Whispering Verse

Chapter 1859 Rocking the Ship and Bad News

The alternately flashing red and green light became brighter after the soul appeared. Shade was not even sure what the original color of the soul was.

"I am Megan Edwards, and my grandfather is Pride Edwards, the third lord of Green Lake, your lord. Now tell me, where is the key?"

Megan was also irritated by the alternating flashes of light, and asked questions quickly.

None of the other words in the utterance had any effect, and the spirit that appeared on the bow responded only to "Edwards" and "Key." The soul that looked like an old boatman looked at Megan, and against the background of intense red and green light shining alternately, he uttered a few words:

"Materials: eggs laid by roosters, blood of lords, flawless topaz, century-old red coral, memories of family wealth."

"I have both, take it quickly. Oh, Sylvia, can't you make this damn light a little weaker? I can see it even if I close my eyes."

"This is caused by a relic. This light is abnormal. Bear with me a little longer. Did you really bring all the materials?"

The black-haired witch who was leaning on Shade asked covering her eyes. Shade didn't know why she was leaning on him, probably to make it easier to cast spells.

"Of course, this isn't the first time I've been looking for keys!"

The big witches are also in the same irritable mood as Shade at this time. Fortunately, the three of them are mentally strong, and Megan and Audrey have experienced going crazy for many years, so they should be fine for the time being.

The blood of the lord only needs to be descended from Edwards. Gemstones and red coral are among the expensive materials that have been thought of for a long time. "Memories of family wealth" is dealt with by using a ledger with her grandfather's handwriting that Audrey took out. As for the "rooster's eggs," she happened to have them with her.

“How does a rooster lay eggs?”

Even though now was not the time to ask this, Shade couldn't help but ask.

"I'll tell you later, but you probably don't want to know."

"Xia De, the relic is getting out of control!"

Miss Sylvia's voice came to her ears, and the frequency of green light flashing around her suddenly decreased, while the red light appeared faster and faster. This crazy light made Shade feel like vomiting, but he immediately hit the bottom of the boat with his staff in both hands:

"Space stabilizing halo."

The two witches present had space talents, so they could clearly feel invisible ripples brushing against their legs. The intense green light appeared again, and the red light weakened slightly. Megan closed her eyes, handed all the materials to the undead, and then asked:

"I want to know your story. I am a descendant of the island owner. I want to know how the townspeople under my jurisdiction died."

The godless soul is not affected by the alternating flashes of light. He answered Megan's doubts:

"The monster underwater destroyed my boat and drowned me in the water."

All the materials turned into light and disappeared in his hands. At this moment, the boatman's soul seemed to have regained some sanity. He completed the mission given by the "Soul Storybook" and ignored the three people on the boat. Instead, he turned around in the darkness and looked at his hometown on the other side.

The spirit body is dissipating little by little until it completely disappears. But the three people on the boat didn't have time to pay attention to him. The matter was not over yet. At this time, the green light became stronger and stronger, but the surrounding red light almost disappeared.

"Miss Sylvia, I can't hold it anymore!"

Shade held back his breath and held the [Staff of Yggdrasil] with both hands, pressing the long staff against the bottom of the cabin, but the "space stability halo" had an upper limit, and he felt that the thaumaturgy was on the verge of failure.

The black-haired witch was also casting spells at this time. She used an unknown witch's secret technique. A huge golden halo floated on the water around the ship, surrounding the hull, but this was not enough:

"Meghan, come on! Put them back to their original shape!"

Audrey held the two metal dolls with one hand, and pinched the green hat with the other hand to try to pull it up. Her arms were wrapped with flashing runes, but she could not move the misplaced ones. hat:

“Damn it, why did this relic get out of control so quickly, it’s only been a minute Megan!”

The arms stretched out from behind were pierced through the shirt. The white and tender arms were not covered by clothes, but at this time, Shade had no intention of looking carefully.

Megan's two hands quickly grabbed the red hat. When Miss Sylvia and Shade could hardly hold on, they finally pulled off both hats.

The sound of broken glass continued, and the successfully replaced hat finally returned to its rightful place. But at this moment, in the last second of alternating red and green light, a clear "click" sound appeared beside the three people, and then they only felt the world spinning, and they disappeared into the darkness together with the ship.


Like falling from a high altitude to the ground, the confusion of the five senses caused by the space jump made the three of them roll into a ball in the cabin. Fortunately, they didn't really fall from a high altitude. When they woke up, they could see the gray rainy sky when they looked up.

