Whispering Verse

Chapter 1861 The writer’s thoughts and the princess’ worries

"Special mechanism?"

Shade nodded:

"It doesn't necessarily exist. It can only be said that the candidate rules have some strange changes due to the requirements of the ceremony. This is related to the meaning of the candidate. For example, death, because there is a ritual requirement of 'resurrection from the dead', so when When everyone dies together, order doesn’t matter: whoever is resurrected early is the chosen one.”

As he spoke, he touched little Mia who was lying on his lap. Tifa briefly introduced to Dorothy what happened at Fort Midhill.

In fact, when the candidate meets the "special mechanism" and "knowledge and wisdom", it is clear that Sir Prisha is not dead, but because of the "library" represented by the "moon", after being defeated by Shade, he was The qualifications for the Chosen One were actually sealed in [Aiken'ora - Arrow of the Chosen One].

The quick-thinking writer lady listened to Tifa and asked Shade and her questions:

"So, does the space's chosen candidate mechanism also have similar special cases? The chosen one is the one who is elected when e pluribus become one. So if there is no e pluribus as one, does it mean that the first candidate does not exist? So it is a state of 'death' itself?"

If she had it her way, Rusty Edwards and Doulut Giles would be able to perform the ceremony in no time now.

"It won't be that simple."

Tifa said softly:

"Even if there are exceptions to the candidate rules, it will not completely undermine the principle of order."

“But ‘e pluribus unum’ does mean there is room for maneuver.”

Shade said, but after Dorothy's reminder and Iluna's very wise point of view that "it is not necessary to absorb all family members", he suddenly had a new idea.

The carriage jolted, and Shade also expressed his thoughts:

"What if the soothsayer successfully fused the family, including his eldest daughter Rust, but at the same time, he also fused Durut Giles? This is equivalent to, The first and second picks become the same person."

Tifa and Dorothy both thought about it:

"Two possibilities. The first possibility is that he became stronger because he absorbed more."

"The second possibility is that it violates the basic rule that only one candidate can be chosen. He was weakened or even died directly."

"There are third possibilities and fourth possibilities."

Shade said:

"Third, there are two consciousnesses in the fusion body, namely the diviner and his daughter, which caused disharmony in the body. Fourth, nothing happened, but there was an extra component in his body. "

When Death was chosen, Iluna performed a ceremony and resurrected the second-ranked Sister Devlin and performed the ceremony, causing Iluna's ceremony to be interrupted, but she also received the power of death.

The situation at that time was different from what was proposed at this time. The situation of Iluna and Sister Devlin at that time was because it violated the rule of "only one candidate can become the chosen one", so Iluna only failed the ceremony.

But if the Thirteen-Ring Diviner combines Rust and the former tomb robber, then they are a whole and cannot realize the possibility of "the fortune teller's ritual succeeds and the second candidate's ritual fails", especially "Rast" The individual "St. Edwards" is not only related to the first candidate, but also to the second candidate.

Dorothy smiled:

"Xia De, have you found a loophole now?"

"Miss Louisa's reminder is very important."

Tifa on the side said softly, and Dorothy looked at her in surprise, somewhat understanding why Lesia was so wary of her.

"However, it is just an idea. Just like what Tifa said, it may also make him stronger. Besides, it is best not to use other people's sacrifices to achieve your own goals. This is meaningless. We are not facing The worst situation."

He said softly, then hugged Mia and fell into a new thought.

The new ideas gained under Dorothy's inspiration are indeed valuable for research. After returning to Green Lake City, Shade asked Tifa to tell Miss Carina this idea, and the great witch might have a more novel point of view.

As for Shade himself, he accompanied Dorothy back to her temporary room on the third floor. Now there are five people in the group, except Luvia, who all live here.

"Shade, aren't you very busy locally? Go and do your things. I'm back safely. I'm looking forward to your adventure stories. You don't have to stay with me here."

Dorothy said when Shade sat down on the chair next to the rain window, but Shade shook his head:

"Miss Sylvia needs to prepare some materials and come here tomorrow to arrange the ceremony to reduce the possibility of spatial abnormalities in this room. Before that, Mia and I will accompany you. In this way, even if you Disappear, at least I can be with you. If it weren't for you and Lesiya not being able to get too close, even Leziya would have to stay with me."

"Oh, my knight."

