Whispering Verse

Chapter 187 and Miss Carina

Shade was originally going to say goodbye to Mr. Anlos, but he remembered something again, which he had been thinking about all afternoon:

"Has Mrs. Cook's child been found?"

When the maid next to her, Miss Tifa Servit, heard this question, she smiled and shook her head. The detective was indeed such a person, while Mr. Anlos was stunned:

"Who is...oh, that middle-aged woman? Found it. The police raided the alley and found three missing children. The woman you mentioned burst into tears at the time. More children The whereabouts are still being traced, this is the biggest case in Tobesk this summer, and with the few people arrested this time, there will definitely be answers."

"This is really great."

Shade breathed a sigh of relief. He even got shot trying to find the child, but he couldn't find it in the end. That was really too bad.

Although it was impossible for Mrs. Cook to give him any generous reward, the great satisfaction Shade got from this matter was enough to compensate for the time spent.

"Hamilton, you..."

Mr. Anlos was about to leave, but before opening the door, he turned to look at Shade. The middle-aged man smiled at him. This smile was the most genuine of the two meetings:

"I'm not a life mentor for young people, but people like you are really rare. I heard that you just met that woman today and decided to help her... Agents don't need mercy. Good thing you’re not an agent.”

He nodded to Shade:

"Young people are really good and have a bright future. I will contact you if anything happens. Pay attention to recuperating at home these days. If necessary, write to that place directly.

After saying that, he left without looking back. His steps were much lighter than the heavy ones when he walked in the door.

Until seven o'clock in the evening, Shade was still waiting. Fortunately, the people here prepared dinner for him and arranged a special place for dining. During this period, Miss Tifa Servit followed Shade the whole time, but did not eat with Shade.

Shade also tried to invite her to sit down with him, but the maid just smiled and shook her head.

On the way back to the waiting room from the temporary restaurant, they passed by a group of middle-aged gentlemen with strange accents. They were complaining that they had not been summoned after waiting all day. It seemed that King Larus III was really busy.

Not long after returning to the waiting room, someone came to visit Shade again. This time it was Queen Diana and Miss Carina. The Queen was the same age as the King, but much older than Miss Carina. Although Queen Diana was also a beautiful beauty in her own right, when she stood with Miss Carina, she looked slightly mediocre.

This made Shade feel the abnormal charm of the great witch again.

The queen made a special trip to thank Shade. She was very kind and spoke softly. First, he asked about Shade's physical condition, then talked about his work, and even apologized for making him wait here for a long time.

This is a very good woman, both as a wife and as a queen. In addition to verbally thanking her, before leaving, she also took off the ruby ​​ring she was wearing on her finger and gave it to Shade. She even said with a smile that she heard that Shade liked Rhodes cards, so she planned to find a precious Rhodes card. card to thank him.

Miss Carina did not leave with Queen Diana, but continued to sit on the couch opposite Shade. Shade looked at her hesitantly:

"You weren't the one who told Queen Diana that I liked Rhodes cards, were you?"

"Yes, that's me, what's wrong with that?"

The duchess asked, her slender neck looking whiter against the backdrop of the palace dress.

Shade wanted to refute that he didn't like Rhodes cards, but he stopped talking. The precious Rhodes cards are also valuable, there is no point in refuting this now:

"Well, I do like Rhodes."

He played with the ruby ​​ring in his hand. Although it was a gift from the queen and could not be easily sold in the near future, keeping this thing in his hand could give him a feeling of wealth.

"Look, I knew you'd like it."

The gorgeous red-haired beauty said, then tilted her head and looked at the window. Because the gas lamps and crystal chandeliers in the room were too bright, the refraction of the glass almost turned into a mirror, reflecting the three people in the room.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, and the fair skin is in sharp contrast with the red lips with clear lip lines:

"Back to business, did you really hit the bullet? You probably didn't know that about 200 steps behind you, there was a thirteen-ring warlock from the Church of the Sun. I didn't feel anything was wrong, and neither did he. To the point where there’s a problem…how on earth did you do that?”

He looked at Shade with inquiring eyes, with a slight smile. When Shade thought about his experience this morning, he felt scared but also funny at the same time:

"The twenty-sided die of fate."

Miss Tifa Servit, the maid, nodded and agreed:

"Yes, this is indeed among the relics I temporarily kept for the detective."

You have to search yourself when entering the Yodel Palace, and even if Shade saves the queen, you will still have to search yourself, so the messy things on Shade's body will be kept by her for the time being. In order to prevent trouble later, Shade specifically explained the ambiguous functions of those relics.

"You're really brave, that makes sense."

Carina tapped her chin with her finger, and Shade realized that this seemed to be the first formal face-to-face conversation between the two parties.

He could always feel the pressure when talking to Miss Carina through the door because he couldn't see anyone. But when they talked face to face, they were no longer nervous. Carina Cavendish's attitude was very approachable, which was different from Shade's imagination.

"Detective, you did a very good job today, I won't say too much to praise you. I can guarantee that you will at least get an Honorary Knight Medal of Delrayon this time."

Shade thought of the divination performed at the Prophet's Association and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Don't you think it's enough? The Knight's Medal of Honor can only be awarded at most 20 times a year. The last time it was awarded to an ordinary person without a title was fifteen years ago. This is a very high honor."

Miss Carina said, Shade shook his head and leaned back on the sofa to make his sitting position more comfortable:

"I actually don't value this."

He was destined to leave the civilized world and go to St. Barons Comprehensive College in the far north. These honors could not be said to be useless in the college, but they were of little use.

"You will gradually find that some honors that can be obtained will make life simpler. In the past era, the Order of Honorary Knights was almost equivalent to the knight class. Unfortunately, there are no knights now."

The duchess said with some regret, but seemed to think of something interesting:

"But if you can make some more contributions, I can find a way to get you a title."

"is it possible?"

"To me, it couldn't be easier."

As she spoke, she lightly tapped the armrest of the single sofa with her finger, and her tone became a little more serious:

"But detective, I hope you will be more cautious next time. The dice you are talking about is not a toy. I rarely think favorably of a person, so don't use your own life to prove that I made the wrong choice."

Shade knew that this was a warning to himself. After this incident, he also understood this truth, just like when he let the [Dark Box] lose control:

"Miss Carina, I don't dare to control fate anymore."

The last few words were re-read, and the expression surprised the great witch in front of her:

"Hmm... Just understand. I always feel like you have another story."

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