church to guide the way. Under the leadership of the two Zhonghuan Warlocks, together with several other associate professors from the college, lecturers from the Zhonghuan and a few students who were brought, they arrived at the village of Pukhov on the shores of Green Lake.

The two ring magicians from the church contacted the team stationed in the village and arranged for a boat to take the group to the lake to inspect the situation. The old Professor Truss pushed up his glasses and talked with Professor Fudge from the School of Chemistry. Abnormal element distribution in a large lake in rain and fog.

Because of the rain and the fact that the recent trade between the north and the south has been weakened a lot due to the intensifying differences in negotiations, there were not many other people on the dock. Miss Daniste was wearing a poncho that looked like it was not something a normal person would wear. She stood alone on the dock bridge and looked at the fog in the distance. She remembered what happened when she came here on the night of the lunar eclipse a few weeks ago.


Suddenly, he heard a familiar cat meowing. He turned around and saw a young man he didn't recognize. He was holding a reluctant cat and waving to him next to an old house next to the pier.

So Miss Danister exchanged a few words with the other professors, and then followed Shade, who used illusion magic to change his appearance, and walked along the lake towards the east side of the village. Although there were fishermen by the river even though it was raining, the two of them easily found a small pier outside the village that had long been abandoned and was hidden by reeds.

Shade and Miss Daniste stood at the far end of the half-submerged pier pier, looking together at the hazy lake in the rain and fog.

"If your cat could talk, look at its expression, it would definitely scold you."

The sorceress said with a smile. Shade touched Mia's little kitten's head and put it in the pocket of her coat:

"Good afternoon, Miss Denister."

"Good afternoon, Shade. I thought you would come to see me immediately after I arrived at Green Lake. Why, have you been busy lately?"

Shade smiled awkwardly:

"Yes, busy with other things."

This time Miss Daniste did not tease Shade about the relationship with the other sorceresses:

"Last night, did you solve the distortion projections caused by the instability of space?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Because someone saw the shadow of an angel in the night sky, it was not the church that solved last night's trouble. You must know this."

On the night of the lunar eclipse, Shade claimed to have used the power of angels to have such exaggerated expressiveness, and he fought against the "Mirror Hidden Man" and the "ancestors" on the island one after another.

"No, no, it was definitely not me last night. I stayed with the girls last night. Yes, I definitely didn't lie. If I lied, let little Mia leave me."

As he spoke, he patted Mia again, whose little head emerged from her pocket. The cat meekly meowed and rubbed its head against Shade's hand. Of course Shade didn't lie. He didn't know who solved the trouble last night. Well, he still knew. According to the rumors about Priest August arriving at the Green Lake Hotel so late and the "Angel", it should be the old priest who influenced Green Lake. The intersection between city and death.

It was absolutely impossible for the Padres to do such a thing during the Battle of Fort Midhill last year, otherwise the Padres would have directly fought Joey Barton to the death. It seems that the bones of many angels that Shade has collected over the past half year are useful after all.

"I noticed that you used the plural when describing girls."

The red-haired lady shook her head, worried about the private life of her only student:

"Tell me, why did you come to me? Don't tell me. You want to report to me here about your recent studies."

"Well, let's not talk about this issue. In fact, I found out about an unknown relic."


Miss Denister's gaze shifted from the fog in the distance to Shade's face:

"I really didn't expect this. The relics won't be on the island over there, right?"

"No, no, it has nothing to do with Green Lake. It is a relic related to fate. The Prophets Association is convinced that the relic finally appeared in the hands of the believers of the old god - [Golden Lord]. Now the prophets have found it The remaining believers of the old god will arrive in Green Lake City soon."

The sorceress looked at Shade's face, frowning and thinking:

"Destiny? Do you know which relic it is? Its characteristics, or its specific name."

"The Destiny Base is a relic used for divination. It looks like a base for placing a crystal ball."


Miss Danister's gaze moved to the island in the distance again. The "Library Management Major" of the college itself is a major in the collection of relics. As a librarian, she certainly knows about this famous unknowable relic:

"Shade, do you know that if the information is confirmed to be correct, this piece of information will be enough for you to get full marks for practical credits this year, and it will at least allow you to pick one relic from the library that is at the level of secret keeper or below."

"Is there any reward?"

Shade really didn't expect this:

"Forget about the relics. I have too many relics in my hand. I just need full marks for practical credits. I actually want you to help me."

If he really lacks a certain relic, if he asks Miss Danister, she won't be able to give it to him.

[You are becoming more and more adept at using your relationships with ladies. 】

The raindrops fell into the water around the trestle, causing ripples in circles. Shade pretended not to hear these words, but he was also thinking:

"Am I really talented at this kind of thing?"

PS: 9/20. The last day is 9k, although it is because of the Silver League leader, but because of the author’s diligence and persistence, please give me a monthly pass~~~

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Red Moon Witch Danist". In fact, I feel that this temperament is also suitable for Miss Carina.

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