The blonde girl came over and hugged Shade, and Shade quickly stood up. After hearing little Mia's "meow~", Shade knew that the girl in front of him had turned into Lesia:

"Are you okay over there?"

"It's okay, I've been with Carina all day. Helping her organize official documents and signatures."

Dorothy's face vividly reflected Lesia's psychological activities at this time. The Duchess definitely did not let her relax like Dorothy:

"I heard what you just said. You don't need to stay here with us, go and deal with your own affairs. Although I have always known that you are involved in something very important, I didn't expect it to be so involved."

Lesia's soul looked at Shade through Dorothy's eyes:

"Louvia has always been by your side to help you. Even if Dorothy and I can't help you, at least we can't be a burden to you."

"What are you talking about?"

Shade looked at her in surprise:

"Besides, don't compare with Luvia. She also has her mission, just like you, she is unique."

"You're always so talkative."

Her Royal Highness bit her lip and looked at Shade who was standing in front of the rainy window. Although I knew that some words were inappropriate to say at this time, I still asked the man in front of me softly:

"You know what? Sometimes I get really worried."

"worry about what?"

"I'm worried that you only like us because we like you, and you have to answer our feelings."

The green eyes reflect the appearance of a foreigner:

"Shad, my knight, my lover. You know, sometimes we really feel that you are really far away, as if when the wind blows, you will fly away high and never come back. Special It's your time to meditate, especially when you're looking at the stars and the moon. Tell me, please tell me again, Shade, Shade Hamilton, Ray Jade's Hamilton, me and Dorothy, really Can I tie you up forever?"

[Think about it before answering. 】

The gentle voice of "her" sounded in his ears. Shade nodded, put the cat in his arms on the window sill, and looked at the girl with red eyes in front of him:

"I know what you are worried about. Please wait for me a moment and I will give you the answer right away."

He took out Lesia's glass slipper, threw it and disappeared into the room. The blonde girl clenched her fists slightly. When she heard the cat meow, she looked up and saw the orange cat standing on the windowsill looking at her curiously.

She wanted to cry, but she felt that her emotional outburst at the moment was so inappropriate. After many days of pressure, the shock of being forced to come to Green Lake, Dorothy's disappearance in the morning, all kinds of things, plus the feeling affected by the strange and depressive atmosphere of the city after coming to the local area, she said these things. talk.

At this time, Shade suddenly left. Lecia Cavendish first felt aggrieved, and then she regretted saying these words when she saw the cat who didn't know what was going on. She is a strong girl, and she doesn't want to put any pressure on Sha De.

Dorothy's voice did not appear, but Lesia knew that she was also thinking about what she had said. She knew something was wrong with her mood at the moment, and she knew she shouldn't say this when Shade was facing such a big challenge, but she said it anyway.

Raindrops hit the glass. Although it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, the room was very dark. The cat and the princess look at each other, the dumb cat and the silent princess form a wonderful picture in the dim light and shadow. Looking at those amber cat eyes, Lesia actually felt warmth and the uneasiness hidden under the sudden burst of emotion.

Footsteps were heard outside the door, and then Shade entered the living room holding a long sword.

After the door was closed, he did not turn on the gas light, but handed the [Night Watchman] into Lesia's hands:

"my princess."

He looked into his green eyes and said. The two were facing each other, with their faces facing the window sill. The dividing line between the window frame and the left and right glass windows was located in the middle of the two of them.

The stranger nodded slightly, and then knelt on one knee in front of the blond Lesia in the dark room.

Lesia was holding the cold but powerful silver sword, her expression trembling slightly. She knew what Shade wanted to tell her, so she picked up the sword and put it on Shade's shoulder:

"Hamilton of Reged, will you hereby swear allegiance and loyalty to me, Lesia Sewell Cavendish. Will you defend my kingdom with courage, justice, mercy, honor and wisdom?" Authority and dignity. Are you willing to always stand by my side and protect me and everything I have, no matter what difficulties or dangers I face."

Shade replied:

"Yes, my princess."

He recited sentences he had read before from Dorothy's article:

"No matter how the years change, I will always be by your side, sharing the joy and sorrow of life. No matter how the wind and rain rage, I will protect you with firm faith and warm embrace, giving you strength and comfort. No matter how big the world is Noisy, I will find the harbor of home in your heart and work with you to create our own tranquility. No matter how difficult it is, I will work side by side with you to overcome challenges, turn danger into safety, and make our relationship more indestructible."

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