The boat was still on the water, and the arms behind Audrey's back had disappeared. She stared blankly above, watching the raindrops falling. At this moment, lying in the broken boat, she felt the inner peace for the first time in a long time:

"My family has lived here for a long time. I wonder if my father had seen such a scene when he was young."

The wonderful calm even made her want to lie here without moving for several hours, but she did not maintain her current state for long. Beside the brown-haired witch, Miss Sylvia, who also fell and fell in the cabin, was already hugging Shade and kissing her. The great witch of space did not care at all that there were companions beside her, and put all her passion at the moment into the kiss.

"Oh, what are you doing! Stop it!"

Megan scolded righteously, and immediately reached out to pull the two apart, and then fell down for some reason, and then joined in confusedly.

After twenty minutes of floating in the slightly rocking boat on Green Lake, the three of them helped each other and sat up. The two witches had rosy faces. One was fastening the buttons of her blouse and skirt, and the other was lowering her head to take care of her hair. However, they were both very satisfied with the kiss just now. Shade wiped the lipstick marks on his face and neck with his hands. The enthusiasm of the witches was sometimes really hard to resist.

"Don't look at Shade's kissing skills now. In fact, when I first met him, his kissing skills were quite bad. I don't know what Carina is being reserved about after meeting Shade."

Miss Sylvia also said to Audrey with a smile. Audrey ignored Meghan's complaints about herself and bit her lip and laughed.

Although they experienced space transfer caused by spatial instability, due to the influence of Shade and Miss Sylvia's thaumaturgy, they only moved a few hundred meters on the lake. At this time, the lake where it was raining was quite calm. Looking around, if there was not the fog in the distance amidst the patter of rain, it would probably be very romantic to go boating on the lake at this time.

"Anyway, there's nothing going on today. Let's go back later, shall we? It turns out that it's so fun to lie in a narrow boat and look at the rainy sky. Let's give it another try."

Miss Sylvia waved her hand, causing the key lying on the bow of the ship to fly over, and then hugged Shade's arm warmly. Audrey on the side was also a little moved. She took the flying key and, with the urging of her sister in her ear, she also held Shade's hand.

"Emma, ​​I didn't see you looking at the sky just now, but the scenery here is indeed very nice."

In the end, Shade still didn't agree to do such a waste of time, but he did promise Miss Sylvia and Megan that they could give it another try after the Green Lake incident was over.

In this way, the three of them were in a good mood, talking and laughing, and took the boat back to the cruise ship parked on the Duin River. Just as they boarded the deck, the smile on Shade's face disappeared, because the black-haired maid in a black and white maid dress actually appeared here holding an umbrella.

"What's wrong?"

Meghan immediately put away the smile on her face and asked seriously. If it is not a very important matter, Miss Carina will never send her personal maid to deliver the news easily.

Tifa nodded, met the eyes of Shade and the two great witches and said:

"Something happened, but it's not a very critical matter. The lady asked me to find Shade. Princess Lesia said that the writer encountered a space transfer again and she disappeared again."


Shade was shocked:

"When? Where did you go?"

Tifa comforted:

"Please don't be anxious. His Highness said that Miss Louisa's location has been confirmed. She is now in the Glass City on the other side of the lake. Although she was frightened, she was not in danger. The lady has prepared the carriage and asked me to go with you. Bring Miss Louisa back."

"That's okay. Let's leave now. Oh, she's only been here two days."

Shade's original good mood disappeared, and he looked at Miss Sylvia:

"The carriage is too slow. Can you open the portal and take us back directly?"

The black-haired witch closed her eyes and felt:

"Not now. The space condition is not up to standard. We have to wait for about an hour. I will go back in the carriage with you. Since we have been contacted, it should be fine."

"Xia De, now that we have found it, don't be too anxious."

Audrey also comforted her by saying that after talking to the writer yesterday, she also knew some stories about the relationship between the writer and the princess and Shade, so she understood Shade's current mood quite well.

"And one more thing."

The beautiful head maid looked at Shade with her lips pursed and an umbrella held up. The expression on her face clearly said that there were worse things that she had yet to say.

Shade had a bad premonition and accidentally bumped into Audrey after taking a step back. The witch looked at him with her golden eyes, trying to encourage and comfort him.

PS: 10/20. More updates and half finished! ! ! Thanks again to Silver Alliance Leader @for the idle streamer!

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